Konkan Railway Corporation Limited Tender

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Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.

Konkan Railway Corporation Limited - KRCL Tender

Opening Date9 Dec 2024
Closing Date1 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 4,85,04,545.54 



Permanent Way Zonal Contract For Maintenance Of Track Under The Jurisdiction Of Senior Section Engineer, Karwar In Senior Regional Engineer, Karwar Section


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Unloading PSC sleepers / SEJ sleepers from Railway wagons with or without block conditions as directed.




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Movement of free rails / SEJ rails and released SEJ rails / SEJ fittings / rail fittings like slide 5 chairs, fish plates etc. by the Railway dip lorry in traffic block condition within the block section with contractor's labors, tools and plants including all lifts etc., complete as directed by the Engineer-in- charge. (Note: The qty of this item includes weight of the rails with fittings, SEJ rails, SEJ released rails, SEJ fitting where this will be transported by dip lorry).




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Movement of all types of PSC sleepers by Railway's dip lorry in traffic block conditions within the block section with contractor's labors, tools and plants including all lifts etc., complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 7




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Cutting / End cropping of 52 Kg / 90 UTS rails with contractor's hacksaw blade and tools.




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Drilling of 32mm / 27mm dia holes in 52 kg / 90 UTS rails either manually or by drilling machine to correct spacing specified by Engineer.




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Removing WS/ST/CST-6 sleepers from track & stacking the same neatly at specified places with contractor's tools and labors as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Removing one or two damaged PSC sleepers at isolated locations as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Removing damaged PSC sleepers at one place or with closed intervals having 3 or more sleepers as directed and decided by the Engineer-in_charge.




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Inserting in track one or two Railway PSC sleepers lying along the cess / formation / slope 12 / toe at isolated locations as decided by Engineer-in-charge with all fittings complete to specified gauge with contractor's tools including one packing and dressing of ballast as directed by the Engineer-in- charge.




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Inserting in track 3 or more railway PSC sleepers lying along the cess / formation / slope / toe with all fittings to specified gauge with contractor's tools including one packing and dressing of ballast as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 14




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Extra for sleepers lying on slopes / toes of bank: bank height >1.5m or lead > 50 M.




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Removing rails (52kg / 90R) by removing fish plates fastening and fish bolts, keeping released rails safely on cess and other released materials as directed by Engineer (Work to be done under block & Railway's supervision).




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Laying 52kg / 60kg free rails with all fittings on existing sleepers of any density & linking the rails with fish plates and fastenings to specified gauge as directed under block.




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Lifting of PSC track up to 100 mm and packing with contractor's labors, tools & plants including all leads & lifts etc as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and laying of sand bags layer by layer filled with sand in each bag of standard 18 cement bag size with all contractor's sand, empty bags for filling, labours, tools and plants including transportation etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge (If the empty bags supplied by Corporation then the cost of the empty bags will be recovered '@ the rate of Rs.2.00 per bag.)




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Hiring of JCB for removal of muck from side drains /cuttings etc for minimum period of 10 hours per day. 20




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Hiring of dumpers for removal of muck from side drains / cutting etc.




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Cuttings/End cropping of 52 Kg rails in situ with contractors abrasive rail cutting with all contractor tools & plants manpower machine consumable items fuel etc including transportation of the same in mid section and as directed by Engineer in Charge.




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Repairing of sand hump as per instructions and upto full satisfaction of engineer in charge with contractors labours, tools, plants etc with all lead and lifts.




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Hiring of tractor compressor with jack hammer with operator.(Payment unit for this item shall be Per day of 8 hrs shift




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Removing SEJ rails / rails (52 kg) by removing fish plate, slide chairs, fastenings and fish 24 bolts and laying 52 kg free rails / SEJ rails with all fittings on sleepers of any density & linking the rails with fish plates & fastenings to specified gauge as directed under traffic block. Note: The qty. includes insertion of free rails after removing SEJ rails & insertion of SEJ rails in yards after removing free rails in yards.




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Fabrication of flared end of Guard rail as per Std. Drg. (IRPWM) ( Rail will be supplied free of cost by KRCL) with all contractors men, tools and plants etc., complete as directed by Engineer in Charge.




