Goa Institute Of Public Administration And Rural Development Tender

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Goa Institute Of Public Administration And Rural Development - GIPARD Tender

Civil And Construction
Building Construction
Opening Date15 Nov 2023
Closing Date11 Dec 2023
Tender Amount₹ 1,43,42,185 


  • EMD

    ₹ 24,34,219
  • Document Cost

    ₹ 30,000
  • Tender Fee

    ₹ 6,000


Construction Of New Institutional Building


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Earthwork in excavation over areas (exceeding 30cms in depth, 1.50m in width as well as 10sqmts on plan) in all types of stratas comprising of any type of materials such as soil, silt clay, sand, gravel, murrum of all types of conglomerates, laterite rock, soft rock, ordinary rock, disintegrated rock, fissured / shattered rock, decomposed rocks, weathered rock, etc and all such other materials either in full or part as the case may be adopting any method / methods as may be convenient or permitted including chiseling, wedging etc. in all conditions such as dry, moist, foul, saturated, submerged etc as directed by Engineer etc. all complete including refilling, dressing of sides ramming of bottom, including all lead and lift, including getting out the excavated soil as directed including pumping and bailing out water, barricading danger, lightening, guarding as directed by Engineer. Extra for additional depth of 1.5m or part thereof (Blasting Prohibited).




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Refilling the pipeline/foundation trenches plinth sides, foundation etc. with available excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm depth consolidatingeach layer ramming and watering lead upto 50 Mand all lifts and disposal of surplus earth as directed by Engineer in Charge.




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Supplying and filling in plinth under floors, trenches including watering ramming consolidating, dressing, complete. : Moorum




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Providing anti – termite treatment to buildings conforming to I.S.S. 6113 part II 1971 (revised) including adopting precautions for health hazards and safety measures as required therein with the cost of all materials, chemicals, plants, equipments required for the treatment and furnishing a guarantee for a minimum period of 10 years from the date of completion including eradicating any infestation of termite free of cost during the guaranty period complete. (The payment will be made on plinth of the building) : Pre-construction




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SECTION B - LATERITE MASONRY WORK Laterite masonry in neatly dressed stones for 23 cms thick masonry walls in c.m. 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand in foundation upto plinth level including raking of joints, curing, necessary scaffolding etc., complete and as directed.




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Brick work using fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand ) with bricks of class designation 40 kgs / cm2. in superstructure upto floor five level including raking of joints, curing, necessary scaffolding etc., complete and as directed. : 230 x 110 x 80 mm




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Extra for brickwork in super structure above floor V level for every four floors or part thereof.




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Extra for laterite masonry in all sizes in superstructure from floor I level upto floor V level.




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Providing Pre-cast cement concrete jali 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 stone aggreate 6mm nominal size) reinforced with 1.6mm dia mild steel wire including centering and shuttering, roughening, cleaning, fixing and finishing in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine snad) all complete excluding lastering of the jambs, sills and soffits : 50mm thick




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SECTION C - BRICK MASONRY WORK Providing & laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded granitic or basaltic stone aggrt. 20 mm. nominal size) excluding cost of centering, shuttering and finishing in:




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For all works upto plinth




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In retaining walls , return walls(any thk) including attached pilasters, columns, piers, abutments, pillars, posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets, coping bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window sills, fillets etc, upto floor five level.




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SECTION D REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE Providing and laying in position ready mixed concrete (RMC) with usage of Ordinary Portland Cement manufactured in fully automatic batching plant and transported to site of work in transit mixer for a lead upto 10kms having continuous agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for reinforced cement concrete work including pumping of R.M.C., from the transit mixer to the site of laying, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement including the cost of admixtures in recommended porportions as per IS : 9103 to accelerate/retard setting of concrete, improve workability without imparing strength and durability as per the directions of the engineerin-charge. All works upto floor V level : M-25 grade of concrete




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Reinforced cement concrete work in arches, arch ribs, domes, vaults, shells, folde plate and roofs having slope more than 15° upto floor five level excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 gradrd granitic or basaltic aggregate 20mm nominal size




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Providing and laying upto floor five level reinforced cement concrete (1:2:4) in kerbs, steps and the like excluding the cost of centering,shuttering and finishing and reinforcement (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded grantic or basaltic aggreate 20mm nominal size




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Centering & shuttering including Strutting, Propping & removal of forms for :




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SECTION E SHUTTERING WORKS Foundations, Footings, Bases for columns




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Vertical surfaces such as retaing walls, return walls, Partitions, walls (any thickness) including attached Pilasters, Buttresses, Plinth and string courses, Fillets and the like




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Columns, Piers, Pillars, Abutments, Posts and struts (square rectangle polygon in plan)




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Sides and Soffits of beams, Beam Haunchings, Cantilever, Girders, bressumers and Lintels, chajjas,sills, plinth beams not exceeding 1m in depth




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Staircases (except spiral staircases) excluding landing




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Suspended floors, roofs landings, shelves & their supports




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Centering & shuttering including Strutting, Propping & removal of forms for sloping or battering surface (slabs, beams, louvers, etc) including folded plates and staging if any :




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Where inclination to the horizontal does not exceed 30° requiring shuttering on the underside only




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Columns, Pillars, Posts & struts (circular or curved in plan)




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Extra to be added for additional height above 4.5 meters in centering, shuttering where ever required with adequate bracing, propping etc. including cost of de- shuttering and de-centering at all levels, overa height of 3.5m, for every additional height of 1m or part thereof. (Plan area to be measured) Suspended floors, roofs, landings, beams and balconies (plan area to be measured)




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SECTION F STEEL WORKS Providing TMT steel reinforcement bars of (SAIL, TATA. VIZAG, JSW Steel Ltd.) ) (Confirming to IS 1786 of 1986) for RCC work (conforming to I.S. 1786 of 1986) including bending, binding & placing in position in all the floors along with the factory made precast concrete cover blocks of specified sizes whose compressive strength is not less than that of surrounding concrete in the structural member.




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Steel work welded (SAIL, TATA. VIZAG & using electrodes of Ador or ES4B or Deh Secheron make only)in built up sections trusses and framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying priming coat of red lead paint. : In R.S. Joists




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SECTION G PLASTERING WORKS 6mm cement plaster to ceiling 1: 3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)




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12mm cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand)




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Rough cast plaster with a mixture of sand and gravel or crushed stone from 2.36mm to 12.5mm nominal size dashed over and including fresh plaster in two layer 12mm cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and top layer 10mm cement plaster 1: 3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) mixed with 10% finely grounded hydrated lime by volume of cement. : Natural cement finishing using ordinary cement




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Waterproofing of sunken slabs, toilet blocks, terraces on slabs under brickbats, roofs, watertanks. Cleaning the surface and filling cracks (if any), applying EPCO ACR wherever necessary, Providing and Moistening the surface with water to render it saturated. Mix Cement and Monobond WF in the ratio of 1.25 kg to 1 by weight and stir continuously. Apply minimum 2 coats with an interval of 12 hours minimum between the coats. Fix fiber mesh while the first coat is still tacky. Cure with sprinkling of water 3-4 times a day. incl. cost of scaffolding transport etc. as per dir of EIC. All the chemicals will be of Krishna Conchem Products Pvt. Ltd. or Equivalent.




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SECTION H FLOORING, SKIRTING AND DADOING WORKS Providing and laying jet black mirror polish granite flooring and dado over 20mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 laid over and jointed with cement slurry including rubbling complete Granitic slab (jet blck with mirror polish) 20 mm thick add q0% wastage 1.00




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Providing and fixing Granite stone slabs (flamed finish) 18mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on cement paste and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete : Jet black




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Providing and laying 25 mm shahabad stone flooring over 25 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) laid over with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment, including. Rubbing and polishing complete.




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Providing and fixing vitrified matt finished (600x1200) and 10mm thick tiles in floor, treads of steps, landing on 25mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 and jointed with cement slurry complete.




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Providing and fixing Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all colours & shade, in skirting, riser of steps and dados, jointing with grey cement slurry @3.3 kg per sqm, including pointing/grouting in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. : 600x 600 mm Dark Shades / 600 x 600 mm - light Shades




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Providing and and laying antiskid floor tiles 12 x 12 upto 16 x 16 in of Johnson, Somany, Kajaria (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of 1st quality conforming to IS:15622 of approved make in shades as specified laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand) including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigment etc., complete. Dark & Light Shades




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Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles (Johnson, Somany, Kajaria )conforming to IS:15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacture of approved make in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand ) and jointing with grey cement slurry @3.3kg per sq.m including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. Wall Ceramic Glazed Tiles : 300 x 600




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Providing and fixing 18 mm thick gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills, facias and similar locations of required size, approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), joints treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels. Granite of any colour and shade, area of slab over 0.50 sqm(Basic Rate Rs180/-Sqft : Jet Black




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SECTION I PAINTING WORKS Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1.00mm of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete.




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Wall painting (two or more coats) with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture on new work to give an even shade.




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Pebble dash plaster with a mixture of washed pebble or crushed stone 6mm to 12.5mm plaster in two layer, under layer 12mm cement plaster 1: 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and top layer 10mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1: 3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) mixed with 10% finely ground hydrated lime by volume of cement.




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Painting three or more coats with acryllic exterior paint of approved brand and manufacture (Such as Dulex/ Asian Paints/ Sherwin Willians) including applying one coat of cement primer and one coat of surface treatment etc. complete.




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SECTION J MISCELLANEOUS Providing and fixing 15mm thick densified tengular edged eco friendly light weight Calcium Silicate false ceiling tiles (like Aerolite Brand or Equivalent) of approved texture Spintone/ Cosmos/ Fine Fissured or equivalent of size 595mm x 595mm in true horizontal level, suspended on inter locking metal grid of hot dipped galvanized steel sections (galvanizing @ 120 grams per square metre. including both side) consisting of main "T" runner suitably spaced at joints to get required length and of size 24x38mm made from 0.33mm thick (minium) sheet, spaced 1200mm center to center, and cross "T" of size 24x28mm made of 0.33mm thick (Minimum) sheet to be inter locked at middle of the 1200x600mm panel to from grid of size on a Perimeter wall angle precoated steel of size 600x600mm, resting on periphery walls/ partitions (24x24x300mm) made of 0.40mm thick (minimum) sheet with the help of rawl plugs at 450mm and laying 15mm thick densified edges calcium silicate ceiling tiles of approved texture light fittings, fixture, smoke detectors etc., wherever required. Main "T" runners to be suspended from ceiling using G.I. slotted cleats of size 25x35x1.6mm fixed to celing using with 12.5mm dia and 50mm long dash fastners, level clips of size 85x30x0.8mm, spaced at 1200mm center to center along main "T" bottom exposed with 24mm of T-section shall be pre-painted with polyester baked paint, for all heights, as per specifications, drawings etc. complete.(As Directed by Engineer in Charge). Note: Only Calcium silicate false ceiling area will be measured from wall to wall. No deduction shall be made for exposed frames/ opening (cut outs) having are less than 0.30 sqm. The Calcium silicate ceiling tile shall have NRC value of 0.50 (Minimum), light reflection85% noncombustible as per B.S.476 part IV, 100% humidity resistance and also having thermal conductivity 0.043 w/m 0 KC. Hospitals, Offices and Commercial Buildings, Auditoriums and Cinema Hall, Educational Institutions, R&D Centers, Studios, Laboratories, Library, Canteen.




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Providing & fixing in position hand rails in staircase, landing and the like with 2" dia G.I. pipe (light class) resting on 25 mm (1") size M.S. square bars of clear height 90cms placed at 30 cm c/c including making necessary hold fast fixture (25 mm square bars 22 cm long) embeded in staircase concrete for resting the M.S. vertical square bars with holding etc. as required for the work including bending hand rail pipe to proper shape in curves with specials etc. complete (measurement will be made along the running length of hand rail).




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Providing and laying of aluminium fixed with 65mm x 38mm tubular frame with 6mm thick glass sections are powder coated with pure ployster powder of thickness 75-80 microns with approved standard accessories. The glass would be fixed with taper clips with EPDM beading.




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Supply and fixing 12mm(6T+1+5T) laminated glass over Ms box sections(finished with enamel paint) as specified by the architect - Skylight. Cost of MS box section shall be calculated in the steel works. The glass shall be fitted with 3m double sided tape. The cost should include placing at all levels including the necessary scafolding required for the same. The gap between the glass shall be filled with weatherproof sealant as specificed. The measurement of the glass shall be taken as per actuals at site. Wastage percentage should be part of the quote. Basic cost of laminated glass shall be Rs 3500/- per sq.m




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Providing & Fixing in position Double Skin roof with Zincalume/ Galvalume colour coated & bare profile sheet with subtle square fluting factory cut at all heights for roof, side & Gable cladding complete in all respect. TOP SHEET-The end rib shall be designed for anti-capillary action. The feed material should be manufactured out of nominal 0.45 mm Base Metal Thickness (BMT), Hi-strength steel with min. 550 MPa yield strength, metallic hot dip coated with Aluminium-Zinc alloy (55% Aluminium, 43.5% Zinc &1.5% Si) as per AS 1397 - Zincalume AZ150 (Min. 150 gms/sq.mt total on both sides) with quality paint coat as perAS/NZS 2728 type 3-4. The paint shall have a total coating thickness of nominal 35 μm, comprising of nominal 20 μm exterior SMP coat on top surface and nominal 5 μm reverse backer coat on back surface over nominal 5 μm primer coat on both surfaces of approved colour shade. Total Coated Thickness (TCT) should be 0.50mm. Total Painted Thickness (TPT) should be in addition to 0.50mm. The steel sheet shall be fastened with nominal 40 μm zinc coated or nominal 25 μm zinc-tin alloy coated, Hex head, self-drilling screw as per AS 3566-2002 Class 3 fasteners of approved make with EPDM washer as per the requirement considering the profile shape and design load. The fastener size shall be calculated as per the design or manufacturers recommendations.The profile sheet, fastener size etc. shall be approved by the Engineer.




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The sheeting should be with minimum 200mm lap & waterproof with Silicon sealant non-hardening neutral cure type shall be applied at all end laps, complete as directed Z-Sub Girt - roll formed section 50x50x50x1.50 TCT, 120GSM Galvanised, High Strength (345 MPa), approximate Wt. 1.85 kg/r.m. fixed with self tapping screws Glass Wool Insulation with FSK facing 50mm with 24 kg/m3 density in between 2 sheets. LINER SHEET-bare galvalume/zincalume roofing sheet of same profile as top sheet. The feed material is of manufactured out of nominal 0.45 mm Base Metal Thickness (BMT) (0.47 mm TCT), Histrength steel with min. 550 MPa yield strength, metallic hot dip coated with Aluminium-Zinc alloy (55% Aluminium, 45% Zinc) as per AS 1397 - Zincalume AZ150 (Min. 150 gms/sq.mt total on both sides), passivated & resin coated. The feed material should have coil manufacturer’s product details marked at regular interval for confirming genuinity of the material. complete as per the directions of the engineer. The steel manufacturer's test certificate for the chemical & mechanical properties of steel must be submitted for approval prior to installation.




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Add for providing & fixing Flashings -[Corners, Ridges, valleys, gable end & Trims] (Girth upto 610mm) including all the accessories complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge.




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Supplying and placing over slab shuttering in straight alignment Non-load bearing Light weight Wienberger Porotherm Blocks of 400 x200x200mm or any other approved equivalent placed as infill in slab/beams in roof. The blocks to be cut to wedge shaped and placed in position with cement mortar/Adhesive packing for each blocks. Cost to include lifting to all level. (Wastage due to breakage to be accounted in the rates). Basic Rate: 60Rs\No. Utmost care to be taken for alignment of Steel reinforcement and the bock to be maintained in place using stoppers.Shuttering quantity shall be calculated as standard and will not be measured as a part of this item. The measurements shall be as per the actual block at location. Any cut block shall be measured in full. Basic Cost of the block Rs54/-




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SECTION K WATER PROOFING WORKS Providing water proofing treatment over the new R.C.C. roofs terrace toilet by spreading cement slurry over the R.C.C. slab and laying of 10cms. Average laterite stone ballast coba with the necessary gradient for easy flow of rain water and the coba in covered with damp proof of Hindustan water proofing co. Or equivalent jointless water proofing plaster of mix 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 find sand), finished smooth with wooden trowel with false marking of 30 cms square. The vertical surface of the adjoining walls are to be treated upto a height of 30cms including rounding of junction (the rate included for complete items including labour and materials and including cost of initial treatment of roof slab as follows. The injunction of damp proof or equivalent compound with cement solution will be given as and when found necessary for filling honey comb, cracks etc. in the R.C.C. slabs). NOTE: cement consumption 25 kg/sq.m.




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Providing and laying integral cement based treatment (Box type) for water proofing on horizontal surface at all depth below ground level for under ground structures as directed by Engineer and consisting of : i) Ist layer of 20 mm to 25 mm thick approved and specified rough stone slab over a 25 mm thick base of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) mixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 in the recommended proportion over the leveling course (leveling course to be paid separately). Joints sealed and grouted with cement slurry mixed with water proofing compound. ii) 2nd layer of 25 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) mixed with water proofing compound in recommended proportions. iii) Finishing top with stone aggregate of 10 mm to 12 mm nominal size spreading @ 8 cudm/sqm thoroughly embedded in the 2nd layer using rough Shahbad/Kotah stone.




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Providing and laying integral cement based treatment (Box type) for water proofing on the vertical surface by fixing specified stone slab 20 mm to 25 mm thick with cement slurry mixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 in recommended proportions with a gap of 20 mm (minimum) between stone slabs and the receiving surfaces and filling the gaps with neat cement slurry mixed with water proofing compound and finishing the exterior of stone slab with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 20 mm thick with neat cement punning mixed with water proofing compound in recommended proportion complete at all levels and as directed by Engineer using rough Shahbad/Kotah stone.




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SECTION L DOORS - WINDOW AND JOINERY WORKS Providing and fixing of aluminium windows with three tracks and three shutters sliding windows with tubular frame sections powder coated with pure polyster powder of thickness 15-80 microns with approved standard acessories such as ball bearing rollers concealed lock, 6mm plain clear glass with EPDM beading etc.




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Providing and laying of aluminium fixed with 65mm x 38mm tubular frame with 6mm thick glass sections are powder coated with pure ployster powder of thickness 75-80 microns with approved standard accessories. The glass would be fixed with taper clips with EPDM beading




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Providing and fixing 12 mm thick frameless toughened glass door shutter of approved brand and manufacture, including providing and fixing top & bottom pivot & spring type fixing arrangement and making necessary holes etc. for fixing required door fittings, all complete as per direction of Engineer (Door handle, lock and stopper etc.to be paid separately)




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Providing woodwork in frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows trusses & other frames wrought framed and fixed in positon.. Second class indian teak




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Providing and fixing 35 mm thick panelled glazed or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory window including anodized aluminium butt hinges with screws : Second class Indian teak wood




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Painting (one or more coats) with black japan paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade.




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Providing & fixing flush door shutters decoration type core of block board construction with frame of first class hard wood and well matched first class Indian teak ply veneering with vertical grains and cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters. : (b) 35mm thick including anodized aluminium butt hinges with necessary screws:




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Providing and fixing 1.00mm high pressure decorative Laminates (glossy/ matt) on wooden surfaces like doors, windows. The laminate should comprise of layers of specially selected paper, impregnated with melamine and phenolic resins pressed and hardened under heat and high pressure and should ensure strong bonding, resistance to boiling water and chemical and increase dimensional stablilty. Including cost of adhesive, nails during fixing etc. complete




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Design, supply & installation of suspended Spider Glazing system (Frameless glass structural glazing) designed to withstand the wind pressure as pr IS 875 (Part-III). The Suspended System held with Spider Fittings of SS-316 Grade Steel of approved manufacturer with glass panel having 12 mm thick clear toughened glass held together with SS- 316 Grade Stainless steel Spider & bolt assembly with laminated glass fins 21mm thick.




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The Glass fins and glass panel assembly shall be connected to Slab/beams by means of SS- 316 Grade stainless steel brackets & Anchor bolts and at the bottom using SS channel of 50x25x2mm using fastener & anchor bolts, non staining weather sealants of approved make, Teflon/ nylon bushes and separators to prevent bi-metallic contacts, all complete to perform as per specification and approved drawings. The complete system to be designed to accommodate thermal expansion & seismic movements etc. The joints between glass panels (6 to 8 mm) and gaps at the perimeter & in U channel of the assembly to be filled with non staining weather sealant, so as to make the entire system fully water proof & dust proof. The rate shall include all design, Engineering and shop drawing including approval from structural designer,labour, T&P, scaffolding , other incidental charges including wastage, enabling temporary services all fitting fixers nut bolts, washer, Buffer plates, fastener, anchors, SS channel laminated glass etc. all complete. For the purpose of payment, actual elevation area of Glazing including thickness of joints and the portion of Glass panel inside the SS channel shall be measured.




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Supply and installation of Aluminium Louvers. The frame should be made of Aluminium tubes of size 100x50X1.50 mm thk and 50X25x1.50 mm thk C channels. Aluminium Z shaped louvers of 100mm should be fixed to the supporting frame with aluminium cleats, GI screws, etc complete. The whole assembly is powder coated with pure polyester paint. (MS framing to be paid separately)




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Providing and fixing anodized aluminium shutters in accordance with the specification annexed with Goa schedule of Rates (2004) Vol & II including all taxes, transportation, scaffolding and handling etc. complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge: Adjustable louvered windows. : Plain glass




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Providing and fixing of aluminium windows with three tracks and three shutters sliding door with tubular frame sections powder coated with pure polyster powder of thickness 15-80 microns with approved standard acessories such as ball bearing rollers concealed lock, 6mm plain clear glass with EPDM beading etc.




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Providing flat iron hold fast 40 cm including fixing to frame with 10 mm dia bolts, nuts and wooden plugs and embeded in cement concrete block 30 x 10 x 15 cm 1:3:6 mix (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size. (b) 40 x 3 mm flat iron hold fast, 15 cm long




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Providing and fixing chromium plated brass handle with necessary screws etc. complete : 125 mm




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Providing & fixing chromium plated brass tower bolts (barrel type) with necessary screws complete.




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Providing and fixing bright finished brass door Aldrop with necessary screws etc complete : 250 x 12 x 5 mm




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Providing and fixing bright finished brass door latch with necessary screws etc complete : 250 x 16 x 5 mm




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Provided and fixing 150 mm chromium plated brass floor door stopper with rubber cushion screws etc. to suit shutters thickness complete.




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Providing and fixing brass hydraulic door closer of make Everest universal 68 or equivalent with necessary screws and fittings complete.




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SECTION M WATER SUPPLY & SEWERAGE WORKS Proving and fixing white vitreous china water closet squating (European type w.c. pan) with seat and lid, C.P. brass hinges and rubber buffers 10 lts. High level P.V.C.. flushing cistern (of approved make ) with fittings, rack bolts 32 mm diameter P.V.C. telescopic flush pipe with fit tings and clamps 25mm P.V.C.. over flow pipe with specials & mosquito proof coupling of approved municipal design and nylon. chain and pull complete, cutting and making good the walls ad floors where required : W.C. pan with white plastic seat and lid.




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Providing and fixing Hand Shower (Health Faucet) with 8mm dia, ABS/brass body with double lock 1.00m long Flexible tube (Brass plated stainles steel flexible hose) and wall hook of approved quality confirming to IS standards.




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Providing and fixing NICKEL chrome plated copper alloy Fancy two way long body bib cock with wall flance Jaquar make or equivalent. Confirming to IS 8931;1993 : 15mm nominal bore




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Providing and fixing toilet paper holder : C.P. brass




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Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back Large lipped front urinal basin of 590x375x390mm size with Urinal Valve Auto closing system with built in control cock & wall flange with fittings, spreader, R.S. or C.I. brackets, standard size C.P. Brassl flush pipe and spreaders with C. P. brass unions & C. P. Brass clamps with waste fitting as per IS 2556, PVC trap with outlet grating and other couplings in CP Brass complete, including painting, fittings, cutting and making good the walls and floors where required. - Range of one urinal basin




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Providing 20mm thick marble slab to urinal partitions with cement complete




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Providing and fixing vitreous china wash basin with RS or C.I. brackets painted white, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps C.P. brass chain with rubber plug 32 mm C.P. brass waste of pattern, 32 mm diameter M.I. or C.P. brass trap and union complete, including cutting and making good the walls where required. (a) Flat back wash basin size 630 x 450mm with a pair of 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps.




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Liquid soap container 200 ml-(plastic)




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Providing and fixing NICKEL chrome plated copper alloy Fancy Angle Cock with extended lever handle and wall flange with 15mm nominal bore




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Providing & fixing c.p. brass towel rail complete with C.P. brass brackets fixed to wooden cleats with C. P. brass screws : 750 x 20 mm size




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Providing & fixing bevelled edge mirror of superior glass (5mm thk) of approved Quality, shape & size complete with CP brass screws and washers, Cleats, CP studs etc Complete.




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Providing and fixing NICKEL chrome plated copper alloy Fancy BOTTLE TRAP ECONOMY TYPE 32MM Jaquar make or equivalent. Confirming to IS 8931;1993




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Extra for providing opening of required size & shape for wash basin/ kitchen sink in kitchen platform, vanity counter and similar location in marble/Granite/Cuddapah stone work, including necessary holes for pillar taps etc. including moulding, rubbing and polishing of cut edges etc. complete.




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Providing and fixing NICKEL chrome plated copper alloy Fancy Pillar Cock with extended lever handle and wall flange Confirming to IS 8931; 1993 15mm nominal bore




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning approved make Shower with brass chromium plated with hot and cold single lever mixer unit with CP spout. 8 lpm, lever holder, Overhead shower with rose‐Rabbit cleaning system etc. complete, testing and commissioning the installation.




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Providing & fixing soap dish chromium plated with brackets fixed to wooden cleats with CP brass screw




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Providing and fixing chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes confirming to IS: 15778 having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply includng all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling and testing of joints complete as per firectionof the Engineer in charge.(External work (heavy duty SDR 11 pipe)




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15 mm nominal outer dia pipes




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20 mm nominal outer dia pipes.




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25 mm nominal outer dia pipes.




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32 mm nominal outer dia pipes.




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40 mm nominal outer dia pipes.




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50 mm nominal outer dia pipes.




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Providing and fixing ASTM UPVC pipe,conforming to ASTM 2467 with ISO 14001, including all UPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including jointing of pipes & fittings with one step UPVC solvent cement, trenching,refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer. External work.




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65 mm outer dia.




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50 mm outer dia.




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40 mm outer dia.




