Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board Tender

Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.

Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board - KIADB Tender

Bridge Construction
Road Construction
Civil Works Others
Drainage Work
Pipe Line Project
Water Storage And Supply
Opening Date13 Mar 2024
Closing Date22 Apr 2024
Tender Amount₹ 1,71,82,85,581.07 



Formation Of Industrial Layout Including Formation Of 60m Wide Road, 30m Wide, 24m Wide Roads With Flexible Pavement, Construction Of Rcc Side Drains, Rcc Box Culverts, Rcc Utility Ducts, Rcc Retaining Wall, Hdpe Dual Water Supply Pipe Lines, Ugd Pipeline Network, Construction Of Iccc Building Etc.,


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code04 - Construction of Embankment with approved materials deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other structures graded with desired compaction.(Royalty shall be recovered @ Rs. 60.00/m3).complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code05 - Construction of Embankment by excavating the available approved Gravel/Murrum deposited at a place or borrow pits during or prior excavation with all lifts and lead, transportation to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet the requirement complete as per specifications, including cost of labour,rolling,water,all materials,usage & all other appurtenaces required to complete the work. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code06 - Construction of Median and Island above road level with approved material deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation for drain and foundation of other structures, spread, graded and compacted as per clause 408 complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code07 - Construction of sub-grade and earthen shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts & leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement of table No. 300-2to complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code08 - Construction of Granular Sub-Base of required grading as per design spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface mixing by mix in place method with front end loader at OMC and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 For Grading-V Material complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code09 - Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver/grader in sub-base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code10 - Providing and applying primer coat with SS1 grade Bitumen Emulsion on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70 kg/m2 using mechanical meanscomplete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code11 - Providing and laying Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam with 120 TPH capacity HMP batch type using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder VG-30, @ 4.5 per cent by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 505 complete in all respects.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code12 - Providing and applying tack coat with RS1 Bituminous Emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 kg/m2 on Granular Surface.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code13 - Providing and applying tack coat with RS1 Bituminous Emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg/m2 on the prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mechanical broom.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code14 - Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete with 120 TPH capacity hot mix plant batch type using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder VG-30, @ 5.4 per cent of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 507 complete in all respectscomplete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code15 - Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC:67:2022 madeof Class C Type XI retro reflective sheeting fixed over 2 mm thick aluminium sheeting vide clause 801.3, 3mm/4mm thick Aluminium composite material sheet depending on the size of the sign fixed over the back support frame of min 25 x 25 x 3mm angle mounted on a mild steel circular pipe 65 NB, 3.2 mm thickness firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M25 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing.The sign shall be maintained as per section 12 of IRC:67:2022. 90 cm equilateral triangle complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code16 - Direction and Place Identification Signs upto 0.9 m2 Size Board. Providing and erecting direction and place identification retroreflectorised sign as per IRC:67:2022 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick or Aluminium composite material sheet with overall thickness of 4mm with area not exceeding 0.9m2 fixed over back support frame of min 35 x 35 x 3mm angle mounted on a mild steel circular pipe 65 NB, firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M25 grade cement concrete 45 x 45 x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code17 - Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 g/m2 area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35:2015.The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code18 - Construction of cement concrete kerb with channel with top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20 grade PCC on M10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, kerb channel 300 mm wide, 50 mm thick in PCC M20 grade, sloped towards the kerb, kerb stone with channel laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as per clause 409.b. PCC M20 grade for kerb Cast in Situ complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code19 - Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade boundary pillars of standard design as per IRC:25, fixed in position including finishing and lettering but excluding painting . complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code20 - Supplying and Fixing of Molded Shank Raised Pavement Markers / Cat's Eye made of polycarbonate and ABS moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face and shall support a load of 16000 kg tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280 Type H and complying to Specifications of Category A of MORTH Circular No RW/NH/33023/10-97 DO III Dt 11.06. 1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed 50 mm, 100 mm and 102 +/- 2 mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 cm2 on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35 +/- 5 degree. The strength of detachment of the integrated cylindrical shanks, (of diameter not less than 19 +/- 2 mm and height not less than 30+/- 2 mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 500 Kg. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the shanks to go inside, without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive as per manufacturer's recommendation and complete as directed by the engineer.The contractor shall submit a two year warranty for satisfactory field performance including stipulated retro-reflectance of the reflecting panel, to the Engineer. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code21 - Drain: Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In all kinds of soils 0.00 to 3.00m Lift complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code22 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In ordinary/soft rock without blasting.1.50 to 3.00m Lift complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code23 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. Mix 1:2:4 Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates complete the work complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code24 - Providing and laying in position Cement concrete for all Sub structures of building, Irrigation works, Sub structure works of bridges, Drain works & other parallel works from 0.50m to 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necesary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately) M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code25 - Providing and laying 100mm thick pre-cast cover slabs over drains & Rain pit of width not exceeding 800 mm using M20 concrete reinforced with Micro Alloyed High carbon steel with 3mm - 3ply wired steel @ 2.00 kg/m2, slabs jointed in CM 1:3 proportion and nicely finished Including providing holes in the Cover slabs wherever necessary for easy drainage of surface water including of labour, materials, scaffolding, usage of machinery, curing, lead and lift charges etc, Complete. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code26 - Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with PVC Pipe 110mm outer dia at 2 kg per m2, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce. Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code27 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code28 - Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code29 - Utility : Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In all kinds of soils complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code30 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In ordinary/soft rock without blasting 0.00 to 1.50m Lift complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code31 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. Mix 1:2:4 Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates complete the work complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code32 - Providing and laying in position Cement concrete for all Sub structures of building, Irrigation works, Sub structure works of bridges, Drain works & other parallel works from 0.50m to 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necesary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately) M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code33 - Providing and laying 100mm thick pre-cast cover slabs over drains & Rain pit of width not exceeding 800 mm using M20 concrete reinforced with Micro Alloyed High carbon steel with 3mm - 3ply wired steel @ 2.00 kg/m2, slabs jointed in CM 1:3 proportion and nicely finished Including providing holes in the Cover slabs wherever necessary for easy drainage of surface water including of labour, materials, scaffolding, usage of machinery, curing, lead and lift charges etc, Complete. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code34 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code35 - Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made precast M -30 grade Cement Concrete Paver Block as per IRC SP 63:2018 & IS 15658 for Cycle Tracks & Pedestrian Footpaths of approved shape and colour, laid in required pattern and including over 30mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in charge. (WMM/WBM Base to be paid separately if necessary as per relevant technical specification) complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code36 - Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code37 - Providing S&S RCC SPUN / VIBRATED CAST PIPES (REINFORCED) pipes NP-3 Class conforming to IS:458-1988 with latest amentments using ordinary portland cement, for sanitary works and conveying to work site, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level including loading and unloading at both destinations and jointing of pipes and specials, perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of jointing materials, i.e, rubber rings conforming to IS: 5382 for S&S RCC pipes, with all leads and lifts as directed and giving necessary hydraulic test as per ISS to the required pressure and commissioning etc. complete. (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing). Before the execution of the work, the contractor shall carry out the survey RCC NP3 pipes for Ducts-450mm Dia complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code38 - Retaining Wall : Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 mo complete the work. In all kinds of soils 0.00 to 3.00m Lift complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code39 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. Mix 1:2:4 Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code40 - Providing and laying in position Cement concrete for all Sub structures of building, Irrigation works, Sub structure works of bridges, Drain works & other parallel works from 0.50m to 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necesary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately) M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code41 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code42 - Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code43 - Culvert : Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 mo complete the work. In all kinds of soils 0.00 to 3.00m Lift complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code44 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In ordinary/soft rock without blasting upto 1.5 m depth complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code45 - Providing casing embankment using semi-pervious / pervious approved soil from borrow areas in layers of 250 to 300 mm ( before compaction ) including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all other operations such as collection of soil, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness, sorting out, breaking clods, levelling, sectioning edges / sides, watering, compacting each layer to density control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated using power roller and all other ancillary operations complete. .