Directorate Of Municipal Administration Tender

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Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.

Directorate Of Municipal Administration - DMA Tender

Civil And Construction
Opening Date15 Feb 2025
Closing Soon28 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 3,00,00,000.03 



Provoding Underground Drainage Facility To Ashraya Houses 500 Houses In Basavanabagewadi Under Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited.


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code04 - Earthwork excavation for pipeline trenches in all kinds of soils by mechanical means above 600 mm trench width as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100mm whevere necessary as directed,removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling thebottom of trench to the extent required,utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., and all other appurtenances complete in the following strata. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge -do- All kinds of soils. Depth upto 1.50 m




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code05 - do All kinds of soils. Depth exceeding 1.5 m, but not exceeding 3 m




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code06 - Filling approved earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m: Murrum complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code07 - Providing and constructing of Machinehole chambers conical in shape at top with CC 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15m alround the chamber and brick masonry in C.M 1:4 plaster with bricks of approved quality and CM plaster 1:3 proportion 12mm thick inside and outside except for the conical surface outside where the thickness of plaster shall be 20 mm thick, with 1 to 6 slope in the concrete towards the central drain, finished smooth and fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20 mm and down size including supplying and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover confoming to IS 12592(Part-I): 1988 & IS 12592(Part-II) :1991 with latest amendments in CC 1:2:4, supplying and fixing of plastic foot steps staggered at 30cms apart as directed, watering, curing,barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over M.H. frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, dewatering, engraving Machinehole No. on the inner and outer conical surface etc. as per the drawing with all lead and lift for various diameters and depths noted below. With Table Moulded Bricks & Medium Duty SFRC Cover & Frame: For 1.2m dia complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge Constructing Table Moulded Bricks Machinehole 1.2 m internal dia. , 1.0M depth & Medium duty SFRC cover & frame -do- 1.0m depth




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code08 - Depth 1.1m




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code09 - Depth 1.2m




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code10 - Depth 1.3m




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code11 - Depth 1.4m




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code12 - Depth 1.5m




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code13 - Depth 1.6m




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code14 - Depth 1.7m




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code15 - Depth 1.8m




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code16 - Depth 1.9m




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code17 - Depth 2.0m




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code18 - Depth 2.1m




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code19 - Depth 2.2m




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code20 - Depth 2.3m




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code21 - Constructing Table Moulded Bricks Machinehole 1.5 m internal dia. 1.0M depth & Medium duty SFRC cover & frame do depth 2.4m




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code22 - Depth 2.5m




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code23 - Providing UNPLASTICISED PVC pipes conforming to IS 16098:2013 with latest amendments ended with integral sockets with ISI mark and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading and unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of UPVC pipes (with cost of elastomeric sealing rings) and specials (excluding cost of specials) with jointing of approved type, with all labour, lead & lifts, including encasing the pipes alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS (contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge 160mm dia uPVC pipe SN 8 class




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code24 - uPVC pipe SN 8 class 200mm dia




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code25 - Refilling available earth around trenches/pipelines, cables in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth, compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with a lead upto 50 m , and lift upto 1.5 m. Including cost of all labour complete as per specifications. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code26 - Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel/ vibratory roller in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density.complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge do with Using Screening Type A (13.2mm agg)




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code27 - Providing S&S RCC SPUN / VIBRATED CAST PIPES REINFORCED pipes NP 3 Class conforming to IS:458 1988 with latest amentments using ordinary portland cement, for sanitary works and conveying to work site, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level including loading and unloading at both destinations and jointing of pipes and specials, perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of jointing materials, i.e, rubber rings conforming to IS: 5382 for S&S RCC pipes, with all leads and lifts as directed and giving necessary hydraulic test as per ISS to the required pressure and commissioning etc. complete. (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing). Before the execution of the work, the contractor shall carry out the survey with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge 300mm dia NP 3 class




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code28 - Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material to the appropriate disposal area with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code29 - Providing and laying in Reinforced cement concrete for all Basement & surface level works, return walls, retaining walls, sunken floors etc. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necesary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately) complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code30 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code31 - Reconstruction of existing roads Earth work in surface excavation by mechanical means for lowering & levelling the ground for all works other than foundation in all kinds of soils & up to depth not exceeding 300mm as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenances required to complete the work. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge All kinds of soils. Depth upto 1.50 m