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Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality :




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20 mm nominal bore




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25mm nominal bore




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Supplying & erecting cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size 50 mm dia. complete as per specification no. FF-VL/BFV




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Supplying & erecting cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size 65 mm dia. complete as per specification no. FF-VL/BFV




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Providing and fixing of brass body nickel plated automatic air release valves with brass splindle, NBR (nitrile butadiene Rubber) and join franite elastomer,stainless steel spring polypropylenic float at the top most points of watersupply distribution risers in the shafts having pressure of 10kg/cm2. 20 mm nominal bore




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Supplying approved make CI water metre with bulk enclosed type with mettallic gears flanged ends able to record the flow under pressure with flow indications complete




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Providing and fixing rigid PVC S.W.R. (soil, waste & rain water drainage pipes of approved including lubricant etc. complete (single/double) socketed:




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110 mm dia




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75 mm dia




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50 mm dia




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160 mm dia




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Providing and fixing single “Y” of rigid PVC (approved make ) for S.W.R. pipes including lubricating etc complete, without door :




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110 mm dia




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75 mm dia




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50 mm dia




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160 mm dia




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Providing and fixing rigid PVC bend of required degree (of approved make) for S.W.R. drainage pipes of approved including lubricating




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110 mm dia




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75 mm dia




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50 mm dia




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160 mm dia




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Multi Connection floor trap,provideing and fixing of 150x151 mm Square S.S. Grating with anti-cocroach trap assemby for floor trap




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Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink as per IS 13983 including cutting of stone and making good the walls wherever required. Kitchen sink without drain board. with coupling & all accessories complete with choke stop strainer, Plain type having flat borders for correct sandwithing between the plaform top and bottom slabs complete. (a) Overall size 610mmx510mm (24"x20") bowl size 545mmx445mmx200mm (211/2"x 17 1/2"x 8") depth 200 mm. Glossy. 1.0mm thk,




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Providing and fixing square mouth SW gully trap 100mm dia grade ' A' complete with C.I grating burnt brick masonry with CM (1:4) and plastering with water tight heavy duty double seal C.I cover, frame of 45x45 cm size The Wt, of cover to be not. less than 4.52 kg of frame to be not less than 2.75 Kg. : GULLY TRAP 300 X 300 mm




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Constructing brick masonry manhole or inspection chamber with second class bricks in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement :5 fine sand) R.C.C. top slab with 1: 1 1/2:3 mix (1 cement: 1 1/2 coarse sand ;3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size foundation concrete 1:1 1/2:3 mix (1 cemet ;1 1/2 coarse sand :8 graded stone agrregate 20mm nominal size) inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement :2 coarse sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) neatly finished complete as per standard design. Inside size 60 x 60cm and 60cm deep including C.I. cover with frame (light duty) 455x610mm internal diameter total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 38 kg. (weight of cover 23 kg).




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Extra for depth for manholes : a) size 1.2 x 90 cm




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Supplying and fixing of Leaf trap with khurra made out of UPVC with flange and grating for rainwater outlets on terrace including all necessary grounting with sealants to make it absolutely water proof : 160MM dia




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Construction of Rainwater Chamber with best quality, approved table moulded bricks in CM 1:6, walls plastered smooth inside in CM 1:3 and outside with CM 1:3 with sponge finish benching and channeling in PCC 1:2:4. Supplying and fixing encapsulated PVC steps as per drawing for maintenance.& SFRC Cement Concrete Medium duty cover & frame Complete : Rain water chamber 600x600x600mm




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Construction of Chamber with best quality, approved table moulded bricks in CM 1:6, 500mm dia @ top and 1200mm dia @ bottom over a bed of 250mm thick PCC 1:4:8, walls plastered smooth inside in CM 1:3 and outside with CM 1:3 with sponge finish benching and channeling in PCC 1:2:4. Supplying and fixing encapsulated PVC steps as per drawing for maintenance.& SFRC Cement Concrete Medium duty cover & frame Complete : Valve chamber 750 X 600 mm




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Supply, fabrication, fixing, testing and commissioning of GI Class C puddle flanges of required sizes for inlet, outlet, vent and overflow pipes for master underground sump and over head tanks. The puddle flanges shall be threaded end up to 80mm dia and flanged ends above 100mm dia. All the puddle flanges, plates and fittings shall be galvanized after fabrication as per IS specifications.. The scope work also includes supply, installation and testing of aluminium ladder, Cast Iron manhole frame and cover for master underground water tank etc., complete as per specifications and drawings




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65mm dia GI puddle flange




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25mm dia GI puddle flange




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Supply and fixing of PVC rungs steps for U.G sump tanks Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of heavy duty copper float valve confirming to IS: 1703. specification.




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Supplying, installing and commissioning approved make digital water level indicators including wall MS mounting stands, necessary fixing materials etc., complete. The quoted rate shall exclude the necessary AC and DC wiring (stands to be painted with enamel paint).




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FILTER FEED TRANSFER PUMPS Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of MONOBLOCK type pumps (one working & one standby) for pumping water from Raw water sump to water treatment plant.The pump shall be coupled to the adequate H.P. electrical motor, mounted on a common base frame. The rate quoted shall be inclusive of: Discharge ‐ 90 LPM, Head-Head ‐25Mtr Suitable control panel indoor wall mounting type . Industrial type electronic liquid level controllers with stainless steel probes / sensors or float switch for automatic operation. 1no. pressure gauge 4" dial with valve tee and fittings. 2 nos. cast iron lever operated slim seal type butterfly valves of CI body and spheroidal graphite iron disc (SG iron),with nitrile rubber seal, tested to 10 kg / sq.cm Confirming to BS 5155 / MF6 standards and including a set of GI flanges as per BS‐10 table 1 including bolt nuts, GI washers, and neoprene rubber gaskets Complete etc., (inter valve / audco make) on the suction & delivery side 1 no.s of Y strainers with stainless steel body of approved make, provide each strainer with a cock for blowing down. Screen area of strainer shall be minimum of 5 times more than the pipe area with 1/32 inch max size holes with pressure 10kg/cm2. The cost also includes necessary flanges for supply and fixing to the pipes on the suction side. 1 nos. slim seal flap type check valve with CI body and cast steel disc pressure rating PN‐10 Kg / sq.cm including a set of GI flanges as per BS‐10 table 1 including bolt nuts, GI washers, and neoprene rubber gaskets Complete etc.,(inter valve / audco make) on the delivery side. Alarm indication with signal in the event of pump failure etc. GI manifold made out of GI 'C' Class pipe with Collars, Tee and Flange provision for connection of the above items. GI manifold shall be finished with hot dip galvanising to 100 microns. The pump shall be suitable for handling silt and muck in the water. The pump shall be suitable for the following requirements:




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DOMESTIC WATER PUMPS  (HYDROPNEUMATIC SYSTEM ‐ DOMESTIC USE) FITTED WITH VFD Supplying, installaing, testing and commissioning of vertical type monobloc domestic water Hydropneumatic pumps fitted with multi VFD for pumping the water from domestic underground sump to distribution line through hydropneumatic pressure vessel, for domestic purposes.The pump shall be coupled to the adequate H.P. electrical motor of EFF‐1, mounted on a common base frame with mani fold, with an efficiency greater than 80% . The pumps shall be provided with modbus output 1 No. of pressure transmitter The pump shall be suitable for the following requirements: Micro processor based Built ‐ in electrical control panel with motor starter relays, single phase preventor, dry run protection, indicating lamps, ON ‐ OFF push buttons, alarm indication with signal in the event of pump failure, etc., and shall be suitable for 415 +/‐ 10% volts & 50Hz electric supply. Flow rate of each pump ‐ 1.5 LPS (2w+1s) Pump design head ‐ 45 m Flow rate of each pump ‐ 0.5 LPS cum (1w) ‐ jockey pump Pump design head ‐ 45 m Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of appropriate capacity with pressure vessel of suitable rating, MS pressure tank with pre‐charged diaphram, self supported, with necessary manhole, flange for inlet / outlet provisions, duly fitted with safety valve / pressure relief valve, magnetic level switches 1 nos, vent valve, with one set of gasket, junction box and wiring, complete with electrics etc., as required:




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Notes: The Control Panel shall be designed and fabricated in such a way that it shall be compatible to BMS. Necessary cabling from the pump to panel and making a PCC foundation for the pumps to be considered along with the pumps It should also include 8 nos. cast iron butterfly valves of CI body and spheroidal graphite iron disc (SG iron),with nitrile rubber seal, tested to 10 kg / sq.cm Confrming to BS 5155 / MF6 standards and including a set of GI flanges as per BS‐10 table 1 including bolt nuts, GI washers, and neoprene rubber gaskets Complete etc., 4 nos. check valve with CI body and cast steel disc pressure rating PN‐10 Kg / sq.cm including a set of GI flanges as per BS‐10 table 1 including bolt nuts, GI washers, and neoprene rubber gaskets Complete etc., 4 nos. Y‐strainer with CI body and cast steel disc pressure rating PN‐10 Kg / sq.cm including a set of GI flanges as per BS‐10 table 1 including bolt nuts, GI washers, and neoprene rubber gaskets Complete etc.,




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Landscape pump (PUMP ROOM  To External landscape ) Supply, testing commisioning of Submersible pumps (1W+1S) with Isolation valves, NRV,Y Strainer, Pressure Gauge, Level switch, Control panel and control cables from panel to pump to be included in the cost. Control panel shall be placed to the nearest column to the sump. for 1.0 LPS @ 25m head in the PUMP ROOM




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SECTION N ELECTRICAL WORKS Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in recessed PVC conduit(heavy) with modular switch, modular plates, suitable size modular GI box of specified Category and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required. (c) Group C -- with Cat A Modular Accessories




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Wiring for twin control light point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in recessed PVC conduit(heavy) with 2 way modular switch, modular plates, suitable size modular GI box of specified Category and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required. (a) with Cat A Modular accessories




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Wiring for group controlled light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in recessed PVC conduit(heavy) and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.




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Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in the independent recessed PVC conduit(heavy) of appropriate size as required. '(b) 2 x 2.5 sq.mm + 1 x 2.5 sq.mm earthwire (20mm Conduit)




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'Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in the independent recessed PVC conduit(heavy) of appropriate size as required. (c) 2 x 4 sq.mm + 1 x 4 sq.mm earthwire (20mm Conduit)




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Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in the independent recessed PVC conduit(heavy) of appropriate size as required. '(d) 2 x 6 sq.mm + 1 x 6 sq.mm earthwire (25mm Conduit)




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Supplying and fixing following modular switch/ socket on the existing modular plate and switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required (a) 5/6 A switch Cat A




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Supplying and fixing following modular switch/ socket on the existing modular plate and switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required (d) 3 pin 5/6 A socket outlet Cat A




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Supplying and fixing following modular switch/ socket on the existing modular plate and switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required (c) 15/16 A switch Cat A




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Supplying and fixing following modular switch/ socket on the existing modular plate and switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required (e) 6 pin 15/16 A socket outlet Cat A




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Supplying and fixing suitable size modular PVC box with modular plate and cover in front on surface or in recess including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 A modular socket outlet and 5/ 6 A modular switch connection painting etc. as required. (a) Cat A




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Supplying and fixing suitable size modular GI box with modular plate and cover in front on surface or in recess including providing and fixing 6 pin 15/16 A and 5/6 A modular socket outlet modular socket outlet and 15/16 A modular switch connection painting etc. as required. (a) Cat A




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Supplying and fixing stepped type electronic fan regulator on the existing modular plate switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required




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Supplying and fixing following size modular PVC box alongwith modular base and cover plate for modulator switches in recess etc. as required (c) 6 Module Cat A




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Supplying and fixing following size modular GI box alongwith modular base and cover plate for modulator switches in recess etc. as required. (a) 1 or 2 Module ( 75 mm x 75 mm) Cat A




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Supplying and fixing following size modular GI box alongwith modular base and cover plate for modulator switches in recess etc. as required. (b) 4 Module ( 125 mm x 7 mm) Cat A




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Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate switch box excluding modular plate etc. as required




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Supplying and fixing 20 A 240 V SPN industrial type socket outlet with 2 pole and earth metal enclosed plug top alon with 20 A, C series SP MCB in sheet steel enclosure in surface or in recess with chained metal cover for the socket outlet and complete with connections testing and commissioning etc. as required"(a) Cat A




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Supplying and fixing 20 A 415 V TPN industrial type socket outlet with4 pole and earth metal enclosed plug top alon with 20 A, C series TP MCB in sheet steel enclosure in surface or in recess with chained metal cover for the socket outlet and complete with connections testing and commissioning etc. as required" (a) Cat A




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Supplying and fixing 30 A 415 V TPN industrial type socket outlet with4 pole and earth metal enclosed plug top alon with 20 A, C series TP MCB in sheet steel enclosure in surface or in recess with chained metal cover for the socket outlet and complete with connections testing and commissioning etc. as required" (a) Cat A




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Supplying and fixing following way TPN sheet steel, double door, Verticle type MCB distribution board 415 V on surface/ recess complete with tinned copper busbar neutral busbar earth bar dinnbar detachable gland plate interconnections phosphotized and powder painted including earthing etc. as required ( but without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)interconnection between incomer MCB and busbars of following ways (but without MCBs as required) (b) 8 way (8+24), double door, Vertical type, Cat A




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Supplying and fixing following way TPN sheet steel, double door, Verticle type MCB distribution board 415 V on surface/ recess complete with tinned copper busbar neutral busbar earth bar dinnbar detachable gland plate interconnections phosphotized and powder painted including earthing etc. as required ( but without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)interconnection between incomer MCB and busbars of following ways (but without MCBs as required) (a) 4 way (8+12), double door, Vertical type, Cat A




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Supplying and fixing following way SPN sheet steel MCB distribution board 240 V on surface/ recess complete with tinned copper busbar neutral busbar earth bar dinnbar detachable gland plate interconnections phosphotized and powder painted including earthing etc. as required ( but without MCB/RCCB/Isolator) (g) 12 way double door Cat A




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Supplying and fixing following way SPN sheet steel MCB distribution board 240 V on surface/ recess complete with tinned copper busbar neutral busbar earth bar dinnbar detachable gland plate interconnections phosphotized and powder painted including earthing etc. as required ( but without MCB/RCCB/Isolator) (h) 16 way double door Cat A




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Supplying and fixing 63 A, C series MCB suitable for lighting and other loads of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections testing and commissioning etc as required. (e) TPN, Cat A




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Supplying and fixing 63 A, C series MCB suitable for lighting and other loads of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections testing and commissioning etc as required. (c) DP, Cat A




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Supplying and fixing 6 A to 32 A, C series MCB suitable for lighting and other loads of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections testing and commissioning etc as required. (a) SP, Cat A




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Supplying and fixing 6 A to 32 A, C series MCB suitable for lighting and other loads of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections testing and commissioning etc as required.(b) SPN, Cat A




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Supplying and fixing 6 A to 32 A, C series MCB suitable for lighting and other loads of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections testing and commissioning etc as required. (e) TPN, Cat A




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Providing, erecting and commissioning 4 pole RCCB of electromagnetic type with 30/100/300 mA sensitivity and having capacity of 63A complete as per specification no. SW-RCCB/RCCB




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Providing, erecting and commissioning 2 pole RCCB only of electromagnetic type with 30/100/300 mA sensitivity and having capacity of 40A complete as per specification no. SW-RCCB/RCCB




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Providing, erecting and commissioning 2 pole RCCB only of electromagnetic type with 30/100/300 mA sensitivity and having capacity of 63A complete as per specification no. SW-RCCB/RCCB




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(8 WAY TPN 7 Segment Timer DB) Design, supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. 63A 4P MCB 10 KA with connected accessories – 1 No. 63A 4P RCCB 100mA - 1 No. Timer : 1 No. AlphaRex3 D22, 2 channels, (Legrand: 412641) with 6A SP MCB, Contactor : 6 Nos. CX3 CT 230V 2NO 25A HANDLE (Legrand : 412544) - 2Nos. Per phase. With Auto / Manual selection. ( INCOMING) 10/16A SP+N MCB, 10 KA – 24 Nos (OUTGOINGS) With necessary tinned copper bus bars, interconnections, separate earth bus, separate neutral bus for each phases. The board shall be powder coated type fixed with concealed system in wall/ fixed in column. The rate shall include necessary connected civil works like chipping, rough plastering etc. with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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8 WAY 7 SEGMENT TPN MCB DB Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of the double door type compartmental Phase segregated 8way MCB DB comprising of the following : 63A TPN MCB 10 KA with connected accessories – 1 No., 63A DP RCCB 100mA - 3 Nos. (INCOMING) 10/16A SP+N MCB 10KA - 24 EA. (OUTGOINGS) With necessary tinned copper bus bars, interconnections, separate earth bus, separate neutral bus for each phases. The board shall be powder coated type fixed with concealed system in wall/ fixed in column. The rate shall include necessary connected civil works like chipping, rough plastering etc., with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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6 Way TPN 7 segment DB Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of the double door type compartmental Phase segregated 6way MCB DB comprising of the following : 63 A 4P MCB 16KA – 1No. as incomer. 40A DP RCCB 100mA – 3 EA. as outgoings. each 40A DP RCCB outgoing consist of 6 each 6/10/16A 10 KA SP MCB (C-Curve) in a separate compartment with necessary phase segregation as required by the Electrical Inspectorate. With necessary tinned copper bus bars, interconnections, separate earth bus, separate neutral bus for each phases. The board shall be powder coated type fixed with concealed system in wall/ fixed in column. The rate shall include necessary connected civil works like chipping, rough plastering etc. with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply of 3 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 3 Core 16 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for folowing sizes of 3 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (5) 3 x 16 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 3 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 3 Core 185 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for folowing sizes of 3 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (13) 3 x 185 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 3 1/2 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 3 1/2 Core 25 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for folowing sizes of 3 1/2 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (1) 3 1/2 x 25 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 3 1/2 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 3 1/2 Core 35 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for folowing sizes of 3 1/2 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (2) 3 1/2 x 35 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 3 1/2 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 3 1/2 Core 150 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for folowing sizes of 3 1/2 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (7) 3 1/2 x 150 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 3 1/2 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 31/2 Core 185 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for folowing sizes of 3 1/2 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (8) 3 1/2 x 185 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 4 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 4 Core 10 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for folowing sizes of 4 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (4) 4 x 10 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 4 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 4 Core 16 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for folowing sizes of 4 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (5) 4 x 16 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 2 core unarmoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed copper conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 2 Core 10 sq.mm




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Supply and making cable end terminations with compression gland and copper lugs for following sizes of PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE Copper conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (4) 2 x 10 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 3 core unarmoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed copper conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 3 Core 2.5 sq.mm




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Supply of 3 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed copper conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 3 Core 2.5 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and copper lugs for folowing sizes of 3 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE Copper conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. (1) 3 x 2.5 Sq. mm.




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Supply of 3 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed copper conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. 3 Core 4 sq.mm




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Supplying and making cable end terminations with brass compression gland and copper lugs for folowing sizes of 3 Core PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE Copper conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, complete as required. '(2) 3 x 4 Sq. mm.




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size not exceeding 25 sq.mm direct in ground including excavation in the form of a trench as per Cable Trench Drawing provided by the Engineer-Incharge,sand cushioning with screened sand bed of 20mm thick , protective covering with bricks placed breadth-wise on top of cable all over the run( the brick protection shall cover the cable and project atleast 5 cms over the sides of the cable) and backfilling the excavated earth without stones or hard material and making the surface proper with 15 cm crown on the top complete as required. In all types of Strata




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size not exceeding 25 sq.mm in the existing RCC/HUME/STONEWARE Metal pipe, etc. complete as required




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size not exceeding 25 sq.mm on surface, etc. complete as required




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size exceeding 25 sq.mm but not exceeding 120 sq.mm direct in ground including excavation in the form of a trench as per Cable Trench Drawing provided by the Engineer-Incharge,sand cushioning with screened sand bed of 20mm thick , protective covering with bricks placed breadth-wise on top of cable all over the run( the brick protection shall cover the cable and project atleast 5 cms over the sides of the cable) and backfilling the excavated earth without stones or hard material and making the surface proper with 15 cm crown on the top complete as required. In all types of Strata




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size exceeding 25 sq.mm but not exceeding 120 sq.mm in the existing masonry open duct, etc. complete as required




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size exceeding 120 sq.mm but not exceeding 400 sq.mm direct in ground including excavation in the form of a trench as per Cable Trench Drawing provided by the Engineer-Incharge,sand cushioning with screened sand bed of 20mm thick , protective covering with bricks placed breadth-wise on top of cable all over the run( the brick protection shall cover the cable and project atleast 5 cms over the sides of the cable)and backfilling the excavated earth without stones or hard material and making the surface proper with 15 cm crown on the top complete as required. In all Types of Strata




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size exceeding 25 sq.mm but not exceeding 400 sq.mm in the existing RCC/HUME/STONEWARE Metal pipe, etc. complete as required




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size exceeding 120 sq.mm but not exceeding 400 sq.mm on surface, etc. complete as required




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Supply and fixing of cable route marker 15 cms diameter of GI plate 6mm thick with inscription theron bolted or welded to 25mm x 25mmx 5mm angle iron 60 cms long and fixing the same in ground with PCC etc complete as required.




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'Supply of following size of 3 core, HV, 11 KV grade, ISI mark, XLPE cable with stranded compact circular aluminium conductor, conductor screened with extruded semiconducting compound, XLPE insulated, insulation screned with extruded semiconducting compound in combination with copper tape(0.3 KA for 1Sec.) cores laid off,inner sheath of PVC tape,galvanised steel flat strip armoured and overall PVC sheathed cable conforming to IS:7098(Part II) with latest amendments. (4) 3 Core 95 sq.mm




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Supplying and making Indoor cable end termination with heat shrinkable kit for following sizes of PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable upto 11 KV grade, complete as required. (b) 11 KV, 3 Core x 50 - 95 sq.mm




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Supplying and making Outdoor cable end termination with heat shrinkable kit for following sizes of PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable upto 11 KV grade, complete as required. (b) 11 KV, 3 Core x 50 - 95 sq.mm




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'Supply of following size of 3 core, HV, 11 KV grade, ISI mark, XLPE cable with stranded compact circular aluminium conductor, conductor screened with extruded semiconducting compound, XLPE insulated, insulation screned with extruded semiconducting compound in combination with copper tape(0.3 KA for 1Sec.) cores laid off,inner sheath of PVC tape,galvanised steel flat strip armoured and overall PVC sheathed cable conforming to IS:7098(Part II) with latest amendments. (8) 3 Core 240 sq.mm




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Supplying and making Indoor cable end termination with heat shrinkable kit for following sizes of PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable upto 11 KV grade, complete as required. (d) 11 KV, 3 Core x 240 - 300sq.mm




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Supplying and making Outdoor cable end termination with heat shrinkable kit for following sizes of PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable upto 11 KV grade, complete as required. (d) 11 KV, 3 Core x 240 - 300sq.mm




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of grade exceeding 1.1 KV but not exceeding 11 KV grade of size not exceeding 120 sq.mm direct in ground including excavation in the form of a trench as per Cable Trench Drawing provided by the Engineer-Incharge,sand cushioning with screened sand bed of 20mm thick , protective covering with bricks placed lenghtwise on top of cable all over the run and backfilling the excavated earth without stones or hard material and making the surface proper with 15 cm crown on the top complete as required. In all Types of Strata




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Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE power cable of grade exceeding 1.1 KV but not exceeding 11 KV grade of size exceeding 120 sq.mm but not exceeding 400 sq.mm direct in ground including excavation in the form of a trench as per Cable Trench Drawing provided by the Engineer-Incharge,sand cushioning with screened sand bed of 20mm thick , protective covering with bricks placed lenghtwise on top of cable all over the run and backfilling the excavated earth without stones or hard material and making the surface proper with 15 cm crown on the top complete as required. In all Types of Strata




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Supply of cable route marker 20 cms diameter of GI plate 6mm thick with inscription theron bolted or welded to 25mm x 25mmx 5mm angle iron 60 cms long and fixing the same in ground with PCC etc complete as required. For HT cable.




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type 16 SWG, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 150mm width x 50mm depth




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type 16 SWG, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 300mm width x 50mm depth




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type 14 SWG, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450mm width x 50mm depth




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type 14 SWG, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 600mm width x 50mm depth




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray bends of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 150mm width x 50mm depth (16 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray bends of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 300mm width x 50mm depth (16 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray bends of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450mm width x 50mm depth (14 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray bends of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 600mm width x 50mm depth (14 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray reducers of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 150mm width x 50mm depth (16 SWG)




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Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray reducers of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. '300mm width x 50mm depth (16 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray reducers of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450mm width x 50mm depth (14 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray tees of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 150mm width x 50mm depth (16 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray tees of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 300mm width x 50mm depth (16 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray tees of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450mm width x 50mm depth (14 SWG)




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Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray tees of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. '600mm width x 50mm depth (14 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray cross Members of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 150mm width x 50mm depth (16 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray cross Members of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 300mm width x 50mm depth (16 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray cross Members of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450mm width x 50mm depth (14 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size perforated type , M.S.cable tray cross Members of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 600mm width x 50mm depth (14 SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 300 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 600 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 1000 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray bend of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required.300 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray bend of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray bend of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. '600 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray bend of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 1000 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray reducer of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 300 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray reducer of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray reducer of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 600 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray reducer of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 1000 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray tee of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 300 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray tee of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray tee of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 600 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray tee of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 1000 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray cross of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 300 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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'Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray cross of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 450 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(14SWG)




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Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray cross of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. '600 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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Supplying and Installing following size welded ladder type , 50mm depth, M.S.cable tray cross of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required.'1000 mm width X 50 mm depth with runner size 15x50x15mm, rung size 20x40x20mm with rungs at 250mm c/c.(12SWG)




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Floor Raceways - Hot Dip Galvanised:Supply and installing 100 mm wide x 40 mm deep raceway size of Pre Galvanized floor raceways made out of 1.6 mm thick GI sheet steel with 2mm cover, with internal compartments complete with jointing sleeves, tees, bends, cross members, Reducers and other accessories under floor installation including cutting and chasing the floor, making good the same, placing in position and cleaning from inside complete of following sizes etc. as required. with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Floor Raceways - Hot Dip Galvanised: Supply and installing 150 mm wide x 40 mm deep raceway size of Pre Galvanized floor raceways made out of 1.6 mm thick GI sheet steel with 2mm cover, with internal compartments complete with jointing sleeves, tees, bends, cross members, Reducers and other accessories under floor/Ceiling installation including cutting and chasing the floor, making good the same, placing in position and cleaning from inside complete of following sizes etc. as required. with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Floor Raceways - Hot Dip Galvanised: Supply and installing 300 mm wide x 40 mm deep raceway size of Pre Galvanized floor raceways made out of 1.6 mm thick GI sheet steel with 2mm cover, with internal compartments complete with jointing sleeves, tees, bends, cross members, Reducers and other accessories under floor/Ceiling installation including cutting and chasing the floor, making good the same, placing in position and cleaning from inside complete of following sizes etc. as required. with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Providing and fixing 150 x 150 x 65 mm deep Pre-Galvanized raceways junction box made out of 1.6 mm thick sheet steel with 3 mm thick Stainless steel cover including top surface buffing and fixing arrangment with stainless steel screws etc complete as required with necessary civil work such as floorchipping, jamming of junction box and repair of floor with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Providing and fixing 300 x 300 x 65 mm deep Pre-Galvanized raceways junction box made out of 1.6 mm thick sheet steel with 3 mm thick Stainless steel cover including top surface buffing and fixing arrangment with stainless steel screws etc complete as required with necessary civil work such as floorchipping, jamming of junction box and repair of floor, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Providing and fixing 400 x 400 x 65 mm deep Pre-Galvanized raceways junction box made out of 1.6 mm thick sheet steel with 3 mm thick Stainless steel cover including top surface buffing and fixing arrangment with stainless steel screws etc complete as required with necessary civil work such as floorchipping, jamming of junction box and repair of floor, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of recessed/surface mounted type 9W LED Downlight with electronic driver & accessories as required of Wipro Cat Ref No-LD06-111-XXX-57-SM (9W) or equivalent.(Downlight) as per the standrad technical specification and as per the directions of engineer incharge of work. CCT: 4000K The optic shall be diffuser. The system efficacy shall not be less than 100lm/W. Luminaries thickness shall not be greater than 35mm, surge protection of 2.5kV and operating voltage of 140 - 270V. SDCM5. The burning hours of the LED luminaries shall be 30,000 hours @L70. The CRI of the luminaries shall be 80. For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver . with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of 3W LED recess mounted LED down lumianire (Circular type) with Aluminium housing Swivel spot light with 30degree beam angle suitable for operation on 220-240 volt 50 cycle per second with constant current integrated driver with THD less than 8% & low copper losses and Surge Protection 2kV and power factor more than 0.9 and system lumen not less than 900 with CRI70.Lamp colour to be Cool day white.LED burning hours: 50,000 hours, Fixture & Driver. Color Temperature 4000K. warrnty: 2 Years. SIMILAR TO Jaquar Model & Make : ESTUS - LETS02R003XW




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Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of the following lighting luminaries with all other necessary accessories 12W LED SURFACE/RECESS MOUNTED DOWNLIGHTER WITH 1200LM, 6500K, SIMILAR TO WIPRO-LD90-141-XXX-40-XX*, 4000K., as per the directions of engineer incharge of work. The optic shall be diffuser. The system efficacy shall not be less than 100lm/W. Luminaries thickness shall not be greater than 35mm, surge protection of 2.5kV and operating voltage of 140 - 270V. SDCM5. The burning hours of the LED luminaries shall be 30,000 hours @L70. The CRI of the luminaries shall be 80. For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver . with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of the following lighting luminaries with all other necessary accessories 15W LED SURFACE/RECESS MOUNTED DOWNLIGHTER WITH 1200LM, 6500K, SIMILAR TO WIPRO-LD90-191-XXX-40-XX*, 4000K., as per the directions of engineer incharge of work. The optic shall be diffuser. The system efficacy shall not be less than 100lm/W. Luminaries thickness shall not be greater than 35mm, surge protection of 2.5kV and operating voltage of 140 - 270V. SDCM5. The burning hours of the LED luminaries shall be 30,000 hours @L70. The CRI of the luminaries shall be 80. For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver . with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of the following lighting luminaries with all other necessary accessories 18W LED SURFACE/RECESS MOUNTED DOWNLIGHTER WITH 1200LM, 6500K, SIMILAR TO WIPRO-LD90-231-XXX-40-XX*, 4000K., as per the directions of engineer incharge of work. The optic shall be diffuser. The system efficacy shall not be less than 100lm/W. Luminaries thickness shall not be greater than 35mm, surge protection of 2.5kV and operating voltage of 140 - 270V. SDCM5. The burning hours of the LED luminaries shall be 30,000 hours @L70. The CRI of the luminaries shall be 80. For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver . with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of the following lighting luminaries with all other necessary accessories 24W LED RECESS/SURFACE MOUNTED COB DOWNLIGHTER WITH 1800LM, 4000K, SIMILAR TO WIPRO Swivell Projector-LD59-251-036-40-XX*, 4000K. as per the directions of engineer incharge of work. The optic shall be diffuser. The system efficacy shall not be less than 100lm/W. Luminaries thickness shall not be greater than 35mm, surge protection of 2.5kV and operating voltage of 140 - 270V. SDCM5. The burning hours of the LED luminaries shall be 30,000 hours @L70. The CRI of the luminaries shall be 80. For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of the following lighting luminaries with all other necessary accessories 13.5 W LED Endura LED Bulkhead light fixture withTHD less than 8% & low copper losses and Surge Protection 2kV.Lamp colour to be Cool day white.LED burning hours: 50,000 hours, Fixture & Driver and Color Temperature 5700K warrnty: 2Years., SIMILAR TO Havels CAT. No. LHEXCFP7IN5W013 LED industrial IP66 luminaire with housing made of extruded aluminium. .The luminaire shall be with dedicated optics of polycarbonate to provide precise light distribution of wide beam angle. 'The system lumens shall not be less than 600 lumens with 6500K 'CCT. The CRI shall be 80. The luminaire is designed to meet IP 66 classification and is compliant 'with relevant safety and performance and EMI standards. The luminaire shall be designed to meet its specifications on performance & lifetime at a design ambient temperature of 45 deg C. A specially designed heat management system to ensure luminous efficacy =60 lm/ W for the system and ensure lumen depreciation upto 30% over 50k burning hours. The luminaire shall be able operate from 140 - 270V AC, 50Hz with 0.95 PF & THD =10%. The luminaire 'shall have an in-built surge protection upto 3kV.