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Deep screening of existing ballast of standard profile under traffic including removing the core & excavation below the bottom of sleepers and to recover the clean ballast by screening on wire 1 mesh and disposing of the muck away from track as directed by the engineer,including cutting or making up the cess&ensuring proper drainage slope&then re-inserting the cleaned ballast into the track & giving one katcha packing so as to make the track fit for 15 KMPH &to the satisfaction of the Supervisor. (a) Screening minimum 250 mm depth below sleeper.




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Deep screening of track of standard profile in traffic condition mixed with water and earth 2 (water logged condition) or fully contaminated ballast condition which requires excavation of contaminated ballast by pickaxe or any other tools requiring replacement/recouping of ballast having more than 50 % of screened of ballast having more than 50 % of screened quantity etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Extra for screening of cess on either side in deep screened area beyond the standard profile and upto ballast retainer wall or upto existing cess width for a initial lead of 100 m and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 4




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Shallow screening of track.




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Extra for screening of cess on either side in shallow screened area beyond the standard profile and upto ballast retainer wall or upto existing cess width for a intial lead of 50 m and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 6




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Shallow screening of 1 in 12 turnout with PSC sleepers. 7 50000.00 RunningMetre 4.25 212500.00 132.34 493722.50




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Regular cleaning of drains during monsoon including disposing the muck as per the instruction of Engineer_in_Charge to keep the drains flowing in cutting/tunnels.




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Removal of silt from side drains,catchwater drains/slipped earth etc., for an initial lead of 8 50m & lift of 1.5m with all contractor's men, machinery, tools & plants etc., complete. including dewatering. (Note : (i) Payment of item No.8 will be done based on stack measurement quantities with deduction of 8 % voids.) (ii) For measurement and payment purpose lead to be rounded off to the nearest 50 metre.




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Extra for disposal of deep screened muck /shallow screened muck silt removed from side 9 drains. (Note : (i) Payment of item No. 9 will be done based on stack measurement quantities with deduction of 8 % voids.) (ii) For measurement and payment purpose lead to be rounded off to the nearest 50 metre. 10 30000.00 Numbers 6.00 180000.00 132.34 418212.00 10




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Removal, Cleaning and greasing of ERCs with corporations grease of approved quality and grade and insertion in sleepers with all contractor's labour, tools etc. complete.




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Providing two coats of approved quality and colour synthetic enamel paint over various boards and posts including letter writing as directed by Engineer-in-Charge with all leads and lifts, with all contractor's men, material, tools and plants etc. complete.




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Providing two coat of painting of approved quality & colour including letter writing as directed by Engineer-in-charge with all lead and lifts with all contractor's men ,material, tools and plants etc. including scaffolding whenever necessary. 15 100.00 Each 60.00 6000.00 132.34 13940.40 15 15




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White washing two coats on various structures in specified pattern.




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Dismantling of cement concrete and cleaning of debris away from worksite and disposal of the same including all leads and lifts as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge with contractor's labours tools and plants etc. complete. 35 100.00 cum 120.00 12000.00 132.34 27880.80 35




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Assembling and placing of baby gabions in position to act as a ballast retainer including 44 excavation in all types of strata, filling of excavated earth & ballast back inside the gabions etc. complete as per the instruction of Engineer in charge. ( Note : Payment includes lifting and packing for the overall length of turnout from SRJ to heel of crossing upto sleeper No. 83 for 1 in 12 turnout with approximate length of 50 m. and sleeper No.54 for 1 in 8.5 turnout with approximate length of 34 m. including switch and crossing points with inner and outer curve and straight leads of both curve and straight track and as per standard RDSO drawing.) 45 50.00 Set 378.00 18900.00 132.34 43912.26 45




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Transportation of gabions from KRCL stores at Madgaon to work site including loading and unloading, stacking at specified locationsas pr the directions of Engineer-in-Charge with contractor's labours, tools & plants etc. complete.




