Directorate Of Panchayat Tender
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BOQ Items
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od164/2022_2023: Berth hire charges of the Vessel of GRT 100 ton for Repairs and inspection other than in Dry dock as directed by the department officers.
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od165/2022_2023: Removing the thickly formed oyster coating and other vegetable growth from the underwater portion of the vessel including cleaning the surface etc. complete as per the direction and satisfaction of department officers
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od166/2022_2023: Copper slag / sand blasting at the standard of SA 2.5(Very thorough blast-cleaning) as per IS:8501-1 for the resistance of corrosion on outer portion of the vessel as per the direction of departmental officers.
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od167/2022_2023: : Chipping scrapping and cleaning the complete surface of the vessel body, machineries pipelines and other accessories of the vessel body as per the direction and satisfication of department officers
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od168/2022_2023: High pressure washing the underwater portion of the vessel complete as per the direction and satisfaction of department officers
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od171/2022_2023 : Gauging the thickness of the plates, beam, frame etc. at different portion of the vessel using, ultrasonic thickness gauge after chipping, scrapping and filing the surface to about 50 mm dia and pasting grease / oil over it as per the direction of department officers.
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od173/2022_2023 : Cutting and removing the old damaged, weakened, severely damaged various thickness ms plate/ms flat/ms angles/ms rods/ beams/ girders etc. marked by dept officers in various places of the vessel without damaging any other portion/ structures/ member on the vessel as per the direction of department officers.
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od174/2022_2023 : Supplying and welding with new various thickness ms plate of IS:2062 GR B quality/ ms angle/ ms flat/ ms rod/ beam/ gazette of existing size and shape to the various portions on the vessel's already removed damaged portion , after heating and bending into shape, V cut on the matting edge of the plate and welding three layer on both sides together. The rate including the cost of materials, welding charges, tools, plants, scaffolding, other incidental expenses etc. complete as per the direction of department officers.
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od251/2022_2023: Supplying and fitting by welding zinc anode weight 2.5 kg (excluding the weight of bracket) with bracket on the underwater portion of the hull without any damage etc. complete as per the direction of the department of the offices.
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od175/2022_2023: Repainting the Plimsoll mark, draught marks, bulbous bow marks, fore and aft, per mark number, vessel's name and port of Registry including staging per letter by Supplying and painting with approved (quality of entire quantity of marine synthetic enamel supply should be get inspected and approved by engineer, who is in-charge of work/ department authority before starting / continuation of the painting work) marine synthetic enamel paint white or other approved colour two coats as per the direction and satisfaction of departmental officers.
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od176/2022_2023: Supplying and painting two coats to the underwater portion with antifouling paint (quality of entire quantity of antifouling paint supply should be get inspected and approved by engineer, who is in-charge of work/ department authority before starting / continuation of the painting work) over black paint already done etc. complete as per the direction and satisfaction of departmental officers.
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od177/2022_2023: Supplying and painting with approved (quality of entire quantity of marine alkyd paint supply should be get inspected and approved by engineer, who is in-charge of work/ department authority before starting / continuation of the painting work) marine alkyd paint white or other approved colour two coats over the primer coat already done on vessel body, machineries, pipelines with colour code and other accessories etc. as per the direction and satisfaction of departmental officers.
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od179/2022_2023: Supplying and painting with approved best quality (marine) Alkyd primer (International / Hempel / Jotun,etc) (quality of entire quantity of primer supply should be get inspected and approved by engineer, who is in-charge of work / department authority before starting / continuation of the painting work) two coats over all chipped surface after cleaning the surface etc. complete as per the direction of departmental officers.
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Supplying and painting with approved (Quality of entire quantity of paint supply should be get inspected and approved by engineer, who is in-charge of work / department authority before starting/continuation of the painting work) best quality epoxy Coal Tar/ Vinyl guard/Tie coat paint(marine quality) over the primer applied surface after cleaning the surface as per the direction of department officers.
