Directorate Of Municipal Administration Tender

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Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.

Directorate Of Municipal Administration - DMA Tender

Civil And Construction
Drainage Work
Opening Date10 Mar 2022
Closing Date25 Mar 2022
Tender Amount₹ 1,25,70,094 



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KSRRB M2200-6. Providing T. M.T. steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping and/or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per disign (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) cost of materials, labour, HOM complete as per specification. MORTH Specification No.1600 & 2200 TMT Bars Fe 500




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KSRB 2-4 : Refilling available earth around pipe lines, cables in layers not exceeding 20cms in depth, compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with lead upto 50m. and lift upto 1.5 m. including cost of all labour complete as per specifications.




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KSRRB M300-14. Excavation for roadwork in all types of soil by mechanical means including cutting and loading to tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and transportation with a lead of 1.00 km and complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No.301




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KSRRB 300-Compaction KSRRB 300-58. Compaction of original ground with maximum of 6 passes of 8 to 10 tonnes power roller including filling in depression occuring during rolling including cost of all labour, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications. MORTH / Chapter 3




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KSRRB M300- Construction of Embankment with Material Gravel/ Murrum. KSRRB M300-53. Construction of embankment with approved material Gravel/Murrum with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement Table 300- 2 complete as per specifications.(Including cost of gravel / murrum, watering charges & compaction by vibratory roller to 95% of proctors density) MORTH Specification No. 305




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KSRRB M400- Wet Mix Macadam KSRRB M400-17. Providing, laying, spreading and compacting crushed stone aggregates of granite / trap / basalt to wet mix macadam specifications including pre mixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed method of tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-base/base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 406




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KSRRB M500-6. Providing and applying primer coat with S.S. bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular base such as WMM including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg / sqm using mechanical means complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 502




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KSRRB 500-11. Providing and laying bituminous macadam on prepared surface with crushed coarse aggregates as per design mix formula for base / binding course including loading of aggregates with F.E. loader, hot mixing of stone aggregates and bitumen in hot mix plant, transporting the mixd material in tipper to paver and laying mixed materials with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling by power roller to achieve the desired density, but excluding cost of primer / tack coat including lead, lift and cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications. MORTH /Chapter 5 - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical paver Gr-II (50 mm to 75 mm) with 3.3 % VG-30 Bitumen




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KSRRB M500-10. Providing and applying tack coat using 80/100 grade bitumen(VG10) in boiler fitted with spray set distributor at the rate of 0.25 kg per sqm on the existing prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mchancial broom. complete as per specifications. - using bitumen 80/100 on primed surfaces




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KSRRB M500-18. Providing and laying semi dense bituminous concrete using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 508 complete in all respects complete as per specifications. - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical Paver Gr-II (25 mm to 30 mm) with 5 % VG-10 Bitumen




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KSRB 4.2.1 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of Design mix M25 with OPC cement @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.70 cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.47cum, with super plasticisers @ 3 liters confirming to is 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008 at machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated for all works in foundation for footings, pedastals, retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, columnspillars, posts, struts, buttresses, bed blocks, anchor blocks & plinths etc., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing, complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6




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KSRB 4-6.1 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping etc., and removal of form work for foundations, footings, bases of columns for mass concrete including cost of all materials, labour complete as per specificaitons. Specification No. KBS 4.6.2




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Providing and laying plain/reinforced cement concrete for side drains using M20 nominal mix concrete with OPC at 300 kgs. with 20mm and down size granite metal coarse aggregates at 0.69 cum and fine aggregates at 0.43 cum machine mixed, well compacted for walls and bottom including centering, shuttering, cost of materials, HOM of machinery, curing etc., complete excluding cost of steel as per MORTH specification No. 1500, 1700, 2200. including cost of materials, labour, HOM complete as per specifications. Wall & bottom thickness 15cm




