Karnataka Urban Water Supply And Drainage Board Tender

Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.

Karnataka Urban Water Supply And Drainage Board - KUWSDB Tender

Civil And Construction
Water Storage And Supply
Opening Date28 May 2024
Closing Date11 Jun 2024
Tender Amount₹ 80,50,80,550.96 



Improvements Of Water Supply System To Madhugiri, Gubbi, Turuvekere And Koratagere Towns Under Amrut 2.0 Including The Operation And Maintenance


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code04 - Survey & Providing and laying of 350 mm , 250 mm, 200 mm and 150 mm dia DI K-9 Class Feeder Main for a length of 4763 mtr from Extisitng WTP to existing & Proposed OHTs along with necessay specials, road restoration restoration of water supply /UGD utilities , trenchless and installaion of pressure relief valves etc. wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)"




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code05 - Survey, design,Providing ,laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of 75mm to 280mm diameter HDPE PE100 PN 8.0 distribution network for a length of 96.37 kmtr from existing reserviours to consumers houses along with fixing of valves, construction of support pillar, valve chamber & Thrust block, road restoration, restoration of water supply /UGD utilities, trencless work etc. wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)"




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code06 - Survey & Providing of 15mm & 20mm dia HDPE House Service connection of 5000 Nos with AMR compatible water meters, meter box along with cutting, excavation, laying HDPE/MDPE pipe GI pipe, Valves, Meters, Tap, Pushfoot elbow, Electrofusion saddle, coupler etc along with road restoration , restoration of water supply /UGD utilities etc. wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)"




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code07 - Construction of 5 LL OHT 15 Mtr Stagging in Madhugiri town etc. wherever necessary complete including Altitude control valve, sluice valve, vale chamber etc and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)"




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code08 - Supplying, Installing, Commissioning Lecel, Monitoring Cloud Based Online Monitoring System for jackwell, WTP, GLSR & OHTs at Madhugiri with bulk flow meters at inlet and outlet of existing and proposed OHT's, Jackwell, WTPetc. complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)"