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code46 - Providing and filling Murrum / Gravely soil (CNS Soil ) for foundation or around pipes including cost of materials, machinery, labour, spreading ,soil in layers of 100 to 150 mm.breaking clods, watering, compaction by earth masters to achieve density control of not less than 90 percent and all other ancillary operations complete.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code47 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. Mix 1:2:4 Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code48 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Sub structures of building, Irrigation works, Sub structure works of bridges, Drain works & other parallel works from 0.50m to 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necessary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code49 - Providing and laying in position Cement concrete for all Sub structures of building, Irrigation works, Sub structure works of bridges, Drain works & other parallel works from 0.50m to 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necesary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately) M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code50 - Reinforced cement concrete M30 grade for approach slab including reinforcement and formwork complete as per drawing and Technical specification (Batching Plant) .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code51 - Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications. (Batching Plant) .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code52 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code53 - Drainage Spouts using 100 mm GI pipe complete as perdrawing and Technical specification.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code54 - Providing and fixing in position 20 mm thick premoulded joint filler in expansion joint for fixed ends of simply supported spans not exceeding 10 m to cater for a horizontal movement upto 20 mm, covered with sealant complete as per drawing and technical specifications..complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code55 - Providing and constructing 450 mm thick size stone pitching with using 200 to 250mm size stones with pin headers at 2 per m2 using stones and stone chips from approved source including cost of all materials, labour, hand packing /wedging stone chips, finishing and all other ancillary operations complete.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code56 - Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code57 - Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH specifications to a thickness of not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing and Technical Specification.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code58 - Providing and constructing 75 mm dia PVC pipe weep holes for concrete / masonry walls including providing 200 x 200 x 200 mm size porous concrete block made of cement and 20 mm down coarse aggregate in 1 : 4 proportion including 100 mm thick sand backing at the junction of wall and soil back fill, cost of all materials, machinery, labour & all necessary works as directed and complete as per specification..complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code59 - Drain Crossing : Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 m 0.00 to 3.00m Lift complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code60 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In ordinary/soft rock without blasting upto 1.5 m 0.00 to 1.50m Liftdepth complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code61 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In ordinary/soft rock without blasting upto 1.5 m depth .1.50 to 3.00m Lift complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code62 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. Mix 1:2:4 Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code63 - Providing and laying in position Cement concrete for all Sub structures of building, Irrigation works, Sub structure works of bridges, Drain works & other parallel works from 0.50m to 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necesary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately) M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code64 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code65 - Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. .complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code66 - UGD:Earth work excavation for pipeline trenches in all kinds of soils by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & bonding rods at every 100 mm wherever necessary as directed,removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., and all other appurtenances complete in the following strata.All kinds of soils. Depth upto 1.50 m.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code67 - Earth work excavation for pipeline trenches by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & bonding rods at every 100 mm wherever necessary as directed, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work and all other appurtenances to complete in the followingstrata.Ordinary/soft rock (without requiring blasting) Depth exceeding 1.5 m, but not exceeding 3 mcomplete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code68 - Earth work excavation for pipeline trenches by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & bonding rods at every 100 mm wherever necessary as directed, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work and all other appurtenances to complete in the followingstrata.Ordinary/soft rock (without requiring blasting) Depth exceeding 3 m, but not exceeding 4.50 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code69 - Earth work excavation for pipeline trenches by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, cost of blasting materials, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & bonding rods at every 100 mm wherever necessary as directed, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work and all other appurtenances to complete in the following strata. Hard rock (requiring blasting) Depth exceeding 3 m, but not exceeding 4.50 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code70 - Earth work excavation for pipeline trenches by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, cost of blasting materials, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & bonding rods at every 100 mm wherever necessary as directed, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work and all other appurtenances to complete in the following strata. Hard rock (requiring blasting) Depth exceeding 4.5 m, but not exceeding 6.00 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code71 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the complete in the following strata.In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code72 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the complete in the following strata.Depth exceeding 1.5 m, but not exceeding 3 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code73 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the complete in the following strata.Depth exceeding 3.00 m, but not exceeding 4.50 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code74 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by Mechanical means depth upto 1.50m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring,strutting, barricading, caution lights, including cost of explosives, dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated stuff or sorting & stacking the selected stuff for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, blasting materials, tools, usage of Machinery & all other appurtenaces required to complete complete in the following strata.Depth exceeding 3m, but not exceeding 4.5m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code75 - DWC (Doub. Wall Corrug) pipe SN 8, 200 mm SW pipe complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code76 - DWC (Doub. Wall Corrug) pipe SN 8,250 mm SW pipe complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code77 - DWC (Doub. Wall Corrug) pipe SN 8,300 mm SW pipe complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code78 - DWC (Doub. Wall Corrug) pipe SN 8,400 mm SW pipe complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code79 - Providing and constructing of Machinehole chambers conical in shape at top with CC 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15m alround the chamber and brick masonry in C.M 1:4 plaster with bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20 mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20 mm and down size including Providing and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover confoming to IS 12592(Part-I): 1988 & IS 12592(Part-II) :1991 with latest amendments in CC 1:2:4, Providing and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30cms apart as directed, watering, curing,barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving Machinehole No. on the inner and outer conical surface etc. as per the drawing with all lead and lift for various diameters and depths noted below.With Table Moulded Bricks & Medium Duty cover and frame.For 1.5m dia -do- with table moulded bricks of proved quality and heavy duty SFRC manhole 1.00 M.depth complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code80 - Providing and constructing of Machinehole chambers conical in shape at top with CC 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15m alround the chamber and brick masonry in C.M 1:4 plaster with bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20 mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20 mm and down size including Providing and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover confoming to IS 12592(Part-I): 1988 & IS 12592(Part-II) :1991 with latest amendments in CC 1:2:4, Providing and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30cms apart as directed, watering, curing,barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving Machinehole No. on the inner and outer conical surface etc. as per the drawing with all lead and lift for various diameters and depths noted below.With Table Moulded Bricks & Medium Duty cover and frame.For 1.5m dia -do- with table moulded bricks of proved quality and heavy duty SFRC manhole 2.00 M.depth complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code81 - Providing and constructing of Machinehole chambers conical in shape at top with CC 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15m alround the chamber and brick masonry in C.M 1:4 plaster with bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20 mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20 mm and down size including Providing and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover confoming to IS 12592(Part-I): 1988 & IS 12592(Part-II) :1991 with latest amendments in CC 1:2:4, Providing and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30cms apart as directed, watering, curing,barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving Machinehole No. on the inner and outer conical surface etc. as per the drawing with all lead and lift for various diameters and depths noted below.With Table Moulded Bricks & Medium Duty cover and frame.For 1.5m dia -do- with table moulded bricks of proved quality and heavy duty SFRC manhole 3.00 M.depth complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code82 - Providing and constructing of Machinehole chambers conical in shape at top with CC 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15m alround the chamber and brick masonry in C.M 1:4 plaster with bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20 mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20 mm and down size including Providing and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover confoming to IS 12592(Part-I): 1988 & IS 12592(Part-II) :1991 with latest amendments in CC 1:2:4, Providing and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30cms apart as directed, watering, curing,barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving Machinehole No. on the inner and outer conical surface etc. as per the drawing with all lead and lift for various diameters and depths noted below.With Table Moulded Bricks & Medium Duty cover and frame.For 1.5m dia -do- with table moulded bricks of proved quality and heavy duty SFRC manhole 4.00 M.depth complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code83 - Refilling pipeline trenches and foundation with selected available earth from trench excavation and foundation including watering, consolidation in layers of 15 cms., thickness including disposing off the surplus earth with all lead and lift.