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Supply, loading, Unloading, Storing, Installation, testing & commissioning of 8W LED Spike Light Fixture with Die cast aluminium Housing, Transperant, tempered glassdiffuser IP54 complete accessories with Weather proof Junction Box & the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work. CCT:3000K, Similar to Jaquar model: LSPK04R108XW




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Supply Unloading, Storing, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 25/28W 4ft LED Linear Suspended / Recessed mouted type lumianire suitable for operation on 140-270 volt 50 cycle per second with integrated driver with THD less than 10%, power factor 0.95 and Color Temperature 5700K SIMILAR TO Havels Model & Make : DESTELLO50LP/S25WLED857SPMMAWH For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply Unloading, Storing, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 120W Suspended Chandlier Light Fixture made of Brass chrome finishing in Spectra Crystals SIMILAR TO Jaquar Make, Model Galaxy 11025, the complete luminaries with all fixing accessories & should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of the following lighting luminaries with all other necessary accessories. For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver . Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Philips RECESS/SURFACE mounted 4 ft 1x22 W(2200 lumens) LED BATTEN type fixture for continous application suitable for operation on 230 volt 50 cycle per second Single Phase AC supply with THD less than 10% with 1.5sqmm PVC insulated FR copper conductor single core cable and earthing etc, as required. LED industrial IP20 luminaries with housing made of extruded aluminium. The luminaries shall be with dedicated optics of polycarbonate to provide precise light distribution of wide beam angle. 'The system lumens shall not be less than 2200 lumens with 6500K 'CCT. The CRI shall be 80. The luminaries is designed to meet IP 20 classification and is compliant 'with relevant safety and performance and EMI standards. The luminaries shall be designed to meet its specifications on performance & lifetime at a design ambient temperature of 45 deg C. A specially designed heat management system to ensure luminous efficacy =100 lm/ W for the system and ensure lumen depreciation up to 30% over 50k burning hours. The luminaries shall be able to operate from 140 - 270V AC, 50Hz with 0.95 PF & THD =10%. The luminaries 'shall have an in-built surge protection up to 3kV. SIMILAR TO Model & Make : LUMILINEPLUSBS22WLED865SPCSS Havells. with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 5W/Mtr LED Flexi Strip Light with Driver placed inside aluminium extrusion covering with acrylic sheet. LED burning hours: 50,000 hours, Fixture & Driver and Color Temperature 3000K warrnty: SIMILAR TO Wipro CAT. No. LS06-005-120-40-50+LG40-024 (Driver) For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 5W/Mtr LED Flexi Strip Light with Driver. LED burning hours: 50,000 hours, Fixture & Driver and Color Temperature 3000K SIMILAR TO Wipro CAT. No. LS06-005-120-40-50+LG40-024 (Driver) For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply Unloading, Storing, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 80W LED High Bay light with electronic deriver & accessories as required of Wipro Cat Ref No- LH21-122-060-57-XX UNO HIGHBAY LIGHT or equivalent make. (High Bay light) as per the directions of engineer incharge of work. LED industrial IP65 luminaire with housing made of extruded aluminium. .The luminaire shall be with dedicated optics of polycarbonate to provide precise light distribution of wide beam angle. 'The system lumens shall not be less than 600 lumens with 4000K 'CCT. The CRI shall be 80. The luminaire is designed to meet IP 65 classification and is compliant 'with relevant safety and performance and EMI standards. The luminaire shall be designed to meet its specifications on performance & lifetime at a design ambient temperature of 45 deg C. A specially designed heat management system to ensure luminous efficacy =100 lm/ W for the system and ensure lumen depreciation upto 30% over 50k burning hours. The luminaire shall be able operate from 140 - 270V AC, 50Hz with 0.95 PF & THD =10%. The luminaire 'shall have an in-built surge protection upto 3kV. For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply Unloading, Storing, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 1 Mtr Track with 3 EA. 35Watts Floret Light complete with assembling, Supports from the Ceiling & all necessary accesories etc. SIMILAR TO Model & Make : LD57-251-036-40-XX + XTS-5100- Wipro Colour - White/Black as per the directions of engineer incharge of work. Surface/wall mounted LED batten with system with 4000K CCT the optic shall be diffuser. The system efficacy shall not be less than 100lm/W. The luminaries shall be mounted using spring clip. surge protection of 2.5kV and operating voltage of 140 - 270V. SDCM5, THD20%. The burning hours of the LED luminaries shall be 25,000 hours @L70. The CRI of the luminaries shall be 80. For LED light fittings, the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, loading, Unloading, Storing, Installation, testing & commissioning of 8W LED Bollard diffused light fixture (IP 65) with complete accessories with Weather proof Junction Box & the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work. CCT: 3000K. Make : Havells Model: BAMBOOBL8WLED857SSYMTOPCM (1.0M)




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Supply, loading, Unloading, Storing, Installation, testing & commissioning of 6W LED Under Water Light fixture (IP 68)made of Hard chrome plated stainless steel with silicon sealed glass with complete accessories with Weather proof Junction Box & the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.. CCT: 3000K. Make : Wipro Model Arcus: LU03-950-030-30-XX




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Supply and installation of 1x45W LED Post top light fixture with housing made up of die cast aluminium body unique design with weather proof (IP 65) gasket and heat resistant toughened cleat glass, asymmetric lens. High power COB LED Chip with suitable control gear/driver and all accessories as per dwg suitable to mount on mentioned 5M pole & the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work. Similar to Havels Model: VICTORIAPT35WLED757PSYMTOTG




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Supply and installation of 1x45W LED Gate light fixture with housing made up of die cast aluminium body unique design with weather proof (IP 65) gasket and heat resistant toughened cleat glass, asymmetric lens. High power COB LED Chip with suitable control gear/driver and all accessories as per dwg suitable to mount on gate & the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work. Similar to Havels Model: VICTORIAPT35WLED757PSYMTOTG




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Supply and installation of 1x50W LED Driveway (Street light) fixture with housing made up of die cast aluminium body unique design with weather proof (IP 65) gasket and heat resistant toughened cleat glass, asymmetric lens. High power COB LED Chip with suitable control gear/driver and all accessories as per dwg suitable to mount on mentioned 5M pole & the complete luminaries should have a warranty for 2 years which includes the housing + LED + Driver, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work. Similar To Wipro Model : LR02-671-xxx-57-G2




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Supply and erecting of 48 inch ( 1200mm sweep) ceiling fan, double ball bearing type, complete with all accessories. (a) Cat A




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Supplying and fixing extra down rod of 10 cm length GI pipe 15 cm dia heavy gauge including painting etc as required




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Supplying and fixing extra down rod of 20 cm length GI pipe 15 cm dia heavy gauge including painting etc as required




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Supply and erecting of 12 inch (300 mm sweep) exhaust fan with double ball bearings, 1400 rpm, complete with all accessories.




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Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 4ft surface/recess mounted LED BATTEN Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of recess/Surface mounted type Circular LED Down Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories. (5 - 24Watts)




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of recess/surface mounted type 2'x2' LED Down Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of suspended type Linear LED Down Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of Surface/suspended type pendant type LED Down Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories. 0-36W




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of Surface/suspended type pendant type LED Down Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories. above 36W- 100W




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of Surface/suspended type Chandlier LED Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories. Above upto 100W




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of wall mounted decorative type LED Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of wall mounted type bulk head LED Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories. (Allow 13/28W)




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of Recess/Surface mounted type 1Mtr track LED Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of Wall mounted type Mirror LED Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of Surface/Recess mounted type High/Mid Bay LED Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories. Allow 100Watts




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of Surface/Recess mounted type 5Mtr Strip LED Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of Surface/Recess mounted type Rectangular Zoom Type LED Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of Floor mounted type LED Bollard Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of LED Spike Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of LED Under Water Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of LED Surface/Recess mounted Step Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of LED Surface mounted Gate Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of LED Floor Flush mounted Burried Light Fixtures with all fixing Accessories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of LED Street Light Fixtures Excluding Poles and Accesories.




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Installation, testing & Commissioning of LED Post top Light Fixtures Excluding Poles and Accesories.




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Single Arm street Light Pole: Supply, erection and commissioning of 5M Height GI street light pole. The pole has a reducing diameter starting with 140mm at bottom to 80 mm at th top of pole, arm length of 500 mm on the top end of pole at 90 deg angle from pole to fix the light fixture, Arm diameter to be 80 mm. 140mm conical section at the bottom with baseplate of 300mmx300mmx12 mm thick to weld the pole, J bolts, including cutting, threading, welding,loop in-loop out 6 way connector(connectwell) for cable connection, 10A SP MCB, interconnecting cable, supply of PVC pipe,40mm dia, GI sleeve below ground for taking the earth wire & cable, 8 SWG earth wire , 19 mm PVC conduit embedded in pole to take the flexible wire & earth wire to the fixture,etc, complete as required and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.Pole is suitable for Pole top mounting of LED light fixture of 90W, suitable for 240V,single phase, AC. The bracket shall be suitable for 50/90W LED street light fitting.




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Civil works for pole:-Scope includes earth excavation of any type of soil to depth of 500mm & width of 500mm,providing 1 : 2 : 4 concrete foundation of size 500 mmx500 mmx500 mm deep, coping,backfilling,providing compactness,levelling & finishing surface to initial condition. Constructing 1:2:4 concrete pedestal(500x500x100 mm height) for mouting the pole.prior approval from structural consultant is required.




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Post Top Pole: Supply and installation of Post top pole 80mm dia, 5m high , class "c" GI pipe including baseplate of 100mmx100mmx12 mm thick to weld the pole, J bolts, including cutting, threading, welding,loop in-loop out 6 way connector(connectwell) for cable connection, 10A SP MCB, interconnecting cable, supply of PVC pipe,40mm dia GI sleeve below ground for taking the earth wire & cable, 8 SWG earth wire , 19 mm PVC conduit embedded in pole to take the flexible wire & earth wire to the fixture,etc, complete as required and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.Pole is suitable for Pole top mounting of LED light fixture of 60W, suitable for 240V,single phase, AC. The bracket shall be suitable for 60W LED post top light fixture.




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Civil works for post top pole:-Scope includes earth excavation of any type of soil to depth of 300mm & width of 200mm,providing 1 : 2 : 4 concrete foundation of size 200 mmx200 mmx300 mm deep, coping,backfilling,providing compactness,levelling & finishing surface to initial condition. Constructing 1:2:4 concrete pedestal(200x200x100 mm height) for mouting the pole.Refer drawing for details.prior approval from structural consultant is required.




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Supply, fixing, Testing & Commissioning of LT Kiosk (Outdoor Type) 1 No. 400 Amps 4 pole 36 KA MP based MCCB with O/C, S/C, S/T, E/F, Aux., RHOM, Spreaders & Phase Barriers. Instruments Panel :1 EA. of 1-8A ELR with CBCT, Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port (EM 6400) , 400/5A 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, Restricted Earth Fault relay relay with suitable 400/5A, 5VA burden Cl:PS resin cast CT's, control MCB , RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF & Trip" indicating lamp. With necessary Al. bus bars, interconnections. MCCBs should have two (spare) potential free contactor & All ACB's should be with RS 485 Port for BMS monitoring. 400A Amps 4P Aluminium bus bars : The neutral bus bars shall have the Full capacity of phase bus bars (0.8A/Sq. mm.), Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, fixing, Testing & Commissioning of DG AMF Panel (Indoor Type) 1 No. 400 Amps 4 pole 36 KA MP based Motorised MCCB with O/C, S/C, S/T, E/F, Aux., RHOM, Spreaders & Phase Barriers. Instruments Panel :1 EA. of 1-8A ELR with CBCT, Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port (EM 6400),1 set 400/5A 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, KWH Meter, AMF relay with suitable 400/5A, 5VA burden Cl:5P10 resin cast CT's, control MCB , RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF Illumination Push Button & Trip" indicating lamp, On Delay Timer, Auto manual selector switch, 12-Window Annunciator, Hooter, DG Running Hour meter, Impulse counter, Aux. Contactor 2NO+2NC,230V AC, Aux Contactor 2NO+2NC,24V,DC, Plug in relay with base, Battery charger 20A (SMPS), DC Ammeter-96 sqmm, DC Voltmeter-96 sqmm, Indicating Lamps 230V AC RED, Auxiliary contactors, Relays, Selector switches for control logic, Illumination Push Buttons for ack, reset, test, Engine Start, Stop. All Accesories suitable AMF Logic With necessary Al. bus bars, interconnections. MCCBs should have two (spare) potential free contactor & All ACB's should be with RS 485 Port for BMS monitoring. 400A Amps 4P Aluminium bus bars : The neutral bus bars shall have the Full capacity of phase bus bars (0.8A/Sq. mm.), Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, fixing, Testing & Commissioning of Main LT Panel (Indoor Type) EB Incomer : 1 No. 400 Amps 4 pole 36 KA MP based Motorised MCCB with O/C, S/C, U/V, S/T, E/F, Aux., Spreaders & Phase Barriers. Instruments Panel :1 EA. of 1-8A ELR with CBCT, Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port (EM 6400), 400/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, 2O/C+1E/F relay with suitable 400/5A, 5VA burden Cl:5P10 resin cast CT's, 3nos. 250/5A, 5VA burden Cl:5P10 resin cast CT's for APFCR, control MCB , RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF Illumination Push Buttons & Trip" indicating lamp, 40KA Transient voltage surge suppressor with suitable MCB. DG Incomer: 1 No. 400 Amps 4 pole 36 KA MP based Motorised MCCB with O/C, S/C, U/V, S/T, E/F, Aux., Spreaders & Phase Barriers. Instruments Panel :1 EA. of 1-8A ELR with CBCT, Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port (EM 6400) , 400/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, 2O/C+1E/F relay with suitable 400/5A, 5VA burden Cl:5P10 resin cast CT's, control MCB , RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF Illumination Push Buttons & Trip" indicating lamp, 40KA Transient voltage surge suppressor with suitable MCB. Bus Coupler: 1 No. 400 Amps 4 pole 36 KA MP based Motorised MCCB with O/C, S/C, U/V, S/T, E/F, Aux., Spreaders & Phase Barriers. Instruments Panel: control MCB, RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF Illumination Push Buttons & Trip" indicating lamp. The all Incomers & buscoupler shall be provided with both mechanical & electrical Interlocking arrangements with individual A/M Selector Switch & Emergency Push Button. (Incoming) 250A 36KA TP MP based, O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux. MCCB - 1 EA with Digital type Ammeter with RS 485 Port, 250/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CTs, Control MCB, Front RHOM, Spreaders & Phase Barriers, 250A 36KA TPN MP based, O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux. MCCB - 3 EA, 100A 25KA TPN TMD based, O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux. MCCB - 6 EA, 63A TPN TMD based, O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux. MCCB, 25 KA – 3 EA (Outgoings) With necessary Al. bus bars, interconnections, All the Outgoing feeder should be with Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 Port (EM6436), ....../5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CTs, Control MCB, Front RHOM, Spreaders & Phase Barriers Etc. All MCCBs should have two (spare) potential free contactor & All ACB's should be with RS 485 Port for BMS monitoring. 400A Amps TPN Aluminium bus bars : All the neutral bus bars shall have the half capacity of phase bus bars (0.8A/Sq. mm.), Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Fixing, Testing & Commissioning of APFCR PANEL (IN DOOR TYPE) Incomer: 1 No. 250 Amps 3 pole 36 KA MP based MCCB with O/C, S/C, S/T, AUX, RHOM, Spreaders & Phase Barriers.Instruments Panel :1 EA. Digital type Ammeter, Voltmeter, Power factor meter with RS 485 port, 1set of 250/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, 8Stage Automatic Power factor Control relay, control MCB's, RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF & Trip" indicating lamp. The APFCR shall be provided with A/M Selector Switch & Emergency Push Button. Out Goings: 63A TP MCCB, 25 KA with O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux., 25 KVAR Capacitor Duty Contactor, 14% detuned Reactor, 25KVAr 525V thyristor based Phycap Capacitor with ON, OFF Illumination Push Button.– 1 EA., 63A TP MCCB, 25 KA with O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux., 20 KVAR Capacitor Duty Contactor, 14% detuned Reactor, 20KVAr 525V thyristor based Phycap Capacitor with ON, OFF Illumination Push Button.– 1 EA., 63A TP MCCB, 25 KA with O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux., 15 KVAR Capacitor Duty Contactor, 14% detuned Reactor, 15KVAr 525V thyristor based Phycap Capacitor with ON, OFF Illumination Push Button.– 2 EA., 40A TP MCCB, 25 KA with O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux., 10 KVAR Capacitor Duty Contactor, 14% detuned Reactor, 10KVAr 525V thyristor based Phycap Capacitor with ON, OFF Illumination Push Button.– 2 EA., 40A TP MCCB, 25 KA with O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux., 5 KVAR Capacitor Duty Contactor, 14% detuned Reactor, 5KVAr 525V thyristor based Phycap Capacitor with ON, OFF Illumination Push Button.– 2 EA. and Space Provision for 1no. of 63A TP MCCB, 25 KA with O/C, S/C, S/T & Aux., 25 KVAR Capacitor Duty Contactor, 14% detuned Reactor, 25KVAr 525V thyristor based Phycap Capacitor with ON, OFF Illumination Push Button.– 1 EA. With necessary Al. bus bars, interconnections. All MCCBs should have two (spare) potential free contactor for BMS Monitoring RHOM, Spreaders & Phase Barriers. 250A Amps TP Aluminium bus bars(0.8A/Sq. mm.). Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Fixing, Testing & Commissioning of HVAC ODU PANEL (IN DOOR TYPE) Incomer: 1 No. 100 Amps 4 pole 25 KA MP based MCCB with O/C, S/C, S/T, AUX, Spreaders & Phase Barriers.Instruments Panel :1 EA. of 1-8A ELR with CBCT, Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port(EM 6400), 1set of 100/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, control MCB, RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF & Trip" indicating lamp, 25KA Transient voltage surge suppressor with suitable MCB. Outgoing: 63A 4P MCB, 10 KA with O/C, S/C– 7 EA With necessary Al. bus bars, interconnections. MCCBs should have two (spare) potential free contactor for BMS Monitoring. 100A Amps TPN Aluminium bus bars(0.8A/Sq. mm.). Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Fixing, Testing & Commissioning of UTILITY PANEL (IN DOOR TYPE) Incomer: 1 No. 63 Amps 4 pole 25 KA TMD based MCCB with O/C, S/C, S/T, Aux., Spreaders & Phase Barriers..Instruments Panel :1 EA. of 1-8A ELR with CBCT, Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port(EM 6400), 1 set of 63/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, control MCB, RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF & Trip" indicating lamp, 25KA Transient voltage surge suppressor with suitable MCB. Outgoing: 63A 4P MCB, 10 KA – 1 EA, 40A 4P MCB, 10 KA – 7 EA, With necessary O/C, S/C. Al. bus bars. 63A Amps TPN Aluminium bus bars(0.8A/Sq. mm.). Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Fixing, Testing & Commissioning of RAW POWER PANEL Incomer: 1 No. 250 Amps 4 pole 36 KA MP based MCCB with O/C, S/C, S/T, AUX, Spreaders & Phase Barriers.Instruments Panel :1 EA. of 1-8A ELR with CBCT, Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port(EM 6400), 1set of 250/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, control MCB, RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF & Trip" indicating lamp, 25KA Transient voltage surge suppressor with suitable MCB. Outgoing: 63A 4P MCB, 10 KA with O/C, S/C.– 8 EA With necessary Al. bus bars, interconnections. MCCBs should have two (spare) potential free contactor for BMS Monitoring. 250A Amps TPN Aluminium bus bars(0.8A/Sq. mm.). Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Fixing, Testing & Commissioning of UPS O/P PANEL Incomer: 2 Nos. 100 Amps 4 pole 25 KA TMD based MCCB with O/C, S/C, S/T, Aux., Spreaders & Phase Barriers..Instruments Panel :1 EA for all incomers 1-8A ELR with CBCT, Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port(EM 6400), 100/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, control MCB, RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF & Trip" indicating lamp, 25KA Transient voltage surge suppressor with suitable MCB. The all Incomers shall be provided with parallel operated busbar as per the instruction by UPS Vendor. Outgoings: 63A 4P D Curve MCB, 10 KA with O/C, S/C. – 8 EA (OUTGOINGS) With necessary Al. bus bars, interconnections. MCCBs should have two (spare) potential free contactor for BMS monitoring. 200A Amps 4P Aluminium bus bars : All the neutral bus bars shall have the same capacity of phase bus bars (0.8A/Sq. mm.). Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Fixing, Testing & Commissioning of LIGHTING PANEL Incomer: 1 No. 63 Amps 4 pole 25 KA TMD based MCCB with O/C, S/C, S/T, AUX, Spreaders & Phase Barriers.Instruments Panel :1 EA. of 1-8A ELR with CBCT, Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port(EM 6400), 1set of 63/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, control MCB, RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF & Trip" indicating lamp, 25KA Transient voltage surge suppressor with suitable MCB. Outgoing: 40A 4P MCB, 10 KA with O/C, S/C. – 6 EA, 40A 4P MCB, 10 KA with O/C, S/C. – 2 EA With necessary Al. bus bars, interconnections. 63A Amps TPN Aluminium bus bars(0.8A/Sq. mm.). Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Fixing, Testing & Commissioning of UPS I/P & O/P BREAKER MCCB Enclosure Panel FOR 40KVA UPS: 100A 4P 25KA TMD MCCB With O/C, S/C, S/T & AUX. Spreaders & Phase Barriers with necessary Aluminium bus bars, interconnections, providing ON,OFF,TRIP Indication Lamp, RYB phase indication lamp, Control MCB. All MCCBs should have two (spare) potential free contactor for BMS monitoring. All the neutral bus bars shall have the Same capacity of phase bus bars (0.8A/Sq. mm.). Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Fixing, Testing & Commissioning of Lift Control Panel: Incomer: 1no. 63A 4P 10KA MCB With O/C, S/C with Instruments Panel :1 EA. Digital type Multi Data meter with RS 485 port(EM 6436), 1set of 63/5A, 5VA burden Cl:1.0 resin cast CT's, control MCB, RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF & Trip" indicating lamp. Outgoing: 40A 4P 10KA MCB with O/C, S/C - 1EA, 16A SPN 10KA MCB with O/C, S/C - 3EA, 16A DP 30mA ELCB - 1 EA, 16A SPN 10KA MCB with O/C, S/C with 16A Soket & Switch - 1 EA. All breakers with necessary Aluminium bus bars, interconnections. MCCBs should have two (spare) potential free contactor for BMS monitoring. All the neutral bus bars shall have the Same capacity of phase bus bars (0.8A/Sq. mm.). Complete All as per BOQ & Single Line Diagram with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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UPS SYSTEM & CONNECTED WORKS Supply, fixing, Testing and commissioning of the following UPS System and connected works with all necessary accessories complete as required at site and as per standards. Supply, Installation Testing and Commissioning of Micro Processor Controlled 1 x 40 KVA UPS input supply of 415 Volts + 15%, 3 Phase, 50 Hz ± 10% and an out put of 415 Volts ±1%, 3 Phase 50 ± 0.1 Hz, Input Power Factor =0.99, Input Total Harmonic Distortion (THDi) 2.5%, Unity Output Power Factor @ 35deg C consisting of Rectifier, Inverter, Internal/External Cu Wound K13 Isolation Transformer with Soft Start, Battery DC Circuit Breaker with necessary MS closed enclosure, Inbuilt Static BY PASS Panel (Input & output switches and Auto Static & Manual Bypass Switches), provision for parallel integration necessary cable alley shall be provided if cable entry/exit for UPS unit is from bottom/sides and necessary hardware & software for BMS Intergration with communication port RS 485 ( Status Monitoring ), complete as required) with necessary adequate size of copper lugs etc., with necessary base channels/supports complete as required and all other necessary accessories required as per detailed specification. with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 12V Sealed Maintenance Free Battery banks to support 40KVA UPS for 30 Minutes complete back up with intercell connectors & copper cables for I/P & O/P of UPS & Isolation Transformer, Battery Interlinks, DC Cabling from Battery to UPS, all interconnecting Copper cables (Battery bank to Battery DC Circuit breaker, Battery DC Circuit breaker to UPS, battery stand made out of Powder Coated MS Angles with adequate supports to carry the load of the batteries. with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supplying, erecting and commissioning of diesel generating set with alternator of 180 kVA output continuous rating, 3 Phase, 415 V, 50c/s 0.8 p. f. A.C a totally enclosed air cooled / liquid cooled multi-cylinder diesel engine developing suitable BHP at 1500 rpm with 10% overload for 1 hour in 12 hours, along with standard accessories, self-excited, self-regulated, screen protected alternator with static excitation system running at 1500 RPM as per IS 4722-2001 with voltage regulation +/- 5 %. Both the engine and alternator direct coupled on a common fabricated steel base frame and mounted on anti-vibrating pads with standard control panel comprising meters, switchgears, indicators connected with suitable wires/cables, the complete set enclosed in composite Acoustic enclosure as fully assembled integral unit made of 16 SWG CRCA Sheet, sound absorbing material to restrict sound level upto 75 dB at 1.0 m, provided with first filling of oil, diesel etc. as per specification no. GEN-DG




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Exhaust System: Supplying, fixing & installing exhaust pipe fabricated out of 5 mm thick Class B MS and all fixing accessories and hardware for the following with 28G, aluminium sheet cladding & 100 mm thick 150 kg / cu M density mineral wool insulation wrapped in chicken mesh including all supporting structure with arrangements like Supporting frames, Hooks, Clamps, Hardware & Fasteners Etc complete as required. Vendor shall submit the back pressure calculation and sizing of exhaust pipe along with the quote The installation rate shall include necessary anti vibrating mounts/Hightech spring supports/MS angle supports at standard intervals. Vendor shall ensure that the Exhaust pipe vibration/heat is not transferred to the building. The exhaust pipes shall be supported in such a way that free thermal expansion of the pipes is possible, with out exerting pressure on the the structures etc. Also vendor shall provide expanion bellows and spring supports at suitable intervals for horizontal lengths to allow free expansion. 5" /125mm dia (or as per back pressure calculation to be submitted by vendor) class 'B' M.S pipe as per IS 3589, for exhaust pipe with provision to check the carbon emission with necessary necessary bends , flanges,flexible bellows, reducers , Fasteners & gaskets (for 180kVA - DG set)




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Supply & Fixing of Thermal Insulation for 5" class 'B' MS pipe With 50mm thick, 64kg/Cu.m LRB mineralwool/glass wool lagging and aluminium cladding , Inclusive insulation of bends flanges etc., (for 180kVA - DG set)




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Supply & Fixing of mineralwool/glass wool lagging for silencers




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Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of "Y" connection to the MS Exhaust pipe with all necessary supports welding arrangements as specified to suit the site condition, all complete as per relevant standard, technical specification and direction of Engineer in charge.




