Konkan Railway Corporation Limited Tender
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Construction Of Approach Road With Both Side Reinforced Earth (re) Wall To Existing Railway Over Bridge At Railway Km 446/625 Under Sen/mao Section Of Krcl In The State Of Goa
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KR-W-09-2024-15Tender Authority
Konkan Railway Corporation Limited ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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025030: Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 5
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025070: Supply and using Cement at worksite 022040 775.00 cum 2456.36 1903679.00 1.73 1936612.65
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025080: Steel reinforcement of approved brands/makes for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete
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012010: Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges, side drains, level crossing approaches, platforms, catch water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing to required dimension and slopes to obtain a neat appearance to standard profile inclusive of all labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all cut spoils either to make spoil dumps or for filling in embankment with leads within 2 km on either side of edge of the cutting(s) including all lifts, ascent, descent, loading, 8 unloading, bailing & pumping out water, if required, clearance of site and all other works incidental thereto for completing the work as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note:(i) All usable earth arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank formation and Unusable spoils shall be dumped / stacked away from toe of embankment. (ii) All hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be stacked by the contractor and will be property of the Railways.(iii)Cut trees shall be property of Railways and to be deposited in the railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Conditions of Contract. 012060 1000.00 cum 520.94 520940.00 1.73 529952.26
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013010: Felling trees of girth (measured at a height of 1.0 m above ground level) including leading and stacking of material within 100m. Note : 1. When stumps are grubbed up in 10 addition, the rates shall be doubled for trees cut and grubbed 2. Payment for grubbing shall only be made where specially ordered. 3. Grubbing shall be ordered only where it is essential to remove the stumps, including the roots, as per specification. 4. Grubbing shall include removal of roots of trees and saplings to a depth of 60cm below ground level or 30 cm below formation level or 15 cm below sub grade level, whichever is lower.
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052230: Providing & laying non pressure NP-4 Class RCC pipe with collars, jointing with 11 1:2 cement and ordinary sand mortar including testing of joints, but excluding earthwork with all labour and material as a complete job. Cement for mortar will be paid separately.(Pipes of 600mm dia and above will be laid using crane/hydra).
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031100: Providing and fixing in position of standard preformed sealed and slab type or strip seal elastomeric type expansion joints for Railway bridge or Road Over Bridges as per approved drawings and latest MORTH/IRC specifications complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in- charge. 051060 210.00 cum 1301.63 273342.30 1.73 278071.12
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Extra for mechanical compaction of earth / blanketing material filled in embankment 1 with contractor's rollers of suitable capacity, type and size to achieve specified density as per specification, testing as per IS codes including cost of water, T&P, consumable material and all labour as a complete job. The work is to be executed as per Latest edition of "Guidelines for Earthwork in Railway Projects" issued by RDSO, Lucknow.
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108160 - Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - Rigid PVC single socketed rain water pipes conforming to IS:13592 Type-A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS:5382 leaving 10mm gap for thermal expansion
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108170: Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings / accessories for unplasticised - Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS:13592 Type-A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS:5382 leaving 10mm gap for thermal expansion
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108180: Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded bend and shoe for unplasticised-Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS:13592 Type A including jointing with seal ring confirming to IS:5382 leaving 10mm gap for thermal expansion.
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142030: Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C. pipes including bends etc. with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete above 800mm dia.
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Loading and transportation o f free rails from specified location by contractors road vehicle / trailer and unloading at block station or at nominated location in mid section with all contractors labours, tools as directed by Engineer in charge up to lead of 100 Km 2
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Cutting and cropping of 52 KG, 90UTS RAILS WITH CONTRACTORS BLADE & TOOLS
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NS: Casting, Transportation and Erection of Facia panel at site including: a) Concrete (M-35 grade minimum), b) Reinforcement steel - cutting, bending, shifting/transportation, fixing. c) Connectors, I-Bolts d) Provision of drainage e) PVC with geotextile f) Laying of levelling pad/coping 1 beam g) Space for casting and stacking of panels h) Complete all the work as per design as per directed by Engineer-in-charge with all lead and lift (All labour and materials by contractor) Individual rate for the sub items (a) to (h) should not be quoted. These are only for reference. Only consolidated rate covering all the above works is to be quoted here. Payment for cement, reinforcement, earthwork and backfill material, compaction shall be made extra under relevant item.