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Assembling and placing of gabions in position with provision of cross bracing by lace wires with contractor's labours, tools & plants, materials as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 48 50.00 cum 376.00 18800.00 132.34 43679.92




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Supply of unskilled labour for night patrolling for 12 hours shift as per requirement. 1 NOTE: IF PATROLLING IS DONE LESS THAN 12 HRS SHIFT i.e FOR 8/10/11 HRS SHIFT, THE PAYMENT WILL BE DONE ACTUAL CORRESPONDING HRS. CONSIDERING RATE OF 12 HRS. SHIFT.(Payment unit is Per man per shift)




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Supply of unskilled labour for USFD and other works etc. ( Manday is 8 hrs. shift per day.) (Payment unit for item is Per man days).




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Felling trees of girth (measured at a height of 1.0 m above ground level) including leading and stacking of material within 100m. Note : 1. When stumps are grubbed up in addition, the rates shall 1 be doubled for trees cut and grubbed 2. Payment for grubbing shall only b e made where specially ordered. 3. Grubbing shall be ordered only where it is essential to remove the stumps, including the roots, as per specification. 4. Grubbing shall include removal of roots of trees and saplings to a depth of 60cm below ground level or 30 cm below formation level or 15 cm below sub grade level, whichever is lower




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Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous 1 material except Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads. Note: Lead shall b e the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading




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Quick cutting with abrasive rail cutter of all types of rail sections including wear resistant, 1 head hardened rails up to 110 UTS, with contractors tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete as directed by Engineer in-charge. Abrasive Rail Cutter will b e a s p e r RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/1 (Rev. 01 of 2012) with latest status of RDSO; Rail Cutting Wheel Abrasive Disc will be as per RDSO Specification No.TM/SM/2 (Rev. 01 of 2020)




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Casual renewal of PSC sleepers on points and crossings, derailing switches and diamonds portion of any layout including packing under new sleepers. All the released materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner within the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed with contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note: Approach and Exit sleepers shall be paid as normal sleepers under relevant itemCasual renewal of PSC sleepers on points and crossings, derailing switches and diamonds portion o f any layout including packing under new sleepers. All the released materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner within the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed with contractor's vehicles, consumables, 2 stores, labour etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note: Approach and Exit sleepers shall be paid as normal sleepers under relevant itemCasual renewal of PSC sleepers on points and crossings, derailing switches and diamonds portion o f any layout including packing under new sleepers. All the released materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner within the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed with contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note: Approach and Exit sleepers shall be paid as normal sleepers under relevant itemCasual renewal of PSC sleepers on points and crossings, derailing switches and diamonds portion o f any layout including packing under new sleepers. All the released materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner within the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed with contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, a s directed b y Engineer in-charge. Note: Approach and Exit sleepers shall be paid as normal sleepers under relevant item




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Renewal of CMS Crossing of all rail sections with CMS crossing or with WCMS crossing complete with fastenings including replacement of worn-out rubber pads, liners and ERC, as required. All the released materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner within the lead of 500m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed. with contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, as directed by engineer in-charge. Note: Rail cutting and drilling shall be paid separately under relevant item.Renewal of CMS Crossing of all rail sections with CMS crossing or with WCMS crossing complete with fastenings including replacement of worn-out rubber 3 pads, liners and ERC, as required. All the released materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner within the lead o f 500m & al l lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed. with contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, as directed b y engineer in-charge. Note: R a i l cutting a n d drilling sha ll b e p a i d separately under relevant item.Renewal of CMS Crossing of all rail sections with CMS crossing or with WCMS crossing complete with fastenings including replacement of worn-out rubber pads, liners and ERC, as required. All the released materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner within the lead of 500m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed. with contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, as directed b y engineer in-charge. Note: Rail cutting and drilling shall be paid separately under relevant item.Renewal of CMS Crossing of all rail sections with CMS crossing or with WCMS crossing complete with fastenings including replacement of worn-out rubber pads, liners and ERC, as required. All the released materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner within the lead o f 500m & al l lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed. with contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, as directed by engineer in-charge. Note: Rail cutting and drilling shall be paid separately under relevant item. 064052 100.00 Each 114.74 11474.00 (-) 8.19 10534.28 4




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Fixing Joggled Fish Plates with bolt / clamp (supplied by Railway from nearest SSE Store) in running track conditions at welds on rail, as directed by engineer in-charge (drilling of holes in rail, if required, shall be paid separately) 063051 50.00 Joint 116.88 5844.00 (-) 8.19 5365.38