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Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 125mm dia 90 degree bend exhaust pipe including covering with 50 mm thick glass wool, chicken mesh and aluminium cladding for connecting as inlet and outlet to Engine and Exhaust Chimney, all complete as per relevant standard, technical specification and direction of Engineer in charge.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 125mm dia Flexible Bellows For Exhaust System SS expansion joints (Grade SS 304)




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Supply & Fixing of hitech spring bottle type supports and hardwares




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Fuel Piping: Class " B" 25mm dia M.S. Pipes duly painted of suitable sizes for fuel pumping between Day Tanks/Intermediate tanks,overflow tanks , and engine etc.. Quoted rate shall include Fuel Piping with Ball Valves, flanges, fuel flow meter, and accessories,necessary hardware, collars, bends, adopters,valves,solenoid valves,overflow pump motor,fuel flow meter with electronic out put etc.,




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Hand operated fuel transfer pump with flexible hose PVC pipe of 5M length.




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Supply & Fixing of 25mm - ball valves and necessary hard ware and flanges.




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Miscelleneous: Supply and erection of stand alone structure for Exhaust pipe supporting system with ISMC, ISAs complete including red oxide, 2 coats of anti rusting primer and synthetic enamel painting of approved colour from client and RCC foundation etc., complete. The approval for the proposed steel structure shall be obtained from the structural




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Supply and erection of Conventional Lightening arrester with down conductor 25x6mm GI strip to the earth pit.




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Supply and erection of LED Pilot lamp on the DG Exhaust stack structure with 3cx1.5sqmm armoured copper cable in suitable MS conduit.




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Supplying , erecting, testing & commissioning 11kV, 630A, 21 kA / 3sec, 3 way outdoor, extensible motorised SCADA compatible RMU as per electric supply company specification consisting of 2 nos. feeder with load break switch and 1 no. feeder with VCB as per specification no. SW-HTS / RMU SCADA (2LBS +1VCB)




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Supplying, erecting, testing, commissioning 11 KV HT metering cubical (compact type) approved by MSEDCL/licensee fabricated with 2 mm (14 SWG) M.S. sheets with supporting angle and channel, painted with powder coating / epoxy paint of required shade copper bus bar size 25x6 mm electronic security lock and heavy duty mechanical lock, with counter meter for measuring no of times the opening of doors, top side cover (CT,PT cover) interlock with meter doors, epoxy coated 3 nos CT having required ratio between 75/5 A to 100/5 A, VA10,class0.2S, 11000/V3/110/V3 VA 50, class 0.2 epoxy terminal block suitable for provided trivector meter, and provision for incoming and outgoing cables etc. complete duly tested by licensee with necessary test certificates and erected on provided plinth/ cc foundation




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Supplying and erecting 11kV, 630A, vacuum circuit breaker of required rating, on provided MS channels / trench / foundation as per specification no SW-HTS / VCB




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Supplying, installing, testing & commissioning 3 phase, 11/0.433 kV, 50 Hz., 160 kVA, oil immersed and naturally cooled outdoor type, copper wound transformer, delta/star connected with additional neutral brought out on load side, temperature rise should not exceed 40oC by thermometer in oil and 45oC by the resistance in winding at full load rating, with HV tapping (with off load tap changer) off load +5 to -10 in steps of 2.5%, with standard accessories complete with test certificate with losses below 670 Watts at 50% load, 1950 Watts at 100% load as per IS:1180 - 2014 energy efficiency level II with necessary permissions of Electrical Inspector, as per specification no SS- TR.




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Supplying and erecting fencing of section having size 2450 mm in height from ground level and 1200 mm width with angle iron frame work erected in CC foundation and painted complete as per specification no SS-AS/FSG




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Supplying and erecting double leaf hinged door each 1500 mm in width x 1850 mm in height using B class, GI pipe with angle iron supports, chain link wire mesh (jali) complete supported on channel iron, erected in foundation, and painted complete as per specification no SS-AS/DLD




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Supplying & Laying of Gravel 40mm thick jalli free of plastic,sand,etc.The entire yard must be at a level of 150mm more than ground level.




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Supplying & Filling Of Burrowed earth.




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Supplying & Filling of Burrowed sand and Morum




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Supplying and fixing PVC synthetic elastomer electrically insulating mat with class A insulation conforming to IS: 15652 – 2006 & CPRI tested having 2 cm thickness upto 3.3 kV




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Supplying and fixing PVC synthetic elastomer electrically insulating mat with class B insulation conforming to IS: 15652 – 2006 & CPRI tested having 2.5 cm thickness upto 11 kV




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Providing printed instruction chart for treating persons suffering from electric shock, printed in English, Hindi & Konkani and duly laminated complete.




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Providing pair of duly tested rubber hand gloves as per IS:47705 suitable for working upto 22 kV supply complete.




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Supplying standard first aid box with necessary antiseptic cream, medicine for use on wounds due burn, crepe bandage, gauge bandage, medicated ready to use bandage (Band-Aid) adhesive tape for medicinal use, scissors, anti-septic solution, etc. (All above contents shall be of standard makes)




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Providing Round bottom fire bucket of 9 Litres capacity as per IS : 2546 made out of 24 gauge G.I. sheet with extra handle at bottom duly painted white inside and red outside with FIRE Mark, on provided stand/ wall hook complete.




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Providing Floor mounting stand for keeping 4 Nos. of FIRE buckets 1500mm in length, 900mm in height frame made out of 30x30x4 mm angle iron with cross supports for legs, welded with 4 hooks and duly painted with one coat of red lead and two coats of silver paint complete.




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Supplying and erecting D.C.P. type fire extinguisher 9 kg capacity cartridge type with Gun Metal cap 150 gram CO2 gas cartridge, powder and brackets conforming to IS 2171-1985 and complete erected with necessary clamps made from 50x6 mm M.S. flat with nuts & bolts grouted in wall complete.




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Supplying & erecting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher of 4.5 kg. capacity cartridge type conform to IS 2878 /15683 complete erected with necessary clamp made from 50 x 6 mm. M. S. flat with nut & bolts grouted in wall complete.




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Providing and fixing M.V. Danger Notice plate of 200mm x 150 mm made of mild steel atleast 2 m thick and vitreous enamelled white on both sides and with inscription in single red colour on front side as required




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Providing and fixing HT Danger Notice plate of 250mm x 200 mm made of mild steel atleast 2 m thick and vitreous enamelled white on both sides and with inscription in single red colour on front side as required




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Earthing with GI earth plate 600 mm x 600 mm x 6 mm thick including accessories and providing masonry enclosure with CI/RCC cover having locking/Lifting arrangement and watering pipe etc. (but without charcoal or coke and salt) as required as per the Earthing Drawing provided by the Engineer-Incharge.The scope of work includes the following: a) Excavation of pit of size 1.0x1.0x 3.0 mtrs(min) and disposal of excavated soil. c)Watering GI pipe, 20mm, Class B, with funnel as per specs. d) Charcoal/salt as per specs ( paid seperately). e) Refilling the pit of size 1.0x1.0x 3.0 mtrs(min) with soft black agriculture soil of minimum resistivity i/c transportation. e)Masonary chamber with proper foundation, cover plate and locking arrangement. f) Testing of earth value with earth megger and certifications of its value. Aluminium tag with embossed earthing value to be attached to the pipe.g)watering arrangement(plumbing will be paid seperately). In all types of Strata




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Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm x 600 mm x 3 mm thick including accessories and providing masonry enclosure with CI/RCC cover having locking/lifting arrangement and watering pipe etc. (but without charcoal or coke and salt) as required as per the Earthing Drawing provided by the Engineer-Incharge.The scope of work includes the following: a) Excavation of pit of size 1.0x1.0x 3.0 mtrs(min) and disposal of excavated soil. c)Watering GI pipe, 20 mm Class B, with funnel as per specs. d) Charcoal/salt as per specs ( paid seperately). e) Refilling the pit of size 1.0x1.0x 3.0 mtrs(min) with soft black agriculture soil of minimum resistivity i/c transportation. e)Masonary chamber with proper foundation, cover plate and locking arrangement. f) Testing of earth value with earth megger and certifications of its value. g)watering arrangement(plumbing will be paid seperately).




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Extra for using salt and charcoal for GI or copper plate earth electrode as required( 96 Kgs of Charcoal and 5 Kgs of Salt)




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Supply and providing Chemical earthing system (Pipe in pipe type) with Outer pipe of the electrode having minimum 80mm diameter as per the enclosed specifiations and drawing.The outer and the inner hot dip galvanised MS pipes shall conform to the specifications and the space inbetween shall be filled with highly crystalline conductive and anti- corrosive mixture conforming to IS-3043. The earth electrode shall be CPRI tested.The scope of work includes boring( 300mm dia mimnimum)/exvavation of soil/hard rock, refilling with required quantity of back fill compound/Ground resistance enhancement powder of requisite quantity, compaction, constuction of masonary chamber etc complete as required to obtain the desired value.Aluminium tag with embossed earthing value shall be permanently attached to the pipe electrode (a) 3 metres length electrode




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'Supply and providing Chemical earthing system (Pipe in pipe type) with Outer pipe of the electrode having minimum 50mm diameter as per the enclosed specifiations and drawing.The outer and the inner hot dip galvanised MS pipes shall conform to the specifications and the space inbetween shall be filled with highly crystalline conductive and anti- corrosive mixture conforming to IS-3043. The earth electrode shall be CPRI tested. The scope of work includes boring( 300mm dia mimnimum)/exvavation of soil/hard rock, refilling with required quantity of back fill compound/Ground resistance enhancement powder of requisite quantity, compaction, constuction of masonary chamber etc complete as required to obtain the desired value.Aluminium tag with embossed earthing value shall be permanently attached to the pipe electrode (a) 3 metres length electrode




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Supply of Back fill Compound/ Groung resistance enhancement powder conforming to the enclosed specifications.




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Supplying and laying 8 SWG copper wire at 0.5 m below ground level for conductor earth electrode including soldering etc. as required




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Supplying and laying 25 mm x 5 mm copper strip in 40 mm dia GI pipe from earth electrode as required




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Supplying and laying 25 mm x 6 mm GI strip at 0.5 m below ground as strip earth electrode including soldering etc. as required




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Supplying and laying 25 mm x 5 mm GI strip in 40 mm dia GI pipe from earth electrode as required




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Providing and fixing earth bus of 50 mm x 5 mm copper strip on surface for connections etc as required




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Supplying and erecting copper strip of required size used for earthing on wall and/or any other purpose with necessary copper clamps fixed on wall painted with bituminous paint in an approved manner with joints required. As per specification no. EA-EP.




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Supplying and erecting GI strip of required size used for earthing on wall and/or any other purpose with necessary GI clamps fixed on wall painted with bituminous paint in an approved manner with joints required. As per specification no EA-EP.




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Providing and fixing of lightning conductor finial made of 25 mm dia 300 mm long copper tube having single prong at top with 85 mm dia 3 mm thick GI base plate including holes etc. complete as required




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Reveting sweating and soldering of copper/ GI tape ( with another copper/ GI tape base of the finial or any other metallic object) as required




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Providing and fixing GI tape 20 mm x 3 mm thick on parapet or surface of all for lightning conductor complete as required ( for horizontal run)




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Providing and fixing GI tape 20 mm x 3 mm thick on parapet or surface of all for lightning conductor complete as required ( for verticle run)




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Providing and fixing testing joint made of 20 mm x 3 mm thick GI strip 125 mm long with 4 Nos of tinned brass bolts nuts check nuts and spring washers etc. complete as required




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Providing and laying GI tape 32 mm x 6 mm from earth electrode directly in ground as required




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Supplying, drawing, connecting, testing and commissioning of shielded, twin twisted and stranded single core PVC insulated ( white PVC sheathing with colour skinning) FRLS copper conductor cable in existing surface/recessed steel/PVC conduit of approprriate size including connections etc. complete as required of following size. (a) 2 x 1.5 sq.mm




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Supplying, drawing, connecting, testing and commissioning of shielded, twin twisted and stranded single core PVC insulated ( white PVC sheathing with colour skinning) FRLS copper conductor cable in existing surface/recessed steel/PVC conduit of approprriate size including connections etc. complete as required of following size. (b) 4 x 1.5 sq.mm




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Supply and fixing of LAMINATED Single line diagram chart duly framed with 5mm thick glasssuitable to mount on wall. with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Preparation & Submission of AS-Built drawings, Completion Report, Inspection report, Commissioning report and Equipment O & M manuals etc. and handing over to client, with all lead and Lifts and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work.




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Supplying and drawing/fixing indoor type 0.5 sq.mm FR PVC insulated copper conductor unarmoured telephone cable ITD/DOT approved, with GI saddles on wal or in the existing surface/recesed steel/PVC conduit having folowing pair(s), complete as required. (a) 2 Pair




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Supplying and drawing/fixing jelly filled unarmoured telephone cable with 0.5 sq.mm dia. tinned copper conductor, ITD/DOT approved, with GI saddles on wal or in the existing surface/recesed steel/PVC conduit having folowing pair(s), complete as required. (c) 20 Pair




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Supplying and drawing/fixing jelly filled unarmoured telephone cable with 0.5 sq.mm dia. tinned copper conductor, ITD/DOT approved, with GI saddles on wal or in the existing surface/recesed steel/PVC conduit having folowing pair(s), complete as required. (d) 50 Pair




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Supplying and drawing/fixing jelly filled outdoor type armoured telephone cable with 0.5 sq.mm dia. tinned copper conductor, ITD/DOT approved, with GI saddles on wal or in the existing surface/recesed steel/PVC conduit having folowing pair(s), complete as required. (d) 50 Pair




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Supplying and drawing/fixing jelly filled outdoor type armoured telephone cable with 0.5 sq.mm dia. tinned copper conductor, ITD/DOT approved, with GI saddles on wal or in the existing surface/recesed steel/PVC conduit having folowing pair(s), complete as required. (e) 100 Pair




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of Junction Box, ITD/DOT approved, indoor type with wall mounting/concealed facility having front door with lock along with aluminium frame for mounting disconnection type Krone modules, complete cabinet fabricated from 18 SWG CRCA sheet with powder coating in appropriate manner and suitable for following capacity of pairs, including Krone makemodules, crimping and terminations, etc. complete as required. (b) 20 Pair




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of Junction Box, ITD/DOT approved, indoor type with wall mounting/concealed facility having front door with lock along with aluminium frame for mounting disconnection type Krone modules, complete cabinet fabricated from 18 SWG CRCA sheet with powder coating in appropriate manner and suitable for following capacity of pairs, including Krone makemodules, crimping and terminations, etc. complete as required. (c) 50 Pair




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of Junction Box, ITD/DOT approved, indoor type with wall mounting/concealed facility having front door with lock along with aluminium frame for mounting disconnection type Krone modules, complete cabinet fabricated from 18 SWG CRCA sheet with powder coating in appropriate manner and suitable for following capacity of pairs, including Krone makemodules, crimping and terminations, etc. complete as required. (d) 100 Pair




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Supplying, erecting and commissioning of Discoonection type Krone Module, ITD.DOT approved, having capacity of 10 pairs with silver plated terminal contacts, complete as required.




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Supplying, installation and testing of suitable size modular GI box , modular plate and cover complete with RJ-11 connector(modular telephone socket) including concealed metal box/surface GI/PVC Box, modular plate, punching, identifying, complete as required. CAT A




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'Supplying and drawing of Cat - 6 UTP, 4 pair annealed tinned copper conductor PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, unarmoured data cable in existing surface/recessed steel/PVC conduit of appropriate size including connection, etc. complete as required (a) Cat 6




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Supplying, installation and testing of suitable size modular GI box , modular plate and cover complete with RJ-45 connector(modular LAN socket TX1000/ CAT6) including concealed metal box/surface GI/PVC Box, modular plate, punching, identifying, complete as required. CAT A




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Supply,Installation, testing and commissioning of EPABX: Configured for : 30 Channel ISDN PRI. 08 Digital Extensions, 216Analog Extensions with CLI, 20 SIP Based Extensions. Basic Features : • Inbuilt :Voice mail facilities with 2 Hours of Recording Time • ( Expandable by adding License ) • Inbuilt 3 Level DISA/DOSA/OGM • Remote IP and Smart Phone Extensions Compatibility • IP/ ISDN /TDM – Compatibilities • Built in-Networking Facilities (Q sig, ARS on VOIP • Multi Conferencing Facilities upto to 32 Party • 32 Bit Microprocessor • Power Failure Transfers • Built In 10/100 Ethernet Port for Computer Telephony Integration • Built in USB Port for management Applications • Built in Battery Interface port to connect external Batteries • Built In LCR and ARS Facilities • Auth code and Walking Class of service facilities • SMDR/CDR for Call Tracking Facilities • Built in Hotel /Motel Applications • DECT Compatibility ( IP AND TDM) • 1000 Entries Speed Dialing • Pre Installed Communication Assistance • Paging Port – For External and Internal Paging Facilities * • Expandable up to -8000 Ports on One Look Network




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Supplying and fixing 42 U floor mount server Rack (Dimension-DxW – 800x1000 x2070mm) as per specification No. WG-NAS/RAK




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Supply,Installation,testing and commissioning of Blanking panels to cover unused space of 1200mm x 800mm racks




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Supply,Installation,testing and commissioning of 1-Phase Intelligent PDU with power cable, communication cable & compatible software should have minimum 24 Ports out of which minimum 15 ports for IEC C13 and Minimum 3 Ports for IEC C19 high retention sockets for single phase 230V, 32A. Remaining 6 Sockets may be of any combination of IEC13 and IEC 19. 32A, single phase 3 pin industrial socket for input power to IPDU. The PDU shall have the provision for tool less mounting for 0U mounting capability in the rack. PDU should support integration with Power Management Software/DCIM/BMS tool over SNMP. PDU should be supplied with Temperature and Humidity Sensors for measuring Temperature and humidity. Total of 2 sensors per rack i.e one in Top of the rack & one in bottom of the rack. PDU should have current protection, PDU should have an audible alarm (beeper) along with system alert to indicate current overload. PDU should support variety of protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, IPV4,IPV6, SMTP, TCP, UDP, SSL, SNMP, DHCP. PDU should have LCD Display to display the power information from Line and CB. PDU should support USB or Ethernet Cascading up to 4 PDU. PDU should have field replaceable communication module/Network card, PDU should have Network Ports 10/100/1000 mbps ports with option to control the individual outlet/socket (ON, OFF & Reboot) remotely. Real time Monitoring values of frequency, Current per phase, voltage, Apparent and Active power (kVA, kW), Power Factor (PF) and cumulative Energy consumption (kWh), PDU shall able to report error and alarm through email.




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Supplying and fixing 9U wall mount rack (Dimension-DxWxH – 450x550x500 mm) as per specification No. WG-NAS/RAK




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Supplying and fixing 24 port patch panel with tool-less keystone jacks in provided U Rack complete as per specification no. WG-NAS/PP




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Supplying & installing single mode OS1/OS2 - armoured - 12 core OS1/OS2 armoured single mode optical fibre of size 50/125μm. 10/40 gbps speed in provided underground HDPE pipe complete.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of OFC Patch Panel with pig Tails - SC type, single mode, patch Cord 9/125micron SC to SC with Necessary Accessories.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Single Mode 10/100/1000MBPS single mode SC type Media converter




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of single core pig Tails with Necessary Accessories.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of single mode 2 mtr OFC Patch cord 9/125Micron (SC-SC).




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1mtr CAT-6 Patch Cord




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 2mtr CAT-6 Patch Cord




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'Supplying and drawing of Co-axial TV cable of required grade, solid copper conductor PE insulated, shielded with fine tinned copper braid and protected with PVC sheath in existing surface/recessed steel/PVC conduit of appropriate size including connection, etc. complete as required (b) RG - 6




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Supplying, installation and testing of suitable size modular GI box , modular plate and cover complete with modular TV socket including concealed metal box/surface GI/PVC Box, modular plate, punching, identifying, complete as required. CAT A




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of VGA outlet with female connectors at both end the cost shall be inclusive of interconnection between the male and female connector, metalbox, front plate, for complete installation. The box shall be flush mounted on wall as required for gadgets.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of VGA CABLING, approved make, including ferrule numbers and terminations/crimping at either ends in Existing PVC conduit as per drawing.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of HDMI outlet with female connectors at both end the cost shall be inclusive of interconnection between the male and female connector, metalbox, front plate, for complete installation. The box shall be flush mounted on wall as required for gadgets.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of HDMI cables, approved make, including ferrule numbers and terminations/crimping at either ends in Existing PVC conduit as per drawing.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of USB outlet for data transfer with female connectors at both end the cost shall be inclusive of interconnection between the male and female connector, metalbox, front plate, for complete installation. The box shall be flush mounted on wall as required for gadgets.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of USB cables, approved make, including ferrule numbers and terminations/crimping at either ends in Existing PVC conduit as per drawing.




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Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of Network Video recorder, All-in-one recording, dual stream, e-signature, electronica Image stabilization, de-fog, viewing, virtual disk quota management, and management solution for network surveillance systems of up to 64 channels, HDMI Output(1080p), RAID 6/10 controller, 8 x 8 TB, surveillance systems of up to 64 channels (all channels pre-licensed), 8 x HDD (8 TB) max, redundant ethernet, redundant power supply, Operating Temerature -10 °C to +55 °C, NVR shall have Video Motion Detection (VMD) facility for individual camera, hot swappable HDD, sufficient video recording capacity & complete as per specifications.. for network for 30 days recording.




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Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of UL Certification Indoor 4MP IP IR Minidome WDR 2.7-12mm, Color Camera, 1/3" CMOS, H.264 High-profile, Triple Stream support, True Day & Night (TDN) with ultra low light, Wide Dynamic Range (WDR), Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) Profile S & G,Operating Temperature: 0° C to 55° C, TF card support, IP67 & IK10, Power Over Ethernet (POE), 24VAC/12VDC, IR distance up to 30 Meter depending on scene reflectance.




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Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of  UL Certification Outdoor IR 1080P IP PTZ Camera with Wiper &Ultra Low Light Feature, 1/1.9" 4MP CMOS, 30X Optical Zoom & 16X Digital Zoom, 6 - 180 mm, H.264 High-profile, Triple Stream Support, True Day & Night (TDN), Wide Dynamic Range (WDR), Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) Profile S, TF card support, AC24V, Power Over Ethernet (PoE), IP66, IK10 Vandal-proof, with wall mounting bracket, IR distance up to 150 Meter depending on scene reflectance. with Power on Ethernet for the PTZ cameras with necessary accessories like sockets, Connectors etc. Should meet all the standard mentioned in Technical specification




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Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of UL Certification Indoor 4MP IP IR Bullet WDR 2.7-12mm, Color Camera, 1/3" CMOS, H.264 High-profile, Triple Stream support, True Day & Night (TDN) with ultra low light, Wide Dynamic Range (WDR), Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) Profile S & G,Operating Temperature: 0° C to 55° C, TF card support, IP67 & IK10, Power Over Ethernet (POE), 24VAC/12VDC, IR distance up to 50 Meter depending on scene reflectance.




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5.0 Mtrs G.I. Octagonal Pole (70 mm A/F (Top) x 130 mm A/F (Bottom) x 5 mm thick with base plate of 250 x 250 x 16 mm, 4 nos. 600 mm long M20 foundation bolts & hardware (suitable reinforcements to be inserted in the foundation and 40mm x 2 nos. GI pipes for In/Out of main cables) Any other accessories etc. required complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer in charge. The pole shall also be provided with recessed lockable GI junction box of suitable size and flush door at the bottom with proper strengthening for the cut-out of the door opening of junction box. The cost of RCC foundation shall be paid separately, with accessories etc. all complete.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of network Joystick controller Professional joystick for accurate control over network of all pan/tilt/zoom network cameras.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Managed Layer -2 Switch with Power on Ethernet (PoE) enabled, with 24 no's 10/100 base Tx PoE port, 1 no. dual personality Gbe Port for copper/fiber uplink, 3.7 Gbps switching capacity, 2.7 MPPS forwarding rate, maximum power consumption135 watt. with accessories etc. all complete.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 42" LED, Full HD TV monitor for Live View and Replay of Recorded View. LED shall support H.264/265 resolution. 2HDMI port enable, VGA port, headphone jack and USB enabled operating temperature -20 +400C Complete with all mounting accessories required for completion. The price shall be including HDMI cable for connection between NVR to CCTV screen.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Access Intelligent Controller support 2 standard Weigand Interface or up to 16 Input & 8Output port as per the specification with enclosure , power supply ,& Maintenance free Batteries with 30 minutes back up. The controllershould be minimum 32 bit embedded microprocessor chip and on board TCP/IP as per the Specification. The Controller Should have flash Memory ,can store 55000 Card holder & 45000 transactions in offline mode, FCC,CE & complete as per the specifications.