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Supplying and fixing protective screen of size 4.00 m X 1.80 m made out of steel conforming to IS 2062-1984 (GR-A) in three panels as shown in RDSO plan no ETI/C/0068 mod I including fabricating steel structures conforming to IS 800-62 or its latest version as follows: (1) End panel of size 1.55 X 1.80 m with three sides using MS angles of 35 X 35 X 6 mm and the gap to be covered with 10G expanded metal of size 50 X 20 mm by means of tack welding. (2) Middle panel of size 0.90 X 1.80 m with MS Tee of size 50 X 50 X 6 mm at ends and MS angle 35 X 36 X 6 mm at top 1 and bottom and the gap to be covered with 16G, GI sheet fitted with 10 mm dia GI bolts of size (3) Painting the screen with two coats of aluminum paint over one coat of Zinc Chromote primer followed by one coat of Zinc Chromate red oxide primer of approved quality. (4) Fitting the screens by means of J bolts of size 10 mm dia at 300 mm centers in the overhead structures to suit site conditions. (5) Complete all the works as shown in the plan and also as directed by Engineer-in- charge with all lead and lift (All labour and materials by contractor). Individual rate for the sub items (1) to (5) should not be quoted. These are only for reference. Only consolidated rate covering all the above works is to be quoted here. Note:- The work also includes removing and re fixing of existing protective screen on the ROB as to match the full length for complete job.
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16.81: Providing and erecting 2.00 metre high temporary barricading at site; each panel of size 2.50m x 2.00m made of 40x40x6mm angle iron or 50x50x3mm hollow MS tube posts/horizontal members/bracings covered with 1.63mm thick MS sheet. The sheet shall be fixed with 30x5mm MS flat by suitable welding/riveting. The panels shall be made so that gap of 50cm 1 above the ground is available making overall height as 2.5m. MS channel ISLC 75 @ 5.70 kg/m, 50cm long shall be provided at the bottom having oval shaped holes of size 50x25mm at both ends with 50cm long MS angle 40x40x6mm bracing. Suitable arrangement shall be made to fix the barricading to avoid from overturning by providing 250mm long expansion fasteners at both ends. The work shall be executed as per drawing/direction of Engineer-in-Charge which includes writing and painting, arrangement for traffic diversion such as traffic signals during construction at site for day and night, glow lamps, reflective signs, marking, flags, caution tape as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The barricading provided shall be retained in position at site continuously i/c shifting of barricading from one location to another location as many times as required during the execution of the entire work till its completion. Rate include its maintenance for damages, painting, all incidentals, labour materials, equipments and works required to execute the job. The barricading shall not be removed without prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
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Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds, around buried type abutments, bridge gaps, trolley refuges, rain bunds, if provided, platforms etc. with earth excavated from outside railway boundary entirely arranged by the contractor at his own cost as per RDSO's latest guidelines 1 and specifications and special condition of contract including all leads, royalty, lifts, ascents, descents, crossing of nallahs or any other obstructions. The rates shall include all dressing of bank to final profile, demarcation and setting out of profile, site clearance, removing of shrubs, roots of vegetations growth, heavy grass, benching of existing slope of old bank, all handling / re-handling, taxes, octroi and royalty etc. as a complete job. Cut trees shall be property of railways and to be deposited in the railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions of Contract.
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Providing and fixing of Drainage Spouts of 100mm UPVC complete as per drawing and Technical specification
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Supplying, spreading and filling coarse sand (no cohesive materials to be used) of 2 approved quality including watering and ramming in foundation, plinth, behind the abutment, wing wall, retaining wall in layers not exceeding 150mm thick including its compaction as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. The rate includes all lead, lift, ascent, descent, crossing of Railway line etc. complete with ontractor's labour, materials, tools and plant.