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Through fitting renewal (TFR) with new Grooved Rubber Sole pads(GRSP), Liners and ERC or through renewal with new GRSPs using existing ERCs and liners after cleaning and greasing on entire Turnout of PSC Fan shaped layout including approach & exit sleepers comprising of removing & refixing or replacement of plate screws, ERCs and liners including seized ERCs, replacing the GRSP after cleaning 18 rail seat, refixing slide chairs, lubrication of ERCs, applying grease to plate screws and Liner contact area with contractor's Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) after cleaning of rust/scale on liner contact area etc., as per provisions of IRPWM of latest version with all contractors labour, tools, plants and stacking all the released materials etc .complete and as directed by Engineer in charge. Note: GRSP will be supplied at SSE/stores/depot.Through fitting renewal (TFR) with new Grooved Rubber Sole pads(GRSP), Liners and ERC or through renewal with new GRSPs using existing ERCs and liners after cleaning and greasing on entire Turnout of PSC Fan shaped layout including approach & exit sleepers comprising of removing & refixing or replacement of plate screws, ERCs and liners including seized ERCs, replacing the GRSP after cleaning rail seat, refixing slide chairs, lubrication of ERCs, applying grease to plate screws and Liner contact area with contractor's Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) after cleaning of rust/scale on liner contact area etc., as per provisions of IRPWM of latest version with all contractors labour, tools, plants and stacking all the released materials etc .complete and as directed by Engineer in charge. Note: GRSP will be supplied at SSE/stores/depot.




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Fixing of Wooden Distance Block of size 1.0m x 0.3m x 0.15m between track and platform wall. 137022 5000.00 TRM 58.96 294800.00 (-) 8.19 270655.88




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Collection, segregation and stacking of various scattered P.Way materials a t nominated stacking location with serviceable and un- serviceable ones separately within a lead up to 500 metre and lift up to 5 metre including crossing of track(s) wherever necessary as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping work for tamping track with all types of rails, sleepers & sleeper density by various Track Tamping machines, like CSM,DUO/3X Machines which include : (1) Re-adjustment of ballast, heaping-up of ballast, filling-up of cavities in tamping zone by picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of adjoining track up to lead of 50 m to ensure effective packing; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to operator, (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of TTRM; (4) Digging, screening and replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement of broken / missing fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting displaced sleepers to position along with squaring; (8) Re-setting of worked- out / fallen fittings; (9) Removing and re-fixing joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, wherever necessary; (10) Manual consolidation of ballast in crib / shoulders; (11) Removing and refixing of traction bonds 1 during the block in electrified sections (12) Dressing of ballast Note: 1. Tamping blocks are not identical & it may be given at any time either during day or night. 2. Stages of payment a) 30% of the rate will be paid on completion of pre tamping attention, b) Balance 70% of the rate will be paid on completion of post tamping. 3. Recovery at the rate of twice the above applicable rate will be effected in case contractor fails to carry out pre/during/post operation. 4.Payment shall be made only once in irrespective of numbers of TTRM packing round and after restoration of normal speed and restoration of complete ballast profile.Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping work for tamping track with all types of rails, sleepers & sleeper density by various Track Tamping machines, like CSM,DUO/3X Machines which include : (1) Re-adjustment of ballast, heaping-up of ballast, filling-up of cavities in tamping zone by picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of adjoining track up to lead of 50 m to ensure effective packing; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to operator, (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of TTRM; (4) Digging, screening and replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement of broken / missing fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting displaced sleepers to position along with squaring; (8) Re-setting of worked- out / fallen fittings; (9) Removing and re-fixing joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, wherever




