Public Works Department Tender
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Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.
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BOQ Items
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KSRRB M400- Wet Mix Macadam KSRRB M400-17. Providing, laying, spreading and compacting crushed stone aggregates of granite / trap / basalt to wet mix macadam specifications including pre mixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed method of tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-base/base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 406 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M500-6. Providing and applying primer coat with S.S. bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular base such as WMM including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg / sqm using mechanical means complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 502 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M500-10. Providing and applying tack coat using 80/100 grade bitumen(VG10) in boiler fitted with spray set distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg per sqm on the existing prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mchancial broom. complete as per specifications. - using bitumen 80/100 on primed surfaces ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB 500-11. Providing and laying bituminous macadam on prepared surface with crushed coarse aggregates as per design mix formula for base / binding course including loading of aggregates with F.E. loader, hot mixing of stone aggregates and bitumen in hot mix plant, transporting the mixd material in tipper to paver and laying mixed materials with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling by power roller to achieve the desired density, but excluding cost of primer / tack coat including lead, lift and cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications. MORTH /Chapter 5 - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical paver Gr-II (50 mm to 75 mm) with 3.3 % VG-30 Bitumen ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M500-18. Providing and laying semi dense bituminous concrete using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 508 complete in all respects complete as per specifications. - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical Paver Gr-II (25 mm to 30 mm) with 5 % VG-30 Bitumen ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M200-13.1. Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete as per specifications. II. By Mechanical Means. A. Cement Concrete Grade M-15 &M-20. MORTH Specification No. 202 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M300- Construction of Embankment with Material Gravel/ Murrum. KSRRB M300-53. Construction of embankment with approved material Gravel/Murrum with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement Table 300- 2 complete as per specifications.(Including cost of gravel / murrum, watering charges & compaction by vibratory roller to 95% of proctors density) MORTH Specification No. 305 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M2100 Back Filling of abutments using wing wall & Returns KSRRB M2100-7. Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material complete as per specifications. VI. Backfilling in Marshy Foundation Pits.” MORTH Specification No. 304 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M2900- PCC M10 in Foundation KSRRB M2900-1. Plain cement concrete M10 mix with crushed stone aggregate 40mm nominal size mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and compacted by vibration including curing including cost of materials, labour, HOM complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 408 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRB 4.2.2 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of Design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.460 cum, with super plasticisers @ 3 liters confirming to is 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated for all works in foundation for footings, pedastals, retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, columnspillars, posts, struts, buttresses, bed blocks, anchor blocks & plinths etc., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing, complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M2900-2.1. Laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe NP4/ prestressed concrete pipe for culverts on first class bedding of granular material in single row including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head walls and parapets, curing including cost of materials, labour, HOM complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 2900 & IS 458- 2003 B. 1200 mm dia ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRB 4-1.1: Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of mix 1:2:4 with OPC cement @ 240kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878cum and fine aggregates @ 0.459cum machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation, including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.2 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M2500-1.1. Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for protection against scour with stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per drawing and Technical specification complete as per specifications. A. Boulder Laid Dry Without Wire Crates MORTH Specification No. 2503 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M2200-6. Providing T. M.T. steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping and/or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per disign (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) cost of materials, labour, HOM complete as per specification. MORTH Specification No.1600 & 2200 TMT Bars Fe 500 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB 800- Kilometre stone KSRRB M800-14.1. Reinforced cement concrete M-15 5th Grade kilometre stone of standard design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc complete as per specifications.including additional M-15 concrete pedestal of 0.2mt. height above G.L. MORTH Specification No. 804 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M800-14.3. Reinforced cement concrete M-15 Grade Hectometer stone of standard design as per IRC:26-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc complete as per specifications. including additional M-15 concrete pedestal of 0.2mt. height above G.L. MORTH Specification No. 804 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M800-13.Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectrising Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface:- Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads at 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 803 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M800 Road markers I Road stud KSRRB MS00-35. Supply and lnstalltion of Moulded Shank Raised Pavement Markers made of polycarbonate and ABS(Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face and shall support a load of 16000 kg tested in accordance to Specifications of Category A of MORTH Circular No RW/ NH/33023/10-97- DO Ill Dt 11.06. 1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed 50 mm, 1DO mm and 102 mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 Sqcm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35 degree. The strength of detachment of the integrated cylindrical shanks, (of diameter not less than 19 mm and height not less than 30 mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 500 Kg. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the shanks to go inside, without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive as per manufacturer's recommendation and complete as directed by the engineer ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Manufacturing,Supply and installation of Retro- reflective Hazard Marker signbaords made out of cube corner micro prismatic grade sheeting confirming to Type XI standards of IRC672012 & ASTM D 4956-09 specification & fixed over 4 mm thick Aluminium Composite Panel sheet having minimum 0.30 mm thick aluminum skin on both sides & fixed over back support frame of 25x25x 3mm MS angle frame. Supported on round pipe post of 1.5 Meters height and gouted 60 em below ground level. The sign post should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of black and firmly fixed to the ground by means of foundation with M 20 grade cement, concrete foundation size of 45 em x 45 em x 60 em including cost & conveyance of all materials, equipment, machinery & Labour with all leads and lifts, Loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by engineer incharge. ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Retro-Reflectorised Traffic Signs Providing and fixing of retro - reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC:67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide Clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement concrete 45 em x 45 em x 60 em, 60 em below ground level as per approved drawing. 900 M M Equilateral triangle -TYPE XI ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Retro-Reflectorised Traffic Signs Providing and fixing of retro - reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC:67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide Clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement concrete 45 em x 45 em x 60 em, 60 em below ground level as per approved drawing. 600 X 450 mm - TYPE XI ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Retro-Reflectorised Traffic Signs Providing and fixing of retro - reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC:67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide Clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement concrete 45 em x 45 em x 60 em, 60 em below ground level as per approved drawing. 600 MM Circle- TYPE XI ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB M800-11.1.Painting lines, dashes, arrows etc.,on Roads in two coats on New Work:-Painting lines, dashes, arrows etc on roads in two coats on new work with ready mixed road marking paint conforming to IS:164 on bituminous surface, including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter, demarcation at site and traffic control complete as per specifications. i) Over 10 cm in width. MORTH Specification No. 803 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Roads Humps/ speed breakers for control of vehicular speeds on roads providing road humps for the entire formation width, using bituminous premix materials and heavy uty cobbl stone 60 mm thick, hving road hump dimension of 1.00mtr. (width) X 0.15 mtr(height) rectangular sections and ramp on either side of road hump of 0.85 mtr (wide), including providing WBM (2 Layers) for shouler portion 1.7mts in length on either side, completing with road marking paint with applied thermoplastic copmpound with refecting glass beed on bu=ituminous surface an providing 2 Nos. retro reflective traffic signs as per IRC SP 67 -2010 (for details refer IRC 99-1988) ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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KSRRB 800-1. Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in approved shades on new plastered concrete surfaces, with materials, labour complete as per specifications. MORTH Chapt ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Fabricating, supplying and erection of â¦Mtrs long hot dip Galvanized Octagonal pole with BSEN 10025 grade S 355 JO steel plate for shaft, IS 2062 for base plate with door opening arrangements, including suitable boards, Bakelite sheet and MCBs as per IS specifications suitable to withstand the wind speed of 47 m/sec for â¦â¦.Mtrs pole in single section and single joint welded as per IS 9595/IS 10178AWS having dimensions bottom â¦, topâ¦.mm with 3mm thick, suitable base plate and 4Nos of ..... long J bolts along with template and the pole shall be hot dip galvanized in single dipping with not less than 65micron as per ASTM-A123 and 153 etc., (excluding foundation) as per drawing appended. 