Konkan Railway Corporation Limited Tender

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Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.

Konkan Railway Corporation Limited - KRCL Tender

Machinery and Tools
Opening Date21 Feb 2025
Closing Date17 Mar 2025
Tender Amount₹ 5,46,99,376.83 



Complete Track Renewal Using Contractor's Own Pqrs Machine Between Loliem And Harwada Section From Kms 484/600 To 515/000 For Approximately 27 Km Length Including Long Chainage Of 1.4 Km And On Bridges But Excluding Tunnels, Points And Crossing Under The Jurisdiction Of Senior Section Engineer, Karwar Section In Karnataka State Over Konkan Railway. (rate Quoted Shall Be Excluding Gst. Gst Shall Be Payable As Applicable E Office File 62408)


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BOQ Items

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Extra to item nos. from 154030 and 154040 for disposal of muck at a distance beyond 50m for every additional lead of 50 metres or part thereof up to 500 metres.




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Extra to item nos. from 154030 and 54040 for disposal of muck for additional lift of 1 metre or part thereof beyond 3 metre lift in case of disposal of muck from track in cutting.




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Ballast equalisation & ballast profiling after completion o f deep screening work by BCM and/or after unloading o f ballast b y DMT (Ballast Train), as directed by Site Engineer as per IRPWM 6 including heaping of ballast in tamping zone keeping rails & sleeper top free from ballast, spacing and squaring of sleeper, gauging, cleaning of muck, proper fixing of fastening, attention during each round of sleeper tamping in relation to pre & post working Note: Payment shall be made only once in irrespective of numbers of TTRM packing round and after restoration of normal speed and restoration of complete ballast profile and cess profile.




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Making cess in deep screened track by using screened muck discharged by BCM where 7 cess i s low o r cutting cess to required depth up to 4m from centre of track, where cess is high and disposing off extra muck beyond 5 m from edge o f cutting which are u p t o 3m deep o r alternatively carting it up to 50m for disposing it off beyond




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Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping work for tamping track with al l types o f rails, sleepers & sleeper density by various Track Tamping machines, like CSM,DUO/3X Machines which include : (1) Re-adjustment o f ballast, heaping-up o f ballast, filling-up of cavities in tamping zone by picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of adjoining track up to lead of 50 m to 8 ensure effective packing; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to operator, (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of TTRM; (4) Digging, screening and replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement o f broken / missing fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting displaced sleepers to position along with squaring; (8) Re-setting of worked-out / fallen fittings; 155022 600.00 Sqm 296.96 178176.00 (-) 11.12 158362.83




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Manual deep screening of Plain track/ turnouts as per procedure prescribed i n IRPWM, June 2020 o r latest, on PSC sleepers of any density and throwing away screened muck arising out of screening on toe of bank or on cess, if low or on spoil banks above top of cutting (including throwing and 11 leveling, i f required beyond minimum 5m from the edge of cutting which are up to 3m deep or alternatively carting it up to 50m for disposing it off beyond cutting or platforms) as per direction of Engineer in-charge, including cutting cess for effective drainage o n both sides, one round of kutcha packing with screened ballast and further attending to track parameter to make track fi t for 20 kmph speed complete in all respect. Note : Payment shall be made for length along main line only for turnouts. 065020 15.00 Set 7923.07 118846.05 (-) 11.12 105630.37




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Recoupment o f ballast i n running line with railway's stone ballast from existing stacks 14 available along alignment either on top of cutting or on cess or at toe of bank by head leads or by any other means and spreading to make up deficiency in the required profile with contractor's labour, tools & plants, as directed by Engineer-in- charge. Note: Payment shall b e made based o n ballast stack measurement. 084041 30000.00 cum 47.67 1430100.00 (-) 11.12 1271072.88 15




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Anti-corrosive painting of rail outside track on rail bottom, web, foot and fishing plane with two coats of thickness of 100 microns each by bituminous black paint confirms to IS-9862 o f reputed make including surface preparation, as a complete job as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM. For 60 Kg Rails




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25mm gap 'in-situ' welding during traffic block and finishing of weld to meet the prescribed tolerances a n d pass a l l stipulated tests w ith a l l required labour, materials, consumables, tools, equipments etc. to complete the work in all respect as per IR's "Manual for Fus Welding o f Rails by Alumino -Thermic Process" with latest correction slips, including marking of welded joint, painting weld collar with anticorrosive paint, restoration of track near weld joint to original position and fixing of joggled fish plate at new weld, to be removed after passing of weld in USFD test as directed by Engineer 1 in charge. Note1. Welding shall be carried out only by trained welder having valid competency certificate using RDSO approved Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON WASHED) manually pressed, Single shot crucible fitted with auto tapping thimble and Compressed Air Petrol/LPG preheating technique as per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 with latest amendment. 2. Hydraulic Weld trimmer shall be used for chipping and profile Grinder for finishing.3. Only required nos. of Joggled fish plates shall be supplied by Railway at nearest P. Way Stores and the same shall be returned at nearest P. Way Store or at other location as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge after release from track. All other item required shall be supplied by the Contractor.




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Loading of PSC sleepers in layers on BRH (special type modified BFR for TRT / PQRS 1 working) by using contractors Gantry (Crane) in TRT / PQRS Base Depot, placing dunnage (wooden beddings / wedges) between sleepers to cover entire layer of sleepers, complete in such a manner that it may be dispatched in train formation. Mechanized loading with Contractor's cranes /Hydra




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171014Loading of rails of any section and length up to 13 metres in Wagons / Truck / trailer including lead up to 50 metres and lift up to 5 metres. In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is not required or in Truck/trailer.