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code32 - Construction of Embankment by excavating the available approved Gravel/Murrum deposited at a place or borrow pits during or prior excavation with all lifts and lead, transportation to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet the requirement complete as per specifications, including cost of labour,rolling,water,all materials,usage& all other appurtenaces required to complete the workc with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code33 - Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel/ vibratory roller in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge - do with Using Screening Type A (13.2mm agg)




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code34 - Construction of Granular Sub Base by providing graded Material, mixing with cement in a mechanical mix plant at OMC carriage of mixed material to work site spreading in a uniform layer with mechanical paver on prepared surface and compaction with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density complete as per clause 401 (2.5% Cement) Laying using Mechanical Paver Grading V materials complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code35 - Wet Mix Macadam (Plant mix method) Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver/grader in sub-base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code36 - Prime Coat over WMM/WBM Providing and applying primer coat with SS1 grade Bitumen Emulsion on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70 kg/m2 using mechanical means. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code37 - Providing and applying tack coat with RS1 Bituminous Emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 kg/m2 on the prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mechanical broom complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code38 - Providing and laying Bituminous Macadam with 120 tph capacity hot mix plant batch type using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous binder VG-30 @ 3.3% by weight of mix, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code39 - Providing and laying Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete with 40/60 TPH capacity hot mix plant batch type using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous binder VG-30 @ 5% by weight of mix and filler, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per MoRTH V revision complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code40 - Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 g/m2 area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35:2015.The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code41 - Cutting road surface for pipeline trenches and disposing off the excavated stuff with all lead and lift as directed including barricading, danger ighting etc., in the following classifications. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code42 - Earthwork excavation for pipeline trenches in all kinds of soils by mechanical means above 600 mm trench width as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100mm whevere necessary as directed,removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling thebottom of trench to the extent required,utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., and all other appurtenances complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge All kinds of soils. Depth upto 1.50 m




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code43 - Constructing brick masonry chamber of internal dimension 600x600mm and depth of 600mm (inner dimensions) with modular bricks of CD 75 in cement mortar 1:6, bed concrete 150mm thick with 1:3:6, plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:4, CC 1:2:4 coping 75mm thk for fixing CI cover & frame etc. including the cost of CI frame and cover. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code44 - Providing UNPLASTICISED PVC pipes conforming to IS 16098:2013 with latest amendments ended with integral sockets with ISI mark and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading and unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of UPVC pipes (with cost of elastomeric sealing rings) and specials (excluding cost of specials) with jointing of approved type, with all labour, lead & lifts, including encasing the pipes alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS (contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge 110mm dia uPVC pipe- SN 8 class




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code45 - Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel/ vibratory roller in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge - do with Using Screening Type A (13.2mm agg)




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code46 - Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material to the appropriate disposal area with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code47 - Providing and laying in Reinforced cement concrete for all Basement & surface level works, return walls, retaining walls, sunken floors etc. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necesary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately) complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code48 - Providing & fixing 455x610 mm cast iron cover with frame weight to be not less 38kgs (weight of cover 23 kgs and weight of frame 15 kgs)and necessary locking arrangements with M.S flats 32x6 mm etc & painting with two or more coats with black Japan paint etc. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code49 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code50 - Refilling available earth around trenches/pipelines, cables in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth, compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with a lead upto 50 m , and lift upto 1.5 m. Including cost of all labour complete as per specifications. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code51 - Cutting road surface for pipeline trenches and disposing off the excavated stuff with all lead and lift as directed including barricading, danger ighting etc., in the following classifications. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code52 - Providing sand cement bed with all leads and all materials and lift of 1.5m machine mixed laid in layers of 15cms thick and well compacted for foundation including cost of materials labour and HOM complete as per specifications KSB 2.10.2 complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge -do- sand cement bed with 5% cement per cum




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code53 - Earthwork excavation for pipeline trenches in all kinds of soils by mechanical means above 600 mm trench width as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100mm whevere necessary as directed,removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling thebottom of trench to the extent required,utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., and all other appurtenances complete in the following strata. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge All kinds of soils. Depth upto 1.50 m