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code84 - WATER SUPPLY : Earth work excavation for pipeline trenches in all kinds of soils by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & bonding rods at every 100 mm wherever necessary as directed, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., and all other appurtenances complete in the following strata.all kinds of soil. Depth upto 1.50m -10% of total quantity complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code85 - Earth work excavation for pipeline trenches by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & bonding rods at every 100 mm wherever necessary as directed, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work and all other appurtenances to complete in the following strata.. Ordinary/soft rock (without requiring blasting) Depth upto 1.50 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code86 - Manufacturing, providing, trasporting, rolling, lowering, laying, jointing and commissioning of ERW (Electric Resistance Welded)/ SAW (Submerged Arc Welded) MS pipes of Outer dia (Fe-410 grade) conforming to IS 3589-2001 with latest amendments, including perfect linking and welding of joints to correct position, cost of the pipes, conveyance, lead, lift charges, cost of all labour and giving satisfactory hydraulic test as per IS 3589-2001 with latest amendments for test pressure and working pressure both at factory and site etc. complete as per detailed specifications inside with CM 1:1.5 lining of minimum 10mm thick for pipes upto 610mm OD and with minimum 12mm thick beyond 610mm OD and out side with minimum 25mm thick coating in CM 1:3 over 50 x 50mm weld mesh of 13 gauge, including loading and unloading of pipes for the following diameters and specified thickness of plate as noted below, including bailing out of water wherever necessary. (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing). 660 mm dia complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code87 - Providing coal taring two coats to the outer surface of M.S pipes as per AWWA specifications including the cost of coal tar etc.complete for: Outside of 660mm dia pipes complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code88 - Providing, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever necessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete. NOTE: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. For Grade PE 100 PN 10.0 250mm dia pipes complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code89 - Providing, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever necessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete. NOTE: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. For Grade PE 100 PN 10.0 200mm dia pipes complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code90 - Providing, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever necessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete. NOTE: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. For Grade PE 100 PN 10.0 160mm dia pipes complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code91 - Providing, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever necessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete. NOTE: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. For Grade PE 100 PN 10.0 140mm dia pipes complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code92 - Providing, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever necessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete. NOTE: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. For Grade PE 100 PN 10.0 125mm dia pipes complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code93 - Providing, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever necessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete. NOTE: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. For Grade PE 100 PN 10.0 110mm dia pipes complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code94 - Providing, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever necessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete. NOTE: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. For Grade PE 100 PN 10.0 90mm dia pipes complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code95 - Providing bedding for the pipeline trenches in black cotton and rock reaches including watering and consolidation by punners etc. complete with all lead and lift with: M -Sand (DR) complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code96 - Providing and fixing of Single/ Double chamber triple function tamper proof (Both the orifces to be housed in the single chamber) Air valves with Body and cover in Ductile cast iron of grade GGG 40/ 50. All internal parts such as float, shell with appurtenances., all cover bolts of austenitic alloy / SS 304 steel, DN 50 float of HOSTAFLON / SS 304 and gaskers and seals of EPDM. Epoxy powder coating (EP-P) inside and outside colour blue RAL5005. The valves should be designed for all the three functions i.e., 1. Large orifice for venting of large air volumes on start up. 2. Large orifice for intake of large air volumes. 3. Small orifice for discharge of pressurized air during operation.For PN 10.0 etc. complete For PN 10.0, For TP Air Valves of 100 mm dia. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code97 - Providing and fixing DI Resilient seated soft sealing SLUICE VALVE of variouis dia. with body bonnet of Ductile Iron (DI) conforming ti IS-1865 with the latest amendments and of grade GGG 40/50, shaft of stainless steel, wedge fully rubber lined with EDPM seals of NBR and the valves should be vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per IS 14846-2000 with the latest amendments only. The stem sealing should be with toroidal sealing rings (minimum 2 " O " rings). Body and bonnet should be coated with Electrostatically applied Epoxy Powder Coating with minimum coating thickness of 250 micron both inside and outside. The rate is inclusive of cost of valves, T.P set, galvanized bolts & nuts and rubber insertions etc. but excluding earth work. For PN-10: (Note: TP set should be considered only for DI pipes estimate. For MS pipes estimates, TP sets cost of corresponding dia shall be deducted from the SR rates of valves and provision for corresponding dia MS flanges should be made in the estimate.) etc. complete For PN-16 100mm dia complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code98 - Providing and fixing DI Resilient seated soft sealing SLUICE VALVE of variouis dia. with body bonnet of Ductile Iron (DI) conforming ti IS-1865 with the latest amendments and of grade GGG 40/50, shaft of stainless steel, wedge fully rubber lined with EDPM seals of NBR and the valves should be vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per IS 14846-2000 with the latest amendments only. The stem sealing should be with toroidal sealing rings (minimum 2 " O " rings). Body and bonnet should be coated with Electrostatically applied Epoxy Powder Coating with minimum coating thickness of 250 micron both inside and outside. The rate is inclusive of cost of valves, T.P set, galvanized bolts & nuts and rubber insertions etc. but excluding earth work. For PN-10: (Note: TP set should be considered only for DI pipes estimate. For MS pipes estimates, TP sets cost of corresponding dia shall be deducted from the SR rates of valves and provision for corresponding dia MS flanges should be made in the estimate.) etc. complete For PN-16 450mm dia complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code99 - Providing & Fixing sluice valves/ Butterfly Valves (labour charges only) conforming to relevant ISS with latest amendments as detailed below for the following diameter and types with two Each of MJ collars, two flanged spigots, conveying to work site, loading, unloading, stacking with appurtenances. with all lead and lifts, aligning, fixing and testing with appurtenances. etc. complete. For sluice valve with accessories 100mm dia complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code100 - Providing & Fixing sluice valves/ Butterfly Valves (labour charges only) conforming to relevant ISS with latest amendments as detailed below for the following diameter and types with two Each of MJ collars, two flanged spigots, conveying to work site, loading, unloading, stacking with appurtenances. with all lead and lifts, aligning, fixing and testing with appurtenances. etc. complete. For sluice valve with accessories 450mm dia complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code101 - Refilling available earth around trenches/pipelines, cables in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth, compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with a lead upto 50 m, and lift upto 1.5 m. Including cost of all labour complete as per specifications complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code102 - Valve Chamber :Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 m. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code103 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work. - In ordinary/soft rock without blasting upto 1.5 m depth complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code104 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by Mechanical means depth upto 1.50m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including cost of explosives, dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated stuff or sorting & stacking the selected stuff for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, blasting materials, tools, usage of Machinery & all other appurtenaces required to complete the work-In Hard Rock ( requiring blasting) In Hard Rock complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code105 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. Mix 1:2:4 Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code106 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code107 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification For all other type of structures complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code108 - Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code109 - Outlet Crossings : Providing S&S RCC SPUN / VIBRATED CAST PIPES (REINFORCED) pipes NP-3 Class conforming to IS:458-1988 with latest amentments using ordinary portland cement, for sanitary works and conveying to work site, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level including loading and unloading at both destinations and jointing of pipes and specials, perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of jointing materials, i.e, rubber rings conforming to IS: 5382 for S&S RCC pipes, with all leads and lifts as directed and giving necessary hydraulic test as per ISS to the required pressure and commissioning etc. complete. (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing). Before the execution of the work, the contractor shall carry out the survey ( I.No.16.3.5 Page No.188 of VOL-V of UNI SR-2023-24) RCC NP3 Class pipe of 450 mm dia complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code110 - ICCC Building: Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 m