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Earth work in excavation for pipeline trenches beyond 600 mm trench width as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100 mm whevere necessary as directed, removal of slumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., complete in the following strata.( By Mechanical Means) .-do- In Ordinary / All soils / Hard soil (Depth upto 3m) 70%




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Earth work in excavation for pipeline trenches beyond 600 mm trench width as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100 mm whevere necessary as directed, removal of slumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., complete in the following strata.( By Mechanical Means)i) -do- In all soils mixed with boulders upto 30 cms.size and exclusive of disintegrated rock. - 10% of EWE




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Earth work in excavation for pipeline trenches beyond 600 mm trench width as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100 mm whevere necessary as directed, removal of slumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., complete in the following strata.( By Mechanical Means) ii) -do- in disintegrated rock, soft rock, soft shale and medium hard rock comprising of Lime stone, sand stone, hard shale, schiest, fissured rock without resorting to blasting - 10% of EWE




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Earth work in excavation for pipeline trenches beyond 600 mm trench width as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100 mm whevere necessary as directed, removal of slumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required , utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., complete in the following strata.( By Mechanical Means) v) -do- in hard rock by chistelling - 10% of EWE




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Supplying Unplasticised PVC pipes conforming to IS 15328:2003 with latest amendments ended with integral sockets with ISI mark and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading and unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of UPVC pipes (with cost of elastomeric sealing rings) and specials (excluding cost of specials) with jointing of approved type, with all labour, with all lead & lift including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15cms with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS (contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing). 200 mm dia SN 8 - Ring tite




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Supplying Unplasticised PVC pipes conforming to IS 15328:2003 with latest amendments ended with integral sockets with ISI mark and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading and unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of UPVC pipes (with cost of elastomeric sealing rings) and specials (excluding cost of specials) with jointing of approved type, with all labour, with all lead & lift including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15cms with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS (contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing).110mm dia for HSE connections




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Providing and constructing of manhole chambers conical in shape at top with C.C 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15 mtr allround the chamber and table moulded brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 plaster with table moulded bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in C.C 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC manhole frames and covers in CC 1:2:4 and supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30 cms apart as directed, watering, curing , barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving manhole no. on the inner conical surface as per drawing etc., with all lead and lifts for various diameters and depths noted below: 1.00m




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Providing and constructing of manhole chambers conical in shape at top with C.C 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15 mtr allround the chamber and table moulded brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 plaster with table moulded bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in C.C 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC manhole frames and covers in CC 1:2:4 and supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30 cms apart as directed, watering, curing , barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving manhole no. on the inner conical surface as per drawing etc., with all lead and lifts for various diameters and depths noted below: 1.10m




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Providing and constructing of manhole chambers conical in shape at top with C.C 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15 mtr allround the chamber and table moulded brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 plaster with table moulded bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in C.C 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC manhole frames and covers in CC 1:2:4 and supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30 cms apart as directed, watering, curing , barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving manhole no. on the inner conical surface as per drawing etc., with all lead and lifts for various diameters and depths noted below: 1.20m




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Providing and constructing of manhole chambers conical in shape at top with C.C 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15 mtr allround the chamber and table moulded brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 plaster with table moulded bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in C.C 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC manhole frames and covers in CC 1:2:4 and supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30 cms apart as directed, watering, curing , barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving manhole no. on the inner conical surface as per drawing etc., with all lead and lifts for various diameters and depths noted below: 1.30m




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Providing and constructing of manhole chambers conical in shape at top with C.C 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15 mtr allround the chamber and table moulded brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 plaster with table moulded bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in C.C 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC manhole frames and covers in CC 1:2:4 and supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30 cms apart as directed, watering, curing , barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving manhole no. on the inner conical surface as per drawing etc., with all lead and lifts for various diameters and depths noted below: 1.40m