9 meters - Top 70mm and bottom 155mm dia ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures like culverts, retaining wall etc, as per drawing as per drawing and technical specifications, inlcuding setting out, providing shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and disposal of balnce earth including labour, HOM complete. ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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"KSRRB M2900-1. Plain cement concrete M-10 mix with crushed stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and compacted by vibration including cost of materials,labour complete as per specifications MORTH Specification No. 408 I.No.1.8 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing and laying in position /RCC M-20 for Substructure/Superstructure works, with 320 kgs, with 20 mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregate @ 0.9 cum and fine aggregate @ 0.46 cum with superplastisiser @ 3 lts Confirming to IS 9103-2008 concrete laid in layers, well compacted and and providing weep holes wherever necessary scaffolding, formwork etc,including labour, HOM curing etc complete. I.No.1.9 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing TMT reinforcement for RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, complete as per drawing and technical specification. complete as per specification. MORTH Specification No. 1600 & 2200.TMT bars Fe-500 28.8.2 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Structural Steel in Plates, angles,Glavanised structural steel plate etc.., 2.8.3 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Bolts & Nuts 2.1.7 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying, and fixing of Hot dip Galvanized M.S.Bracket suitable for out door luminaries and mounted on Octagonal pole using necessary bolts, nuts etc., complete.Double Arm Bracket with 1500mm Standard 40/50MM dia 2.3.1 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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LED Street light.Supply of LED Streetlight with pressure die cast aluminum housing body with optimal heat sink for better thermal dissipation. Diffuser with Injection moulded & is made of polycarbonate material with high transmission index, delivering superior light output. Rated life Burning Hrs 50000 hr @ Lumen Maintenance of 70%. CCT > 5500K, IP 66 optical and electrical compartment & impact resistance of complete luminare > IK08. Power Factor >0.9 with mains Current should not be greater than 0.1A to 0.7A & Surge Protection- Min 4KV along with Over voltage/Overload, short circuit/ miswiring protection. Compatible for pole mounting with outer dia of 40mm to 50mm. Universal Voltage driver to operate wide voltage range from 100V to 270V 50/60Hz application. Over load & Short circuit protection ensures reliable operation in spite of problem in output side. Compliance to IS 10322/IEC 60598, LM 79 & LM 80 Adherence with RoHS. UL approved MCPCB. Top access street light with single screw to ensure ease of maintenance at the sight site location with minimized minimal tools. LED Light fixture with ........W System Power consumption. LED Efficiency>130lm/w at 1W & Fixture Efficiency >80lm/w with nominal CRI >75. Luminaire manufacturer should have in-house facility accredited by NABL/CPRI & any Government certified agency & Design & Development facility certified by ISO 9001:2008 . Housing with supplier word mark /name shall be Engraved / Embossing on the die cast housing/ Body part. Warranty of 5 Years against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical conditions as mentioned above should be given by LED source manufacture. Suitable for A1/A2 Roads as per IS 1944 Part I & Part II.LED Streetlight 110 watts(4.36.2) ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Labour charges for laying of 1.1 KV class UG cable in existing trench GI pipe / stoneware pipe / on wall / on pole as required.In existing trench/duct. - 25 sqmm to 75 sqmm(7.8.B.7) ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Labour charges for laying of 1.1 KV class UG cable in existing trench GI pipe / stoneware pipe / on wall / on pole as required.In existing trench/duct. - 6 sqmm to 16 sqmm(7.8.B.6) ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying of 1.1 KV LT UG cable having aluminum conductor PVC insulated, extruded inner sheathed, galvanized, steel strip (except wire armoured) confirming to IS-3975:1990 (No. of Strip indicated in GTP) & extruded PVC outer sheathed armoured cable with specified IS-1554 Part-1:1988 & confirming to GTP of GROUP-A.- 4 core 16 sqmm ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying fixing and wiring earth electrode for grounding of lifts, transformers, DG sets etc. using 40mm dia 2.9mm thick 2.5 mtr long GI pipe with GI funnel with mesh and suitable size reducer fixed on the top of the earth electrode. The funnel should be enclosed in a CC chamber of 400x400x400mm with a cast iron cover. The earth electrode shall have staggered holes of 12mm dia and the electrode should be covered 150mm all-round with alternate layers of salt and charcoal from the bottom of the CC chamber. The connection from the electrode is to be established through GI strip using GI bolts and nuts. 2.2.1 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and running of GI/Copper strips for grounding connections, using necessary fixing materials as required. GI strip - 25x3mm I.No.8.3.5 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Digging of trench of 0.6m deep x 0.50 mtr wide refilling the trench to the required ground level and consolidating etc., complete.