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Preparation of subgrade by excavating earth upto 22.5cm depth, dressing to camber and consolidating with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity including making good the undulations etc. and disposal of surplus earth with lead upto 50m
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Consolidation of subgrade with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity including making good the undulations etc. with earth or quarry spoils etc. and re-rolling the subgrade
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231040: Providing and laying water bound macadam with specified stone aggregate, stone screening and binding material including screening, sorting, spreading to template and consolidation with power road roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity etc. complete
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233010: Providing and applying tack coat using bitumen emulsion (Rapid setting) complying with IS:8887-1995, spraying the bitumen emulsion with mechanically operated spray unit, cleaning and preparing the existing road surface as per specification 235010 4000.00 Sqm 63.36 253440.00 67.92 425576.45 7
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231060: Providing and laying bitumen penetration macadam with hard stone aggregate, with bitumen of suitable penetration grade including required key aggregate as specified, 8 spreading coarse aggregate with the help of self propelled / tipper tail mounted aggregate spreader and applying bitumen by a pressure distributor and then spreading key aggregate with the help of aggregate spreader complete including consolidation with road roller of minimum 8 to 10 tonne capacity.
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236070: Painting road surface marking with adequate number of coats to give uniform 9 finish with ready mixed road marking paint conforming to IS:164, on bituminous surface in white / yellow shade including cleaning the surface of all dirt, scales, oil, grease and foreign material etc. complete 237010 115.00 Each 772.09 88790.35 67.92 149096.76
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238010: Providing and laying Dense Bituminous macadam on prepared surface with 11 specified graded crushed stone aggregate for profile corrective base / binding course, mixing of stone aggregate, filler and bitumen in hot mix plant, transporting the mixed material and laying with paver finisher fitted with electronic sensing device to the required level and grade and rolling by road roller as per specifications, to achieve the desired density, but excluding the cost of primer / tack coat
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238030: Providing and laying bitumen mastic wearing course (as per specifications) with industrial bitumen of grade 85/25 conforming to IS:702 prepared by using mastic cooker and laid 12 to required level and slope including providing antiskid surface with bitumen precoated fine grained hard stone chipping of approved size at the rate of 0.005cum per 10sqm and at approximate spacing of 10cm centre to centre in both directions, pressed into surface protruding 1mm to 4mm over mastic surface, including cleaning the surface, removal of debris etc. all complete. (considering bitumen using 10.2% as per MORTH specification)
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238040: Manufacturing supplying and fixing retro reflective sign boards made up of 2mm thick aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type heat activated retro reflective sheeting conforming to type-IV of ASTM-D 4956-01 in blue and silver white or other colour combination including subject matter, message (bi-lingual), symbols and borders etc. as per IRC ; 67:2001, pasted on substrate by an adhesive backing which shall be activated by applying heat and pressure conforming to class-2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back support frame of M.S. angle iron of size 13 25mm x 25mm x 3mm alongwith theft resistant measures, mounted and fixed with 2 nos. M.S. angles of size 35mm x 35mm x 5mm to a vertical post made up of M.S. Tee section ISMT 50mm x 50mm x 6mm welded with base plate of size 100mm x 100mm x 5mm at the bottom end and including making holes in pipes, angles flats, providing & fixing M.S. message plate of required size steel work to be painted with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of required shade and of approved brand & manufacture over priming coat of zinc chromate yellow primer (vertical MS-Tee support to be painted in black and white colours). Backside of aluminium sheet to be painted with two or more coats of epoxy paint over and including appropriate priming coat including all leads and lifts etc. complete as per drawing, specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Note : Concreting for fixing may be done as per site requirement and paid for separately) 238050 245.00 Sqm 965.40 236523.00 67.92 397169.42
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Fabricating and Erecting steel work with Rlys, rails in roof and sheds. Rafter, purlins, 1 jackarche beams under roof slab, HS tank, staging, in coloumn bracings top flooring etc., with all contractors labour, tools and plants including one primer coat of red lead paint confirming to IS 102 or Zinc chromate paint confirming to IS 104 excluding supply of matching steel, rivets, bolts, nuts and washer in riveted and bolted construction with requisite welding (as per IS 816) wherever required.
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Providing correct size black bolts with nuts and washers confirming to IS 1353 for item No. NS1 above.
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