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Providing and constructing of manhole chambers conical in shape at top with C.C 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15 mtr allround the chamber and table moulded brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 plaster with table moulded bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in C.C 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC manhole frames and covers in CC 1:2:4 and supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30 cms apart as directed, watering, curing , barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving manhole no. on the inner conical surface as per drawing etc., with all lead and lifts for various diameters and depths noted below: 1.50m




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Providing and constructing of manhole chambers conical in shape at top with C.C 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15 mtr allround the chamber and table moulded brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 plaster with table moulded bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in C.C 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC manhole frames and covers in CC 1:2:4 and supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30 cms apart as directed, watering, curing , barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving manhole no. on the inner conical surface as per drawing etc., with all lead and lifts for various diameters and depths noted below: 1.60m




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Providing and constructing of manhole chambers conical in shape at top with C.C 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15 mtr allround the chamber and table moulded brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 plaster with table moulded bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in C.C 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC manhole frames and covers in CC 1:2:4 and supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30 cms apart as directed, watering, curing , barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving manhole no. on the inner conical surface as per drawing etc., with all lead and lifts for various diameters and depths noted below: 1.80m




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Providing and constructing of manhole chambers conical in shape at top with C.C 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15 mtr allround the chamber and table moulded brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 plaster with table moulded bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in C.C 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC manhole frames and covers in CC 1:2:4 and supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30 cms apart as directed, watering, curing , barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving manhole no. on the inner conical surface as per drawing etc., with all lead and lifts for various diameters and depths noted below: 2.0m




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Refilling pipeline trenches with selected available earth from trench excavation and foundation including watering, consolidation in layers of 15 cm thickness including disposing of the surplus earth with all lead and lifts etc., complete. (Overall EWE qty - Barrow New earth qty)




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Transportation of extra earth, obtained from Manholes & Pipelines Loading and unloading at the place shown by the Engineer-in charge of work with all lead and lifts. Beyond 250 m to 300 m




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Earthwork excavation by Manual Means for foundation of buildings,culverts,water supply and sanitary lines and electrical conduits etc,either in pits or in treches 1.5m and above in width, in hard soil not exceeding 1.5m. in depth including dressing the bottom and sides of pits and treches , stacking the excavated soil clear from edges of excavtion wiyh lead upto 50m including breaking of clods complete as per specification




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Providng and Laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M10 with OPC cement @ 220kgs,with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregate @0.892cum and fine aggregate @0.465 machine mixed,concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15cms. Thick well compacted ,in foundation including cost of all materials, Labour ,HOm of machinery,curing complete as per specifications




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Providng and Laying in Reinforced cement concrete of grade M30 with cement @ 360kgs,with 20mm graded granite or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.69 cum and Fine aggregate @0.46cum , super plasticiser @ 3ltrs confirming to IS 9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15cms thick, well consolidated including centering,formwork,vibrating,curing,smooth finishing to the required plumb and fce in CM 1:3 propotion wherver necessary etc., Complete for Rafts,raft ring beam,column footing,columns below Ground level (exclusive cost of steel and fabrications)




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Providng and Laying in Reinforced cement concrete of grade M30 with cement @ 360kgs,with 20mm graded granite or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.69 cum and Fine aggregate @0.46cum , super plasticiser @ 3ltrs confirming to IS 9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15cms thick, well consolidated including centering,formwork,vibrating,curing,smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in CM 1:3 propotion wherver necessary etc., Complete for Rafts,raft ring beam,column footing,columns below Ground level (exclusive cost of steel and fabrications)




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Providng and Laying in Reinforced cement concrete of grade M30 with cement @ 360kgs,with 20mm graded granite or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.69 cum and Fine aggregate @0.46cum , super plasticiser @ 3ltrs confirming to IS 9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15cms thick, well consolidated including centering,formwork,vibrating,curing,smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in CM 1:3 propotion wherver necessary etc.,complete as per design and specification and giving satisfactory waterproof test including construction joints wherever necessary as per the directions of departmental officers complete for ring beam,side walls,bottom dome or bottom slab ,shell portion and bottom rib (exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges and joint materials)