(As per Civil SR KSRB I-2, P-7) - In soil (hard) I.No.8.7.9 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and fixing of heavy duty cable glands suitable for UG cable of 1.1 KV class(metal only) -19/20mm I.No.3.4.8 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and fixing of class A (medium duty) GI pipe of wall thickness not less than 3.25mm on pole/wall/drain crossing with necessary clamping arrangements for UG cable of 1.1 KV. - 50mm I.No.4.6.3 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and fixing L.T. cast Iron pot heads suitable for 1.1 KV class UG cable filled with necessary bitumen/insulating compound complete with terminals, clamps, bolts, nuts and washers etc. - 16Sqmm I.No.4.5.1 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supply and laying double walled corrugated (DWC) HDPE Pipe including all necessary connecting Sockets/Couplings/Tees/Bends/End-caps of same materials in existing trench as per IS 14930 part -II suitable for drawing underground cables. - 50mm OD / 38mm ID I.No.7.4.1 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying Bitumen Compound and covering the cable joint/ pot heads I.No.4.1.7 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supply and wrapping the conductor with camabrick tape roll. I.No.4.5.6 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying tinned copper lugs and crimping and wiring to terminal point for wire of the following sizes. - 16 sqmm I.No..4.2.8 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and running GI/Copper conductor for grounding and (along with other wires in conduit system of wiring) using necessary suitable size clamps, nails, guttas/spacers etc. GI Wire - 8 SWG I.No.4.8.6 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying of 1.1 KV LT UG cable having aluminum conductor PVC insulated, extruded inner sheathed, galvanized, steel strip (except wire armoured) confirming to IS-3975:1990 (No. of Strip indicated in GTP) & extruded PVC outer sheathed armoured cable with specified IS-1554 Part-1:1988 & confirming to GTP of GROUP-A. - 3.5 core 25 sq-mm I.No.4.9.1 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying & fixing of Porcelain fuse channel with cut out on existing wooden/panel using necessary nuts, bolts and washers. - 32Amps I.No..8.6.2 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and fixing regular MCB distribution boards on wall / wood board / flush mounting using required clamps, bolts, nuts etc., with provision for fixing suitable type capacity MCB's single phase / 3 phase / single door with powder coated painting. Made out of 14 SWG MS enclosure.I - Single Door - 8Way SP &N I.No.1.9.0 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and fixing miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and 'C' Type curve, indicator ON/OFF, energy cross-3 with Short circuit breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required confirming to IEC 60898. - 5-32Amps TPN I.No.8.7.9 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying ......... amps rated 3phase with neutral bus bar using required capacity electrolytic aluminum strips covered with heat shrinkable coloured PVC sleeve, mounted on phenolic/FRP/DMC insulator which are mounted on powder coated 40x6mm M.S.flat frame work in existing panel board. The bus bar shall have suitable holes for termination of incoming and outgoing cables as per IS specification with necessary bolts, nuts and washers etc., complete. - 100Amps 4x30x6mm Aluminum Strips I.No.28.6.2 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Fabricating supplying and mounting MS box made out ⦠SWG suitable for floor / wall mounting, fully weather proof with provision for better heat dissipation, provided with hinged front cover, equipped with tamper proof locking arrangements, with suitable size clamps with necessary cable entry pipe with gland and box should be finished with 2 coats of red oxide primer paint and finally finished with approved colour enameled metal paint etc., complete. - 16SWG I.No.12.8.6 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and fixing of LED type panel board indicating lamp with required colour suitable for 220v A.C. 50 Hz 12/24v D.C. I.No.12.3.8 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying, fixing and wiring electronic 10 to 40 Amps three phase 4 wire class-1 Accuracy Energy Meter. I.No.12.7.8 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and fixing angle iron frame work fabricated out of M.S. angle iron.. and M.S. flat ⦠with bolts, washers etc., and painted with 2 coats of red oxide and then two coats of approved paint. - 40x40x6mm I.No.12.6.5 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supply and fixing of 4pole power contactor with NO/NC contacts on existing wood/panel board using necessary bolts, nuts, washers and wiring etc., complete with AC-3 Rating and as per IS-13947 40Amps. I.No.13.4.2 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and fixing Microprocessor Based Astronomical timer Switch with using necessary bolts, nuts and washers. I.No.13.6.8 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and drawing Flexible Multicore Cable manufactured with electrolytic grade flexible copper with low conductor confirming to table 3 class 5 of IS:8130-1984 and (Virgin) PVC insulation and sheathed suitable for working voltage upto 1100Volts as per IS-694:1990 & confirming to GTP of GROUP-A. - 3C X I.No.13.7.8 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade, multistrand Copper with low conductor resistance single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring with specified IS-694:1990 & confirming to GTP of GROUP -A. - 4 sqmm I.No.13.9.4 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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"Supplying, fixing and wiring Earth Leakage Miniature Circuit Breaker [ELMCB] 240/450V up to 300mA sensitivity on existing wood/panel board. 32-40 Amps 4 pole" I.No.13.7.8 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and fixing miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and âCâ type curve, indicator ON/OFF, energy cross-3 with short circuit breaking capacity of 10K and Complete wiring as required confirming IEC 60898. 6) 5-32Amps TPN I.No.13.4.5 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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ERECTION OF 3 PHASE11 kV/433 V 25KVA DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER CENTRE (As per HESCOM COST Data Sheet 25 2013-14) Copy Enclosed I.No.13.8.7 ---- etc., complete with all leads and lifts as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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