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code54 - do All kinds of soils. Depth exceeding 1.5 m, but not exceeding 3 m




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code55 - do All kinds of soils. Depth exceeding 3.0 m, but not exceeding 4.5 m




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code56 - do ordinary rock (without requiring blasting) depth 4.5m to 6.0




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code57 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. complete complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code58 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge M 25 for Raft




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code59 - Providing and laying in Cement Concrete for all Basement & surface levelworks, return walls, retaining walls, sunken floors etc. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevantIS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compactedusing needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necessary, including alllead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as pertechnical specifications.M30 for vertical side walls, effluent channel baffle walls complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code60 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works & super structure works of bridges upto 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. The cost includes all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge M30 for column above and below Ground level




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code61 - do 3.5 to 7.0Mtr height




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code62 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code63 - Providing Coursed rubble masonry (second sort) with hard stone in foundation & plinth with Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge




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code64 - Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade :New work (Two coats applied @ 4.84 kg/10 m²) to give an even shade after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. From 0 to 5 Mtr




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code65 - From 5.1 to 10 Mtr




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code66 - Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade :New work (two coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.




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code67 - Providing White washing with lime to give an even shade :New work (three coats) with lime of approved quality, including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineerin-charge.




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code68 - Providing and laying water proofing treatment to the Roof with PU based single component elastomeric pure polyurethane based coating on New terrace/ Chajjas/ Sunken portion of WC:Bathroom, cold applied PU waterproofing membrane that is highly elastic with elongation greater than 400% and tensile strength greater than 2MPa as per ASTM D412. The waterproofing membrane to be applied in 2coats @ 1.6kg per m2 to achieve final DFT (dry film thickness) of 1mm including prime coat of epoxy primer @150 g per m2 and protection with 120gsm Geo-textile over the waterproofing membrane. The finished cost to include surface preparation, making coving at Junction, Bore Packing, treatment of construction joints completely as per specification & with a 10 years warranty on product & work from certified manufacturers as per the direction of the Engineer In charge




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code69 - Providing and fixing angle iron frames for doors, windows and ventilators of mild steel Angle sections of size 35x35x5 mm, joints mitred and welded by angle iron 35x35x5 mm or 35x 5 mm flat pieces to the existing T-iron frame or to the wall with dash fastener, including fixing of necessary butt hinges and screws and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, all complete as per the direction of Engineer-Incharge including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery complete as per specifications. complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.




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code70 - Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all complete. Fixed to steel windows by welding complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.




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code71 - Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS:1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) :For Fixed Portion : Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery complete as per specifications complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.




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code72 - Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete, including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs manufactured from high tensile steel wire of adequate strength conforming to IS: 4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters. 80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery complete as per specifications and as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.




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code73 - Providing, Fabricating and fixing MS structural member at the location including painting with two coats of anticorrosive bitumen paint over one coat of red oxide primer etc., complete.(for pump opening) complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineerin-charge.




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code74 - Supply of 5 MT or suitable capacity spur geared chain pully block with 10 m lifting chain etc., complete with all lead and lift, as directed by the Engineer In charge.




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code75 - CHAIN LINKED WIRE FENCING : Supply & providing chain linked wire fencing for 11 KV transformer sub-station. The chain linked fencing should be with 2"x2"x8 SWG wire welded with angle iron frames of size 2.5mx2.5m using angle of using 50x50x6mm. The frame be fixed to be supporting channel spacing at 2.5 M size 100x50mm rails transportation and labour for fixing silver painting etc., complete with door with 2.5m size at suitable place including all taxes . Chain linked fencing shall be erected upon size stone masonry structure. The work includes providing & constructing granite/trap/basalt size stone masonry (0.45m wide, for aheight of 0.30m) in foundation cement mortor 1:6 stone hammer dressed in courses not less than 20 cm high, bond stones at two m apart and over plain cement concrete of mix M15 with OPC cement @240kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878 cum and fine aggregates @ 0.459 cum machine mixed concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, well compacted, in foundation and plinth for a thickness of 0.15 cm for foundation and 0.10 for coping including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing etc., complete. complete with all lead and lift, as directed by the Engineer In charge.