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Carrying out pre tamping, during tamping and post tamping work for tamping track with all types of rails, sleeper & sleeper density by various track tamping machines which include : (1) Re adjustment of ballast, heaping up of ballast, filling up of cavities in tamping zone by picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of adjoining track upto lead of 50 m to ensure effective packing ; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleeper to make them visible to operator, (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate 2 holding of rail by rollers of TTM ; (4) Digging , screening and replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib location ; (5) Tightening of loose fittings immediately before and after tamping ; (6) Replacement of broken/ missing fittings supplied by railway ; (7) Correcting displaced sleepers to position along with squaring ; (8) Resetting of worked out / fallen fittings ; (9) Removing and refixing of joggle fish plates and wooden blocks,OHE bonds & other obstruction wherever necessary ; (10) Removing and refixing of strecher bar as directed ; (11) Adjustment in opening and housing of switch for testing operation of points for- 154010 1000.00 TRM 14.67 14670.00 (-) 8.19 13468.53




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Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges, side drains, level crossing approaches, platforms, catch water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing to required dimension and slopes to obtain a neat appearance to standard profile inclusive of all labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all cut spoils either to make spoil dumps or for filling in embankment with leads within 2 km on either side of edge of the cutting(s) including all lifts, ascent, descent, loading, unloading, bailing & pumping out water, 1 if required, clearance of site and all other works incidental thereto for completing the work as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note:(i) All usable earth arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank formation and Unusable spoils shall be dumped / stacked away from toe of embankment. (ii) All hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be stacked by the contractor and will be property of the Railways.(iii)Cut trees shall be property of Railways and to be deposited in the railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Conditions of Contract.




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Supply of super flex soil stabilizer polyurethane mountain grout or similar type of grout to the work spot including transportation and storing with contractors materials, man power etc. with all lead & lifts and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.




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Application charges including drilling of holes, fixing of packers and injecting the mountain grout. Per 8 hours shift.




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Boulder Dropping from hill top, slope and in cutting duing Traffic and power block with all 1 contractor's labour skilled man, machinery, equipments, accessory, safety device with all lead and list and as directed by Engineer at site. Note: Quantity will be assessed by stack measurement and 8% voids will be deducted for payment purpose)




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Transportation of loose boulders available in cutting /tunnel to the nearest null point 2 away from track with cotractor's own labour, tools, equipment with all lead & lift and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Note: 1) Item no 1 of schedule B should be operated first before item no 1 of schedule A is startrd if required. 2) Quantity will be assessed by stack measurement and 8% voids will be deducted for payment purpose)




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Removing of MSBN/HSBN from cutting slope including fasteners and stacking them properly at indicated locations as directed by Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lift and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.




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Hiring of machinery for minor miscellaneous works for short duration including 1 operator/driver, fuel, lubricants and consumable. The contractor shall arrange all statutory permits as required by rules and regulations prevailing in the area of work. Payment shall be made for actual working hours at site. Hydra or similar tyre mounted Pick-n-Carry crane of 12T capacity for misc. works of handling of material




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Hiring of machinery for minor miscellaneous works for short duration including 2 operator/driver, fuel, lubricants and consumable. The contractor shall arrange all statutory permits as required by rules and regulations prevailing in the area of work. Payment shall be made for actual working hours at site. Tractor with Trolley for local transportation for other misc. Works.




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Supplying a n d fi l l i n g 5 0 k g s i z e e m p t y c e m e n t polythene b a g s with Rly. Ballast/moorum/earth/Sand/quarry d u s t e t c . placing t h e filled bags o n t h e h i g h banks /bridge 3 approaches/nominated place etc. dumping and spreading a t the nominated locations t o profile under block period with all contractor's labour, tools, plants, loading, unloading, filling, spreading including all lead/lift etc. Complete and as directed by the Engineer in charge at site including crossing of track where necessary.




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Supply, filling and stacking of sand bags layer by layer filled with Railway Sand/railway 4 quarry dust in Contractor's empty polythene cement bags of 50 kg bags with all contractors labour, tools, plants, lead, lift etc., including stitching the same with machine using polythene thread complete as directed by Engineer-in charge at site.




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Supplying and stacking of 50 mm size machine crushed hard stone ballast outside 1 Railway limits not inferior to the approved sample, conforming to the latest railway specification (RDSO- 2004) at SSE/P-way/KAR section with all Contractor's materials, labours, tools and plants, machinery with all leads, lifts etc. complete




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Unloading, spreading and boxing of ballast at specified locations as per the instructions of Engineer-in-charge with all contractor's men , machinery, tools and plants with all leads and lifts, etc complete




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