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code111 - Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceed ing 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code112 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. Mix 1:3:6 Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code113 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates upto plinth complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code114 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. Mix 1:3:6 Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates 2nd floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code115 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Combined footing complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code116 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Isolated footing complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code117 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates plinth Beams complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code118 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Lintle complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code119 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Chejja complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code120 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Staircase complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code121 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Slab complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code122 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Beams complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code123 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Column upto 1st floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code124 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M30 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code125 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Column upto 1st floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code126 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Beam upto 1st floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code127 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates RCC Slab upto 1st floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code128 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Staircase 1st floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code129 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Chejja 1st floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code130 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Column 2nd floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code131 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates 2nd floor beam complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code132 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Slab 2nd floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code133 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates 2nd floor staircase complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code134 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates 2nd floor Chejja complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code135 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works & super structure works of bridges upto 3.50 m height. The granite/ trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. The cost includes all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement, dowel bars & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Head roomcolumns complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code136 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works & super structure works of bridges upto 3.50 m height. The granite/ trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. The cost includes all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement, dowel bars & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Head room Beam complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code137 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works & super structure works of bridges upto 3.50 m height. The granite/ trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. The cost includes all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement, dowel bars & formwork to be paid separately)M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Head room Slab complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code138 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code139 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification 1 st Floor




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code140 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification 2nd floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code141 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification 3rd floor complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code142 - Providing Size Stone masonry with hard stone in foundation & plinth with Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code143 - Ruled / Flush pointing on Sand stone masonry surface with lime, surkhi and marble dust mortar in the ratio of 1:1.5:1/2 (One lime: 1.5 surkhi (50% red and 50% light yellow surkhi ) : 1/2 marble dust). (The rate is inclusive of all materials & labours involved except scaffolding) complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code144 - Providing and injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-constructional Anti-Termite Treatment, creating continuous chemical barrier under and around the column pits, walls, trenches, basement excavation, top surface of the plinth filling, junction of wall and floor, along the external perimeter of building, expansion joints, over the top surface of consolidated earth on which apron is to be laid, surrounding of pipes and conduits with Chlorpyriphos 20% E.C. / Lindane 20% E.C. @ 3.19 l/m2 including cost of chemical, diluting in water to one percent concentration, labour, usage charges of machinery, complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code145 - Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 150mm/230mm/300 mm thick AAC blocks as per IS 2185 (Part III) in super structure above plinth level up to floor I level with RCC band at sill level and lintel level with approved block laying polymer modified adhesive mortar including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and usage charges of machinery & other incidental charges complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code146 - Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 150mm/230mm/300 mm thick AAC blocks as per IS 2185 (Part III) in super structure above plinth level up to floor I level with RCC band at sill level and lintel level with approved block laying polymer modified adhesive mortar including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and usage charges of machinery & other incidental charges complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code147 - Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 150mm/230mm/300 mm thick AAC blocks as per IS 2185 (Part III) in super structure above plinth level up to floor I level with RCC band at sill level and lintel level with approved block laying polymer modified adhesive mortar including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and usage charges of machinery & other incidental charges complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code148 - Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 150mm/230mm/300 mm thick AAC blocks as per IS 2185 (Part III) in super structure above plinth level up to floor I level with RCC band at sill level and lintel level with approved block laying polymer modified adhesive mortar including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and usage charges of machinery & other incidental charges with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 3rd floor




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code149 - Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS:1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-incharge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) :For Fixed Portion : Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st Floor




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code150 - Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS:1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-incharge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) :For Fixed Portion : Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd Floor




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code151 - Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all colours & shade, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ m2 including grouting the joint with white cement & matching pigments with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code152 - Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all colours & shade, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ m2 including grouting the joint with white cement & matching pigments with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code153 - Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all colours & shade, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ m2 including grouting the joint with white cement & matching pigments etc. complete. (Building SoR 2023-24, S.No:9.17, Pg:61) Size of Tile 600x600 mm (2nd floor) with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code154 - Providing skirting, dadooing, rises of steps with white glazed tiles 6mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and jointed with white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using glazed tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials, labour, with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code155 - Providing skirting, dadooing, rises of steps with white glazed tiles 6mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and jointed with white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using glazed tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials, labour, with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code156 - Providing skirting, dadooing, rises of steps with white glazed tiles 6mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and jointed with white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using glazed tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials, labour, with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code157 - Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours, shades, except White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ m2 including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code158 - Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours, shades, except White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ m2 including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code159 - Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours, shades, except White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ m2 including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code160 - Providing and laying Polished Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing , curing and polishing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.** Polished Granite stone slab Black, Cherry Red, Brown, Cat Eye, Lakared, River Pink, Orissa Blue or equivalent.




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code161 - Providing and laying Polished Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing , curing and polishing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. ** Polished Granite stone slab Black, Cherry Red, Brown, Cat Eye, Lakared, River Pink, Orissa Blue or equivalent.1st floor




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code162 - Providing and laying Polished Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing , curing and polishing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. ** Polished Granite stone slab Black, Cherry Red, Brown, Cat Eye, Lakared, River Pink, Orissa Blue or equivalent.2nd floor




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code163 - Providing and fixing in position fully panelled Honne wood shutters for doors with stiles and rails of 40mm. thick with bottom and lock rails 180mm wide top rail and stiles 100mm wide as per drawing and panels of 25mm thick including cost of materials, labour, usage charges with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. ( excluding cost of fixtures ) Ground floor




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code164 - Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item):With float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness (weight not less than 10kg/ m²) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code165 - Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item):With float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness (weight not less than 10kg/ m²) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code166 - Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item):With float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness (weight not less than 10kg/ m²) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code167 - Providing & fixing factory made PVC Door frame of size 50x47mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet metered cut at corners & jointed 2 No.s of 150mm long bracketsof 15x15mm M.S Square tube, the entire door frame to be reinforced with19x19mm M.S Square tube of 19 gauge. The door frame to be fixed to thewall using M.S. Screws of 65/80mm size complete as per manufacturers with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. .1st floor