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code76 - Providing and fixing MS ladder between landings, 45 cms wide using angle iron of specified sizes, 20mm MS bars at 25 cms. centre to centre, with necessary supports of same angle iron etc. as directed, including hand railing on both sides with 25mm dia. GI pipes with angle iron props at 2 Mtr. intervals and 0.5M heigh, including fixing in ground with CC 1:2:4 and two coats of anticorrosive bituminous paint etc. with all lead and lifts etc. complete with: - MS angle of 65 x 65 x 8mm. complete with all lead and lift, as directed by the Engineer In charge.




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code77 - Installation of high mask at Wetwell premises Earthwork excavation for pipeline trenches in all kinds of soils by mechanical means above 600 mm trench width as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100mm whevere necessary as directed,removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling thebottom of trench to the extent required,utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., and all other appurtenances complete in the following strata.complete with all lead and lift, as directed by the Engineer In charge. All kinds of soils. Depth upto 1.50 m




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code78 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications.




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code79 - Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. M 25 for Raft




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code80 - Fabrication, Supplying, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of...... ms long Polygon high mast with Single/Multiple telescopic sections having, (minimum over lap distance o f 1.5 times of top section)thickness as per BSEN10025 grades 355JO/ASTMA 572-50 steel sheet plate for shaft suitable to withstand a wind velocity of 47m/s as per IS875 part 3 (as per GA Drawing).Base plate as per IS 2062/ASTMA 572-50.The mast shall be Galvanized in single Hot-dip as per BS EN ISO1461 / ASTMA 123 with an average 70 microns as per IS2629,




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code81 - Supply of LED floodlight luminaire with pressure die castaluminium housing body for optimal thermal dissipation.Lamp compartment comprising of anti glare clear diffuserwith Injection moulded polycarbonate/clear glass material,delivering superior light output. Rated life Burning Hrs 50000hr Lumen Maintenance of 70%, CCT 5500K, IP 66optical and electrical compartment & impact resistance of complete luminaire IK08. Power Factor 0.9 with mains,Surge Protection- Min 5KV along with Over voltage/Overload, short circuit/ miss-wiring protection. Compatible for pole mouting with outer dia of 40mm to 50mm.Universal Voltage driver to operate wide voltage range from 100V to 270V 50/60Hz application. Compliance to IS 10322/IEC 60598, LM 79 & LM 80 Adherence with RoHS. UL approved MCPCB. Top access street light with single screwto ensure ease of maintenance at the sight site location with minimized minimal tools. LED Light fixture with ........W System Power consumption. LED Efficiency 130lm/w, nominal CRI 75. Luminaire manufacturer should have inhouse facility accredited by NABL/CPRI & any Governmentcertified agency & Design & Development facility certified by ISO 9001:2008 . Housing with supplier word mark /name shall be Engraved / Embossing on the die cast housing/ Bodypart. Warranty of 2 Years against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical conditions as mentioned above should be given by LED manufacturer & Cree/Nichia/Lumileds/Osram make LED Source 200w




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code82 - Fixing halogen/metal halide / SVL / IL / LED floodlight fittingover existing pole / wall ceiling including clamps, bolts, nutsand wiring using suitable capacity wires




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code83 - Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of PVC insulated1100V grade, stranded Aluminium wire single core in openor concealed system of wiring




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code84 - Supplying of 1.1 KV LT UG cable XLPE or Heat resistantPVC insulated, PVC extruded Inner sheath armoured UG LTcable as per IS-1554 (Part-1) or IS-7098 Part-1, Armouring strip thickness in average +5% and resistivity 14 Ohms/Kms (Max) as per IS-3975




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code85 - Labour charges for laying of 1.1 KV class UG cable in existing trench GI pipe / stoneware pipe / on wall / on pole as required.




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code86 - Digging of trench of 0.6m deep x 0.50 mtr wide refilling the trench to the required ground level and consolidating etc. Complete




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code87 - Supplying and fixing L.T. cast Iron pot heads suitable for 1.1KV class UG cable filled with necessary bitumen/insulating compound complete with terminals, clamps, bolts, nuts and washers etc.