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code09 - PART I Capex B GUBBI Supply, erection, electrification and commissioning of 2Nos of 50 HP or Suitable HP raw water Deepwell verticle turnine pumpsets along with accessories at Existing jackwell, including dismantling existing pumpset, panel, valves, transformer etc. and electrification of pump house etc. complete and allied accessories required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code10 - Raw /Pure Water Rising Main : Providing & laying of DI K-9 Class rising main of 200mm and 300mm diameter for a length 5590 mtr from jackwell to WTP and WTP to OHT/ELSRs. along with necessay specials, road restoration restoration of water supply /UGD utilities, including sluice valve, air valve anchor blocks, thrust blocks, valve chamber etc complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code11 - Rehabilitation of Existing Jackwell and Existing WTP : Jackwell Rehabilitation:Providing chequered plate flooring supported by ISMB girders with cross leg angles at Existing Jackwell. Providing 5.0 MT capacity gantry with chain pully arrangement to the pump house of Jackwell. Painting of existing structure, replacement of damaged window and shutter of Jackwell and any other components required for technically completing the works as per specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge Existing WTP Rehabilitation: Cleaning of sumps, clarifloculator, aerator, raw water channel, pure water channel and OHT. Replacement of all valves in filter house,back wash line, sluice gates , arresting pipe leakages in pipe gallery, providing back wash water pumpsets. Replacement of electromechnical components for flocculator, flowmeter etc. Painting of WTP structures, pumpshouse, filter house chemical house, Pump house all other components of WTP and compound wall inside and outside painting with filing of cracks wherever required, electrification of pumphouse and any other components required for technically completing the works as per specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code12 - Construction of 3.20 MLD WTP in 20hrs. The treatment plant shall comprise cascade type Aerator, Flash mixer & Flocculator shall be designed for ultimate in 20hrs, Tube settlers, Filter complex including Filter house, Chlorine room, Office room and 1LL capacity wash water tank, Chemical house ,3LL capacity pure water sump, (6mtrX4mtr) pumphouse with 5.0 MT capacity gantry with chain pully arrangement , Mechanical and electrical equipments in raw water channel, filter house with V wire screen under drain system, wash water system. Chemical house & lab equipments, Vacuum feed Chlorination system, Sludge disposal arrangements, Internal road in WTP premises internal and external electrification of WTP components ,Yard lighting, Land scaping with plantation., labouratory equipments and any other components required for technically completing the works as per specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code13 - Supply, erection, electrification and commissioning of 2 No's of 50HP or Suitable HP pure water Centrifugal (HSC) Pumpset with allied accessories at proposed pumphouse including diamantling of existing transformer and substation for erection of common substation for existing and proposed WTP's etc. The work also involves electrification any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code14 - Design,Providing ,laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of 150mm dia DI K9 Pure water feeder main from proposed and existing WTPs to Reservoir in different zones i.e Proposed/Existing ELSR’s in DMA’s along with required specials, providing & fixing of valves, construction of support pillar, valve chambers & Thrust blocks, Trenchless crossings, including Earthwork excavation, road cutting, sand/Gravel bedding, refilling, road restoration, Dismantaling and reconstruction works, Canal crossing etc. wherever necessary complete with all lead and lift and any other components required for technically completing the works as per specifications as directed by the Engineer Incharge (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code15 - Construction of 2 Nos of 5LL capacity RCC Over head tanks on 15m staging at Zone 5 & 3 each with allied accessories complete. Dismantling of 1No of 2.5LL OHT opposite to PWB offcie and disposal demolished materials with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code16 - Survey, design,Providing ,laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of 75mm to 200mm diameter HDPE PE100 PN 8.0 and 250 to 300 mm diameter DI K-7 distribution network of length 14.18 kmtr from existing reserviours to consumers houses along with fixing of valves, construction of support pillar, valve chamber & Thrust block, road restoration, restoration of water supply /UGD utilities etc. Including linking works for newly constructed OHT's at zone 5 &3 complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code17 - Survey & Providing of 15mm and 20mm dia of 810 Nos HDPE House Service connection with AMR compatible water meters with meter box along with cutting, excavation, laying HDPE/MDPE pipe GI pipe, Valves, Meters, Tap, Pushfoot elbow, Electrofusion saddle, coupler etc along with road restoration restoration of water supply /UGD utilities etc. wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code18 - Arranging 11KV power supply using rabbit conductor from existing jackwell to proposed WTP using 9mtr RCC poles, 9mtr PSCC poles, 11KV horizontal arms, DP structure, insulator etc with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge and BESCOM authorities & KPTCL authorities. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code19 - Supplying, Installing, Commissioning and Monitoring Cloud Based Online Monitoring System for Jackwell, WTPs & existing and proposed OHTS, ELectromagnetic bulk flow meters for inlet and outlets with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code20 - PART I Capex C TURUVEKERE Rehabilitation of existing housing chamber cum pumphouse:Providing chequered plate flooring supported by ISMB girders with cross leg angles. Providing 5.0 MT capacity gantry with chain pully arrangement to the pump house of housing chamber. Painting of existing structure, replacement of damaged window and shutter.Painting of hand railing for Foot bridge on both sides. The work also involves cleaning, remaving of vegetation at entrence and forming of macadam approch road and any other components required for technically completing the works as per specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code21 - Providing & laying of 200mm dia DI K-9 Class rising main of length 100mtr from housing chamber to WTP along with necessay specials, road restoration restoration of water supply /UGD utilities etc complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code22 - Supply, erection, electrification and commissioning of 2Nos of 80 HP or Suitable HP Deepwell verticle turnine pumpsets along with accessories at Existing housing chamber including dismantling existing pumpset, panel, valves, transformer etc. wherever necessary complete and allied accessories required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code23 - Construction of 2.00 MLD WTP in 20hrs. The treatment plant shall comprise cascade type Aerator, Flash mixer & Flocculator shall be designed for 3.20MLD in 20hrs, Tube settlers, Filter complex including Filter house, Chlorine room, Office room and 2.5LL capacity wash water tank, Chemical house , Mechanical and electrical equipments in raw water channel, filter house with V wire screen under drain system, wash water system. Chemical house & lab equipments, Vacuum feed Chlorination system, Sludge disposal arrangements, Internal