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code168 - Providing & fixing factory made PVC Door frame of size 50x47mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet metered cut at corners & jointed 2 No.s of 150mm long bracketsof 15x15mm M.S Square tube, the entire door frame to be reinforced with19x19mm M.S Square tube of 19 gauge. The door frame to be fixed to thewall using M.S. Screws of 65/80mm size complete as per manufacturers with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code169 - Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, channels, plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polish ing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners , stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in charge, (for payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code170 - Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, channels, plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polish ing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners , stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in charge, (for payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code171 - Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, channels, plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polish ing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners , stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in charge, (for payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery complete as per specifications and as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge 2nd floor




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code172 - Providing 12 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 fine sand) to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code173 - Providing 12 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 fine sand) to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code174 - Providing 12 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 fine sand) to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge 2nd floor




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code175 - Providing 20 mm cement plaster of mix :1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) to brick/stone masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code176 - Providing 20 mm cement plaster of mix :1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) to brick/stone masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in charge 1st floor




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code177 - Providing 20 mm cement plaster of mix :1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) to brick/stone masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2ndt floor




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code178 - Providing 20 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement to brick/stone masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code179 - Providing 20 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement to brick/stone masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code180 - Providing 20 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement to brick/stone masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code181 - Providing 20 mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) to brick/stone masonary including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code182 - Providing 20 mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) to brick/stone masonary including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Head room




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code183 - Architectrual Carving / Corrice to capital , base and raft Ground floor with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code184 - Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manu facture of required colour to give an even shade :Two coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code185 - Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manu facture of required colour to give an even shade :Two coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code186 - Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manu facture of required colour to give an even shade :Two coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2ndfloor




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code187 - Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manu facture of required colour to give an even shade :Two coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 3rd floor




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code188 - Finishing with Epoxy paint (two coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface, etc. complete. On steel work includ ing preparing the surface after thorougly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, cost of materials, labour with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code189 - Finishing with Epoxy paint (two coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface, etc. complete. On steel work includ ing preparing the surface after thorougly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, cost of materials, labour with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code190 - Providing Sal wood frames for false ceiling, partitions etc., main battens of size 50x12.5mm at 600 mm c/c and cross battons 38mmx50mm at 600mm c/c sawn and putup including cost of materials, labour with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1st floor




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code191 - Providing Sal wood frames for false ceiling, partitions etc., main battens of size 50x12.5mm at 600 mm c/c and cross battons 38mmx50mm at 600mm c/c sawn and putup including cost of materials, labour with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor.




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code192 - Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of frame work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with zinc coating of 120 gms/m2 (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I intermediate channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I. wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section and perimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c, including jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of the board with recommended jointing compound , jointing tapes , finishing with jointing compound in 3 layers covering upto 150 mm on both sides of joint and two coats of primer suitable for board, all as per manufacturer's specification and also including the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings, specification and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with :12.5 mm thick tapered edge Glass Reinforced Gypsum (GRG) board conforming to IS: 2095- (Part 3) : 1996 (Board with BIS Certification marks only) Ground floor with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code193 - Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of frame work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with zinc coating of 120 gms/m2 (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. intermediate channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I. wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section and perimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c, including jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of the board with recommended jointing compound , jointing tapes , finishing with jointing compound in 3 layers covering upto 150 mm on both sides of joint and two coats of primer suitable for board, all as per manufacturer's specification and also including the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings, specification and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with :12.5 mm thick tapered edge Glass Reinforced Gypsum (GRG) board conforming to IS: 2095- (Part 3) : 1996 (Board with BIS Certification marks only) 1st floor with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code194 - Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of frame work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with zinc coating of 120 gms/m2 (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. intermediate channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I. wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section and perimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c, including jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of the board with recommended jointing compound , jointing tapes , finishing with jointing compound in 3 layers covering upto 150 mm on both sides of joint and two coats of primer suitable for board, all as per manufacturer's specification and also including the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings, specification and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with :12.5 mm thick tapered edge Glass Reinforced Gypsum (GRG) board conforming to IS: 2095- (Part 3) : 1996 (Board with BIS Certification marks only) 2nd floor with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code195 - Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all complete. Fixed to steel windows by welding Ground floor with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code196 - Providing & fixing factory made PVC Door frame of size 50x47mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet metered cut at corners & jointed 2 No.s of 150mm long bracketsof 15x15mm M.S Square tube, the entire door frame to be reinforced with 19x19mm M.S Square tube of 19 gauge. The door frame to be fixed to thewall using M.S. Screws of 65/80mm size complete as per manufacturers with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. Ground floor




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code197 - Providing & fixing corrugated G.S. sheet roofing including vertical /curved surface fixed with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm diameter with bitumen and G.I. limpet washers or with G.I. limpet washers filled with white lead, including a coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint on overlapping of sheets complete as per design drawings (up to any pitch in horizontal/ vertical or curved surfaces), excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape wherever required as per the direction of Engineer in charge Extra for straight cutting in C.G.S. sheet roofing for making opening of area exceeding 40 sq. decimeter for sky light, chimney stacks etc 2nd floor




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code198 - Providing and fixing Structural Steel work in single section, fixed with or without connecting plate, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code199 - Providing Brick work with common burnt clay machine moulded perforated bricks of class designation 5.0 conforming to IS: 2222 in superstructure above plinth level in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) With Modular bricks including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and usage charges of machinery & other incidental charges with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code200 - Providing and laying water proofing treatment to the Roof with PU based single component elastomeric pure polyurethane based coating on New terrace/Chajjas/Sunken portion of WC:Bathroom, cold applied PU waterproofing membrane that is highly elastic with elongation greater than 400% and tensile strength greater than 2MPa as per ASTM D412. The waterproofing membrane to be applied in 2coats @ 1.6 kg/m2 to achieve final DFT (Dry Film Thickness) of 1mm including prime coat of epoxy primer @150 g/m2 and protection with 120gsm Geo-textile over the waterproofing membrane. The finished cost to include surface preparation, making coving at Junction, Bore Packing, treatment of construction joints with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 2nd floor




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code201 - Providing and laying water proofing treatment to the Roof with PU based single component elastomeric pure polyurethane based coating on New terrace/Chajjas/Sunken portion of WC:Bathroom, cold applied PU waterproofing membrane that is highly elastic with elongation greater than 400% and tensile strength greater than 2MPa as per ASTM D412. The waterproofing membrane to be applied in 2coats @ 1.6 kg/m2 to achieve final DFT (Dry Film Thickness) of 1mm including prime coat of epoxy primer @150 g/m2 and protection with 120gsm Geo-textile over the waterproofing membrane. The finished cost to include surface preparation, making coving at Junction, Bore Packing, treatment of construction joints with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 3rd floor




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code202 - Providing, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever necessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete. NOTE: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. For :HDPE PE 80 PN 6.0 , 75mm Dia 3rd floor with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code203 - Sanitary: Providing, Single Phase Submersible Pump Sets of 100mm dia (4 inch) suitable for bore well confirming to IS 8034-2000 specifications, to work site with testing of as per instructions of engineer incharge of work and latest amendments with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1.50 HP/1.1KW 12 STG