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od214/2022_2023: Check the electrical wiring in the vessel, replace the defected holders, starters,bulbs,tubes,search light,bells,navigation lights,horn etc. along with the wiring if required. (The contractor should procure the defected items/new items from the authorized dealer and submit the original dealer bill along with the contractor bill for its reimbursement. 15% of the cost of spares will be paid to the contractor as overhead charges for arranging these items.These procured as well as the replaced items should get inspected by the Engineer who is in charge of the work and the unserviciable /old items should be returned to dept.for realisation of payment.
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od218/2022_2023: "All periodic maintenance of the reduction gearing maintenance works to be carried out as per the direction and satisfaction of department officials.
Pinion/S & Wheel/S, Shaft/S Coupling/S, Clutch(Es) & Bearing/S Thrust, Lub.Oil Pump ,Lub.Oil Cooler
Foundation Bolts & Chocks"
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od220/2022_2023 :Dismantling engine (Ashok Leyland ALM6ETI) heads and other accessories from the engine, cleaning and de-carbonizing the cylinder, piston, head etc. Cleaning the crank case oil sump, valve and all internal parts, valve seat grinding and suiting, replace the damaged wiring and make operational the engine control panel, overhaul the engine, replacing all the damaged parts if any (The contractor should procure the spare parts required to make functional the engine from the authorized dealer and submit the original dealer bill along with the contractor bill for its reimbursement. 15% of the cost of spares will be paid to the contractor as overhead charges for arranging and supplying the spares. These procured spares as well as replaced un serviceable/old parts except consumable like O rings, rubber parts etc. should get inspected by the Engineer who is the in-charge of the work and these unserviceable/ old spares should be returned to dep for realization of payment. If the spares are not available in market produce these items himself or its production should be arranged by the contractor. Cost of these items assessed by the Engineer is to be reimbursed with overhead of 15% as contractor's profit) Box up the engine, after supplying the required engine oil (40 Ltr)l, HSD (400 Ltr) and de- carbonization kit contains gaskets, O rings etc. and taken 10 hrs trial run, all are as per the direction and satisfaction of dept. officers. The contractor should provide 12 months guarantee for smooth working of the engine.
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od221/2022_2023 :General servicing of the (Ashok Leyland ALM6ETI) main engine as per the direction of department officers.0160 (The contractor should procure the spare parts required to make functional the engine from the authorized dealer and submit the original dealer bill along with the contractor bill for its reimbursement. 15% of the cost of spares will be paid to the contractor as overhead charges for arranging and supplying the spares.)
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od240/2022_2023 : Dismantling all the oil coolers and stripping off all the parts, acid washing to be done for removing scale inside and outside tubes then to be cleaned by using cane with cotton waste. Resetting all the parts in position and leak testing after supplying necessary packing, o-rings, bolt and nuts etc. completed as per the direction of the departmental officers.
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od241/2022_2023 :Dismantle the Heat exchanger, Clean and provide Provide flanged connection for the maintenance of the heat exchanger lines of both Port & Starboard side main engines, without damaging the other portions, as per the direction and satisfaction of the departmental officials.
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od242/2022_2023: Removing the starting motor of the main engine from position and the same to be dismantled without causing damages to any part. Cleaning the parts in lead free petrol adjusting the spring tension, cleaning and leveling the contacts, varnishing, Growler testing to be done for armature and field winding, lubricating the bushes, insulation testing and assembling, testing for correct speed, torque and spark less operation of conductors etc. and fitting back in position, testing for correct and proper engagement of the pinion to the fly wheel teeth etc. all as per the direction of the departmental officers.