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code88 - Supplying tinned copper lugs crimpting and wiring to terminal point for wire of the following sizes.1.5 Sqmm




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code89 - 2.5 Sqmm




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code90 - 10 Sqmm




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code91 - Supplying, fixing, wiring, earth electrode for grounding conduits, I.C. cutouts and other equipment's on the meterboard using 40mm dia 2.90mm thick GI pipe 2.5 mtr long buried in a pit … The pit should be filled with equalproportion of salt and charcoal 150mm all round the pipe tocomplete depth. The connection from the pipe to the conduitetc., is to be established through GI wire of size as per ISI specification 7.3.3. of IS 732 using 12mm dia bolts, nuts,washers and check nuts etc., the pipe shall have 16 through holes of 12 mm dia




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code92 - Fabricating supplying and mounting MS box made out 14SWG suitable for floor / wall mounting, fully weather proof with provision for better heat dissipation, provided with hinged front cover, equipped with tamper proof locking arrangements, with suitable size clamps with necessary cable entry pipe with gland and box should be finished with 7tanks treatment with powder coated paint and finally finished with approved colour etc., complete.




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code93 - Supplying and laying double walled corrugated(DWC) HDPE pipe including all necessary connecting sockets/couplings/Tees/Bends/End-caps of same materials in existing trench as per IS 14930 part-II suitable for drawing under ground cables




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code94 - Supplying, fixing and wiring electronic 5 to 20 Amps single phase class-1 Accuracy with Temper Proof Energy Meter.




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code95 - Supply and fixing of 4 pole power contactor with NO/NCcontacts on existing wood/panel board using necessarybolts, nuts, washers and wiring etc., complete with AC 3Rating and as per IS 13947.




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code96 - Supplying and drawing Flexible Multicore Cable manufactured with electrolytic grade flexible copper with low conductor confirming to IS:8130-1984 and (Virgin) PVC insulation sheathed suitable for working voltage upto 1100Volts as per IS 694 1990




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code97 - Supplying and fixing of class A (medium duty) GI pipe of wall thick ness not less than 3.25mm on pole/wall/drain crossing with necessary clamping arrangements for UG cable of 1.1 KV class.




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code98 - Street Lighting Metering Box with Automatic Control Swith, Contactors with Single Phase 5 30 Amps meter & 50/5A CT including wiring and labour charge




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code99 - PUMPSETS Supply and delivery at site brand new board approved makes sewage submersible pump coupled to Board approved makes squirrel cage induction motor of suitable HP 'F' class insulation capable of delivering the duty condition as specified. The pumpset should operate in full range of discharge and should have the following accessories specified in the following detailed specification. The submersible sewage pump shall be monoblock type with non-clong design. The pump shall be of 1500 RPM.




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code100 - The pumps should be able to pass through soft solids of 100 mm dia and capable of delivering sludge with specific gravity of 1.05 impellers should be single/double Vane non-clog type of CF 8M material and with wearing rings. Maintenance free, antifriction, deep groove permanently grease filled ball bearings to take care of all the axial and radial forces at any point of operations, should be provided. The pump design should be such as to facilitate automatic installation/removal of pump without having to enter into the sewage pit. Profile gasket should be provided in automatic coupling system to avoid metal to metal contact between the pump and delivery pipe to ensure leak proof joint. Material of construction: 1) PUMP CASING: The pump casing shall be CI as per IS:210 GRFG 260 With 2 to 3% Nickel. The casing shall have central line discharge. 2) IMPELLER: The impeller shall be of stainless steel grade CF 8M, single/double vane non-clog design for disposal of material. 3) PUMP SHAFT: The pump shaft shall be of hard chrome plate alloy steel of stainless steel SS 410 as per the manufacturers standard and shall be of one piece construction.4) PUMP BEARING: The pump bearing shall be of antifriction type. The bearing shall be able to take normal thrust loads due to unbalanced hydraulic loads on the impellers plus the weight of all the rotating parts of the pump. The pump bearings shall be designed with minimum life of 40,000 hours .The bearing shall be grease lubricated. 5) GUIDE RAIL SYSTEM: The assembly shall have pedestal bracket, delivery bend etc., pedestal and bracket shall be provided with DI automatic coupling between pump delivery and flange and discharge bend (standard bend or Duck bend)6) Moisture sensor (seal moistor) shall be provided in chamber to detect the failure of the mechanical seal. The sensor will trip of moisture into the oil chamber. Mechanical Seal: Double mechanical seal shall be provided to prevent pumped liquid entering into the motor winding. The seal shall be situated in oil chamber to ensure proper lubrication. The face combination of lower mechanical seal shall be silicon carbide v/s silicon carbide and upper mechanical seal shall be carbon v/s chrome steel or carbon v/s st steel or silicon carbide v/s silicon carbide 7) LIFTING CHAIN: Each pump shall be provided with MS lifting chain of adequate strength. The chain shall have rings of same size as chain fixed at an intervel of about 1 Mtr for engaging the hook of the chain pulley block. 8) DUCK FOOT BEND: Suitable size heavy duty duck foot bend should be bolted to the foundation of the pit by expansion bolt. The elbow should have grove to locate guide wire (chain) and the profile of the pump side flange should match with the pump. The elbow should be designed to take over the load of the pump.