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Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Workstation with Intel i10 3 GHz ,6GB of RAM , Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Graphics card capable of 1280x1024 pixel resolution and 65K colours, 1 TB Hard disk drive , external 1GB Independent Graphic Card,DVD ROM drive , with VGA cards suitable for Dual monitor output.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Access Control Software consisting of Access control system, Access Alarm Document, Time & Attendence software with 1 client license, Graphical layout as per specification. T&A reports with Present, Absent , single swipe, leave, weekly off, holiday, holiday present, on duty with possibility of data export in .XLS format . T&A application shall be web browser based. Capable of handling large proprietary corporations with alarm monitoring, video imaging, badging, CCTV integration, visitor management, email notification, BAS integration. The system shall assure long time performance, cost effective upgrade capability and allow for easy expansion or modification of inputs, outputs and remote control stations. Software for Photo ID badging and card Issue Terminal.Following integration features shall be considered & as per the specifications.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Series Dual Reader Module. Provides two reader ports, up to eight supervised inputs and up to six relay outputs. One tamper input and one power monitor input when tile mounted. Connection to the RS485 bus at 38400 bps. The rate shall include all fixing accessories as required. Make:Bosch/Honeywell/Equivalent.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Series Single Reader Module. Provides two reader ports, up to eight supervised inputs and up to six relay outputs. One tamper input and one power monitor input when tile mounted. Connection to the RS485 bus at 38400 bps. The rate shall include all fixing accessories as required.




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Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Biometric Fingerprint Reader with Keypad and LCD for Time Attendance & Access Control, 5000 FP Template Capacity, inbuilt Smart Card Reader 13,56 MHz, FP Template on card, wall mounted, ISO 14443A as per specification.Biometric Fingerprint Enroller with capabiltiy to write FP Template on Card and System database, ISO 14443A




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Electromagnetic locks, suitable for any type of doors as per specification/drawings and as required to make it complete. The rate shall include all fixing accessories as required.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Magnetic Contacts with door position sensor Complete in all respects. The rate shall include all fixing accessories as required.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Exit Push button unit complete in all respects. The rate shall include all fixing accessories as required.




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Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Mannual key override as per the specifications.




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Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Junction Box to house Door control Modules. D- 450 (W) x 600 (H) x 115 (D).




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Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of Battery - 12 Volt DC - for controllers.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 8 Core , 0.2SQMm/22 AWG Screened multi strand copper unarmored Shielded Cable with drain Wire in 25mm dia 2mm thick FRLS PVC conduit.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 4 Core , 1.5SQMm/ 22 AWG Screened multi strand copper unarmored Shielded Cable with drain Wire in 25mm dia 2mm thick FRLS PVC conduit.




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Supplying and fixing of following sizes of rigid PVC conduit alongwith accessories in surface(medium)/recess(heavy) including cutting the wall and making good the same in case of recessed conduit as required. (a) 20 mm




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Supplying and fixing of following sizes of rigid PVC conduit alongwith accessories in surface(medium)/recess(heavy) including cutting the wall and making good the same in case of recessed conduit as required. '(b) 25 mm




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Supplying and fixing of following sizes of rigid PVC conduit alongwith accessories in surface(medium)/recess(heavy) including cutting the wall and making good the same in case of recessed conduit as required. '(c) 32 mm




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Supplying and fixing of following sizes of rigid PVC conduit alongwith accessories in surface(medium)/recess(heavy) including cutting the wall and making good the same in case of recessed conduit as required. (e) 50 mm




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Designing, Supply, installation, testing & Commissioning of FOH Right position Biamplified, Dual 10" or better, 2/3 Way Line array system, with Individual Module Frequency Range of 60 Hz - 18 kHz or better & Continuous Power Handling of = 450W LF + 120W MF/HF. The Loudspeaker shall have a Max. SPL (Peak) of =127 dB or better. It should have suitable Drivers for LF and MF/HF with asymmetric Horizontal dispersion pattern of 90º or better Suitable for stage Left position, Vertical dispersion of the array shall be 70 degrees or better (at least 3 array modules or better)




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Supply, installation, testing & Commissioning of FOH Right position Biamplified, Dual 10" or better, 2/3 Way Line array system, with Individual Module Frequency Range of 60 Hz - 18 kHz or better & Continuous Power Handling of = 450W LF + 120W MF/HF. The Loudspeaker shall have a Max. SPL (Peak) of =127 dB or better. It should have suitable Drivers for LF and MF/HF with asymmetric Horizontal dispersion pattern of 90º or better Suitable for stage right position, Vertical dispersion of the array shall be 70 degrees or better (at least 3 array modules or better)




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Supplly, installation, testing and commissioning of Subwoofer for right & Left arrays with Dual 15 inch high excursion LF Drivers with 4-inch voice coils. Operating Frequency Range of 40 Hz - 200 Hz or better; and Nominal Impedance as 2 x 8 Ω (discrete connection per woofer) with Long-Term Power Handling of 1000 W (4000 W peak) in total and for Per woofer: 500 W (2000 W peak) providing free field Maximum SPL of 127dB @ 1 m in Array Position (133 dB SPL peak). It must have Original OEM suspension hardwarse for arrayable subwoofer speakers.




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Original Array Speaker OEM Rigging Frame & hanging arrangement for L-R Line Array Speaker System including subwoofers in an endfire / cardioid arrangement with a safety factor of 8:1 or better.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of wedge shaped stage monitor loudspeaker with frequency response of 90 Hz to 16 Khz or better; horizontal nominal dispersion: 90 degree horizontal x 60 degree vertical or better; Sensitivity (SPL /1 w @ 1m) of 92 dB SPL or better . Continous power of 200 watt or better; impedance of 8 ohm; max SPL @ 1 mtr (Cont.) of 120 dB SPL or better; transducers / drivers of HF: 1 x 1.5" or better; LF: 1x8" or better complete with standrad accessories and wall bracket.




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Supply , installation , testing and commissioning of full range 4.5" Indoor/Outdoor Surface mount Music Loudspeaker: Free field Frequency range (-10dB) of 70Hz to 18kHz; Power handling of 160 Watt peak; Nominal dispersion of 120 Conical; Free field Sensitivity of 87dB SPL and Max SPL of 109 dB SPL (peak); Nominal Impedance 8 Ohms; Integral multi-tap Transformer with tap settings of 5/10/20/40 W @ 100V. with Powder-coated steel grille; Shall include necessary standard hardware for Surface install.




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Supplly, installation, testing and commissioning of Sound Reinforcement System - Small format sound reinforcement loudspeakers with 5.25" driver; Frequency response 100Hz - 16 kHz; Sensitivity : 90 dB, Max. SPL 110 dB; Nominal dispersion : 100°×100°; Power handling 100W @ 8Ω; 18-gauge (1.2 mm) perforated steel; Powder-coated finish grille with Two-part spray polyurethane coating Enclosure




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Supply, installation, testing & Commissioning of 35W/100V wall mount Volume Controller for speaker lines.




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Supply, installation, testing & Commissioning of freely programmable, Digital Sound Processor with at least 8 input and 8 output, with inbuilt DSP features like Input Equalisation, Router, Band Pass filter, Output Equalizer, Delay, Limiters etc, 24 bit, 48kHz sampling or better. 4-8 GPIOs. Open architecture.




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8 channel class D Power amplifier with a Max Output Power of 8x500W@8 ohms, or bridged mode output power of 4 x 1000W @ 8 ohms. 20Hz - 20 KHz, SNR of 102dB and THD + N of 0.4% with built in protection such as Limiters, Temperature, DC, Short Circuit, Peak Current Limiters, Turn on delay etc. Built in DSP for Matrix routing, Speaker equalization, Delays, Array EQs etc complete with standard accessories as required.




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Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of intregrated low impedence Class D, with Amplifier Power as 2 x 50 W @ 4 Ω, 2 x 25 W @ 8 Ω ; Frequency Response - 40 Hz - 20 kHz (+0/-3 dB, @ 1 W reference 1 kHz) ; THD+N - ≤0.3 % (at full rated power) ; Channel Separation (Crosstalk) - ≤-60 dBV (below rated power, 1 kHz); A/D and D/A Converters - 24-bit / 48 kHz; Audio Latency - 10.4 ms - (any input to speaker output or aux output) ; Maximum Input Level : +10 dBV or better




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Supplly, installation, testing and commissioning of Wall mountable Master audio DSP controller with programmables encoders/knobs and switches to perform upto 256 functions. Network: RJ-45 (10 Base - T Ethernet) Power: Euroblock 2-pin (included); Maximum Cable Length: 328’ (100 m) or better




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 32 channel digital mixer with 40-Input, 25-Bus Digital Mixing Console with 32 Programmable Preamps, 25 Motorized Faders, Channel LCD’s, 32-Channel Audio Interface. Digital Stage box with 32 channel in and 16 channel out compatible with the mixer proposed




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of premium Handheld Wireless Mic with Cardiod polar pattern,dynamic microphone ,frequency response 45Hz-15kHz,RF sensitivity 1.0 Uv,Image rejection60dB,Dynamic range 100dB and receiver having 1112 channels possible,S/N ratio 100dB A,dynamic range 100db B,distortion 1 %,frequency band:648-676MHz,modulation:+/-40kHz.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of premium Wireless Lavelier Mic with omnidirectional polar pattern,condensor microphone ,frequency response 50Hz-20kHz,RF sensitivity 1.0 Uv,Image rejection60dB,Dynamic range 100dB and receiver having 1112 channels possible,S/N ratio 100dB A,dynamic range 100db B,distortion 1 %,frequency band:648-676MHz,modulation:+/-40kHz. Must include a carry case and also a 6 feet cable length on the lavelier mic.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Freestanding Gooseneck Mic with base for podium having back electret condensor microphone element ,Hyper Cardioid polar pattern,LED status display and with programmable button for Push to Talk or Push to Mute functions having ,frequency response 50Hz-20kHz ,sensitivity 5.5mV/Pa,clipping level 130dB SPL ,output impendence 200 ohm. Approved makes:EV, Sennhieiser,Shure




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Corded Vocal Microphone with Dynamic Neodymium Magnet microphone element,with frequency response 40Hz-16kHz,Cardioid polar pattern,sensitivity of 2.7mV/Pa and output impedence 350 ohm




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Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Professional CD Cum MP3 Cum USB palyer complete with standard accessories as per tender specifications.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Active Direct Inject box with transformer balanced and isolated feed from a source input via a 1/4" TRS jack or 3-pin XLR-type connector. The output of the DI box shall be via an XLR connector. The unit shall also provide a 1/4" TRS jack in parallel with the input to act as a link for line bridging. The link shall be a direct feed from the input, or shall optionally be fed from an actively buffered input signal. The unit shall be powered either via a phantom power source, or via a standard PP3 type 9 volt battery. Switches shall be provided for: EARTH LIFT (output pin 1 disconnected from unit ground), INPUT ATTENUATION (of 0, 20 or 40dB), and Power On/Off. The unit shall be housed in an aluminium extrusion fitted with isolating side-cheeks. The unit shall be sufficiently screened so it is not susceptible to external magnetic fields.




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Supply & Laying of One 12 AWG pair stranded (65x30) tinned copper conductors, twisted pair, PVC insulation, PVC jacket speaker cable




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Supply and Laying of Speaker Cable with 2 Conductor 10 AWG stranded high conductivity bare copper conductors with polyolefin insulation, CL3 & CM-Rated, PVC jacket.




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Supply and Laying of Microphone Cable with 2 Conductor 20 AWG stranded (26x34) high-conductivity TC conductors, EPDM rubber insulation, rayon braid, TC braid shield (85% coverage), cotton wrap, EPDM jacket.




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Supply and installation of Twisted pair CAT6 cable with the following specifications: Structure: 4 Pairs Shielded Twisted Pair screened with tinned copper braiding (S/FTP) Cable Conductor Metal: 23 AWG Solid Bare Copper Shield Individual Pair: Aluminum/Polyester Foil Screened: Tinned Copper Braiding Color Code: Grey Jacket Material: PVC Cable Diameter: 8.0mm Nominal Mutual Capacitance: 5.6nF/100m nominal Impedance : 100 􏰄􏰅􏰅Ω±􏰂5% Nominal Velocity of Propagation: 69% Conductor Resistance: 􏰈9.3􏰉8Ω/􏰄􏰅􏰅􏰆100m Capacitance Unbalance: 330pF/100m Delay Skew: 45nS Bending Radius: 8 x Cable Diameter at –20°C ± 1°C Insulation Resistance: 5000M ohm-km




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Supply and installation of equipment rack with the following specifications: Top and Bottom covers: Multi-bend one piece construction for accentuating cantilever stress. Design incorporates a 45mm cavity which is used to accommodate exhaust at the top and cable length at the bottom. Top and bottom covers are ventilated on all sides for assisting natural air flow. Size: 27 U Cable entry provision: Is provided by 35mm round knock outs in the top and bottom covers which are edge protected by rubber gourmets to prevent cable damage. Vertical member: A set of 4 vertical pillars (multibend design) with a gusset welded to close the ends at the top and bottom to ensure high lateral stability under cantilever load condition. Front toughened glass door: Ventilated metal trims with a toughened tinted glass pasted permanently. Ventilation provided on the trims to avoid creation of heat pockets between the equipment face and the glass door 19” panel mounts: L- Angle construction with 9.5mmx9.5mm square shots provided in 1U pitch pattern to hold standard cage-nuts.




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Supply & Installation of Floor Stand for Microphone




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Supply & Installation of Table Stand for Microphone




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Supply and Installation of various type of connectors as required at site




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Designing, Supply installation and Commissioning of projector with the following specifications: High brightness MIN 8500 ANSI lumens Multimedia Projector with DLP Technology, Dual lamp, HDCP compactable HDMI connectivity and WUXGA resolution ,contrast ratio of 10000:1 suitable for computer / Video presentation, Panel Size: 17.00 MM (0.67 inch) diagonal 16:10 Aspect Ratio, Display Method: DLP Chip X1, DLP Projection System, Pixels: 2,304,000 (1920X1200), Lens Powered Zoom & Powered Focus , Provision required for addition of optional lens, Lamp Dual UHM Lamp Screen Size 50”-300” , Brightness: MIN 8500 Lumens (Dual Lamp Normal Mode), Uniformity: 90% Contrast, Ratio: 10000:1 Full On/ Full Off, Resolution: 1920X1200 Pixels, Optical Axis Shift: Vertical +50%, Keystone Correction Range: Vertical +/- 40®, Horizontal +/-15®, Installation : Ceiling/Floor, Front/ Rear Terminals, HDMI IN: HDMI- 19pinX1 (Deep Color, Compatible with HDCP), SDI IN: BNCX1 (3G/HD/SD-SDI), DVI-D IN: DVI-D 24 pinX1, RGB1IN: BNC X5, RGB2IN: D-Sub HD 15 Pin femaleX1, 3D Sync 1 IN/OUT: BNCX1, 3D Sync 2 OUT: BNCX1, VIDEO IN: BNCX1(Composite Video), SERIAL IN: D Sub 9 Pin Female X1 for external Control (RS-232C) Compliant, SERIAL OUT D Sub 9 Pin Male X1 for Link Control, AN/DIGI LINK:RJ 45X1 for Network and Digital link (Video/ Network/ Serial Control) Connection, 100BaseTx, Compatible with HDCP Operation Noise Max 42dB ,Weight Below 19 KG




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Supply and installation of projector lens with the following specifications: Short throw Lens, which is to use with appropriate projector, this lens should make possible to vary the projection distance by changing the focal distance. F Value: 1.85-2.20 m Focal Distance (f): 11.80mm- 14.60mm Weight: Less than 1.4 KG




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Supply and installation of projector mount with the following specifications: Ceiling mount kit shall be capable to mount projectors of weight up to 40 KG and shall have universal bracket Length: 1.5 to 3 meters Load capacity: Up to 40 KGs Finish: Powder coated with matt finish




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Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of modular, configurable, and furniture-mountable enclosure that shall support an AC power module and combination of AV cables and cable retraction modules. Device shall support one AC power module plus, Up to four AV cables, The device shall include modules and mounting frames to support AV cables and/or AV connectivity plates. The modules shall be positionable within the enclosure, mounting to the left of an AC power module, AC power modules shall be available for all world markets, AC power modules shall be UL listed and CE compliant when installed within the enclosure, AC power modules shall include one AC power outlets, AC power modules shall include an attached AC power cord or IEC power inlet with detachable AC power cord, as required by local electrical power codes and conventions, The external power supply shall be designed and manufactured by the same entity providing the enclosure and power module, The cable pass-through plate shall be a single unit, The plate shall be flexible to allow the installation, removal, or replacement of cables, The plate shall utilize a split-ring design that accommodates a range of AV cable diameters without the need for supplemental grommets, The plate shall include plugs to cap cable pass-through openings that are not utilized, The assembled plate, with cables, shall install from the top of the enclosure, after it’s installed within the furniture surface, Device shall include an attached and fully integrated, all metal lid and bezel assembly. The lid and bezel assembly shall be available in a black powder coat finish, Device lid shall fit entirely within the bezel, When closed, the lid shall provide a full-width opening for cable pass-through, When open, the lid shall articulate such that it fits within the enclosure body, Device shall include a magnet catch, facilitating use of the enclosure in both horizontal and vertical mounting operations, Device enclosure shall mount entirely within an opening sufficient to accommodate the enclosure, An installation routing template, of an appropriate size to accommodate the enclosure, shall be available optionally, The enclosure shall feature an integrated clamp system, The clamps shall be permanently affixed to the enclosure body, The clamps shall utilize the dog leg clamp mechanism, The clamps shall secure the enclosure to the furniture with common hand tools, The clamps shall allow for removal of the enclosure from the furniture with common hand tools.




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Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of 8x6 scaling presentation matrix switcher that shall support up to eight inputs and six outputs for matrix switching of HDMI sources, one digital audio expansion port, 4K upscaling and downscaling, one integrated control processor, plus additional support for signal extension over shielded CATx cable and audio digital signal processing with AEC. Rack-mountable matrix switcher for HDMI and signals from twisted pair transmitters and associated digital and analog audio, AV system control, 4K scaling, signal extension over shielded CATx cable, audio digital signal processing with AEC, and automixing for eight microphone groups Video Input Requirements provide video input connections, Six HDMI, Two RJ-45 for video from twisted pair transmitters, Support 4K and UHD signals at all inputs, 'Provide image adjustments for the twisted pair outputs, including brightness, contrast, color, tint, detail, H/V positioning, and sizing, Provide storage and recall of video parameters and picture settings when activated for the scaled twisted pair outputs, Support HDMI specifications including data rates up to 10.2 Gbps, Deep Color up to 12-bit, 3D, and HD lossless audio formats, Support video transmission over shielded CATx up to 330 feet (100 meters). Video Output Requirements Provide video output connections, Two HDMI, Four RJ-45 for video to twisted pair receivers. Shall be configurable for sending digital video and embedded audio, plus bidirectional RS-232 and IR signals to HDBaseT-enabled displays. Shall support mirrored content between 2 of the twisted pair outputs and the two corresponding HDMI outputs for local monitoring.Provide a range of selectable scaled twisted pair output rates from 640x480 to 4K, including 2560x1600 and 1080p/60. 'Support 4K and UHD signals at the four HDMI outputs, Provide independent scaling for each twisted pair outputs, Provide image scaling and video format conversion at 30-bit precision for signals up to 4K, Support motion-adaptive deinterlacing for signals up to 1080i, Provide aspect ratio control for each scaled twisted pair outputs, When in FILL mode, the video image shall always fill the output screen without letterbox or pillarbox, When in FOLLOW mode, the video image shall always preserve the aspect ratio of the input signals without distortion, Provide internal test patterns for the scaled twisted pair outputs to facilitate system setup and calibration, Support upload and placement of custom logo graphics at any position on any of the scaled twisted pair outputs, Support logo placement as a foreground image,




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Shall support uploading logo graphics in BMP, JPG, PNG, or TIFF format, Shall support displaying full screen images up to 4096x2400 resolution, Shall support up to 16 logo presets, Support muting of one or all video outputs at any time, Support automatic muting of video and sync output when no video signal is present, Support video transmission over shielded CATx up to 330 feet (100 meters), Provide automatic reclocking of HDMI video signals at each HDMI output. Switching Requirements Provide video and audio matrix switching between any input and any output, Support incoming 4K and UHD signals at all HDMI and twisted pair inputs, Support routing of 4K and UHD signals to the two HDMI outputs, Support routing of scaled 4K or UHD video signals to the four twisted pair outputs, Provide storage and recall of input and output ties, Provide the ability to view which inputs and outputs are actively connected, Provide selectable transition effects when switching inputs, Freeze/Fade: video output shall fade out a final frozen frame of the previous input source as the newly selected input source fades in 'Cut: video output shall cut to black, then cut to the newly selected input source. Fade: video output shall fade to black, then fade into the newly selected input source, EDID Requirements, Provide automatic EDID management between connected devices. HDCP Requirements The unit shall be HDCP compliant, Provide authentication and maintain continuous verification of HDCP key exchange with connected source & sink devices. Provide real-time verification of HDCP status for each HDMI input and output, Electronically accessible over Ethernet, RS-232, or USB connection. Audio Requirements, Provide audio input connections, Support embedded audio on six HDMI connectors, Support embedded and analog audio on two RJ-45 connectors, 'Support six stereo line level, balanced or unbalanced signals on six 5-pole, 3.5 mm captive screw connectors, Support four mono microphone or line level, balanced or unbalanced signals with +48 volt phantom power on four 3-pole, 3.5 mm captive screw connectors, Provide audio output connections, Support embedded audio on two HDMI connectors, Support embedded and analog audio on four RJ-45 connectors, Support one stereo speaker level signal or two mono speaker level signals on one 4-pole, 5 mm captive screw connector, Provide stereo amplification for low impedance speaker systems, Support one stereo speaker level signal or two mono speaker level signals on one 4-pole, 5 mm screw-lock captive screw connector, Provide a total of 100 watts rms output power with 50 watts rms per channel into 4 ohms, or 25 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms measured at 1 kHz with 0.1% THD, Provide a THD+N measurement of less than 0.1 % measured at 3 dB below clipping, Provide a signal-to-noise ratio of greater than 90 dB measured from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, unweighted.




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Utilize an efficient Class D amplifier design Provide an automatic clip limiter to detect onset of clipping by comparing input and output waveforms and automatically reduce gain with a slow attack and fast release to eliminate clipping distortion. Provide 64-bit floating point DSP engine that supports 32-bit and 64-bit processing algorithms. Support embedding of any analog audio input signal onto the matrix video outputs. Support extraction of two-channel PCM HDMI audio signals to the analog stereo outputs, or route embedded multi-channel bitstream audio to the HDMI outputs. Support de-embedding, processing, and re-embedding of two-channel PCM HDMI audio signals onto the HDMI outputs. 'Support mixing of program audio and mic/line audio signals. Support mic audio mixed with program audio onto the HDMI/ twisted pair outputs, variable audio outputs, S/PDIF audio output, and amplified audio output. Provide the capability to break two-channel audio away from its corresponding video signal and route to the audio outputs, allowing the audio and video signals from one source to be switched to different destinations. Provide adjustable, automatic ducking of program audio when a signal is detected on the microphone input. Program audio shall automatically ramp up to reach the original volume level when audio is no longer detected on the microphone input. Support audio transmission over twisted pair up to 330 feet (100 meters). Expansion Port Requirements Provide a digital audio expansion port for bidirectional signal routing between the matrix switcher and a connected Digital Signal Processor. Support 16 incoming signals and 16 outgoing signals. Provide uncompressed digital audio at 48 kHz sampling rate with 24-bit resolution. AEC - Acoustic Echo Cancellation Processing Requirements Shall provide four independent channels of AEC. Shall provide real-time software-based metering of Echo Return Loss, Echo Return Loss




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Enhancement, and Total Echo Reduction levels. Shall provide real-time indication of remote site activity, local site activity, and AEC processor reconverging. Shall provide up to 20 dB of selectable noise cancellation for each AEC channel. Shall provide advanced controls and adjustable parameters for Non-Linear Processing, Double Talk Echo Reduction, and Comfort Noise for each AEC channel. Shall provide greater than 200 milliseconds of AEC tail length. Shall provide up to 60 dB per second AEC convergence rate .Shall provide a Meter Bridge window for real-time metering of all input and output channels with clipping indication in Live mode. Shall provide keyboard-based navigation of configuration software utilizing directional controls, keyboard shortcuts, and spreadsheet software-style commands. Integrated Control Processor Requirements Provide AV system control connections.




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Three RJ-45: 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet, half/full duplex with auto-detect for connection to a LAN and include link and activity LED indicators located on the left and right of each jack for troubleshooting network issues, these ports will be designated as an AV LAN ports allowing for AV devices to be isolated from a corporate network. One RJ-45: 10/100/1000Base-T, half/full duplex with auto-detect for connection to a LAN or WAN and includes link and activity LED indicators located on the left and right of the jack for troubleshooting network issues. Two 3-pole captive screw: RS-232, configurable for unidirectional or bidirectional control of AV system components. One 5-pole captive screw: RS-232/RS-422/RS-485, configurable for unidirectional or bidirectional control of AV system components. Two IR/serial ports on one 5-pole captive screw: IR (using an IR emitter) or unidirectional RS-232 for control of AV system components. Four low voltage relays on one 6-pole captive screw: configurable for controlling lighting, controlling screens, or other device functions. Four digital input/output ports on one 5-pole captive screw: configurable for use as an interface with devices such as sensors, switches, LEDs, and relays.




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One dedicated port on a 4-pole captive screw for connecting to wall plate controller devices Shall support the following protocols: ICMP (ping), IPv4, TCP, UDP, DHCP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, NTP, SFTP, SMTP, SNMP, SSH Shall support a Web-based AV resource management application that provides a means to manage, monitor, and control AV equipment Provide an internal real-time clock with a 30-year backup battery that is used to keep track of the date and time Provide front panel LED activity indicators for RS-232 status, RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 status, IR/serial status, digital I/O status, relay status and network status. Shall support control system synchronization to allow users to retain and recover configured endpoints in case of network or power failure. 'Security Requirements Support SSH for secure communication between the control processor and a touchpanel. Support SSH for secure communication between the control processor and controlled device for programmed systems. Support SFTP and SSH for secure communication between the control processor and the configuration or programming software. Provide the option to modify administrator and user credentials. 'Support security updates to maintain network health. Require that a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate is installed to maintain system confidentiality and data integrity.