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od248/2022_2023 : Dismantling the main Engine fuel pump for overhauling, calibration, and fitting back in position after overhauling and calibration as per the direction of departmental officers (Overhauling and calibration to be done in a reputed diesel service centre with minimum 9 months service warranty. cost of spares will be reimbursed against original bill of service centre. The replacing spares as well as the replaced parts except consumable like O rings, rubber parts etc. should get inspected by the Engineer who is the in- charge of the work and these unserviceable/old spares should be returned to department for realisation of payment )
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od250/2022_2023: Removing the alternator from the engines from position and the same to be dismantled without causing damages to any part. Cleaning the parts in lead free petrol, cleaning the brushes, rectifier and regulators, check the rotor and starter winding, belt driven pulley and cooling fan, varnishing, Growler testing to be done for armature and field winding, lubricating the bushes, insulation testing and assembling, testing for correct speed, torque and spark less operation of conductors etc. and fitting back in position, testing for correct and proper engagement for the belt pulley etc. all as per the direction of the departmental officers.
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od229/2022_2023: Check all the pipelines in the engine room of size such as 100 to 150 mm, including the waterline, fuel and oil line, replace the damaged pipe line if any with new std scheduled GI pipe of existing size and good quality make the pipelines free from air for the smooth flow of sea water, bilging etc. also conuct a pressure test for the pipes, complete as directed by the Department officers.
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od230/2022_2023: Check all the pipelines in the engine room of size such as up to 80 mm, including the waterline, fuel and oil line, replace the damaged pipe line if any with new std scheduled GI pipe of existing size and good quality make the pipelines free from air for the smooth flow of sea water, bilging etc. also conduct a pressure test for the pipes, complete as directed by the Department officers
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od231/2022_2023: Check all the pipelines in the engine room of size such as up to 65 mm, including the waterline, fuel and oil line, replace the damaged pipe line if any with new std scheduled GI pipe of existing size and good quality make the pipelines free from air for the smooth flow of sea water, bilging etc. also conduct a pressure test for the pipes, complete as directed by the Department officers
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od232/2022_2023: Check all the pipelines in the engine room of size such as up to 50 mm, including the waterline, fuel and oil line, replace the damaged pipe line if any with new std scheduled GI pipe of existing size and good quality make the pipelines free from air for the smooth flow of sea water, bilging etc. also conduct a pressure test for the pipes, complete as directed by the Department officers
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od233/2022_2023: Check all the pipelines in the engine room of size such as up to 40 mm, including the waterline, fuel and oil line, replace the damaged pipe line if any with new std scheduled GI pipe of existing size and good quality make the pipelines free from air for the smooth flow of sea water, bilging etc. also conduct a pressure test for the pipes, complete as directed by the Department officers
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od234/2022_2023: Check all the pipelines in the engine room of size such as up to 32 mm, including the waterline, fuel and oil line, replace the damaged pipe line if any with new std scheduled GI pipe of existing size and good quality make the pipelines free from air for the smooth flow of sea water, bilging etc. also conduct a pressure test for the pipes, complete as directed by the Department officers
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od235/2022_2023: Check all the pipelines in the engine room of size such as up to25 mm, including the waterline, fuel and oil line, replace the damaged pipe line if any with new std scheduled GI pipe of existing size and good quality make the pipelines free from air for the smooth flow of sea water, bilging etc. also conduct a pressure test for the pipes, complete as directed by the Department officers
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od237/2022_2023: Dismantle the Valves up to DN 50 in the fuel line and Water line from the vessel overhaul the same by machining the seat of the valve filled by brazing or M I G welding, lapping and repair the damaged spindle and box up with new gland etc, If cannot repair replace the same (The contractor should procure the defected valves from the authorized dealer and submit the original dealer bill along with the contractor bill for its reimbursement. 15% of the cost of spares will be paid to the contractor as overhead charges for arranging these items. These procured as well as the replaced items should get inspected by the Engineer who is the in-charge of the work and the un serviceable/ old items should be returned to dept for realization of payment) complete as per the direction and satisfaction of departmental officers.
