Haryana Urban Development Authority Tender
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₹ 28,980Document Cost
₹ 500Tender Fee
₹ 1,180
Providing Of Storm Water Line And Construction Of Manhole From Hno 340 To Session Court Drain In Sector 7 Urban Estate Ambala City
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Tender Id
2024_HBC_391594_1Bid Award Id
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2024AAD12ADF B2DB 4CE5 B384 E996628A4494239HSVTender Authority
Haryana Urban Development Authority ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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[10.2]Supplying and filling in plinth with sand (conforming to zone-IV, IS 1542) under floors, including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing complete.
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[17.69.2]Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement 2. Providing and Laying 80 mm thick ISI marked Interlocking Paver Blocks conforming to IS 15658:2006/IRC SP 63: 2004 of all shapes and colours in design mix cement M 40 over the bed of 30 mm thick fine sand complete in all respect.
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[17.69.2]Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement 2. Providing and Laying 80 mm thick ISI marked Interlocking Paver Blocks conforming to IS 15658:2006/IRC SP 63: 2004 of all shapes and colours in design mix cement M 40 over the bed of 30 mm thick fine sand complete in all respect.
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[]Construction of rectangular standard brick masonry manhole chambers to standard drawings on S.W. pipe sewers or other circular pipe sewers up to the required depth in 1.5 cement sand mortar, lime concrete in bed and sides of pipe sewer and cement concrete 1:2:4 in benching, 12 mm thick water tight 1:2 cement sand plaster with a floating coat of neat cement and finished with 2 coats of sodium silicate on interior surface where required, reinforced cement concrete slab 180mm thick fixing 560 mm internal diameter C.I. manhole cover and frame weight not less than 2.5 quintal painted with 3 coats of black bitumen paint, fixing galvanised malleable iron steps embedded in 1:2 cement sand mortar complete. the rate covers the cost of M.S. steel for R.C.C. slab labour for fixing and carriage of C.I. manhole frame and cover and malleable iron steps from the stores of the Engineer-in-charge of the works to the site of works. The rate also include the cost of accurately planned and fitted centring, supports for all works as well as for all curves and special work, cleaning out their beds etc. sodium silicate shall be supplied free of cost at the stores of the Engineer-in-charge. 8.1. On 350 mm internal diameter pipe sewer -for 2.40 meters depth below ground level
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[21.93.2]Providing and fixing SFRC MANHOLE COVERS AND FRAMES MARKED WITH IS: 12592 including setting the same to correct lines and levels in 1:3 cement sand mortar over manhole including carriage loading unloading stacking handling re-handling etc. complete in all respects to the satisfaction to the Engineer-in-charge. 2. Type:- Extra Heavy Duty Set (EHD-20) 560MM Clear Opening
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[21.95.1]Providing lowering cutting jointing and testing RCC pipe class NP3 as per IS-458-2003 with spigot and socketed joints manufactured with ISI marked sulphate resistance cement as per ISI 12330 with rubber rings ISI marked antiternmite as required at site in to trenches for all depths and laying out the same to correct alignment gradients and levels including dressing and trimming and cutting of concrete beds and side of trenches, if required jointing with rubber rings in trenches and jointing with 1:3/2 cement sand mortar and with end dowels filled with 1:3/2 cement sand mortar and finishing the joints at an angle of 45 degree with faces of spigot of socket joints cutting and finishing the cut surface to a uniform finish etc. as fully described in item No. 21.38, item 21.44, item 21.45, and item 21.46 including cartage loading and unloading complete in all respects. the internal diametric of the sewer being: 1. 350 mm
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[6.1.1]Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work below plinth level and up to Floor IV level: 1. 1:1½:3 (1 Cement: 1½ coarse sand (zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
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[6.1.4]Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work below plinth level and up to Floor IV level: 4. 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III) : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
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[14.51.2]Hire charges for Hydraulic excavator/Loader like JCB/Pock lain, Hitachi etc with all accessories having bucket capacity 2. Hire Charges for excavator 0.40 to 0.75 cum bucket capacity
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Dismentling and set right of old sewer connection during laying of sewerage line inlcuding cost of 160mm PVC pipe of 6 Kg pressure coupler etc. complete in all respect to the satisfaction of Engineer-In-Charge
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Dismentling of old water connection set right of drinking purpose including cost of CPVC pipe, nipple union and elbow, clearing of lines and excavation with the satisfaction of Engineer-In-Charge
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