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Providng and Laying in Reinforced cement concrete of grade M30 with cement @ 360kgs,with 20mm graded granite or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.69 cum and Fine aggregate @0.46cum , super plasticiser @ 3ltrs confirming to IS 9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15cms thick, well consolidated including centering,formwork,vibrating,curing,smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in CM 1:3 propotion wherver necessary etc.,complete as per design and specification etc., complete for top rib and top dome or top slab (exclusive cost of steel and fabrication) complete for top rib and top dome or top slab (exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)




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Providing T.M.T Steel Reinforcement for R.C.C work including straightening,cutting,bending,hooking, placeing in postion ,lapping and /or welding whevere required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design ( laps,hooks,and wastage shall not be measured and paid)including for OHT & reservoier, cost of materials ,labour , HOM of machinery complete as per specificaions




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Ladder inside the container : Providing anodized aluminium ladder using 65mm x 32mm x3.0mm 'C' section for ladder side channel x25mm dia., flutal pipe for Rungs at 250mm c/c ladder fixed at an angle 70 degree to horizontal including necessary 25mm dia G.I shutters with necessary G.I fasteners for bracing the ladders to the tank walls to prevent buckling of ladder with necessary (M15) bed embedding the ladder bottom complete




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Providng and constructing RCC hexagonal ventilator finial for RCC over head Tank the finial to be constructed with CC (M20) propotion using 20mm down size jelly with reinforcement using 6mm dia,M.S rods 4nos for each of the pillars both ways for full width of dome at 12cm c/c, the ventilator to be of 0.45Mx0.50m size provided with 25mm x25mmx5mm M.S frame welded with diamond mesh to its full width and depth fully covered with aluminium mosquito mesh finished smooth with CM 1:3 propotion ot required shape and size and ornamental finish including two coats of anti-corrosive paint for frame and mesh and two coats of cement paint matching to over hank etc., complete




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Providing and fixing 60x60cm M.S inspection door with necessary M.S frame made out of M.S angle 50x50x6mm and M.S shutters of 31.5mm or B.G.10 thick with hines on top and locking arrangement,painting etc., complete ( for RCC over head Tank and G.L.S.R)




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Providing and fixing enameled guage plate 3mm thick ,0.23M wide with plastic float thick plastic indicator and flexible nylon wire etc., complete to 2.5m Height




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Labour charges for fixing puddle flange in position of RCC including (80mm to 200mm)




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Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement mortor 1:3, to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering : Providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materilas , labour, curing, complete as per specification




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Providng 2 coats of snowcem/water-proof cement paint of approved colour and shade over one coat of primer including curing etc., complete for RCC over head tank




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Laying cast iron pipes and specials of all classes with out eartwork ,true to line and level including conveying carefully to site, rolling and lowering into trenches and perfect linking of joints etc., wherever necessary




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Providing 100mm dia sluice valve/scour confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all materials ,labour charges etc.complete




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Supply and delivery at site CIDE pipes ISI marked (Horixontal CIUDF) of diiferent sizes as per ISI 181/1986 with latest amendments if any,the flange should be drilled as per IS 1538/1976,the pipes should bear ISI marking on them




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Lobour Charges for hoisting C.I flanged pipes 2.75mts length in position aligning the plumb and jointing for RCC overhead tank 80mm to 200mm




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Providing 100mm dia bell mouthed pipes (flanged) confirming to IS 1538(Part -I to XXII) 1978 whith latest amendments if any cost of all materials ,labour charges etc.complete




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Providing different dia Medium class 90'' double flanged bend confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all materials , labour charges etc complete




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Providing & fixing copper lightning arrester with five spikes and 20mm dia copper tube or suitable length of aluminium strip of spike 25mm X 3mm including grounding as per specification. The aluminium strip is to be encased in G.I conduct pipe or 40mm dia., 6.8M long suitably joined by collar with all specials, fixed to one of the column etc.,