road in WTP premises , transformer with standby arragement including load of pure water pumpsets, internal electrification for WTP structures , Yard lighting, Land scaping with plantation. Any other components required for technically completing the works as per specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code24 - Existing WTP Rehabilitation -Replacement of all the electromechanical components, cleaning of sumps, clarifloculator, aerator, raw water channel, pure water channel and OHT. Replacement of defective valves in filter house, sluice gates. Providing new chlorination system with tonner, arresting pipe leakages in pipe gallery. Replacement of filter media, replacement of flowmeters. Painting of WTP structures, pumpshouse, filter house chemical house, Pump house, all other components of WTP inside and outside painting with filing of crackes wherever required. Providing and fixing MS gate of minimum 3X2 mtr size, Demolishing of existing structures and clearing the site for construction of new WTP and any other components required for technically completing the works as per specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code25 - Supply, erection, electrification and commissioning of 2 Nos of 20HP or Suitable HP Centrifugal (HSC) Pumpset with allied accessories at Existing pumphouse etc. The work also involves dismantling of existing 3MT gnatry girder at housing chamber and installing the same at existing pumphouse for lifting of 20HP pumpsets any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code26 - Design,Providing ,laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of 150mm and 200mm dia DI K9 Pure water rising main of length 1897 mtr from proposed and existing WTPs to Reservoir in different zones i.e Proposed/Existing ELSR’s in DMA’s along with required specials, providing & fixing of valves, construction of support pillar, valve chambers & Thrust blocks, including Earthwork excavation, road cutting, sand/Gravel bedding, refilling and allied works , road restoration, Dismantaling and reconstruction works, Canal crossing etc. wherever necessary complete with all lead and lift and any other components required for technically completing the works as per specifications etc complete as directed by the Engineer Incharge (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code27 - Construction of 1No of 5LL capacity RCC Over head tanks on 15m staging at APMC yard with allied accessories complete. The work includes providing stone masonary compound wall around the OHT as directed by Engineer Incharge (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code28 - Survey, design,Providing ,laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of 75mm to 200mm dia HDPE PE100 PN 8.0 distribution network for a length of 25.03 kmtr from existing/ proposed reserviours to consumers houses along with fixing of valves, construction of support pillar, valve chamber & Thrust block, road restoration, restoration of water supply /UGD utilities etc. wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code29 - Survey & Providing of 1500 Nos- 15mm dia HDPE House Service connection along with AMR compatible water meters with meter box, cutting, excavation, laying HDPE/MDPE pipe GI pipe, Valves, Meters, Tap, Pushfoot elbow, Electrofusion saddle, coupler etc along with road restoration restoration of water supply /UGD utilities etc. wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code30 - Supplying, Installing, Commissioning and Monitoring Cloud Based Online Monitoring System for housing chamber, WTPs and OHTS including Bulk flow meter for housing chamber, WTPs and inlet and outlets of OHTs also arranging power supply to energize the flow meter whereever necessary with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code31 - PART I Capex D KORATEGERE Providing 10Nos of 100mm dia Air valves with 100mm dia Sluice valves(isolation valve) and Construction of RCC chambers in the existing Raw water rising main from common jackwell cum pumphouse at Ballapura to Agrahara tank with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code32 - Design,Supply, Erection, Electrification and commissioning of 25 HP or sutiable HP Raw water DWT pump set to pump water from existing Jackwell in Agrahara tank to WTP with 100% Standby along with alied accessories including dismantling existing pumpset, panel, valves, transformer etc wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code33 - Construction of 2.5 MLD WTP near Agrahara Tank in koratagere town including civil and electromechnical components, electrification of WTP components, yardlighting etc along with alied accessories wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code34 - Construction of 3LL capacity Pure water sump at Agrahara WTP along with alied accessories wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code35 - Design,Supply, Erection, Electrification and commissioning of 1 no. of 30 HP or suitable HP pure water centrifugal pump set at existing pump house to pump water to WTP to existing and proposed OHTs in Zone-1 & Zone-2 respectively including dismantling of existing pumpset, valves etc along with alied accessories wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code36 - Construction of 8m x 6m Pure water Pump House at Agrahara WTP to house Centrifugal pump sets for Zones-3 & 4 and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code37 - Design,Supply, Erection, Electrification and commissioning of 50 HP or sutiable HP pure water centrifugal pump set to pump water to Agrahara WTP to GLSR / OHT in Zone-3 & Zone-4 respectively with 100% Standby along with alied accessories wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code38 - Construction of 5.00 LL capacity RCC OHT on 9m staging in Zone-2 (Ward-15) along with alied accessories wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code39 - Providing & laying of 150mm and 200 mm dia DI K-9 Class Feeder main from WTP to tapping points of Zones-1 & 2 for a length of 6.76 Km including sluice valve, air valve anchor blocks, thrust blocks, valve chamber, bulk flow meters (inlet and out let of OHTS and GLSR ) along with alied accessories wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code40 - Survey, design,Providing ,laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of 75mm to 250mm dia HDPE PE100 PN 8.0 for a length of 7253mtr distribution network to left out areas from proposed 5.0 LL capacity OHT in Zone-2 and other existing reservoirs to consumers houses along with fixing of valves, crossing by HDD, construction of support pillar, valve chamber & Thrust block, road restoration, restoration of water supply /UGD utilities etc. wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code41 - Survey & Providing of 15mm and 20mm dia-302 Nos of HDPE House Service connections along with AMR compatible water meters with meter box in left out areas of Koratagere town along with cutting, excavation, laying HDPE/MDPE pipe GI pipe, Valves, , Tap, Pushfoot elbow, Electrofusion saddle, coupler etc along with road restoration restoration of water supply /UGD utilities etc. wherever necessary complete and any other components required for technically completing the works as specifications with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer Incharge. (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code42 - PART II Opex A MADHUGIRI Operation & Maintenance cost for 5 years exculding Eneregy charges(Part II) Operation & Maintenance during the 1st year for the assets built under this contract with all lead and lift as directed by by the Engineer -in-charge. ( Including defect Liability period) (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code43 - Operation & Maintenance during the 2nd year




