Minor Irrigation Department Tender
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Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.
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MI/2021-22/OW/WORK_INDENT32720Tender No
MI/2021-22/OW/WORK_INDENT32720Tender Authority
Minor Irrigation Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Suuplying fixing and wiring earth electrode for grounding of lifts, transformers, DG sets etc, using 40mm dia 2.9mm thick 2.5 mtr long GI pipe with GI funnel with mesh and suitable size reducer fixed on the top of the earth electrode. The funnel should be enclosed in a CC chamber of 400x400x400 mm with a cast iron cover. The earth electrode shall have staggered holes of 12 mm dia and the electrode should be covered 150 mm all-round with alternate layers of salt Charcoal from the button of the CC chamber. The connection from the electrode is to be established through GI strip using GI bolts and nuts. Complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directios of the Engineer-in charge of the work.
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Supply and fixing of 4 pole power contactor with NO/NC contacts on existing wood/panel board using necessary bolts, nuts, washers and wiring etc., complete with AC-3 Rating and as per IS - 13947. - 200 Amps. complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directios of the Engineer-in charge of the work.
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Repairs to 90 to 300 HP Motor soft starter parts like Hooter, indication lamps, Timer, UV/OV Relays, Thermo stat & other items, by removing the old-unserviceable finger contacts, main contacts, moving contacts, including aligning the same by new one and put into service etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions Engineer in charge of the work.
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Supplying and fixing Thrust bearing to the driving end side of the motor by removing the old unserviceable bearing, including cost of all materials, Labour, lathe work to suits existing motor shaft including transportation charges from Lift Irrigation Scheme to work shop at Mysore and back to Lift Irrigation Scheme. complete with all lead and lifts and as per the direction of Engineer in charge of the work. ( Bearing No. 7320 BECBM, of approved make For 80 HP Motor)
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Supplying and fixing ball bearing to the non driving end side of the motor by removing the old unserviceable bearing, including cost of all materials, Labour, lathe work to suits existing motor shaft including transportation charges from Lift Irrigation Scheme to work shop at Mysore and back to Lift Irrigation Scheme etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the direction of Engineer in charge of the work.( Bearing No. 6212 C3, of approved make For 80 HP Motor)
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Earthwork excavation by manual means for foundation of buildings, water supply, sanitary lines and electrical conduits either in pits or in trenches 1.5m and above in width, in hard soil not exceeding 1.5 m. in depth including dressing the bottom and sides of pits and trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from edges of excavation with lead upto 50 m. after breaking of clods etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB 4-1.3 : Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of mix 1:4:8 with OPC cement @ 180kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.85cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.57cum machine mixed, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation, including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB 5-1.3 Providing and constructing granite/ trap/ basalt size stone masonry in foundation with cement mortar 1:6, stone hammer dressed in courses not less than 20 cms high, bond stones at two m apart in each course including cost of materials, labour, curing etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of mix 1:2:4 with cement @ 240kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878 cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.459cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, well compacted for coping including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing, etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB 5-12: Providing and constructing load bearing wall with solid concrete blocks having block density not less than 1800 kg m3 having a minimum average compressive strength of 4.00 N/sqmm conforming to I.S:2185 (part 1) 2005 and constructed with cement mortar 1:4, as per IS 25722005 including cost of materials, labours charges, scaffolding, curingetc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work - with concrete blocks of size 400x200x200 mm
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KSRB 4.2.10 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 240kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.0.05175cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.0345cum, with superplastisiser @ 0.225lts machine mixed, well compacd for plain chajja of 7.5cms. avg. thickness including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing, etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB 4.9.2 : Providing T.M.T steel reinforcement for R.C.C work including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB .7.4 : Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet garage door with frame and diagonal braces of size 40x 40x6 mm angle iron, using M.S. flats 30x6mm for diagoal braces and central cross pieces 3.15mm thick M.S. gusset plates at the junctions and corner, withhandles, stoppers and locking arrangements etc., including applying a priming coat of red lead paint including cost of materials, labour etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB .7.7 : Providing and fixing in position in cement concrete 1:3:6 steel glazed windows and ventilators side hung/top hung fully openable as per approved drawings using Z angles of 25x33x3mm, weighing 1.419 Kg/m both for outer and inner frames and centrall mullion section of size 25x46x3mm. weighing 2.28Kg/m duly providing T section 19x19x3mm weighing 0.839 kg/m for glazing of windows not more than 34cms. c/c including providing and fixing 4mm. thick reeded glass with teakwood beadign of required size, all steel sections should confirm to I.S.7452: 1990, 4 nos, of holdfasts of approved size, section should be cuto to lenght welded and electrically grinded subdividing frames of unit shall be tenonned and revetted into the frames electrically. All the steel surface shall be throughly cleaned free of rust and painted with one coat of anti-corosive paint and finishing with two coats of ready mix paint of approved colour and make including cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB .7.29 : Fabrication supplying and erecting M.S. Tubular trusses of all spans as per approved drawing & design with prefabricated steel applications using quality material and are durable, reliable and corrosion and abrasion resistant. Welding shall confirm to latest structural welding code. Quality shall be on various parameters like shape, size, design gauge and polish. the entire trusses is anchored in RCC column by using 4 nos of M.S. anchor bolts at each support with 10mm thick base plate and shoe plate. The work includes cutting, straightening, placing in position of M.S.Pipes and welding wherever necessary and applying one coat of reoxide primer coat to all the members including cost of all materials, labour charges, and hire charges of machineries for cutting, welding, grinding and erection equipments, with all lead and lift transportation, etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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Providing Trapezoidal Profiled Sheet Providing and installing of pre painted Galvalume iron Trapezodial profiled sheet of approved make 1060 mm width (1000 mm cover width), 28-30 mm crest height with crest distance of 200 mm c/c with 2 ribs at the centre for stiffening. The total coated thickness (TCT) of the sheet will be 0.47 mm +/-0.02 mm tolerance Zinc-Alu Alloy coating AZ 150 gsm as per ASTM 1397/A755-550 mpa steel grade, 5-7 microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 20-22 microns using self drilling / self tapping screws of 25 mm length, to be fixed over the existing purlins, rafters, channels and trusses. including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications. (I.No. 38.30, P - 299 of PWD SR 2018-19)
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KSRB .14.7-1 : Providing and laying flooring with M15 cement concrete 40 mm thick using broken granite 20 mm and down size laid to line and level in one layer and finish with a floating coat of neat cement, including cost of materials, labour etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB .15.-3.5 : Providing 15 mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement mortar to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials. including cost of materials, labour etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB .15-14.1 : Providing and applying two coats with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and shade on wall surface including priming coat with distemper primer after throughly brooming the surface free form mortar drops and other foreign matter including preparing the surface even and paper smooth, cost of materials, labour, etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB .15-16.1 : Providing and finishing external walls in two coats with waterproof cement paint of approved brand and shade to give an even shade after throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt and loose powdered material, free form mortar drops and other foreign matter cost of of materials, labour etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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KSRB .15-18.2 : Providing and applying enamel metal paint two coats (excluding priming coat) over new steel or other metal surface brushing to give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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Supply of Watchman for watch and ward works of the scheme etc., complete and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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Supply of Pump operator for operating the pump, motor and machinery of the scheme etc., complete and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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Providing and constructing un-coursed rubble stone masonry using approved stones in cement mortar 1:4 proportion including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding, cleaning, packing mortar, wedging stone chips, curing etc., complete with all lead and lifts and as per the directions of Engineer In charge of the work.
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