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Providng and fixing M.S Hand railing for Balcony with 50mm dia . M.S Hollow pipe of 14 guage ,welded to 20mmX20mm M.S square rod placed vertically, spaced at 100mm at regular intervals of 600mm. These vertical rofs laterally tied to 3 horizontal rod spaced at equal interval. These assembly is fixed to concrete by using expansion bolts and welding the same to reinforcement bars and making good the surface.All the joints and sections should be cut to length, welded and grinded wherever necessary etc., complete.The work includes cost of all materials, labour charges for all items of work,hire charges for welding ,cutting and grinding equipments and electricty charges, etc., complete as per specification and drawing




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Earthwork Excavation for foundation of structure by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bracing, removal of slumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc.. complete. 0 to 3 Mtr depth




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Earthwork Excavation for foundation of structure by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bracing, removal of slumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc.. complete. a) _do_in ordinary / all soils / hard soil 3 to 4 Mtr depth




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Earthwork Excavation for foundation of structure by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bracing, removal of slumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc.. complete. a) _do_in ordinary / all soils / hard soil 4 to 5 Mtr depth




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Earthwork Excavation for foundation of structure by mechanical means as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bracing, removal of slumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench to the extent required utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc.. complete. a) _do_in ordinary / all soils / hard soil 5 to 6 Mtr depth




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Providing and laying C.C. 1:1.5:3 proportion for foundation (Screed layer) with 20 mm and down size of approved gradation hard broken granite, trap basalt or with any other approved hard aggregate including cost and conveyance of all materials with an all lead & lifts including plywood / steel form work, machine mixing, laying, tamping, curing etc., complete.




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(a) Providing and laying vibrated M25 design mix for RCC works (excluding cost of reinforcement) with 20 mm and down sizeof approved gradation hard broken granite, trap, basalt or with any other approved hard broken granite, including weigh batch plant mixing cost and conveyance of all materials with all lead and lift laid in 15 Cms, thick layers well consolidated,vibrating, curing, plastering and smooth finishing to the expose faces wherever necessaery, plywood/steel form work, centering etc., complete for independent/combined footing, raft, beams below ground level (Cement @ 360kgs).




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Providing and laying vibrated M30 design mix for R.C.C. Works with 20 mm and down size of approved gradation hard broken granite, trap, basalt or any other approved hard aggregate, including, cost and conveyance of all materials with all lead & lift, including plywood/steel form work, centering, scaffolding, cement mortar, plastering in CM 1:3 proportion, 20mm. thick for inside with admixture of water proof compound of requisite proportion of approved quality including weigh batch plant mixing, curing, making construction joints wherever necessary and giving satisfactory water proof testing etc., complete (excluding cost of reinforcement) for floor slab, resting on ground. (contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) (Cement @ 400 Kgs). for vertical side walls, alround effluent channel,baffels, etc. complete with outside form finishing (Cement @ 400 Kgs).




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Providing and laying vibrated M30 design mix for RCC work with 20 mm and down size of approved gradation hard broken granite, basalt, trap or any other approved hard aggregate including cost and conveyance of all materials with all lead and lift including weigh batch plant mixing, centreing plywood / steel form work, scaffolding tamping, curing, cement mortar plastering in C.M. 1:3 proportion 12 mm. thick for inside surface etc., complete (excluding cost of reinforcement) for R.C.C. covering slab (Flat slab) (Cement @ 400 Kgs).




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a) Providing TMT steel. b) Labour charges for fabricating mild steel or tor steel bars of all sizes for reinforcement of R.C.C. works including conveying steel to workspot with all lead including cleaning straighteing, bending, fabricating, placing in position, tieing as per designs including cost of binding wire hoisting all lift etc., complete (Excluding cost of Steel). PWD Issue Rate of Steel for FE 550 Rs 58400.00




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Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with approved quality of non-modular bricks of standard size of class designation 5.0 Newton per sqmm with cement mortar 1:4 for basement and superstructure including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.