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code101 - Minimum flow- HP-2, Discharge-3 LPS, Head-16Mtr




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code102 - Guide pipe holder - MS




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code103 - MS auto rail guide pipe-100mm minimum




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code104 - M.S Chain-8 mm thick




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code105 - Supplying and fixing DI Resilient seated soft sealing SLUICE VALVE of variouis dia. with body bonnet of ductile iron (DI) conforming to IS-1865 and of grade GGG 40/50, shaft of stainless steel, wedge fully rubber lined with EDPM seals of NBR and the valves should be vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per IS 14846-2000 only. The stem sealing should be with toroidal sealing rings (minimum 2 “ O “ rings). Body and bonut should be coated with Electrostatically applied Epoxy Powder Coating with minimum coating thickness of 250 micron both inside and outside. The rate is inclusive of cost of valves, T.P set, galvanized bolts & nuts and rubber insertions etc. but excluding earth work. (Note: TP set should be considered only for DI pipes estimate. For MS pipes estimates, TP sets cost of corresponding dia shall be deducted from the SR rates of valves and provision for corresponding dia MS flanges should be made in the estimate.) For PN-10: 80mm dia




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code106 - NON RETURN BALL VALVE: Supply and delviery at site brand new C.I Ball valve suitable for handling water containing fibrous materials and solids of 80mm of Kishore / Normex or any other approved make.




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code107 - Delivery pipes and specials:Supply and delivery at site brand new best indegineous 8mm thick double flanged mild steel pipes and specials. Suitable for test pressure equivalent to twice the working pressure. The pipe shal be quoted with epoxy paint inside and anticorossive paint outside. Welded joints should be tested as per IS 3589/1996. The thickness of flanges should confirm to IS The specials shall be as per ANSI 16.9. Minimum 80 mm dia flanged pipes.




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code108 - Minimum 150 mm dia flanged pipes.




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code109 - Minimum 150 mm dia blank flange.




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code110 - Minimum 150x150x80mm dia radial flanged tee




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code111 - PRESSURE GAUGE: Supply and delivery at site brand new 150mm dia Board approved make suitable dia sealed precision tube glycerine filled stainless steel pressure guage with stop cock, two way cock, nipple and required length of copper tube etc., complete suitable for counting onthe delivery of the above pump 80mm dia




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code112 - Control Panel Board for pumps Supply, delivery and commissing at site brand new board approved make or equivalent floor mounting, free standing, cubicle type control panel board unit suitable for operation on 3 phase 50 cycles 400/440 volts AC supply fitted with the following:




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code113 - Main side cable:- Supply and delivery at site brand new any Board approved make 3 1/2 x 185sqmm Aluminum conductors PVC sheathed 1.1 KV class UG Cable conforming to the latest ISS 1554. 3.5 x 185 sqmm




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code114 - Load side cable/ APFC:- Supply and deliverty at site brand new Board approved make or any other make to be approved by the Board Aluminium satndard conductors PVC insutated, sheathed steel tape/wire armoured , PVC outer sheated 1.1 KV class UG Cable conforming to the lateat ISS 1554. 3x 25 Sq mm




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code115 - Fire fighting equipments a) Supply and installation of CO2 type fire extinguisher 4.5 Kg capacity with initial charge with wall mounting bracket, ready for use - 2 Nos.