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code44 - Operation & Maintenance during the 3nd year




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code45 - Operation & Maintenance during the 4th year




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code46 - Operation & Maintenance during the 5th year




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code47 - PART II Opex B GUBBI Operation & Maintenance cost for 5 years exculding Eneregy charges(Part II) Operation & Maintenance during the 1st year for the assets built under this contract with all lead and lift as directed by by the Engineer -in-charge. ( Including defect Liability period) (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code48 - Operation & Maintenance during the 2nd year




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code49 - Operation & Maintenance during the 3nd year




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code50 - Operation & Maintenance during the 4th year




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code51 - Operation & Maintenance during the 5th year




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code52 - PART II Opex C TURUVEKERE Operation & Maintenance cost for 5 years exculding Eneregy charges(Part II) Operation & Maintenance during the 1st year for the assets built under this contract with all lead and lift as directed by by the Engineer -in-charge. ( Including defect Liability period) (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code53 - Operation & Maintenance during the 2nd year




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code54 - Operation & Maintenance during the 3nd year




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code55 - Operation & Maintenance during the 4th year




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code56 - Operation & Maintenance during the 5th year




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code57 - PART II Oapex KORATEGERE Operation & Maintenance cost for 5 years exculding Eneregy charges(Part II) Operation & Maintenance during the 1st year for the assets built under this contract with all lead and lift as directed by by the Engineer -in-charge. ( Including defect Liability period) (Shall be read in conjunction with Section 7:Specifications, Special specifications for all the items)




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code58 - Operation & Maintenance during the 2nd year




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code59 - Operation & Maintenance during the 3nd year




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code60 - Operation & Maintenance during the 4th year




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code61 - Operation & Maintenance during the 5th year




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