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Providing 15mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement mortar 1:3 to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing, complete as per specifications.




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Providing and finishing external walls in two coats with water proof cement paint of approved brand and shade to give an even shade after throughly grooming the surface to remove the durt and loose powdered material, free from marter drops and other foriegn matter cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications. with prime




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Providing and fixing M.S Inspection door of size 60 Cms x 60 Cms including MS frame size 50x50x6 mm and shutters of 3mm thickness with hinges at top and locking arrangements, painting with all lead and lifts etc., complete




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Providing and fixing M.S. ladder between landing 45 cms. wide using angle iron of following size and 20 mm M.S. bars at 25cms. centre to centre with necessary supports of same angle iron as directed including hand railing on both sides with 25mm dia G.I. pipes with angle iron props at 2 mtrs, interval and 0.5 mtr, height including fixing in ground with C.C. 1:2:4 and two coats of nonpoisonous anticorrosive bituminous paint with all lead and lift etc., complete.




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Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position aluminium doors using following aluminium mat finish or glossy finish, outer frame plain section 101.6x 44.45mm thickness 3.18mm, section weight 2.404 Kg/m, door shutters vertical section 44.62x44.45mm thickness 3.18mm, section weight 1.505kg/m, top section 47.62x44.45 mm thickness 3.00mm, section weight 1.426kg/m bottom section 114.3x44.45 thickness 3.18mm, section weight 2.646kg/m, door central section49.91x44.45mm thickness 3.00mm, section weight 1.495 kg/m glazing clips 19x17.3 x 11mm thickness 0.9mm section weight 0.124 kg/m; aluminium section cut to length joint metred corners grinded, the shutters pivoted opening arrangement with heavy duty aluminium alloy automatic door clousures floor mounted, providing and fixing standard approved accessories, such as aluminium handle for full width or length, tower bolts, lock, pivots: P.V.C. or rubber gasket with 5.5m. thick plain glass for top and bottom panel; aluminium section treated for removal of any rust and prevention of rurther rust formation, and coated with greasy materials for non-adherance of mortars or any other sticky materials; the assembled frame fitted with the corner angles, strips and fitted with screws, rawl plugs or teak wood gutties to R.C.C. columns or masonry on sides. Beams and flooring in bottom. including cutting, chistiling and making good with cement mortar to match the surface; all the frames throughly cleaned free from rust, scale, or dirt including cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per specification. do_ using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of 60 to 70 micron with exterior durable pure polyster grade powder of approved




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Providing and fixing in position aluminium windows and ventilators as per approved drawings with sliding shutters using three track window frame of size 92x31.75mm bottom section 1.3mm thick, weight 1.07kg/m; sides and top sections 1.3 mm, thick, weight 0.933 kg/m.shutter frame section comprising top and bottom section of size 40mmx18mm, wall thickness 1.25mm. weight 0.417 kg./m. shutter side outer 40mmx18mm. wall thickness 1.25mm. weight 0.417 kg/m, shutter interlock section 40mmx26.7mm wall thickness 1.1 mm. thick, weight 0.469 kg/m, the shutters mounted on nylon rollers with approved quality of fixtures such as aluminium handles tower bolts etc.; providing and fixing 5.5mm. thick plain glass for shutters fitted with rubber beading all aluminium sections including cutting to required length, joints mitred subdividing the frame tenonned and rivetted, in the assembled frame, stiffened with end clips for corners, angles etc., and fixed to the walls, lintels, floor beams/cills as the case may be, with necessary steel screws, raul plugs or teak wood gatties including cutting masonry or concrete and making good the original surface using cement mortar. -do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of 60 to 70 micron with exterior durable pure polyster grade powder of approved quality.




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Refilling pipeline trenches with selected available earth from trench excavation and foundation including watering, consolidation in layers of 15 cm thickness including disposing of the surplus earth with all lead and lifts etc., complete.




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