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Control/remote - RS-232 and IR Pass-Through Over Shielded CATx Requirements Provide connections for AV device control Two 5-pole captive screw: RS-232 or IR pass-through to twisted pair transmitters, Four 5-pole captive screw: RS-232 or IR pass-through to twisted pair receivers, Support RS-232 and IR transmission over shielded CATx up to 330 feet (100 meters), Control/Remote - Matrix Switcher Requirements Provide connections for remote matrix switcher control RJ-45: 10/100Base-T Ethernet. 3-pole captive screw: RS-232, Mini USB-B: USB 2.0, Provide alternatives for configuration and operation, Front panel controls, Built-in Web pages accessible using a standard Web browser via Ethernet connection, Product configuration software connected via Ethernet or USB, Serial commands sent over Ethernet, RS-232, or USB connection, Support disabling of front panel controls to prevent inadvertent or unauthorized changes to configuration settings. General Requirements Shall provide remote power to two twisted pair transmitters and four twisted pair receivers over the shielded CATx connections. Shall provide power to external peripheral devices on each HDMI output. Enclosure shall be rack-mountable, full rack width, and 3RU in height. Shall be equipped with an internal 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz universal power supply




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Designing, Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of a switcher that shall support up to three inputs and one output for switching of DisplayPort, HDMI, and VGA sources, with support for long distance signal extension over shielded CATx cable. Rack-mountable switcher for DisplayPort, HDMI, and VGA sources, and associated digital and analog audio, plus signal extension over shielded CATx cable Video Input Requirements, Provide video input connections, One DisplayPort, One HDMI, One 15-pin HD for analog video, Shall digitize video input signals up to 1920x1200 prior to transmission to the digital video output, Supported HDMI specifications include data rates up to 10.2 Gbps, Deep Color up to 12-bit, 3D, and HD lossless audio formats, Shall support DisplayPort SST - Single Stream Transport data rates up to 10.8 Gbps. Support digital video resolutions up to 4K, including 1080p/60 Deep Color. Video Output Requirements, Provide video output connections, One RJ-45 for connection for twisted pair enabled product, Support connection of DVI displays that do not recognize HDMI-specific formats, Automatically enable or disable embedded TMDS audio and InfoFrames, Automatically set the correct color space, Provide signal transmission distance capability of 330 feet (100 m) for supported resolutions, including 4K, UHD, 2560x1600, and 1080p @ 60 Hz using a shielded CATx cable, Shall be configurable for sending digital video and embedded audio, plus bidirectional RS-232 and IR signals to an HDBaseT-enabled display, Switching Requirements




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Provide automatic switching between input sources, Automatically switch to the active input, Provide a configurable switching priority when multiple inputs are active, High to low: highest numbered input has priority, Low to high: lowest numbered input has priority, Provide the capability to set the analog audio input to follow the input switch, EDID Requirements, Provide automatic EDID management between connected devices, HDCP Requirements, The unit shall be HDCP compliant, Shall provide the option to disable HDCP processing at the DisplayPort or HDMI input connection when passing unencrypted content, Provide real-time verification of HDCP status for each digital video input, Accessible through front panel LEDs, Electronically accessible over RS-232 or USB connection, Audio Requirements, Provide audio input connections, One DisplayPort, embedded, One HDMI, embedded, One 3.5 mm stereo mini jack, unbalanced analog stereo, ' Provide audio output connection, One RJ-45, Twisted pair HDMI embedded and analog audio, Provide the capability to assign the analog audio input to any video input, Provide the capability to set the analog audio input to follow the input switch,




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Support embedding analog stereo audio signals onto the digital video output signal and transport over twisted pair, Support multiple embedded audio formats, Support audio transmission over shielded CATx up to 330 feet (100 meters), Shall digitize analog stereo audio input for transmission over shielded CATx, Control/Remote – RS-232 and IR Pass-Through over Shielded CATx Requirements. Provide connection for AV device control, 5-pole captive screw: RS-232 or IR pass-through to twisted pair enabled product, Control/Remote – Switcher Control Requirements, Provide connections for remote switcher control, 3-pole captive screw: RS-232, Mini USB-B: USB 2.0 4-pole captive screw: contact closure, Provide alternatives for configuration and operation, Front panel controls, Product configuration software connected via USB, Serial commands sent over RS-232 or USB connection, Tally output shall provide +5 VDC to light an LED indicating the currently selected input, Support disabling of front panel controls to prevent inadvertent or unauthorized changes to configuration settings, General Requirements Shall meet regulatory compliances CE, c-UL, UL, CE, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, VCCI.




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Designing, Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of a two-input decorator-style wallplate twisted pair transmitter that shall support the long distance distribution of video, audio, and control over a shielded CATx cable Two-gang decorator-style wallplate transmitter for the transmission of HDMI, VGA, audio, and control, Video input requirements, Shall provide one (1) female HDMI Type-A input for digital video signals, Supported HDMI specifications include data rates up to 10.2 Gbps, 3D, and HD lossless audio formats, Shall provide one (1) female HD-15 input for VGA signals. Digitize analog video input signals prior to transmission to the digital video output, Support computer and video resolutions up to 4K, Switching requirements, Shall provide automatic switching between input sources, Automatically switch to the highest-numbered input with an active video signal when multiple inputs are active, Shall support RS-232 control, Shall support contact closure control, Audio input requirements, Shall support embedded digital audio on HDMI input, Shall provide two (2) independent analog audio input connections for simultaneous transmission over the same shielded, twisted pair cable, Shall allow the HDMI input to be set to pass the embedded digital audio, embed the analog audio, or to automatically embed the analog audio when no digital audio is detected, Shall support embedding of the analog audio input signals on the digital video output signal and transport over twisted pair, For 4K HDMI video input, only the original digital audio is switched through the twisted pair output




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Control input requirements Shall provide communication connections for AV device control, One bidirectional RS-232 pass-through, Shall be RS-232 controllable. Shall support input switching via contact closure, Interconnection requirements Shall provide one (1) female RJ-45 twisted pair connection, Transmission requirements Shall provide a signal transmission distance capability of 330 feet (100 meters) at 4096x2160 at 30 Hz or 2048x1080p at 60 Hz using a shielded CATx cable, Shall support digital and analog video, audio, and control over a single, shielded CATx cable Shall support embedded HD lossless audio formats, Shall support embedded analog audio, Shall actively buffer DDC channels, Resolution requirements, Shall support computer and video resolutions up to 4096x2160 at 30 Hz and 2048x1080p at 60 Hz, Shall support RGB and YCbCr color space formats. Audio requirements Shall accept additional analog stereo audio signals,




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Shall support multiple embedded audio formats, Shall support embedding analog stereo audio signals onto the digital video output signal and transport over twisted pair, Shall support embedded HD lossless audio formats, EDID requirements Shall provide automatic EDID management between connected devices, HDCP requirements Shall be HDCP compliant, Shall provide the option to disable HDCP processing at the HDMI input connection when passing unencrypted content. Communication requirements Shall support bidirectional RS-232 communication pass-through up to 115200 baud, Shall support EDID and HDCP, transmission, Power requirements Shall support remote power capability, Shall support being locally powered, Control/Configuration requirements, Shall support auto-switching between inputs, Shall support RS-232 control, Shall support contact closure for input selection, Shall support product configuration/setup through a product configuration software application connected via USB, General requirements Shall meet regulatory compliances CE, c-UL, UL, CE, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, VCCI.




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Designing, Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of HDMI twisted pair receiver that shall support the long distance distribution of video, audio, and control over a shielded CATx cable Rack-mountable receiver for HDMI, audio, and control, Video output requirements Provide one (1) video output for digital video signals, Supported HDMI specifications include data rates up to 10.2 Gbps, Deep Color up to 12-bit, 3D, HD lossless audio formats, and CEC pass-through, Audio output requirements Support embedded digital audio on HDMI output, Provide a dedicated analog audio output connection, One (1) stereo analog audio, Control output requirements, Provide communication connections for AV device control, One bidirectional RS-232 pass-through, One bidirectional IR pass-through, Interconnection requirements, One RJ-45 twisted pair connection, Transmission requirements Provide signal transmission distance capability up to 330 feet (100 m) for supported resolutions, including 4K, UHD, 2560x1600, and 1080p @ 60 Hz using a shielded CATx cable, Support video, audio, and control over a single shielded CATx cable, Support embedded HD lossless audio formats, Actively buffer DDC channels, Resolution requirements Support computer and video resolutions up to 4K, including 1080p/60 Deep Color, Support RGB and YCbCr digital video formats. 'Audio requirements The unit shall support analog stereo audio pass-through signals, The unit shall support multiple embedded audio formats, The unit shall support embedded HD lossless audio formats, HDCP requirements The unit shall be HDCP 2.2 compliant with backward compatibility with earlier HDCP versions, Communication requirements The unit shall support bidirectional RS-232 communication pass-through up to 115200 baud, The unit shall support bidirectional IR pass-through, The unit shall support EDID and HDCP transmission. Power requirements The unit shall support remote power capability, The unit shall support being locally powered, General requirements Shall meet regulatory compliances CE, c-UL, UL, CE, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, VCCI.




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Designing, Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of 7" capacitive touchscreen interface for switching and control of AV equipment Wall mountable 7" touchscreen user interface for AV and control systems. Provide a 7" LCD touchscreen that supports up to 16.7M colors and 1024x600 resolution. Device shall feature scratch and smudge-resistant Corning® Gorilla Glass®, Device shall support the proposed control processors. Device shall include a built-in down firing speaker which can be configured to provide audio and button feedback. Device shall have a female RJ-45 jack located on the back of the enclosure that supports 10/100/1000Base-T, half/full duplex with auto-detect for connection to a LAN or WAN and includes link and activity LED indicators located on the left and right of the jack for troubleshooting network issues as well as supports PoE- Power over Ethernet, 802.3af. Device shall include a single high-speed micro USB 2.0 type B receptacle located on the back of the enclosure 'Provide two red/green LEDs along the left and right sides of the display to indicate room status, six rear-facing, red/green LEDs located on the back of the enclosure to provide ambient light to the mounted area and radiates a soft glow behind the panel to enhance visibility from distant locations, all of which can be configured or programmed as a group. Device shall feature a digital input on the back of the panel. Provide a built-in motion sensor located on the top bezel of the touch surface allowing the panel to be woken from a sleep state or set up via software to trigger any number of actions. Provide a light sensor located on the top bezel of the touch surface that automatically adjusts the LCD screen’s backlight based on available ambient light. Provide a front panel status LED that blinks red if the touchpanel loses network connectivity with the control processor. Device shall have a menu button located on the back setup of items such as IP address and sound volume at minimum. Device shall include a multi-function button located on the back of the enclosure that allows for the reset of the device or its communication properties at minimum. Device shall support the following protocols: DHCP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, ICMP, SFTP, SMTP, SSH, TCP/IP, UDP/IP. Device shall have the following memory available, at minimum: SDRAM, 2 GB, Flash, 4 GB,




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Device shall have the ability to be controlled by Silverlight enabled web browser or an iOS or Android based device as a secondary point of control. Device shall be black in color. Mounting requirements Device shall have the ability to be mounted into a rack using an optional rack mount kit & the same has to be included. Security requirements Device shall support SSH for secure communication between the touchpanel and the control processor. Device shall support SFTP and SSH for secure communication between the control processor and the configuration or programming software. Device shall provide the option to modify administrator and user credentials. Device shall support security updates to maintain network health. Device shall require that a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate is installed to maintain system confidentiality and data integrity. Shall meet regulatory compliances CE, c-UL UL, C-Tick, FCC Class B ICES, VCCI, RoHS, WEEE.




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Desininging, Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of two-gang button panel for the purpose of remotely controlling, monitoring and troubleshooting connected AV equipment and AV systems when paired with the proposed control processor. Fully-customizable button panel interface. Device shall have a total of six dual color LED backlit buttons, four dedicated for input selection and the remaining two dedicated for power. Buttons shall illuminate white or red, depending on function, for ease of use in low-light environments. Buttons shall feature two levels of illumination, dim and bright Buttons shall feature removable button caps allowing them to be custom labeled for easy identification. Device shall provide a rotary encoder knob located in the bottom left of the panel that can be configured to control the audio level of an AV system. 'Device shall feature eight white LEDs arranged vertically located adjacent to the rotary encoder. When configured, these LEDs shall provide visual feedback to reflect the relative audio level of the AV system.




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Provide two connectivity ports on 4 pole captive screw connectors located on the back of the button panel that allows communication to the control processor and for control system expansion. Device shall feature a six pole dip switch for assigning a unique Bus ID to the button panel. Device shall include a reset button that allows for the reset back to original factory settings. Device shall feature a BUS Diagnostic Status LED that will be used as a visual indication that the panel is communicating properly to the control processor. Device shall be Section 508 compliant and shall meet or exceed U.S. accessibility standards for Electronic Information Technology. Device maybe wired using the following topologies: Daisy Chain, Star and Hybrid. The cable length of a topology may not exceed a sum total 1,000 feet. Button panel supports power and communication over a single cable. Supports a web-based AV resource management application that provides a means to manage, monitor, and control AV equipment. Mounting requirements Device shall have the ability to be mounted directly in a wall, lectern, or other flat surface and shall be able to be secured using the supplied mud ring and hardware. Device shall have the ability to be mounted to the surface of a wall using an optional wall box. Shall meet regulatory compliances CE, c-UL, UL, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, VCCI class A.




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Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of audio and video media processor that switches amongst up to five available inputs into two scaled processed windows, and records, streams, and outputs a digital video and audio signal. The processor shall allow clean switching, complete two window layout with layering over a configurable background image, and simultaneous recording to an internal SSD drive and customer-provided external USB drive. The processor shall accept sources including High Definition digital and component analog as well as standard definition component and composite video. The processor shall include audio de-embedding of digital sources, and re-embedding of program audio. Connection Requirements Support video inputs grouped into Channel A and Channel B. Channel A shall include two switchable rear-accessible HDMI inputs with embedded stereo audio. HDMI inputs shall be HDCP compliant with option to configure HDCP authorization. ' Channel B shall include three rear BNC connections configurable for composite or component HD, one rear HDMI input with embedded stereo audio supporting HDCP with option to configure HDCP authorization. Support audio inputs grouped into Channel A and Channel B that include de-embedded audio from HDMI sources, and rear-accessible captive screw connections for balanced or unbalanced line level stereo audio from each Channel. An active analog audio loop thru shall be provided on Channel A. Support video outputs to include: One rear-accessible HDMI switched output looped through from Channel A live sources; HDCP compliant. One rear accessible HDMI confidence output with re-embedded digital stereo audio. Support audio outputs to include: One rear-accessible captive screw connection for a single balanced or unbalanced line-level analog stereo audio signal. Support network and storage connections to include: One 10/100/1000 BASE-T female shielded RJ-45 network connection. A front-accessible USB 1.1 / USB 2.0 port with support of high/full/low speeds for connecting removable storage devices. A rear-accessible USB 1.1 / USB 2.0 port with support of high/full/low speeds for connecting removable storage devices.




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Permit localized storage and display of PNG background images behind video windows. Support saving of sixteen source window layouts as recallable presets, Include selection of “no source” window as transparent or black filled window, Automatically manage EDID communication between the display and connected HDMI sources, Support for overlaying metadata on video recordings and streams, Include audio mixing and DSP processing for clean audio switching and blending of source inputs, Include overlay of time reference using HH:MM:SS format on the video output Support of multiple internal test patterns for setup and configuration, Support time delay synchronization of audio to video through the encoder preventing lip sync errors. Network Requirements Include one 10/100/1000 BASE-T RJ-45 female shielded network connection with support for: Live streaming, Transport of recording packages to network locations, Access to embedded web interface, Interfacing with AV control systems Include networking configurations for the following: Configurable MTU from 68 to 1500, DHCP or Static IP addressing, Configurable ports numbers including ability to disable ports for: HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, SSH, SFTP, SNMP, Support for NTP time synchronization with time zone offset, Support for Network configuration backup and restore via downloadable configuration file.




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Include ability to view and set basic network configuration parameters via front panel Support network protocols including: IGMPv3 (RFC 3376), TCP/IP, UDP, SSL, DHCP, HTTP, HTTPS, RTP, RTSP, RTMP (Available Q2 2017), SNMP V2 (RFC 1213), SAP (RFC2974), SDP (RFC4566), QoS (RFC 2474), NTPv4 (RFC 4330), Support file transfer protocols including:, FTP, SFTP, CIFS. Support network file share protocols including:CIFS/SMB, NFS, Support Email notifications over SMTP Messaging, Streaming Requirements, Include dual encoders using H.264 video compression and AAC Audio Compression. Support streaming the composited layout using two independent streams. Independent stream settings per stream to include: Support for push or pull streaming session management. Support for either multicast or unicast streaming.




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Support for frame rate from 5 to 30 fps, include independent streaming resolutions of 512x288 up thru 1080p, Support RTSP session management. Support RTMP push streaming (RTMP, RTMPS, RTMPT). Support use of RTP/RTCP streaming transport protocols. Support use of native RTP and MPEG-2 Transport Streams (TS) in unicast or multicast. Support of Transport Streams (TS) on UDP or RTP/UDP. Support use of SAP SDP protocols, Support RTP/RTSP, interleaved RTSP, and HTTP tunneled pull streaming transport protocols, Include Audio Delay to match video delay caused by external devices (Lip Sync), Support saving and recall of 16 Streaming profile presets, Recording Requirements, Shall record and stream, imultaneously at resolutions from 512x288 up to 1920x1080 (1080p).Shall record and stream simultaneously at refresh frequencies of 5 – 30 Hz. May record to both internal Solid State Drive (SSD) and external USB drive simultaneously. Shall support USB Storage with the following file formats: Fat32. NTFS, VFAT (long file name ext), EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, Shall provide an 80 Gigabyte internal SSD for recording storage (75 GB available). Shall provide a front panel and rear panel indicator light for connected USB activity, Shall provide recording of content for the following: Store recorded audio visual files in a M4V or MP4 format, Store JPEG thumbnail files in either reduced resolution of 848x480, or at encoder resolution.




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Google Calendars Include automated transfer of recorded packages to: FTP Site, SFTP Site, FS server network file share, clude transfer of content to an LTI connected content management system, Support system workflow alarms for events including: Loss of video or audio, HDCP encryption, Disk space or disk errors, Recording suspended, CPU usage, Support automated email of error conditions and log information to defined support staff, Support for SNMP v2 and SNMP v3 monitoring, General Requirements Shall meet regulatory compliances, Shall be certified to meet safety compliances under CE, c-UL, and UL, Shall meet EMI/EMC compliances under CE, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, KCC, and VCCI, Shall comply with requirements of RoHS and WEEE.




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XTP DTP 24 Plug, Package of 10




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Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of Male to Male 15-pin HD Micro HR with Audio Cable - 6' (1.8 m)




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Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ultra Flexible Premium High Speed HDMI Cable - 6' (1.8 m)




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Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ultra Flexible Premium High Speed HDMI Cable - 3' (90 cm)




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Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of Mini DP to DisplayPort, 6' (1.8m)




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Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of Shielded Digital Twisted Pair Cable for XTP & DTP products - Non-Plenum, 1000' (305 m) spool




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Supply and installation of equipment rack with the following specifications: Top and Bottom covers: Multi-bend one piece construction for accentuating cantilever stress. Design incorporates a 45mm cavity which is used to accommodate exhaust at the top and cable length at the bottom. Top and bottom covers are ventilated on all sides for assisting natural air flow. Size: 27 U Cable entry provision: Is provided by 35mm round knock outs in the top and bottom covers which are edge protected by rubber gourmets to prevent cable damage. Vertical member: A set of 4 vertical pillars (multibend design) with a gusset welded to close the ends at the top and bottom to ensure high lateral stability under cantilever load condition. Front toughened glass door: Ventilated metal trims with a toughened tinted glass pasted permanently. Ventilation provided on the trims to avoid creation of heat pockets between the equipment face and the glass door 19” panel mounts: L- Angle construction with 9.5mmx9.5mm square shots provided in 1U pitch pattern to hold standard cage-nuts.




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Supply and Installation of Wireless router with PoE for supporting the AV installation requirement




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55” LED Full High Definition display 16:9 format with HDMI, VGA, USB inputs for local presentation Screen Size: 47-50 inch Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Panel Backlight: IPS/Direct-LED Backlight Scanning: 100Hz Resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels Viewing Angle: 178 X 178 VIDEO IN: RCA X 1 AUDIO IN (L/R): RCA Pin Type X 2 HDMI IN: TYPE A Connectors X 3 COMPONENT IN: Y,PB/CB,PR/CRX1 USB Input: USB 2.0 X 2 Audio Out: RCA Pin Type X 2 SPDIF: Yes (1) VGA IN: Yes (1) PC Audio In: Yes (1) Power Requirements: AC 110~240V,50/60Hz Rated Power Consumption: Less than 100W Stand By condition: 0.5W Built -in Speakers: Full Range 20W (10W+10W) (10%THD) Weight With Pedestal: Less than 15 KG




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Supply and installation of Display mount with the following specifications: Display Wall mount bracket for supporting display panel up to 55 “ Size: VESA Mount 400 x 400 Load capacity: Up to 35 KGs Finish: Powder coated with matt finish




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Supply and installation of Ultra Flexible Premium High Speed HDMI Cable - 3 mtr




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Supply and installation of projector with the following specifications: High brightness MIN 3500 ANSI lumens Multimedia Projector with LCD Technology, Single lamp, HDMI connectivity and WXGA resolution suitable for computer / Video presentation. Panel Size: 18.9 MM (0.74 inch) diagonal 16:10 Aspect Ratio, Display Method: Transparent LCD panel (× 3, R/G/B), Pixels: 1,024,000 (1,280 × 800) × 3, total of 3,072,000 pixels, Lens: Manual 2× zoom (throw ratio: 1.34 - 2.68:1), manual focus F 1.7 - 2.6, f 21.6 - 43.0 mm, Lamp: 250 W UHM lamp, Brightness: MIN 3,500 lm (lamp mode: normal) Uniformity: 80%, Contrast Ratio: 600:1 (full on/full off), Resolution: 1,280 × 800 pixels, ' Installation : Ceiling/Floor, Front/ Rear, Terminals HDMI IN, HDMI 19-pin × 1 (Deep Color, compatible with HDCP) , 480p, 576p, 720/60p, 720/50p, 1080/60i, 1080/50i, 1080/24p, 1080/60p, 1080/50p, VGA (640 × 480) - WSXGA+ (1,680 × 1,050), compatible with non-interlaced signals only; dot clock: 25.2 - 146.25 MHz; Audio signal: linear PCM (sampling frequencies: 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz), DVI-I IN, DVI-I 29-pin × 1, Digital: (DVI 1.0 compliant, compatible with HDCP, compatible with single link only), 480p, 576p, 720/60p, 720/50p, 1080/60i, 1080/50i, 1080/24p, 1080/60p, 1080/50p, VGA (640 × 480) - WSXGA+ (1,680 × 1,050), compatible with non-interlaced signals only; dot clock: 25.2 - 146.25 MHz; Analog: (RGB/YPBPR (YCBCR)), COMPUTER (RGB) IN, D-sub HD 15-pin (female) × 1 (RGB/YPBPR × 1), VIDEO IN, RCA pin × 1 (composite video), S-VIDEO IN, Mini DIN 4-pin × 1 (S-Video), AUDIO IN 1, M3 × 1 (L, R × 1), 0.5 Vrms, AUDIO IN 2, M3 × 1 (L, R × 1), 0.5 Vrms, AUDIO IN 3 RCA pin × 2 (L, R × 1), 0.5 Vrms, AUDIO OUT M3 × 1 (L, R × 1) (monitor out: 0 - 2.0 Vrms, variable), SERIAL IN D-sub 9-pin (female) × 1 for external control (RS-232C compliant) LAN, RJ-45 × 1 (for network connection, 10Base-T/100Base-TX, compliant with PJLink™), Operation Noise Max 42dB ,Weight Below 9 KG.




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Supply and installation of projector screen with the following specifications: Electrically operated. 3-wire motor mounted inside screen roller, instantly reversible, lifetime lubricated, with internal thermal overload protector and electric brake, with preset limits. The perfect matt white diffusing surface. Recommended for use with all types of projectors provided ambient light can be reasonably controlled. Reflects a uniformly bright image over complete 180° viewing cone with precise resolution and accurate color balance. Delivers outstanding picture quality. Projected image is framed by standard black masking borders at sides. Motor-inroller is mounted on special vibration insulators so it operates smoothly and silently. Width: 165” Diagonal
Weight: = 70.11lbs
Image Diagonal: 165 inches
Image Width: 140 inches
Image Height: 87 inches
Surface Screen: White Pearl
Aspect Ratio: 16:10
Gain: 1.0X
Low voltage controller Voltage: Tp be provided
Viewing Angle: 180 deg Features: Should be anti-scratch, ceiling mountable, remote control, reversible, wall mountable




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Supply and installation of projector mount with the following specifications: Ceiling mount kit shall be capable to mount projectors of weight up to 40 KG and shall have universal bracket, Length: 1.5 to 3 meters, Load capacity: Up to 40 KGs , Finish: Powder coated with matt finish




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Male to Male 15-pin HD Micro HR with Audio Cable - (3 mtr)




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Ultra Flexible Premium High Speed HDMI Cable - (3 mtr)




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Supply and installation of projector with the following specifications: High brightness MIN 3500 ANSI lumens Multimedia Projector with LCD Technology, Single lamp, HDMI connectivity and WXGA resolution suitable for computer / Video presentation. Panel Size: 18.9 MM (0.74 inch) diagonal 16:10 Aspect Ratio, Display Method: Transparent LCD panel (× 3, R/G/B), Pixels: 1,024,000 (1,280 × 800) × 3, total of 3,072,000 pixels, Lens: Manual 2× zoom (throw ratio: 1.34 - 2.68:1), manual focus F 1.7 - 2.6, f 21.6 - 43.0 mm Lamp: 250 W UHM lamp, Brightness: MIN 3,500 lm (lamp mode: normal), Uniformity: 80%, Contrast Ratio: 600:1 (full on/full off), Resolution: 1,280 × 800 pixels, Installation : Ceiling/Floor, Front/ Rear Terminals, HDMI IN HDMI 19-pin × 1 (Deep Color, compatible with HDCP) 480p, 576p, 720/60p, 720/50p, 1080/60i, 1080/50i, 1080/24p, 1080/60p, 1080/50p, VGA (640 × 480) - WSXGA+ (1,680 × 1,050), compatible with non-interlaced signals only; dot clock: 25.2 - 146.25 MHz; Audio signal: linear PCM (sampling frequencies: 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz) DVI-I IN, DVI-I 29-pin × 1, Digital: (DVI 1.0 compliant, compatible with HDCP, compatible with single link only), 480p, 576p, 720/60p, 720/50p, 1080/60i, 1080/50i, 1080/24p, 1080/60p, 1080/50p, VGA (640 × 480) - WSXGA+ (1,680 × 1,050), compatible with non-interlaced signals only; dot clock: 25.2 - 146.25 MHz; Analog: (RGB/YPBPR (YCBCR)), COMPUTER (RGB) IN D-sub HD 15-pin (female) × 1 (RGB/YPBPR × 1), VIDEO IN, RCA pin × 1 (composite video), S-VIDEO IN, Mini DIN 4-pin × 1 (S-Video), AUDIO IN 1, M3 × 1 (L, R × 1), 0.5 Vrms, AUDIO IN 2, M3 × 1 (L, R × 1), 0.5 Vrms, AUDIO IN 3, RCA pin × 2 (L, R × 1), 0.5 Vrms, AUDIO OUT, M3 × 1 (L, R × 1) (monitor out: 0 - 2.0 Vrms, variable), SERIAL IN D-sub 9-pin (female) × 1 for external control (RS-232C compliant), LAN, RJ-45 × 1 (for network connection, 10Base-T/100Base-TX, compliant with PJLink™), Operation Noise Max 42dB ,Weight Below 9 KG




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Supply and installation of projector screen with the following specifications: Electrically operated. 3-wire motor mounted inside screen roller, instantly reversible, lifetime lubricated, with internal thermal overload protector and electric brake, with preset limits. The perfect matt white diffusing surface. Recommended for use with all types of projectors provided ambient light can be reasonably controlled. Reflects a uniformly bright image over complete 180° viewing cone with precise resolution and accurate color balance. Delivers outstanding picture quality. Projected image is framed by standard black masking borders at sides. Motor-inroller is mounted on special vibration insulators so it operates smoothly and silently. Width: 165” Diagonal
Weight: = 70.11lbs
Image Diagonal: 165 inches
Image Width: 140 inches
Image Height: 87 inches
Surface Screen: White Pearl
Aspect Ratio: 16:10
Gain: 1.0X
Low voltage controller Voltage: Tp be provided
Viewing Angle: 180 deg Features: Should be anti-scratch, ceiling mountable, remote control, reversible, wall mountable.