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code116 - Tool Kit: Supply and delivery at site best Taparia/or any other Board approved make and other reputed make tool sets for operation and maintenance of the above pumpsets comprising of the following. a) Double end spanner 1/4" to 1" 1 set b) Screw driver insulated 11" - 1 No c) Screw driver insulated 8" - 1 No d) Cutting puller insulated 8" - 1 No e) Hammer with handle 1 Kg - 1 No f) P ipe wrench 24" 1 No g) Pipe wrench 18" 1 No h) Pipe wrench 12" 1 No




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code117 - Erection of Control Panel Board , and APFC Panel: on CC foundation including formation of CC foundation in CC 1:2:4 prop. Using all the required materials such as cement, jelly etc., complete including errection of the panel board, on CC foundation using required materials such as MS channel bolts, nuts, washers etc., complete with all lead and lift.




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code118 - Erection of pumpsets : Laying and jointing of pipes and specials, lowering of pumpset into the wetwell and jointing delivery pipes, guide rail system, MS chains and lowering into the wetwell upto the floor level. etc ., complete using bolts and nuts, packing, fixing clamps, providing pipe supports wherever necessary including cabling etc., complete. The pump should be provided with suitable foundations including cost of all materials etc., complete.




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code119 - The works shall include digging of trenches size of 0.60 Mtr. deep & 1.0 Mtr. wide providing sand bedding to the cables laying the cable in trench providing cable marking bricks refilling, consolidation the soil etc., complete including the cost of all the materials required for laying the cable as per IE rules labour etc., complete 3.5 x 185 sqmm .




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code120 - LAYING IN G.I PIPE: Running the cable in 2.9 mm thick suitable size GI pipe above the ground using all the required materials such as GI pipe, clamps, bolts, nuts, washers etc., for fixing the GI pipes to the pole including the cost of these mateials labour etc., complete. 3.5 x 185 sqmm




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code121 - Laying of load side cable: Running the cable in existing ducts including properly securing cable in position etc, complete using all the required materials etc, complete. 3x 25 Sq mm




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code122 - Cable Terminations: Termination of cable using Copper lugs to the terminal end for solderless crimping to aluminium conductor by adopting cirimping tool. 3.5 x 185 sqmm




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code123 - 3x 25 Sq mm




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code124 - Earthing a) Earth Electrodes FOR LT System :- supplying, fixing , wiring , earth electrode for grounding using 40mm dia 2.9 thick GI pipe 2.5 mtr long burried in a pit including digging of pit. The pit should be filled with equal proportion of salt and charcoal 150mm alround the pipe to complete depth. The connection from the pipe to the equpiment etc., is to be established through GI pipe of size as per ISI specification using 12 mm dia bolts, nouts, wshers and checknuts etc.,The pipe shall have 16 through holes of 122 mm dia. The other end of GI pipe is required to be provided with a funnel with wire mesh, GI check nuts, GI nut washers etc.,




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code125 - b) An inspection chamber of size 300mm x 300mm x 300mm size CC 1:2:4 with 150mm thick side walls, 100mm thick as bottom shall be provided. The inspection chamber shall be covered with MS or CI frame and cover. The cover shall be inged to the frame and provided with padlocking arrangements. Inspection chamber frame and cover shall be finished with antocorrosive primer and numbered.




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code126 - Transformer : Supply, erection, electrification and commissioning at site, brand new Board approved make or any other make to be approved by the Board oil immersed naturally cooled continuous duty with aluminium winding 50 KVA 11 kV/433 volts 3 Ph 50 Hz Dyn 11 vector group distribution transformer conforming to ISS 2026/1977 or its latest amendments fitted with the following and suitable for outdoor installation. The no load losses and full load losses shall be as per level 3 standards.