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code204 - Supply, installing,testing and commissioning COMMON control panel consisting of the following INCOMING:1 No set of Phase indicating lamps with SFU of suitable rating 1 No, Analog Ammeter, 1 No Analog Voltmeter 1ni with Phase selector switch, Isolating switch OUTGOING for Main Electrical Pump: 1 No. MCB 1 No. DOL of S/D Starter suitable for respective HP 1 No. Electrcal Protection Like single Phase preventor, under voltage over Volage, under current over current & dry run protection suitable for the pump described above 1 no Indoor type NOTE: 1) DOL- Direct Online Starter 2) S-D- Star Delta Starter etc. complete. Upto 3 HP pumps with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code205 - Supply and delivery at site Brand new best make PVC insulated cable of Flat 3 core (sheathed) of nominal cross sectional area as per IS 694-1990 with ISI Mark and as per its latest amendments. x3x4 Sqm with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code206 - Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. 40 mm nominal dia Pipes with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code207 - Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank, IS : 12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code208 - Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank, IS : 12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code209 - Earth work excavation for pipelines/cables by Manual means upto 600 mm trench width, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or leveling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m. Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage& other appurtenances required with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. In all kinds of soils. Depth upto 1.50m




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code210 - Providing PVC ringtite pipes conforming to IS 4985:2000 with latest amendments and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testingand commissioning, including loading unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of PVC pipesand specials (excluding cost of specials) with jointing of approved type, with all labour with all lead & lift including encasing the pipealround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessaryhydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing)PVC pipes 50mm dia., 6 kg/sqcm & class 5 with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code211 - Refilling available earth around trenches / pipelines, cables in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth, compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with a lead upto 50 m, and lift upto 1.5 m. Including cost of all labour with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code212 - Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC) pipe 32 mm nominal dia with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code213 - Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC) pipe 25 mm nominal dia with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code214 - Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC) pipe 20 mm nominal dia with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code215 - Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever require:White Vitreous China Flat back wash basin size 450x 300 mm with single 15mm C.P. brass pillar tap with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code216 - Providing and fixing PTMT towel ring trapezoidal shape 215 mm long,200 mm wide with minimum distances of 37 mm from wall face with concealed fittings arrangement of approved quality and colour, weighingnot less than 88 g. with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code217 - Providing and fixing mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) and of required shape and size with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade with 6 mm thick hard board backing Oval shape 450x350 mm with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code218 - Providing and fixing C.P. brass bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS:8931 with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code219 - Providing and fixing PVC SWR Nahni trap IS 14735 for drain - 75 mm diameter with jali of the following nominal diameter of self-cleansing design with C.I screed down or hinged grating including the cost of cutting and making good the walls with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code220 - Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type W.C. pan) with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever), conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fix tures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code221 - Supplying PVC ringtite pipes conforming to IS 4985:2000 with latest amendments and conveyance worksite,rolling and lowering into trenches laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints testing and commissioning including loading and unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes whereever necessary including jointing of PVC Pipes and specials with jointing of approved type with all labour with all lead & lift including encasing the pipe alround to a deptjh of not less than 15cms with soft gravel or selected earth available from excavation etc., complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS 140mm Dia with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code222 - Supplying PVC ringtite pipes conforming to IS 4985:2000 with latest amendments and conveyance worksite,rolling and lowering into trenches laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints testing and commissioning including loading and unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes whereever necessary including jointing of PVC Pipes and specials with jointing of approved type with all labour with all lead & lift including encasing the pipe alround to a deptjh of not less than 15cms with soft gravel or selected earth available from excavation etc., complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS 75mm Dia with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code223 - Inspection Chamber (1.5 x 1.5 ft) with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code224 - Construct Brick masonry in CM 1:4, 340 mm thick, with wirecut bricks of approved quality, plaster inside and out side with CM 1:3, 12mm thick, except for the conical surface outside where the plaster thickness shall be20mm. Slope inside to be 1:6 in the concrete towards central drain and finished smooth. Fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mmand down size. Providing and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover (Heavy Duty) conforming to IS:12592 with latest amendment, in CC 1:2:4.Providing and fixing footsteps made of 12mm dia. steel bars (Fe-500) with 3mm thick plastic encapsulation (IS-10910). The footsteps shall befixed 30cms apart and on CC block embeded to masonry wall. The whole works include watering, curing, barricading, danger lighting, pouringtar over MH frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, de-watering, engraving Machinehole number with flow direction on the inner conicalsurface etc. as per the drawing etc. as per technical specifications and for the following diameters and depth etc. for 1.2mm dia: Constructing Brick Masonry Circular Machinehole 1.2 m internal dia. with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge. 1.5M