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Supply and installation of projector mount with the following specifications: Ceiling mount kit shall be capable to mount projectors of weight up to 40 KG and shall have universal bracket Length: 1.5 to 3 meters Load capacity: Up to 40 KGs Finish: Powder coated with matt finish




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Supply and installation of modular, configurable, and furniture-mountable enclosure that shall support a combination of AC power modules, AV cables, control modules, and cable retraction modules. Device shall include one AC power module, 2 x USB charging ports plus. Up to eight AV cables. The device shall include connectivity brackets to support cable retraction modules, AV cables and/or AV connectivity plates. AC-plus-USB power module, and cable pass-through or connectivity module, shall be secured within the enclosure, with no fewer than three installer-determined height positions. The module shall be secured within the enclosure, mounting to the left or right of an installed AC or AC-plus-USB power module. AC power modules shall be available for major world markets. AC US power modules shall be UL listed and CE compliant when installed within the enclosure. AC power modules shall include one or two AC power outlets, depending on the size of the AC outlet AC power modules shall include an attached AC power cord or IEC power inlet with detachable. AC power cord, as required by local electrical power codes and conventions. AC-plus-USB power modules shall also be available for major world markets. AC-plus-USB US series power modules shall be UL listed and CE compliant when installed within the enclosure. AC-plus-USB power modules shall include one or two AC power outlets, depending on the size of the AC outlet. AC-plus-USB power modules shall include an attached AC power cord or IEC power inlet with detachable AC power cord, as required by local electrical power codes and conventions.. AC-plus-USB power modules shall provide two USB Type-A power outlets. AC-plus-USB US outlet USB Type-A power outlets shall provide 5 volts direct current and up to 4.0 amps, or 20 watts total of shared power. AC-plus-USB non-US outlet USB Type-A power outlets shall provide 5 volts direct current and up to 2.1 amps, or 10.5 watts shared total power by the two USB Type-A outlets 'An external, 12 volts direct current, 1 amp, or 12 watts power supply shall be included with AC-plus-USB non-US series power outlets The internal and external power supply shall both be energy efficient and highly reliable




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The internal and external power supply shall both be designed and manufactured by the same entity providing the enclosure and power module. The cable pass-through plate shall be a single unit. The plate shall be flexible to allow the installation, removal, or replacement of cables. The plate shall utilize a split-ring design that accommodates a range of AV cable diameters without the need for supplemental grommets. The plate shall include plugs to cap cable pass-through openings that are not utilized. The plate shall install from the bottom of the installed enclosure. The assembled, installed plate shall allow servicing from the top of the installed enclosure. The AV connectivity frame shall be a single unit. The frame shall be installed to the right or left of an installed AV bracket. The connectivity bracket shall install from the bottom of the enclosure. The assembled, installed frame, shall allow servicing from the top of the installed enclosure. Device shall include an attached and fully integrated, all metal lid and bezel assembly. The lid and bezel assembly shall have a black anodized finish. Device lid shall fit entirely within the bezel. When closed, the lid shall provide a full-width opening for cable pass-through. When open, the lid shall articulate such that it fits within the enclosure body. Device shall include a damper that controls the speed of the lid as it moves within the enclosure. Device enclosure shall mount entirely within an opening sufficient to accommodate the enclosure. An installation routing template, of an appropriate size to accommodate the enclosure, shall be available optionally. The enclosure shall feature an integrated clamp system. The clamps shall be permanently affixed to the enclosure body The clamps shall utilize a lever-and-cam mechanism




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The clamps shall secure the enclosure to the furniture without the need for tools or additional parts The clamps shall allow for removal of the enclosure from the furniture without the need for specialized tools




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Supply and installation of AC Outlet and USB Module for the above mentioned Cable Cubby




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Supply and installation of 8x4 fixed I/O matrix switcher that shall support up to four inputs and four outputs for distribution and routing of HDCP-compliant digital video and embedded digital audio signals. Shall be a matrix switcher for HDMI video and embedded digital audio signals. Shall support local direct device connection. Shall provide a digital backplane with a data rate of 18 Gbps. Shall support computer and video resolutions with 4:4:4 chroma sampling up to 4096x2160 at 60 Hz. Shall support HDMI 2.0b specification features, including data rates up to 18 Gbps, HDR, Deep Color up to 12-bit, 3D, and HD lossless audio formats. Video input requirements, Shall provide four (4) female HDMI Type A connectors for digital video signals with embedded audio. Shall provide automatic input cable equalization for signals up to 4096x2160/60 with 8-bit color depth. Video output requirements Shall provide four (4) female HDMI Type A connectors for digital video signals with or without embedded audio. Shall provide automatic output reclocking. Shall provide automatic reformatting of HDMI source signals when routed to a DVI display device. Audio output requirements Shall support audio de-embedding from HDMI signal. Shall provide independent routing of audio and video signals – break-away routing Audio assignment from any HDMI input source to analog and digital outputs. EDID requirements Shall include a technology for automatic management of EDID communication between connected devices




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Maintain continuous EDID communication with all connected sources. User-selection of EDID from any connected display device, pre-stored data files, or EDID capture from any connected display device via configuration software. User upload of custom-generated EDID files via configuration software. Assignment of pre-stored, capture, or custom uploaded files per input via configuration software. HDCP requirements Shall be HDCP 2.2 compliant. Authenticate and maintain continuous verification of HDCP key exchange between connected sink and source devices. One-to-one, one-to-many, or one-to-all matrix ties with HDCP-encrypted content. Shall include a technology to authenticate and maintain continuous HDCP encryption between the input and output devices. Shall include a technology for high speed switching of HDCP-encrypted content. Shall provide real-time verification of HDCP status for each port. Electronically accessible over Ethernet or RS-232. Switching requirements Shall provide video and audio matrix switching between any input and any output. HDMI video with embedded audio. HDMI video without embedded audio Independent routing of de-embedded audio. Shall provide front panel visual confirmation of active input and output connections,




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Control requirements Shall provide one (1) three-pole captive screw RS-232 connector on the rear panel for control, Bidirectional, RS-232 and RS-422 protocols support, Shall allow proactive monitoring, management, and control over a LAN, WAN, or the Internet using standard TCP/IP protocols, Shall provide storage and recall of input and output ties Save video and audio ties between ports. Recall presets using front panel controls, Save and recall presets via Ethernet or RS-232, Shall support control/configuration programming for Microsoft® Windows®, Telnet, and basic ASCII code commands. Power requirements Shall be equipped with an internal, universal AC power supply capable of supporting 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz power, High demonstrated reliability, Worldwide power compatibility Shall provide +5 VDC, 250 mA power on each output for external peripheral devices. General requirements Shall meet regulatory compliance, CE, c-UL, UL,CD, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, VCCI, Product-appropriate RoHS and WEEE




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Designing, Supply and installation of switcher that shall support up to three inputs and one output for switching of DisplayPort, HDMI, and VGA sources, with support for long distance signal extension over shielded CATx cable. Rack-mountable switcher for DisplayPort, HDMI, and VGA sources, and associated digital and analog audio, plus signal extension over shielded CATx cable Video Input Requirements Provide video input connections, One DisplayPort, One HDMI, One 15-pin HD for analog video. Shall digitize video input signals up to 1920x1200 prior to transmission to the digital video output Supported HDMI specifications include data rates up to 10.2 Gbps, Deep Color up to 12-bit, 3D, and HD lossless audio formats. Shall support DisplayPort SST - Single Stream Transport data rates up to 10.8 Gbps, Support digital video resolutions up to 4K, including 1080p/60 Deep Color Video Output Requirements, Provide video output connections. One RJ-45 for connection for twisted pair enabled product Support connection of DVI displays that do not recognize HDMI-specific formats Automatically enable or disable embedded TMDS audio and InfoFrames Automatically set the correct color space. Provide signal transmission distance capability of 230 feet (70 m) at 1920x1200, including 1080p @ 60 Hz and 2K using a shielded CATx cable. Provide signal transmission distance capability of 4K @ 30 Hz, UHD, and 2560x1600 up to 130 feet (40 m) using a shielded CATx cable. Shall be configurable for sending digital video and embedded audio, plus bidirectional RS-232 and IR signals to an HDBaseT-enabled display. 'Switching Requirements. Provide automatic switching between input sources, Automatically switch to the active input, Provide a configurable switching priority when multiple inputs are active, High to low: highest numbered input has priority, Low to high: lowest numbered input has priority, Provide the capability to set the analog audio input to follow the input switch.




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EDID Requirements Provide automatic EDID management between connected devices, HDCP Requirements, The unit shall be HDCP compliant. Shall provide the option to disable HDCP processing at the DisplayPort or HDMI input connection when passing unencrypted content. Provide real-time verification of HDCP status for each digital video input Accessible through front panel LEDs. Electronically accessible over RS-232 or USB connection, Audio Requirements, Provide audio input connections, One DisplayPort, embedded, One HDMI, embedded, One 3.5 mm stereo mini jack, unbalanced analog stereo, Provide audio output connection, One RJ-45, Twisted pair HDMI embedded and analog audio, Provide the capability to assign the analog audio input to any video input, Provide the capability to set the analog audio input to follow the input switch. Support embedding analog stereo audio signals onto the digital video output signal and transport over twisted pair, Support multiple embedded audio formats, Support audio transmission over shielded CATx up to 230 feet (70 meters). Shall digitize analog stereo audio input for transmission over shielded CATx , Control/Remote – RS-232 and IR Pass-Through over Shielded CATx Requirements. 'Provide connection for AV device control 5-pole captive screw: RS-232 or IR pass-through to twisted pair enabled product, Control/Remote – Switcher Control Requirements, Provide connections for remote switcher control, 3-pole captive screw: RS-232, Mini USB-B: USB 2.0, 4-pole captive screw: contact closure, Provide alternatives for configuration and operation, Front panel controls, Product configuration software connected via USB, Serial commands sent over RS-232 or USB connection, Tally output shall provide +5 VDC to light an LED indicating the currently selected input, Support disabling of front panel controls to prevent inadvertent or unauthorized changes to configuration settings. General Requirements, Shall meet regulatory compliances CE, c-UL, UL, CE, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, VCCI




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Designing Supply and Installation of audio and video media processor that scales an HDMI signal with embedded audio, an additional analog audio signal, records, streams, and outputs an HDMI confidence signal with re-embedded audio. The processor shall allow simultaneous recording to an internal flash drive and customer-provided external USB drive. The product shall feature processing for the recording and the encoded stream. Each process shall have independent settings of resolution and bit-rate. The processor shall provide audio de-embedding, embedding, and audio mixing of both the HDMI input and an additional analog audio signal. Connection Requirements, Video Input Requirements, Provide one rear accessible HDMI input, One rear accessible captive screw connection for a single balanced or unbalanced line-level analog stereo audio signal, Video Outputs Requirements, Provide one rear accessible HDMI confidence output with re-embedded digital stereo audio Support control connections to include: One front-accessible USB-mini connection, One set of rear accessible RS-232 captive screw connections, One rear-accessible USB port for connection of an optional remote control panel. Support network and storage connections to include: One 10/100/1000 BASE-T female shielded RJ-45 network connection, A front-accessible USB 1.1 / USB 2.0 port with support of high/full/low speeds for connecting removable storage devices, A rear-accessible USB 1.1 / USB 2.0 port with support of high/full/low speeds for connecting removable storage devices, Video and Audio Processing Requirements, Shall support the following input signal types: Video input resolutions from 640x480 to 1920x1200, including 480i, 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p. Video input sampling up to12bits per pixel, at resolutions up to 1080p pixel per pixel, and 1920x1200 with reduced blanking. Analog video horizontal frequency from 15khz to 100khz, and vertical frequency from 24hz to 75hz, Audio input levels from -18dB to +24dB with adjustable levels in 1dB increments,




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Incorporate an advanced video scaler capable of: Input scaling to include: Auto-image, Auto-memory, HDMI over scan from 0 -5%, Sixteen selectable input presets. Provide a clean image when connecting or disconnecting sources, Allow position and sizing of HDMI source content, Include the following aspect ratio options when scaling video sources: Video output fills display, Video output maintains source’s original aspect ratio with no image cropping, Video output maintains source’s original aspect ratio and is cropped to fill display. Provide HDCP signal notification of an encrypted source on the HDMI input, with selectable authorization for unencrypted content, Identify HDCP encrypted content on non-compatible output, media and stream with a green screen wash and HDCP message, Automatically manage EDID communications to the connected HDMI source, Support for overlaying metadata on video recordings and streams Include audio mixing and DSP processing for clean audio blending of embedded and analog source inputs. Include overlay of time reference using HH:MM:SS format on the video output. Support of multiple internal test patterns for setup and configuration. Support time delay synchronization of audio to video through the encoder preventing lip sync errors. Network Requirements Include one 10/100/1000 BASE-T RJ-45 female shielded network connection with support for: Live streaming, Transport of recording packages to network locations, Access to embedded web interface, Interfacing with AV control systems ,Include networking, onfigurations for the following: Configurable MTU from 68 to 1500, DHCP or Static IP addressing, Configurable ports numbers including ability to disable ports for: HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, SSH, SFTP, SNMP, Support for NTP time synchronization with time zone offset. Support for Network configuration backup and restore via downloadable configuration file Include ability to view and set basic network configuration parameters via the internal web pages.




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Support network protocols including: IGMPv3 (RFC 3376), TCP/IP, UDP, SSL, DHCP, HTTP, HTTPS, RTP, RTSP, RTMP, SNMP V2 (RFC 1213), SAP (RFC2974), SDP (RFC4566), QoS (RFC 2474), NTPv4 (RFC 4330), Support file transfer protocols including: FTP, SFTP, CIFS, Support network file share protocols including: CIFS/SMB, NFS, Support Email notifications over SMTP Messaging, Streaming Requirements Include an encoder using H.264 video compression and AAC Audio Compression, Support streaming of the combined elements from an HDMI input and an analog audio input. Independent settings from the recorder for stream parameters to include: Support for push or pull streaming session management, Support for either multicast or unicast streaming, Support for frame rate from 5fps to 30fps, Include streaming resolutions of 512x288 to 1080p, Include Streaming Profiles to include Base, Main, and High, and Levels including 3.0 – 4.1. Support video streaming bit rates from 200 kbps to 10 Mbps. Support rate controls including VBR, CBR, and CVBR. Support adjustable audio streaming bit rates from 80 kbps to 320 Kbps. Support RTSP session management, Support RTMP push streaming with authentication to hosting services, Support use of RTP/RTCP streaming transport protocols, Support use of native RTP and MPEG-2 Transport Streams (TS) in unicast or multicast, Support of Transport Streams (TS) on UDP or RTP/UDP, Support use of SAP and SDP protocols, 'Support RTP/RTSP, interleaved RTSP and HTTP tunneled pull streaming transport protocols, Include Audio Delay to match video delay caused by external devices (Lip Sync), Support saving and recall of 16 Streaming profile presets, Recording Requirements, Shall record and stream simultaneously at resolutions from 512x288 up to 1920x1080 (1080p), Shall record and stream simultaneously at refresh frequencies of 5 – 30 Hz, May record to both internal flash drive and external USB drive simultaneously,




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Shall support USB Storage with the following file formats: Fat32, NTFS, VFAT (long file name ext), EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, Shall provide a 32 Gigabyte internal flash drive for recording storage, Shall provide a front panel and rear panel indicator light for connected USB activity, Shall provide recording of content for the following: Store recorded audio visual files in a M4V or MP4 format, Store recorded audio only files in M4A format, Store JPEG thumbnail files in either reduced resolution of 848x480, or at the specified recorder resolution Metadata information contained within a JSON file. Shall provide recording status, available space, and recording time available based upon current settings. Shall provide independent information for each storage device connected. Shall provide file naming options including the use of metadata, and either UTC or local time. Shall create JPEG thumbnail images at scheduled intervals and at index marks while recording. Shall create a daily recording report detailing usage and operating data Controls and Automation Requirements. Allow direct system operation from illuminated front panel controls of the following functions: Record, Pause, Stop, Mark, Include LED indicators for the following: One green LED for HDMI source detection, One green LED for HDCP encrypted source detection, Two green and two red LED’s for relative audio level and clipping from HDMI and analog inputs, One green and one red LED for relative audio level and clipping of the output level, One red LED for Alarm notification, One green LED for power indication, Include a reset button and associated LED to restore the unit to one of four pre-defined, programmed operational configurations. Include an embedded web page for configuration, monitoring, and control that includes a confidence view of the video output, Include a means to lock out all of the front panel controls, All serial, USB and network controls remain active, Support the automatic transfer of content after a recording, without interrupting any other functions, Include automated disk management to facilitate the deletion of old files to make room for new recordings,




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Support for alarm notification of events by logging, front panel notification, and email notification, Support for event logging, and diagnostics, Support remote control functions over RS-232, Telnet, SSH, in addition to the web browser interface. Enterprise Integration Requirements Integrate directly with the following content management systems: Opencast content management systems, Kaltura content management systems, Include automated transfer of recorded packages to: FTP Site, SFTP Site, CIFS server network file share, Include transfer of content to an LTI connected content management system, Support automated email of error conditions and log information to defined support staff, Support for SNMP v2 and SNMP v3 monitoring, General Requirements Shall meet regulatory compliances, Shall be certified to meet safety compliances under CE, c-UL, and UL, Shall meet EMI/EMC compliances under CE, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, and VCCI, Shall comply with requirements of RoHS and WEEE




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Supply and installation of 7" capacitive touchscreen interface for switching and control of AV equipment Wall mountable 7" touchscreen user interface for AV and control systems Provide a 7" LCD touchscreen that supports up to 16.7M colors and 1024x600 resolution Device shall feature scratch and smudge-resistant Corning® Gorilla Glass® Device shall support the proposed control processors Device shall include a built-in down firing speaker which can be configured to provide audio and button feedback Device shall have a female RJ-45 jack located on the back of the enclosure that supports 10/100/1000Base-T, half/full duplex with auto-detect for connection to a LAN or WAN and includes link and activity LED indicators located on the left and right of the jack for troubleshooting network issues as well as supports PoE- Power over Ethernet, 802.3af Device shall include a single high-speed micro USB 2.0 type B receptacle located on the back of the enclosure Provide two red/green LEDs along the left and right sides of the display to indicate room status, six rear-facing, red/green LEDs located on the back of the enclosure to provide ambient light to the mounted area and radiates a soft glow behind the panel to enhance visibility from distant locations, all of which can be configured or programmed as a group. Device shall feature a digital input on the back of the panel




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Provide a built-in motion sensor located on the top bezel of the touch surface allowing the panel to be woken from a sleep state or set up via software to trigger any number of actions Provide a light sensor located on the top bezel of the touch surface that automatically adjusts the LCD screen’s backlight based on available ambient light Provide a front panel status LED that blinks red if the touchpanel loses network connectivity with the control processor Device shall have a menu button located on the back setup of items such as IP address and sound volume at minimum Device shall include a multi-function button located on the back of the enclosure that allows for the reset of the device or its communication properties at minimum 'Device shall support the following protocols: DHCP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, ICMP, SFTP, SMTP, SSH, TCP/IP, UDP/IP Device shall have the following memory available, at minimum: SDRAM, 2 GB, Flash, 4 GB, Device shall have the ability to be controlled by Silverlight enabled web browser or an iOS or Android based device as a secondary point of control Device shall be black in color, Mounting requirements, Device shall have the ability to be mounted into a rack using an optional rack mount kit & the same has to be included Security requirements, Device shall support SSH for secure communication between the touchpanel and the control processor. Device shall support SFTP and SSH for secure communication between the control processor and the configuration or programming software. Device shall provide the option to modify administrator and user credentials. Device shall support security updates to maintain network health. Device shall require that a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate is installed to maintain system confidentiality and data integrity. Shall meet regulatory compliances CE, c-UL, UL, C-Tick, FCC Class B, ICES, VCCI, RoHS, WEEE




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Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of distribution amplifier for HDMI video and embedded digital audio signals Shall support local device connection Shall support computer and video resolutions with 4:4:4 chroma sampling up to 4096x2160 at 60 Hz and 1920x1200 at 60 Hz Shall support HDMI 2.0b specifications, including data rates up to 18 Gbps, Deep Color up to 12bit, 3D, HDR, HD lossless audio formats, and CEC. Video input requirements Shall provide one (1) female HDMI Type A connector for digital video signals with embedded audio Shall provide automatic input cable equalization Video output requirements Shall provide two (2) female HDMI Type A connectors for digital video signals with embedded audio EDID requirements Shall include a technology for automatic management of EDID communication between connected devices Shall provide automatic management of color bit depth based on the capabilities of the connected displays, as reported by display EDID HDCP requirements Shall be HDCP 2.2 compliant Shall include a technology to authenticate and maintain continuous verification of HDCP key exchange between the connected source and sink devices Shall provide the option to disable HDCP processing at the HDMI input connection when passing unencrypted content




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Shall provide a full green screen signal for visual confirmation when encrypted content is routed to a non-HDCP compliant display Shall provide real-time verification of HDCP status for each HDMI input and output Electronically accessible over RS-232 or USB connection 'Control requirements Shall provide one (1) 3.5 mm, three-pole captive screw RS-232 connector on rear panel for control Shall provide one (1) USB mini-B connector on front panel for setup, configuration, and firmware update loading Shall provide selectable output muting via RS-232 or USB port to allow content to be viewed on a local monitor prior to appearance on a main presentation display General requirements Shall meet regulatory compliance CE, c-UL, UL, CD, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, VCCI, Product-appropriate RoHS and WEEE.




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Designing, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of HDMI twisted pair transmitter that shall support the distribution of video, audio, and control over a shielded CATx cable, Rack-mountable transmitter for the transmission of HDMI, audio, and control, Video input requirements, Provide one (1) video input for digital video signals, Supported HDMI specifications include data rates up to 10.2 Gbps, Deep Color up to 12-bit, 3D, HD lossless audio formats, and CEC pass-through. Audio input requirements, Support embedded digital audio on HDMI input, Provide a dedicated analog audio input connection, One (1) stereo analog audio. Control input requirements, Provide communication connections for AV device control, One bidirectional RS-232 pass-through, One bidirectional IR pass-through. Interconnection requirements One RJ-45 twisted pair connection Transmission requirements, Provide signal transmission distance capability of 230 feet (70 m) at 1920x1200, including 1080p @ 60 Hz and 2K using a shielded CATx cable. Support signal transmission distance capability of 4K @ 30 Hz, UHD, and 2560x1600 up to 130 feet (40 m) using a shielded CATx cable. Support video, audio, and control over a single shielded CATx cable. Support embedded HD lossless audio formats, Actively buffer DDC channels. Resolution requirements Support computer and video resolutions up to 4K, including 1080p/60 Deep Color, Support RGB and YCbCr digital video formats. 'Audio requirements The unit shall accept additional analog stereo audio signals for simultaneous transmission with HDMI embedded audio, The unit shall support multiple embedded audio formats, The unit shall support embedded HD lossless audio formats. HDCP requirements The unit shall be HDCP 2.2 compliant with backward compatibility with earlier HDCP versions, Communication requirements, The unit shall support bidirectional RS-232 communication pass-through up to 115200 baud, The unit shall support bidirectional IR pass-through, The unit shall support EDID and HDCP transmission. Power requirements The unit shall support remote power capability, The unit shall support being locally powered. General requirements Shall meet regulatory compliances CE, c-UL, UL, CE, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, VCCI




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Designing, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of HDMI twisted pair receiver that shall support the distribution of video, audio, and control over a shielded CATx cable, Rack-mountable receiver for HDMI, audio, and control. Video output requirements Provide one (1) video output for digital video signals, Supported HDMI specifications include data rates up to 10.2 Gbps, Deep Color up to 12-bit, 3D, HD lossless audio formats, and CEC pass-through. Audio output requirements Support embedded digital audio on HDMI output, Provide a dedicated analog audio output connection, One (1) stereo analog audio. Control output requirements Provide communication connections for AV device control, One bidirectional RS-232 pass-through, One bidirectional IR pass-through. Interconnection requirements One RJ-45 twisted pair connection. Transmission requirements Provide signal transmission distance capability of 230 feet (70 m) at 1920x1200, including 1080p @ 60 Hz and 2K using a shielded CATx cable, Support signal transmission distance capability of 4K @ 30 Hz, UHD, and 2560x1600 up to 130 feet (40 m) using a shielded CATx cable, Support video, audio, and control over a single shielded CATx cable, Support embedded HD lossless audio formats, Actively buffer DDC channels. Resolution requirements Support computer and video resolutions up to 4K, including 1080p/60 Deep Color, Support RGB and YCbCr digital video formats. Audio requirements The unit shall support analog stereo audio pass-through signals The unit shall support multiple embedded audio formats, The unit shall support embedded HD lossless audio formats. HDCP requirements The unit shall be HDCP 2.2 compliant with backward compatibility with earlier HDCP versions. Communication requirements The unit shall support bidirectional RS-232 communication pass-through up to 115200 baud, The unit shall support bidirectional IR pass-through, The unit shall support EDID and HDCP transmission. Power requirements The unit shall support remote power capability, The unit shall support being locally powered. General requirements Shall meet regulatory compliances CE, c-UL, UL, CE, C-tick, FCC Class A, ICES, VCCI.




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Male to Male 15-pin HD Micro HR with Audio Cable - 6' (1.8 m)




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Ultra Flexible Premium High Speed HDMI Cable - 6' (1.8 m)




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Mini DP to DisplayPort, 6' (1.8m)




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Ultra Flexible Premium High Speed HDMI Cable - 3' (90 cm)




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Shielded Digital Twisted Pair Cable for XTP & DTP products - Non-Plenum, 1000' (305 m) spool




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Ultra Flexible Premium High Speed HDMI Cable - 25' (7.6` m)




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Supply and Laying of rigid PVC conduit, 40mm diameter, and accessories with ISI mark




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Supply and installation of equipment rack with the following specifications: Top and Bottom covers: Multi-bend one piece construction for accentuating cantilever stress. Design incorporates a 45mm cavity which is used to accommodate exhaust at the top and cable length at the bottom. Top and bottom covers are ventilated on all sides for assisting natural air flow. Size: 27 U Cable entry provision: Is provided by 35mm round knock outs in the top and bottom covers which are edge protected by rubber gourmets to prevent cable damage. Vertical member: A set of 4 vertical pillars (multibend design) with a gusset welded to close the ends at the top and bottom to ensure high lateral stability under cantilever load condition. Front toughened glass door: Ventilated metal trims with a toughened tinted glass pasted permanently. Ventilation provided on the trims to avoid creation of heat pockets between the equipment face and the glass door 19” panel mounts: L- Angle construction with 9.5mmx9.5mm square shots provided in 1U pitch pattern to hold standard cage-nuts.




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Supply and Installation of Wireless router with PoE for supporting the AV installation requirement




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Supply , installation , testing and commissioning of Ceiling Flush Music/PA Loudspeaker: Free field Frequency range (-10dB) of 80Hz to 16kHz; Power handling of 64 Watt peak; Nominal dispersion of 110 Conical; Free field Sensitivity of 84 dB SPL and Max SPL of 103 dB SPL peak; Nominal Impedance 8 Ohms; Integral multi-tap Transformer with tap settings of 2/4/8/16 W @ 100V. with Powder-coated steel grille; Shall include necessary standard hardware for ceiling install.