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code127 - Erection of Transformer Construction of platform (1.5x1.5x1.2) mtr in size stone, for erection of transformers , metering cubicle, load break switch etc., including all materials, labour. Excavation of (1.5x1.5x1) mt pit for foundation providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 for foundation laid in 1cm thick layers, well compacted curing etc., complete providing and construction of stone masonary 0.9m below ground level and 1.2m above ground level neatly hammer dressed in cement mortor 1:6 cutting complete providing pointing to stone masonary in cement morter 1:3 after racking joint & nisely lining curing etc., plastering the concrete surfaces in cement morter 1:4 including smooth randering curing etc., curing at every stages complete and with MS rail embeded on the top of the platform, hoisting the transformer for the erection on the above platform and erection of the transformer on the platform including the cost of all the materials required labour etc., complete with supply and spreading of 40 mm down size jelly all round the transformer substation including transporation and erection of transformer using crane or other means including cost of all materials and labour required for erection of the above with all lead and lift etc., complete




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code128 - Earthwork excavation for pipeline trenches in all kinds of soils by mechanical means above 600 mm trench width as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100mm whevere necessary as directed,removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling thebottom of trench to the extent required,utilising the available excavated earth locally for the work etc., and all other appurtenances complete in the following strata. complete with all lead and lift as directed by Engineer In Charge -do- All kinds of soils. Depth upto 1.50 m




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code129 - do ordinary rock (without requiring blasting) depth upto 1.50m




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code130 - Filling approved earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m: Murrum




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code131 - Providing and laying Ductile Iron pipes of class conforming to IS 8329:2000 with latest amendments, conveyiing to work site, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line, level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading and unloading at both destinations, cutting of pipes wherever necessary, jointing with DI specials (excluding cost of specials) and rubber gaskets, cleaning the socket and spigot end with soap solution, applying soft soap to the socket and spigot ends before insertion of rubber gaskets, jacking and fixing in perfect conditions etc. The cost to include soap solution, soft soap, waste etc. and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS with all lead and lifts and cost of all jointing materials. (The contractor will make his own arrangements for water for testing. Earth work excavation in trenches to be measured and paid for seperately) Note: In sewerage projects for internal cement mortal lining ( CML ) of DI pipes, if High Alumina Cement ( HAC ) as recommended in Annexure B clause 16.3 of IS8329:2000 is considered in place of Slag or Sulphate Resistance Cement ( SRC ), the cost of pipes may be increased by 5-6% from the prices listed. 150mm dia DI K-9 class




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code132 - Supplying and fixing DI Resilient seated soft sealing SLUICE VALVE of variouis dia. with body bonnet of ductile iron (DI) conforming to IS-1865 and of grade GGG 40/50, shaft of stainless steel, wedge fully rubber lined with EDPM seals of NBR and the valves should be vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per IS 14846-2000 only. The stem sealing should be with toroidal sealing rings (minimum 2 “ O “ rings). Body and bonut should be coated with Electrostatically applied Epoxy Powder Coating with minimum coating thickness of 250 micron both inside and outside. The rate is inclusive of cost of valves, T.P set, galvanized bolts & nuts and rubber insertions etc. but excluding earth work. (Note: TP set should be considered only for DI pipes estimate. For MS pipes estimates, TP sets cost of corresponding dia shall be deducted from the SR rates of valves and provision for corresponding dia MS flanges should be made in the estimate.) For PN-16 150mm dia




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code133 - 80mm dia




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code134 - Supply and fixing of Single / Double chamber triple function tamper proof (Both the orifces to be housed in the single chamber) Air valves with Body and cover in Ductile cast iron of grade GGG 40/50. All internal parts such as float, shell with appurtenances., all cover bolts of austenitic alloy / SS 304 steel, DN 50 float of HOSTAFLON / SS 304 and gaskers and seals of EPDM. Epoxy powder coating (EP-P) inside and outside colour blue RAL5005. The valves should be designed for all the three functions i.e., 1. Large orifice for venting of large air volumes on start up. 2. Large orifice for intake of large air volumes. 3. Small orifice for discharge of pressurized air during operation. For PN 10.0




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code135 - Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Sub structures of building, Irrigation works, Sub structure works of bridges, Drain works & other parallel works from 0.50m to 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necesary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately) - Mix 1:2:4 (M15) Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates




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code136 - Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification




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code137 - Refilling available earth around trenches/pipelines, cables in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth, compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with a lead upto 50 m , and lift upto 1.5 m. Including cost of all labour complete as per specifications.




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