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code225 - Construct Brick masonry in CM 1:4, 340 mm thick, with wirecut bricks of approved quality, plaster inside and out side with CM 1:3, 12mm thick, except for the conical surface outside where the plaster thickness shall be20mm. Slope inside to be 1:6 in the concrete towards central drain and finished smooth. Fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mmand down size. Providing and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover (Heavy Duty) conforming to IS:12592 with latest amendment, in CC 1:2:4.Providing and fixing footsteps made of 12mm dia. steel bars (Fe-500) with 3mm thick plastic encapsulation (IS-10910). The footsteps shall befixed 30cms apart and on CC block embeded to masonry wall. The whole works include watering, curing, barricading, danger lighting, pouringtar over MH frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, de-watering, engraving Machinehole number with flow direction on the inner conicalsurface etc. as per the drawing etc. as per technical specifications and for the following diameters and depth etc. for 1.2mm dia: Constructing Brick Masonry Circular Machinehole 1.2 m internal dia.& 2.0 M depth with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code226 - Construct Brick masonry in CM 1:4, 340 mm thick, with wirecut bricks of approved quality, plaster inside and out side with CM 1:3, 12mm thick, except for the conical surface outside where the plaster thickness shall be20mm. Slope inside to be 1:6 in the concrete towards central drain and finished smooth. Fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mmand down size. Providing and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover (Heavy Duty) conforming to IS:12592 with latest amendment, in CC 1:2:4.Providing and fixing footsteps made of 12mm dia. steel bars (Fe-500) with 3mm thick plastic encapsulation (IS-10910). The footsteps shall befixed 30cms apart and on CC block embeded to masonry wall. The whole works include watering, curing, barricading, danger lighting, pouringtar over MH frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, de-watering, engraving Machinehole number with flow direction on the inner conicalsurface etc. as per the drawing etc. as per technical specifications and for the following diameters and depth etc. for 1.2mm dia: Constructing Brick Masonry Circular Machinehole 1.2 m internal dia.& 3.0 M depth includ. SFRC F&C with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code227 - Construct Brick masonry in CM 1:4, 340 mm thick, with wirecut bricks of approved quality, plaster inside and out side with CM 1:3, 12mm thick, except for the conical surface outside where the plaster thickness shall be20mm. Slope inside to be 1:6 in the concrete towards central drain and finished smooth. Fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mmand down size. Providing and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover (Heavy Duty) conforming to IS:12592 with latest amendment, in CC 1:2:4.Providing and fixing footsteps made of 12mm dia. steel bars (Fe-500) with 3mm thick plastic encapsulation (IS-10910). The footsteps shall befixed 30cms apart and on CC block embeded to masonry wall. The whole works include watering, curing, barricading, danger lighting, pouringtar over MH frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, de-watering, engraving Machinehole number with flow direction on the inner conicalsurface etc. as per the drawing etc. as per technical specifications and for the following diameters and depth etc. for 1.2mm dia: Constructing Brick Masonry Circular Machinehole 1.2 m internal dia. & 4.0 M depth includ. SFRC F&C with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code228 - Providing & fixing white vitreous china water less urinal of size 600 x 330 x 315 mm having antibacterial /germs free ceramic surface, fixed with cartridge having debris catcher and hygiene seal with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code229 - Entrance Gate: Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rankvegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned, including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness.. By Mechanical Means using Dozer :B. In area of thorny jungle complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code230 - Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 m complete the work. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code231 - Supplying and filling in plinth with sand under floors, foundation of Bridges including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing complete. complete the work complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code232 - Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceed ing 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code233 - Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete 1:4:8 (M5) Using 40 mm and down size graded crushed coarse aggregates for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machineries, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications.. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code234 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm and down size graded crushed coarse aggregates for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code235 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works & super structure works of bridges upto 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers laid inlayers, well compacted using needle vibrators. The cost includes all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirementsof relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per Technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement, dowel bars & formwork to be paid separately) complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code236 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works & super structure works of bridges upto 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers laid inlayers, well compacted using needle vibrators. The cost includes all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirementsof relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per echnicalspecifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement, dowel bars & formwork to be paid separately) M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarseaggregates M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code237 - Providing and injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-constructional Anti-Termite Treatment, creating continuous chemical barrier under and around the column pits, walls, trenches, basement excavation, top surface of the plinth filling, junction of wall and floor, along the external perimeter of building, expansion joints, over the top surface of consolidated earth on which apron is to be laid, surrounding of pipes and conduits with Chlorpyriphos 20% E.C. / Lindane 20% E.C. @ 3.19 ltr/m2 including cost of chemical, diluting in water to one percent concentration, labour, usage charges of machinery, complete as per specifications. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code238 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specificationcomplete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code239 - Providing Brick work with common burnt clay machine moulded perforated bricks of class designation 5.0 conforming to IS: 2222 in superstructure above plinth level in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) With Modular bricks including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and usage charges of machinery & other incidental charges complete as per the direction of engineer incharge of work.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code240 - Providing 20 mm cement plaster of mix :1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) to brick/stone masonary including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge..complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code241 - Providing 12 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, includ ing cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code242 - Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all colours & shade, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ m2 including wall skirting, grouting the joint with white cement & matching pigments etc. complete complete in all respectscomplete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code243 - Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manu facture of required colour to give an even shade :Two coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code244 - Finishing with Epoxy paint (two coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface, etc. complete. On steel work includ ing preparing the surface after thorougly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Enginer-in-charge complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code245 - Providing Salwood frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows, ventilators and other frames, wrought, framed or ssembled including making plaster groves ( excluding cost of cement concrete and side clamps ), but including cost of materials, labour, usage charges complete as per specifications. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code246 - Providing and fixing in position fully panelled Honne wood shutters for doors with stiles and rails of 40mm. thick with bottom and lock rails 180mm wide top rail and stiles 100mm wide as per drawing and panels of 25mm thick including cost of materials, labour, usage charges complete as per specifications.. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code247 - Providing & fixing of 2-track x 2-panel sliding windows made out of multi chambered UPVC(Matching to RAL-9016) sections and with minimum TiO2(Titanium Dioxide) at 6 PHR with TPE (Thermo Plastic Elastomer) and lead free, gaskets -grey color having isolated drainage and rein forced with Galvanized Iron profile through-out the window frame. The outer frame having an overall size of 44mm width x 40mmheight with reinforcement of 1mm thickness and Sash with overall size of 27mm X 53mm with UPVC honeycomb structure inside in lieu of GI reinforcement. Coextruded Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of size 9.5mm x 21.5mm. Windows shall be provided with 5mm plain float glass, stand ard hardware& single point locking system with Crescent Locks. Wall thickness of frame & sash shall be of 2 mm.Maximum possible size - 1219mm x 1219mm. (The cost is inclusive of all fixtures and separate charges for minor T&P's shall not be made complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code248 - Providing and laying water proofing treatment to the Roof with PU based single component elastomeric pure polyurethane based coating on New terrace/Chajjas/Sunken portion of WC:Bathroom, cold applied PU waterproofing membrane that is highly elastic with elongation greater than 400% and tensile strength greater than 2MPa as per ASTM D412. The waterproofing membrane to be applied in 2coats @ 1.6kg per m2 to achieve final DFT (dry film thickness) of 1mm including prime coat of epoxy primer @150 g per m2 and protection with 120gsm Geo-textile over the waterproofing membrane. The finished cost to include surface preparation, making coving at Junction, Bore Packing, treatment of construction joints completely as per specification & with a 10 years warranty on product & work from certified manufacturers as per the direction of the Engineer In charge. complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code249 - Supplying PVC ringtite pipes conforming to IS 4985:2000 with latest amendments and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of PVC pipes and specials (excluding cost of specials) with jointing of approved type, with all labour with all lead & lift including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. for:. PVC pipes 110mm dia., 6 kg/sqcm & class 3 complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code250 - Providing and fixing of Red Stone Crete Texture elevation cladding with Wpc wall Panels 150 mm X 9 mm x 2900 mm) complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code251 - Supplying and fixing M15 grade precast cement concrete Kerb stones for Roadway, Sidewalls and gutters fixed with CM 1:3 fixed and finsihed in line as per direction of Engineer in charge.complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code252 - Providing and fixing 12 mm thick frameless toughened glass door shutter of approved brand and manufacture, including providing and fixing top & bottom pivot & double acting hydraulic floor spring type fixing arrangement and making necessary holes etc. for fixing required door fittings, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (Door handle, lock and stopper etc. to be paid separately) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery complete as per specifications and as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge complete with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge