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od238/2022_2023: Dismantle the Valves up to DN 50 upto DN 100 in the fuel line and Water line from the vessel overhaul the same by machining the seat of the valve filled by brazing or M I G welding, lapping and repair the damaged spindle and box up with new gland etc, If cannot repair replace the same (The contractor should procure the defected valves from the authorized dealer and submit the original dealer bill along with the contractor bill for its reimbursement. 15% of the cost of spares will be paid to the contractor as overhead charges for arranging these items. These procured as well as the replaced items should get inspected by the Engineer who is the in-charge of the work and the un serviceable/ old items should be returned to dept for realization of payment) complete as per the direction and satisfaction of departmental officers.
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od239/2022_2023 :All the sea chests, sea chest strainers sea water box and sea chest valve is to be removed, cleaned and fitted back after replacing the damaged nuts and bolts and filters as per the direction of departmental officers. This include cost of MS/Brass bolt and nut, cost of Brass Net, If any strainers are to be replaced ,The contractor should procure from the authorised dealer and submit the original dealer bill along with their bill for its reimbursement. 15% of the cost of spares will be paid to the contractor as overhead charges for arranging and supplying the spares. These procured spares as well as the replaced unserviceable/old parts except consumable like O rings, rubber parts etc. should get inspected by the Engineer who is the in-charge of the work and these unserviceable/ old spares should be returned to dept for realisation of payment) and taken trial run all as per the direction and satisfaction of departmental officers
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od244/2022_2023: Removing Rudder , inspection, lower bush clearance check and associated works. Rudder Lower bush to be removed if found damaged then New pintle bush to be supplied, machined to size and refitted back .Rudder stock removal and replacement for purposes of inspection of bearings and fitted parts as per the department officers.
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od246/2022_2023 : Check the hydraulic rudder System of the vessel for arresting any leakages from the tank to the rudder compartment, check the quantity and quality of the hydraulic oil and replace any parts/oil if damaged and make the system efficient and operational as per the direction of department officers.
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od247/2022_2023: Removing the propeller with shaft and cutlass bushes from the vessel and dismantling the propeller from the propeller shaft etc. and renew the bushes and gland packing, shaft worn out area build up by welding, bend checking and straightening the shaft, balancing and pitch correcting the propeller etc. all as per the direction of departmental officers.
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od252/2022_2023: Over hauling of Anchors and ramp winch, ramp winch wire rope compounding etc, as per the direction and satisfaction of department officials.
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od253/2022_2023: Fuel from Centre Fuel Oil Storage tank to be transferred to a clean container, tank to be cleaned and gas freed. Close the manhole using new packing and bolt and nuts etc,. . After inspection fuel to be transferred in to tank as per the direction of department officers.
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od254/2022_2023: Inspection and maintenance of the Bilge & G.S Pump / Fire & G.S Pump / Emergency Fire Pump & Prime Mover to be overhauled as per the direction of department officials.(The contractor should procure the defected items from the authorized dealer and submit the original dealer bill along with the contractor bill for its reimbursement. 15% of the cost of spares will be paid to the contractor as overhead charges for arranging these items. These procured as well as the replaced items should get inspected by the Engineer who is the in-charge of the work and the un-serviceable / old items should be returned to dept for realization of payment)
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od255/2022_2023: Servicing, pressure testing refilling five number 09 litre water CO2 type, two number 06 Kg DCP fire extinguishers on the vessel and mark the validity period on the extinguishers, all as per the direction of Department officers.
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od257/2022_2023: Supply and fixing good quality HDPE blow moulded seats in the vessel with necessary fittings as per the direction of department officers.
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od258/2022_2023 : Provide New Tubular battery of 180 AH by replacing old one with same Capacity and rating.
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od259/2022_2023: Salvage operation ,leak arresting in the vessel hull by using rapid setting cement based water leak plugging mortar and making vessel seaworthiness as per the direction and satisfaction of department officers.
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od260/2022_2023 : Expense of Voyage from perumbalam to Docking Yard and return. it includes cost of Diesel, Crew,as per the direction of Department Officials
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