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Unloading of rails of any section and length up to 13 metre, i n neat manner for Railway 3 usage from departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/trailer including lead up to 50 metre, lift up to 5 metre and stacking in prescribed manner. From Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is not required or in Truck / trailer.




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Unloading of 52kg / 60kg PSC line and special sleepers up to 2.75 metre length in Depot / Station / Mid-section between stations in neat manner for Railway usage from departmental material 4 train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer with crane or any other means including crossing of one track and lead up to 250 metre & lift up to 5 metre with contractor's labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables etc. Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading, penalty @ 50% of the all inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied. 173020 300.00 MT 126.03 37809.00 (-) 11.12 33604.64 5




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Fabrication and fixing of guard rails/check rails on bridges/LC with 52Kg/90R rails 1 including bending on either side as per standard in all types of sleepers with all fittings, cutting of rails etc.,( Excluding drilling of holes in sleepers and fixing of grip expansion bolts)including fixing of rails with railways fastenings and fittings and fixing wooden nose block at the end of guard rail/check rail on either end of bridge etc. Complete




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Manufacturing and supply of M.s. washers of 75mm dia and 4mm thick duly welded with guardrail screw(T-4153).Rail screws will be supplied by KRCL




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NS ITEM (A) Running track site: Replacement of old sleepers (TSR) by dismantling existing track of all types of sleepers by making 13m loose rail panels (or any suita length panels) with old sleepers & SH rail (for removing existing track) with wider based sleeper at density of 1660 sleeper per KM assembledwith loose rail panel ( or any suitable rail length panel of SH rail) in PQRS depot and placing over ballast properly during traffic block after removing panels of old sleeper and SH rail of 13m loose rail panel (or any suitable length panel) with the use of contractors PQRS machine by providing auxillary track with gauge of 3400 mm ( either with the use of existing rail from existing track or with new rail over metal/ wooden sleepers to be provided by contractor, 500 nos/ KM on both rails) and providing fish plates for joining loose SH rail over wider base sleeper for continuity of track and maintaining track parameters as per para 522 of IRPWM 2020 to keep the track fit for 30 Kmph. SH rail over new wider based sleeper to be replaced with new / earlier existing rail on running track (with replacement of rubber pad, liner & greased ERC and greasing of liner contact area. Grease to be used should be of sorvogem RR3 from Indian oil) as soon as loose rail length of track reaches 500m/ 750m ( as per decision of Railway site engineer I.e SSE/JE/P.Way). Loading of track panel (SH rail over old normal sleeper and tied with ERC) of approximately 13m (or any suitable length and wider base sleepers will be done during traffic block. TRR with the rail of the length of 250m to 500m which was removed initially for 1 AT, will have to be done as soon as track of loose rail exceeds 500m length, The whole process will continue till completion of work. Auxillary track (AT) will have to be removed with advancement of TSR work as per direction of Railway (SSE/JE/P.Way). (B) PQRS Depot: Track panel with SH rail of 13m or any suitable length over wider base sleepers will be made with necessary fittings in PQRS Depot. Loading of these panels over Railway wagons and unloading of released track panels (released from running track) consisting of all types of rails & sleepers from railway wagon at PQRS depot using contractors own portal crane including dismantling and stacking each component of track properly at designated locations ( Note: This item of through sleeper renewal with wider base sleeper is a composite item and all activities as required will have to be done by the contractor with his own PQRS machine & other machines, tools and plants including all other resources as per requirement of work (in PQRS depot and during traffic block in running track). Railway will provide wagons and locomotive free of cost for loading/ unloading and transportation to/ from PQRS depot/ work site (running track) for loose rail panels with normal old sleepers and with wider base sleepers. Nothing extra will be paid except the rate as mentioned against the item. Contractor has to provide metal/ wooden sleepers required for AT at his cost. Various activities which are involved in TSR work are elaborated in sequence of activities provided with schedule and to be get approved from Engineer in charge ( Further complerte details of executions special conditions of contract PART B of tender document shall be referred. ) Note : CTR work under Schedule H shall be carried out in the stipulated chainages including bridges but excluding tunnel, points, crossings




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Drilling holes of 16 mm to 32 mm dia. with Rail Drilling machine including chamfering with 1 appropriate chamfering tools in all types of rail section with contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Rail Drilling Machine will be as per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/3, dated 24.04.1991. 161050 700.00 Each 35.67 24969.00 (-) 11.12 22192.45 2 2




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Supply of grease graphite to grade IS458 with inspection certificate issued by IOC authorities to the site of work (40gms/sleeper approximately). Units : per kg




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Providing and fixing wooden nose block of timber other than teak wood of approved species in guard rails in bridges including nut and bolt etc. complete with all lead, lift, etc.




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Fabricating and assembling in situ G 3 (L ) Type Glued insulated rail joints for broad gauge 60 Kg rail section as per manual of Glued insulated joint and latest correction slip under traffic condition 1 including cutting of rails requiared length with contractor's own insulation materials , fish plates, bushes, bolts, etc as per RDSO approved drawing for G 3 (L) type Glued insulated joint for 60 Kg rails , machines, labour, tools, eqipment, etc and as directed by Engineer -in-charge . Corporation will issue 60 Kg rails free of cost. Note > The Rate of schedule exclusive of GST




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