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code253 - Entrance gate electrical:Supply and fixing heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 25 mm dia 2.0 mmthick confirming to IS 2509 with suitable size bends, junction boxes, adhesive paste etc , and fixing using inverted wood plugs in case of RCC ceiling and RCC wall/ stone structure or rawl plugs in case of brick walls and cement plastering the damaged portion using heavy gauge saddles at an interval of700mm using NF screws.25 mm dia, 2.2 mm thick PVC conduit pipe with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code254 - Supply and fixing of 32 mm dia, 2.1 mm thick PVC conduit pipe ISI Mark concealed in wall/run on surface above false ceiling if necessary with all required accessories including chisiling the wall wherever necessary, masonry work for Light / Fans / exhaust fan points and separate plug points & including all labour charges etc., complete 32 mm dia, 2.2 mm thick PVC conduit pipe with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code255 - One Point Control with One Switch: Wiring with three runs of FRLS PVC insulated 1.5 sq.mm flexible copper cable ISI mark (phase, neutral, earth) in the existing surface / recessed PVC conduit, with 6A 1 way modular switch, modular front plate, suitable GI box and ceiling rose etc.,including all labour charges etc. complete for Light point / Fan point / Exhaust Fan point/Call Bell point. [Cable Makes: Polycab/ Havells/ Finolex, Switches makes Point wiring with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code256 - Supply and fixing of 1No 3pin 6A modular socket with 6A modular switch mounted on GI metallic box covered with appropriate modular front plate as directed by the Dept. including conveyance and all materials and labour charges etc., on separate board complete 6Amps Point wiring with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code257 - Supply and fixing of 16A/6A 1 way Combi Modular Socket with shutter with 16A modular switch mounted on GI metallic box with appropriate modular front plate as directed by the Dept. including conveyance and all materials and labour charges etc., complete 16/6Amps Point wiring with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code258 - Supply and fixing of 20A Plug and Socket in SS enclosure with 20A SP MCB including internal connection and labour charges for surface / flush mounting etc., complete. (Legrand(Ekinox 3) / Schneider-A9/ Seimens/ L&T-Newrange)20 Amps Point wiring with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code259 - Supply and laying of 2/4 runs of the following FRLS PVC insulated flexible copper wire (Phase, Neutral) with 1 run of suitable FRLS PVC insulated flexible copper wire as earthing in existing PVC conduit pipe for run of circuits including labour charges etc., complete 2 Runs of 2.5 Sq.mm +1 Run of 1.5 Sq.mm copper wire with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code260 - Supply and laying of 2/4 runs of the following FRLS PVC insulated flexible copper wire (Phase, Neutral) with 1 run of suitable FRLS PVC insulated flexible copper wire as earthing in existing PVC conduit pipe for run of circuits including labour charges etc., complete 2 Runs of 4.0 Sq.mm + 1 Run of 2.5 Sq.mm copper wire with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code261 - Supply and laying of the following XLPE insulated, 1100V grade armoured aluminium cable as per specification confirming to IS:7098 (Part-I) including laying in existing cable trench as per specifications etc complete as required 4 core 16 Sq.mm aluminum UG cable with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code262 - Supply and making one end termination with heavy duty single compression brass gland as per BS 6121:2005, IP 66 complete, SIBG type, heavy duty Alluminium lugs duly crimped with crimping tool, PVC tape etc for following size of Armoured PVC insulated & PVC sheathed/ XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1100V grade 4 core 16 Sq.mm aluminum UG cable with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code263 - Supplying and fixing regular 4 Way SPN DB MCB distribution boards on wall/ wood board / flush mounting using required clamps, bolts,nuts etc., with provision for fixing suitable type capacityMCB's single phase / 3 phase / single door with powder coated painting. Made out of 14 SWG MS enclosure. with 24Nos of 6-32A S.P. MCBs as out goings and 1No 63A 4-Pole MCB as Incommer etc complete as per IS 8623; IS 13032; IEC 61439-3 including internal connections and labour charges etc complete 4 Way SPN DB with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code264 - Supplying of PVC Batten with integrated LED tube 22W with high quality diffuser with Life of 25000 burning hours & 70% lumen maintenance with CRI greater than 80. Power Input: 220-240V @ 50/60Hz & Power factor greater than0.9 along with CE approved. 2 years Warranty against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical condition 22W battern Light with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code265 - Supplying of Highbay type LED 80W luminaire comprising of pressure decast/extruded aluminium housing, with spring loaded fase ceiling clamps, Power LEDs with CCT 6500 degree K, CRIgreater than 70%. efficacy greater than100 lumen per watt, 120degree beam spread, lifegreater than 25000 burning hours and Compliance to IS 10322/IEC 60598, LM 79 & LM 80. The lamp compartment is enclosed with anti glare opal diffuser which enhances the lighting level. LEDs are driven by HF electronic driver integrated in a separate control gear assembly., with PF greater than 0.95, power loss should less than 5% of lamp wattage., short circuit & open circuit protection to be integrated in the circuit, , THD less than 20%, Life as per LM 79. The operating input voltage should be between 130 to 275 volts. BIS Approved and Tested by NABL/CPRI accredited laboratory with 2 years Warranty against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical condition 80W Highbay Light with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code266 - Supplying of Ceiling Fan with Capacitor rating As per guideline of BEE 5 star rating and IS:374/79 and also comply with IS:1709/1984 with latest amendment, Rated voltage 220 V/ 50 Hz, Rated power input 48 W +/- 10 %, Rated current As per IS:374/79, Rated power factor 0.9 lagging(min), Rated speed 350 +/- 10% RPM, Rated air delivery 210 +/- 10% Cubic Meter Minimum, Rated service value greater than or equal to 4.2 CMM / Watt, Three Blades of blade leaf 1.05 mm thick Aluminium Alloy sheet, Class B motor insulation,Bearing Two ball bearings, Top 6202, Bottom 6201 , as per IS specification, Motor wdg. Temp rise Shall not exceed 75 deg C over and ambient of 40 0C by resistance method at 245 Volts, Insulation resistance Shall not be less than Two Mega Ohms (2 M Ohms), Leakage current Should not exceed 210 Micro Amp, Power input, watt& current , Air Delivery & Fan Speed as per IS:374/1979 with latest amendment, 2 year manufacturer Warranty 1200 MM Ceiling Fan with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code267 - Supplying and running of GI/Copper strips for grounding connections, using necessary fixing materials as required 50 mm x 6mm GI strip with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code268 - Supplying fixing and wiring earth electrode for grounding . using 40mm dia 2.9mm thick 2.5 mtr long GI pipe with GI funnel with mesh and suitable size reducer fixed on the top of the earth electrode. The funnel should be enclosed in a CC chamber of 400x400x400mm with a cast iron cover. The earth electrode shall have staggered holes of 12mm dia and the electrode should be covered 150mm all-round with alternate layers of salt and charcoal from the bottom of the CC chamber. The connection from the electrode is to be established through GI strip using GI bolts and nuts.with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code269 - Supply and Transportation of following dia double walled corrugated HDPE duct made as per specification BSEN - 500 86/IS 14930 Part-II. [HDPE Pipe Make: Duraline (Duraguard)/ Percision or equivalent]Outer dia 63mm and Inner dia 51mm with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code270 - Earth work excavation for cable trench of 0.5 to 0.75 Mtr. Width and Depth upto 1 Mtr including trial pits, depositing on bank upto a lead of 50 Mtr, Supplying and Displaying necessary Danger Boards and Lighting, Using sight Rails and Sign Boards at every 100 Mtr.Spreading and forming with sand all round the cable to a depth of 75 mm and width of 500 mm.Covering tiles wherever necessary as directed Earth work with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code271 - Laying of UG cables by Trench less technology by adopting horizontal boring & drawing of cable including preparation at site) with HDPE pipe 23 with all lead and lifts complete as per specifications. a) Normal soil 5" bore size. laying charges with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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code272 - Supply of LED floodlight luminaire with pressure die cast aluminium housing body for optimal thermal dissipation. Lamp compartment comprising of anti glare clear diffuser with Injection moulded polycarbonate/clear glass material, delivering superior light output Rated life Burning Hrs 50000 hr @ Lumen Maintenance of 70%, CCT greater than 5500K, IP 66 optical and electrical compartment & impact resistance of complete luminaire greater than IK08. Power Factor greater than0.9 with mains, Surge Protection- Min 5KV along with Over voltage/ Overload, short circuit/ miss-wiring protection. Compatible for pole mauling with outer dia of 40mm to 50mm. Universal Voltage driver to operate wide voltage range from 100 V to 270V 50/60Hz application. Compliance to IS 10322/ IEC 60598, LM 79 & LM 80 Adherence with RoHS. UL approved MCPCB. Top access street light with single screw to ensure ease of maintenance at the sight site location with minimized minimal tools. LED Light fixture with ....... W SystemPower consumption. LED Efficiencygreater than 1301m/w, nominal CRI greater than75. Luminaire manufacturer should have in- house facility accredited by NABL / CPRI & any Government certified agency & Design & Development facility certified by ISO 9001:2008. Housing with supplier word mark / name shall be Engraved / Embossing on the die cast housing / Body part Warranty of 2 Years against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical conditions as mentioned above should be given by LED manufacturer & Cree/Nichia/ with all lead and lift etc, as per specification and as per directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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