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Supply , installation , testing and commissioning of 2way 5.25" IP55 rated Indoor/Outdoor Surface mount Music Loudspeaker: Free field Frequency range (-10dB) of 60Hz to 18kHz; Power handling of 400 Watt peak; Nominal dispersion of 120x60; Free field Sensitivity of 86dB SPL and Max SPL of 111 dB SPL (peak); Nominal Impedance 8 Ohms; Integral multi-tap Transformer with tap settings of 25/50/100 W @ 100V. with Powder-coated steel grille; Shall include necessary standard hardware for Surface install




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Supply , installation , testing and comissioning of AEC capable Digital Audio Conferencing Processor with at least 12 AEC Mic/Line inputs & 8 analog outputs, 24 Bit A-D and D-A Convertors; Sampling Rate : 48 kHz;  THD : 0.002 % ; Channel Separation (Crosstalk) : 108 dB ; Frequency Response 20 Hz - 20 kHz ; Signal-to-Noise Ratio 90 dB ;Dynamic Range 115 dB; 5 Control Inputs and Outputs; RS-232 and Ethernet Port for third party Control and Monitoring; 64x64 Bidirectional DANTE Audio Networking ports, Shall include standard Connectivity features like VOIP, POTS, USB Audio etc. inbuilt DSP features like Conference room Routers,  Input Equalizers, Router, Band Pass filter, Output Equalizer, Delay, Limiters, gates , Source selectors etc. Shall Support at least 15 remote Zone controllers




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Supply,installation, testing & Comissioning of Class D configurable amplifier with total 600W output power or better across 4 outputs, 4/8ohms, 70/100 Volt or mixed use operation; Frequency Response : 20Hz - 20kHz for LZ mode ; S/N Ratio 99db and THD .3% at rated output complete with standard accessories as required. Built in DSP for Matrix routing, Speaker EQs, delays etc. Phoenix Input and output terminals, shall support remote Volume controllers (wired) for individual channels.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of premium Handheld Wireless Mic with Cardiod polar pattern,dynamic microphone ,frequency response 45Hz-15kHz,RF sensitivity 1.0 Uv,Image rejection60dB,Dynamic range 100dB and receiver having 1112 channels possible,S/N ratio 100dB A,dynamic range 100db B,distortion 1 %,frequency band:648-676MHz,modulation:+/-40kHz.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of premium Wireless Lavelier Mic with omnidirectional polar pattern,condensor microphone ,frequency response 50Hz-20kHz,RF sensitivity 1.0 Uv,Image rejection60dB,Dynamic range 100dB and receiver having 1112 channels possible,S/N ratio 100dB A,dynamic range 100db B,distortion 1 %,frequency band:648-676MHz,modulation:+/-40kHz. Must include a carry case and also a 6 feet cable length on the lavelier mic.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of discussion/conference control unit with digital display, built in MP3 recorder, digital acoustic feedback suppression,Total harmonic distortion at nominal input level (85dB SPL) 0.5%, frequency response of 125 Hz to 12.5 kHz, auto microphone switch off feature and maximum control of 150 units.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of chairman microphone system compatible with the proposed control unit with flexible stem microphone length of minimum 18”, priority button, delegate unit mute button, built in volume control for headphones, 2 headphone sockets,




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of delegate microphone system compatible with the proposed control unit with flexible stem microphone length of minimum 18”, push to speak button, built in volume control for headphones, 2 headphone sockets,




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Supply & Laying of One 12 AWG pair stranded (65x30) tinned copper conductors, twisted pair, PVC insulation, PVC jacket speaker cable




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Supply and Laying of Microphone Cable with 2 Conductor 20 AWG stranded (26x34) high-conductivity TC conductors, EPDM rubber insulation, rayon braid, TC braid shield (85% coverage), cotton wrap, EPDM jacket.




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Supply and Laying of cables required to complete the installation of discussion system




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Supply and installation of Twisted pair CAT6 cable with the following specifications: Structure: 4 Pairs Shielded Twisted Pair screened with tinned copper braiding (S/FTP) Cable Conductor Metal: 23 AWG Solid Bare Copper Shield Individual Pair: Aluminum/Polyester Foil Screened: Tinned Copper Braiding Color Code: Grey Jacket Material: PVC Cable Diameter: 8.0mm Nominal Mutual Capacitance: 5.6nF/100m nominal Impedance : 100 􏰄􏰅􏰅Ω±􏰂5% Nominal Velocity of Propagation: 69% Conductor Resistance: 􏰈9.3􏰉8Ω/􏰄􏰅􏰅􏰆100m Capacitance Unbalance: 330pF/100m Delay Skew: 45nS Bending Radius: 8 x Cable Diameter at –20°C ± 1°C Insulation Resistance: 5000M ohm-km




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Supply and installation of equipment rack with the following specifications: Top and Bottom covers: Multi-bend one piece construction for accentuating cantilever stress. Design incorporates a 45mm cavity which is used to accommodate exhaust at the top and cable length at the bottom. Top and bottom covers are ventilated on all sides for assisting natural air flow. Size: 17 U Cable entry provision: Is provided by 35mm round knock outs in the top and bottom covers which are edge protected by rubber gourmets to prevent cable damage. Vertical member: A set of 4 vertical pillars (multibend design) with a gusset welded to close the ends at the top and bottom to ensure high lateral stability under cantilever load condition Front toughened glass door: Ventilated metal trims with a toughened tinted glass pasted permanently. Ventilation provided on the trims to avoid creation of heat pockets between the equipment face and the glass door 19” panel mounts: L- Angle construction with 9.5mmx9.5mm square shots provided in 1U pitch pattern to hold standard cage-nuts.




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Supply and Installation of various type of connectors as required at site




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SECTION O FIRE FIGHTING WORK Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of main fire pump (MFP / EP) suitable for water discharge of 1600 to 1800 LPM at 70 to 55 m head driven by electric motor 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz, AC supply of 30kW or of suitable kW capacity for manual/automatic operation and consisting of following : (a) Horizontal type, single stage, centrifugal/split casing pump of cast iron body & bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft (SS410 grade), mechanical seal conforming to IS 1520. (b) Squirrel cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 3000 RPM, suitable for operation with IP 55 protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted type with Class-'F' insulation, conforming to IS-325. (c) M.S. fabricated common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required. (d) Erected on provided suitable size cement concrete foundation duly plastered with anti vibration pads with perfect aligning, proper levelling complete pump set with accessories duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of fire red colour over a coat of primer (ISC code 536 as per IS 2932 of 2003) complete, as per specification no. FF-MFP/SSC/EP




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Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of jockey fire pump (JP) suitable for water discharge of 180 to 240 LPM at 70 to 50 m head driven by electric motor 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz, AC supply of 5.5 kW or of suitable kW capacity for manual/automatic operation and consisting of following : (a) Horizontal/vertical type, multi stage, centrifugal casing pump of cast iron body & bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft (SS410 grade), mechanical seal conforming to IS 1520. (b) Squirrel cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 3000 RPM, suitable for operation with IP 55 protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted type with Class-'F' insulation, conforming to IS-325. (c) M.S. fabricated common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required. (d) Erected on provided suitable size cement concrete foundation duly plastered with anti vibration pads with perfect aligning, proper levelling complete pump set with accessories duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of fire red colour over a coat of primer (ISC code 536 as per IS 2932 of 2003)complete, as per specification no. FF-MFP/JP




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supplying and erecting 150 mm dia. cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size complete with PN16 pressure rating, as per specification no. FF-VL/BFV




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Supplying and erecting 100 mm dia. cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size complete with PN16 pressure rating, as per specification no. FF-VL/BFV




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Supplying and erecting 75/80 mm dia. cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size complete with PN16 pressure rating, as per specification no. FF-VL/BFV




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Supplying and erecting 50 mm dia. cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size complete with PN16 pressure rating, as per specification no. FF-VL/BFV




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Supplying and erecting 100 mm dia cast iron double flange NRV complete with PN16 pressure rating, as per specification no. FF-VL/NRV




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Supplying and erecting 75/80 mm dia cast iron double flange NRV complete with PN16 pressure rating, as per specification no. FF-VL/NRV




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Supplying and erecting 150 mm dia Cast Iron end line strainer of Y-type flanged end pattern, PN16 pressure rating, SS screen, end connection with Flanged / Screwed / Socket Weld / Butt Weld End etc with standard OAR (open area Ratio) for positive suction complete as per specification no. FF-VL/ELS




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Supplying, erecting, testing & commissioning of fire pump control panel (FCP) of cubical construction, floor mounted type, fabricated from minimum 2 mm thick CRCA sheet, compartmentalised with hinged lockable doors, with enclosure protection class IP54, duly powder coated or painted with accessories duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of fire red colour over a coat of primer (ISC code 536 as per IS 2932 of 2003), cable alley, interconnection with suitable size solid copper busbar strip of adequate size for all power connections having switchgears and accessories, mountings and internal wiring with adequate size copper conductor cable, earth terminals, numbering etc. complete in all respect, suitable for satisfactory operation of main fire pump and jockey (pressurisation) pumps & Diesel pump with necessary accessories, wiring & cabling along with allied accessories with following incoming and outgoings, suitable for automatic & manual operation on 415V, 3 phase, 50Hz ac supply as per specifications the capacity of electric motor driven pump are as follows




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Supplying and erecting 100 mm dia. pressure gauge , 0-300 PSI or 0-14 kg per cm square fitted with 12/15 mm dia. pad cock valve, erected with provided G.I. pipe, elbow etc. complete as per specification no. FF-FFA/PG




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Supplying and erecting 12/15 mm dia pressure switch with provided isolation valve, G.I. nipple, elbow, etc complete as per specification no. FF-FFA/PS




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Supplying and erecting 300 mm dia 1.5m in height air vessel / tank fabricated from min 5mm thick M.S. sheet complete as per specification no. FF-FFA/ACT




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Supplying and erecting gun metal single outlet hydrant valve fitted with necessary accessories complete as per specification no. FF-VL/HV




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Supplying and erecting M.S./CRCA cabinet for housing single hydrant valve (size 400 x 400 x 400mm.) made from 16 SWG sheet and angle iron 25 mm. x 25 mm. x 4 mm. having front doors with viewing glass (8"x6") and locking arrangement with necessary fixing material such as rubber bidding etc. duly painted in post box red colour.




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Supplying and erecting 63mm dia, reinforced rubber lined (R.R.L.) hose pipe, 15m in length, fitted with necessary accessories complete as per specification no. FF-FFA/RRL




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Supplying and installing wall mounting swinging hose reel drum fitted with 19 mm dia. 30m long high pressure polypropylene (Polyhose) along with necessary accessories complete as per specification no. FF-FFA/HV




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of Gun metal chrome finished Ball valves of 25mm dia (PN 1.6) with fittings of screwed end type.




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Supplying and erecting gun metal branch pipe of 63 mm dia fitted with 20 mm dia detachable hexagonal nozzle complete as per specification no. FFFFA/NZ




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Supplying and erecting 20/25mm dia gun metal air release cock, with necessary G.I. coupling to be fitted on top of air vessel or on wet riser complete as per specification no. FF-FFA/ARV




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Supplying and erecting fire brigade header ( Siamese connection )of 150 mm dia, for supplying water in fire tank complete as per specification no. FFFA/FMC




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Supplying and erecting 150 mm dia fire brigade header suitable for supplying water in fire tank complete as per specification no. FF-FA/FBC




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Supplying and erecting G.I. pipe above ground of ‘C’ class ERW of size 150 mm dia with necessary fittings complete as per specification no. FF-PP




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Supplying and erecting G.I. pipe above ground of ‘C’ class ERW of size 100 mm dia with necessary fittings complete as per specification no. FF-PP




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Supplying and erecting G.I. pipe above ground of ‘C’ class ERW of size 75/80 mm dia with necessary fittings complete as per specification no. FF-PP




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressable optical smoke detector, single/twin LED’s with 360 degree view, suitable for low voltage 15 to 32 V DC two wires supply, in-built locking mechanism to check the removal and pilferage of the detector, in built isolation mode, start up current 300µA and alarm condition current shall be maximum 6.5 mA, operating temperature 0°C to 50°C, humidity 0-95% RH, IP 41, conforming to IS 2189: 2008, 11360_1985_Reff2020 EN 54 or UL Approved with 3 years equipment replacement warranty FFAFAS/SD




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of intelligent addressable thermal/heat detector with rate of rise cum fixed temperature thermistor complete with base as required, suitable for temperature variations from -20°C to 38°C for fixed-heat and rate-of-rise type detectors and 0°C to 66°C for high heat type detectors, in built isolation mode, suitable for offices/ceiling cable trenches/less ventilation area's etc. with 3 years equipment replacement warranty IS : 2175 - 1988 reaffirmed 2000, IS 15908:2021 standards FF-AFAS/SD.




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressable manual call points ( break glass type/pull station type), made of addressable break glass plastic square in shape surface/flush mounted with "Break Glass" massage embedded on the glass, complete erected with mounting base and required accessories conforming to EN 54 or UL listed with 3 years equipment replacement warranty FF-AFAS/MCP.




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressable horn cum strobe sound/ hooter with flasher, output frequency 500 to 1000 Hz with dB as per Chart given in IS 15908:2021, with flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range EN 54, conforming to IS 2189: 2008, IS 15908:2021 standards with 3 years equipment replacement warranty




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Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of micro processor based intelligent addressable main fire alarm panel, central processing unit with the 4 loop capacity and capable of supporting up to 250 devices and detectors per loop, with on-board LCD display with min 16 lines of text, operating at 230 V 50 HZ - AC with inbuilt Battery Backup of a minimum 24 hours in normal condition and 30 min in alarm condition, suitable provision for network connectivity, interfacing with third party equipment via a MODBUS/ OPC/ L-ON interface etc. conforming to IS 15908:2021, ,IS 2189: 2008, EN 54 & VDS / FM/ UL 864 (10th edition) with 3 years replacement warranty FF-AFAS/CP.




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressable fire isolator module complete as required. EN 54 /FM or UL Listed with 3 years equipment replacement warranty conforming to IS 5051Part 2 (Sec 1 to 3) : 1982 Reed relays FF-AFAS/ISM




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning FR, XLPE armored cable 2 core 1.5 sq.mm. copper conductor complete erected on wall/ ceiling complete as per specification no. CB-LT/CU




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Supplying and erecting ABC powder type fire extinguisher as per IS : 13849 /15683 of 6 kg capacity with necessary clamp for erection on wall.




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Supplying & erecting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher of 4.5 kg. capacity cartridge type conform to IS 2878 /15683 complete erected with necessary clamp made from 50 x 6 mm. M. S. flat with nut & bolts routed in wall complete




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Clean Agent (HFC326FA TYPE) gas.5 kg Capacity modular type fire Extinguisher. fire Extinguisher made up of Mild Steel & duly hot phosphate & powder Coated External as Well as Internal the fire Extinguishers is hydrotested at 30kg/cm^2




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Photo luminescent non toxic, non radioactive, maintenance free self glowing exit signs comprising zinc sulphide chargeable crystals which can glow in dark; printed on U-1000 photo luminescent aluminum sheet 1.0 mm thick containing luminescent 111 as base chemical cover with UV stabilized coating job complete with SS screws for wall mounting or to be hanged on rust proof chain for ceiling mounting complete in all respects




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Fire extinguisher Signage size :200X250




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Hose reel Signage size :200X250




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Assembly Point Signage size :600X600




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Fire Alarm Signage size : 200X250




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Staircase Signages size 100X300




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Lift size 200X200




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Ramp size 200X200




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Parking size 200X200




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Directional Signages Size 200X250




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Signages to be installed near Electrical Panel Room etc.




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Providing Floor mounting stand for keeping 4 Nos. of FIRE buckets 1500mm in length, 900mm in height frame made out of 30x30x4 mm angle iron with cross supports for legs, welded with 4 hooks and duly painted with one coat of red lead and two coats of silver paint complete.




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SECTION P HVAC WORK Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning 20 HP, VRF / VRV air conditioning system, out door unit (ODU) complying type-IV OEM standards working on HFC free refrigerant R410A or other required/suitable green equivalent refrigerant, for cooling capacity delivering 100% at 47 deg. celcius and non stop cooling even at 56 deg. celsius and coefficient of performance (COP) 3.00 to 4.00, modular type horizontal/vertical hot air discharge suitable for total piping length upto 1000 metre operation in cooling mode with inverter based VRF/VRV technology microprocessor based control compressor starter/control panel complete with scroll compressor, air cooled anti Corrosive copper condenser coil of suitable shape for increasing maximum heat transfer area, built in oil separator, accumulator and oil receiver, copper tube aluminium fin air cooled condenser, condenser fan with motor suitable for 415V ± 10%, 50 Hz, 3 phase power supply, internal copper refrigerant piping, internal wiring and first charge of refrigerant, etc. all housed in powder coated weather proof cabinet on provided angle iron frame or suitable foundation connected to the system in approved manner complete.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of VRV / VRF based ductable type, high static indoor unit (IDU) having nominal cooling capacity of 8.0TR ( 3200 cfm ) having EER as per BEE standards and specifications with evaporator fan with motor, copper tube aluminium fin evaporator coil, washable air filter, insulated drain tray, expansion device, cordless remote control with necessary controls and electrical terminal to receive power supply, etc. having anti-corrosive coating suitable for coastal area, with suitable ceiling suspension arrangement, with an electronic control console and any additional refrigerant and oil charge as per requirement during installation connected with the system complete.




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of VRV / VRF based ductable type, high static indoor unit (IDU) having nominal cooling capacity of 5.1TR ( 2040 cfm )to 6.0TR ( 2400 cfm ) having EER as per BEE standards and pecifications with evaporator fan with motor, copper tube aluminium fin evaporator coil, washable air filter, insulated drain tray, expansion device, cordless remote control with necessary controls and electrical terminal to receive power supply, etc. having anti-corrosive coating suitable for coastal area, with suitable ceiling suspension arrangement, with an electronic control console and any additional refrigerant and oil charge as per requiremet




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Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Double skin construction draw thru type VRV / VRF CEILING SUSPENDED AIR HANDLING UNITS Double Skin wall panels,40 mm thick sandwich PUF injected panels. Outer skin shall be 0.63mm pre plasticized or powder coated GSS sheet. Inner sheet shall be 0.63mm plain GSS. Extruded Aluminium corners. Complete with Glass view panel, motor guard, marine light, limit switch, cable entry, GSS base frame, drain connection at both the ends, insulated SS drain tray. Screw less construction with zero leakage in the panel joints. Inspection door for all the sections.Necessary flexible connections to be considered with required pressure rating. DIDW forward Curved, Centrifugal Fan with Squirrel cage induction motor, GSS frame supporting frame work, Direct drive motor, Motor shall be suitable for 415±10% volts, 3 phase AC supply, Necessary cabling from starter to unit and VFD to be considered with starter panel and bypass VFD DX cooling coil with minimum 4/6 Row deep, Aluminium fins with Hydraufillic coating, coil size shall be selected for a maximum face velocity of 500 feet/minute. Coils shall have automatic air vents, the vent outlets beings piped to the drain pan with a copper pipe. drain cock with valve. Each unit shall be provided with a factory assembled filter section containing washable synthetic type pre filters media, class MERV 8 and MERV 13 mounted on Aluminium Frame. Filter bank framework shall be fully sealed and constructed from GSS. The efficiency of the filters shall be 99%down to particle size of 5 microns as per IS 7613, and ASHRAE 52.1.One set of pre commissioning filters shall be supplied considering the re-cycling for all AHUs.The cost shall include drain pump of suitable capacity . Noise Level: Contractor to ensure noise level 50 dBA @ 1.0 m from the filter side and 55 dBA all around the AHU. CSU Unit having a capacity 12TR/4000 CFM with Overall Static pressure of 40mm with overall efficiency of 70% .- For First floor




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Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning split type variable speed Inverter technology room Air conditioning unit 2 TR capacity having ISEER minimum 3.50 to maximum 3.99 suitable to operate on 250V, 50 cycles, A.C. supply having 1 no. of air handling unit hi-wall/ floor mounting type complete with Refrigerants R410 A/R32 and copper condenser at position. specification no. AP-AC/SAC




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Supplying and installation of high pressure grade required and suction line complete erected on wall/ceiling with supports/raceways, Nitrile rubber insulation, painting etc. with brazing and testing for leakages confirming the normal operation of the VRV / VRF air conditioning system.




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Supplying, laying / fixing, testing and commissioning of appropriate nominal refrigerant copper pipe of 41.3 mm dia (OD) for liquid line / suction line supply and return piping of suitable gauge ( hard drawn copper pipe for liquid main line and for refrigerant ) along with necessary supports, hangers, clamps, vibration isolators and fittings such as bends, tees, valves, gauges, strainers with insulation of 19 mm thick elastomeric nitrile rubber along with application of multicoating suitable for use with VRV / VRF piping for protection against mechanical damages, fungal growth, flame spread, water permeance and ultra violet radiations complete with OEM standards of VRV / VRF air conditioning system.




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Supplying, laying / fixing, testing and commissioning of appropriate nominal refrigerant copper pipe of 34.9 mm dia (OD) for liquid line / suction line supply and return Piping of suitable gauge ( hard drawn copper pipe for liquid main line and for refrigerant ) along with necessary supports, hangers, clamps, vibration isolators and fittings such as bends, tees, valves, gauges, strainers with insulation of 19 mm thick elastomeric nitrile rubber along with application of multicoating suitable for use with VRV / VRF piping for protection against mechanical damages, fungal growth, flame spread, water permeance and ultra violet radiations complete with OEM standards of VRV / VRF air conditioning system.




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Supplying, laying / fixing, testing and commissioning of appropriate nominal refrigerant copper pipe of 28.6 mm dia (OD) for liquid line / suction line supply and return piping of suitable gauge ( hard drawn copper pipe for liquid main line and for refrigerant ) along with necessary supports, hangers, clamps, vibration isolators and fittings such as bends, tees, valves, gauges, strainers with insulation of 19 mm thick elastomeric nitrile rubber along with application of multicoating suitable for use with VRV / VRF piping for protection against mechanical damages, fungal growth, flame spread, water permeance and ultra violet radiations complete with OEM standards of VRV / VRF air conditioning system.




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Supplying, laying / fixing, testing and commissioning of appropriate nominal refrigerant copper pipe of 22.2 mm dia (OD) for liquid line / suction line supply and return piping of suitable gauge ( hard drawn copper pipe for liquid main line and for refrigerant ) along with necessary supports, hangers, clamps, vibration isolators and fittings such as bends, tees, valves, gauges, strainers with insulation of 19 mm thick elastomeric nitrile rubber along with application of multicoating suitable for use with VRV / VRF piping for protection against mechanical damages, fungal growth, flame spread, water permeance and ultra violet radiations complete with OEM standards of VRV / VRF air conditioning system.




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Supplying, laying / fixing, testing and commissioning ofappropriate nominal refrigerant copper pipe of 19.1 mm dia (OD) for liquid line / suction line supply and return piping of suitable gauge ( hard drawn copper pipe for liquid main line and for refrigerant ) along with necessary supports, hangers, clamps, vibration isolators and fittings such as bends, tees, valves, gauges, strainers with insulation of 19 mm thick elastomeric nitrile rubber along with application of multicoating suitable for use with VRV / VRF piping for protection against mechanical damages, fungal growth, flame spread, water permeance and ultra violet radiations complete with OEM standards of VRV / VRF air conditioning system.




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Supplying, laying / fixing, testing and commissioning of appropriate nominal refrigerant copper pipe of 15.9 mm dia (OD) for liquid line / suction line supply and return piping of suitable gauge ( hard drawn copper pipe for liquid main line and for refrigerant ) along with necessary supports, hangers, clamps, vibration isolators and fittings such as bends, tees, valves, gauges, strainers with insulation of 19 mm thick elastomeric nitrile rubber along with application of multicoating suitable for use with VRV / VRF piping for rotection against mechanical damages, fungal growth, flame spread, water permeance and ultra violet radiations complete with OEM standards of VRV / VRF air conditioning system.




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Supplying, laying / fixing, testing and commissioning of appropriate nominal refrigerant copper pipe of 12.7 mm dia (OD) for liquid line / suction line supply and return piping of suitable gauge ( hard drawn copper pipe for liquid main line and for refrigerant ) along with necessary supports, hangers, clamps, vibration isolators and fittings such as bends, tees, valves, gauges, strainers with insulation of 19 mm thick elastomeric nitrile rubber along with application of multicoating suitable for use with VRV / VRF piping for protection against mechanical damages , fungal growth, flame spread, water permeance and ultra violet radiations complete with OEM standards of VRV / VRF air conditioning system.




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Supplying, laying / fixing, testing and commissioning of appropriate nominal refrigerant copper pipe of 9.5 mm dia (OD) for liquid line / suction line supply and return piping of suitable gauge ( hard drawn copper pipe for liquid main line and for refrigerant ) along with necessary supports, hangers, clamps, vibration isolators and fittings such as bends, tees, valves, gauges, strainers with insulation of 19 mm thick elastomeric nitrile rubber along with application of multicoating suitable for use with VRV / VRF piping for protection against mechanical damages, fungal growth, flame spread, water permeance and ultra violet radiations complete with OEM standards of VRV /VRF air conditioning system.




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Supplying, laying / fixing, testing and commissioning of appropriate nominal refrigerant copper pipe of 6.4 mm dia (OD) for liquid line / suction line supply and return piping of suitable gauge ( hard drawn copper pipe for liquid main line and for refrigerant ) along with necessary supports, hangers, clamps, ibration isolators and fittings such as bends, tees, valves, gauges, strainers with insulation of 19 mm thick elastomeric nitrile rubber along with application of multicoating suitable for use with VRV / VRF piping for protection against mechanical damages, fungal growth, flame spread, water permeance and ultra violet radiations complete with OEM standards of VRV / VRF air conditioning system.




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Providing and fixing ASTM UPVC pipe,conforming to ASTM 2467 with ISO 14001,including all UPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step UPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer. Internal work - Exposed on wall.




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25mm outer dia.




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32mm outer dia.




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40mm outer dia.




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50mm outer dia.




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Supply , Fabrication of MS structural support for VRV outdoor unit with 2 coat of Anti rust paint and 1 coat of Epoxy paint painted with Approved colour. The specification of the support should be as per final approved drawings.




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Supplying and Installing following size perforated type 16 SWG, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 300mm width x 50mm depth




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Supplying and Installing following size perforated type 16 SWG, M.S.cable tray of GI pregalvanised/hot dip galvanised/ powder coated finish, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with suitable MS suspenders including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc, complete as required. 150mm width x 50mm depth




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Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning centralised programmable remote contol panel (HMI) touch manager controls minimum 16 system of minimum 64 ODU's can be controlled and up to 992 IDU's can be individually mounted and ontrolled indoor units having minimum 200 mm size colour LCD touch panel, yearly schedule, power proportional distribution function,temperature limitation, history function complete erected on wall with an arrangement to integrate with provided fire alarm system.




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Providing vaccumising the airconditioner system to 200 micron and charging with R-410A/R32 refrigerant for air conditioning unit.




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Supply, Installation , testing of Necessary AHU Kit to connect the customized DX coil ceiling suspended untis with VRF circuit.




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Supplying, erecting, testing & commissioning fresh air intake system, ductable circular inline fresh air fan inlet unit having 300 cfm capacity with maintaining the static pressure minimum 20 mm of Hg complete suitable to operate on 1ph, 230 V, 50Hz, A.C. supply.




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Supplying, erecting, testing & commissioning fresh air intake system, ductable circular inline fresh air fan inlet unit having 1000 cfm capacity with maintaining the static pressure minimum 20 mm of Hg complete suitable to operate on 1ph, 230 V, 50Hz, A.C. supply




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Supplying and erecting exhaust fan heavy duty 230 V A.C. 50 cycles 450 mm. 900 RPM complete erected in position as per specification no. FG-FN/EXF ( 5000 CFM )




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Supply, Fabrication, Installation and Testing of galvanized sheet metal ducts (FACTORY FABRICATED DUCTS) in accordance with the approved shop drawings complete with all accessories like vanes, flanges, suspension rods , anchor bolts, GI bolts & nuts, canvas connections & splitter dampers etc., and as required by the specifications used only for supply and return Ducts. (For supply and return ducts)




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26 gauge galvanized sheet steel




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24 gauge galvanized sheet steel




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22 gauge galvanized sheet steel




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20 gauge galvanized sheet steel




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18 gauge galvanized sheet steel




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Providing and applying of accoustic insulation for air ducts with 25 mm thick, 48kg/cu.m fiber glass faced with RP tissue and covered with 26 SWG perforated aluminium sheets complete.




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750x100x400mm High Sheet Metal Spill air boxes made out of 26 GI sheet fo connecting the Grille bottom outlet & flexible with internal acoustic by 10mm nitrile rubber open cell type




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of manually operated, opposed blade, duct mounted, flanged volume control dampers of required sizes in GI construction complete with operating mechanism, mounting arrangement, rubber refrigerant kits etc. complete.




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Supplying and installing of coller damper of galvanised iron material of upto 120 microns for anti corrosive resistance for supply air grill of required size




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Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of GSS Fire and smoke Dampers with 120 min fire rating in supply air duct/ main branch and return air path as & where required of required sizes . The spring return action shall be built mechanism and not externally mounted. The damper shall also be closed in the event of a fire signal which shall be provided by the fire department in AHU room etc as per specifications as required.




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Supply,installation,testing & commissioning of Spigot & Butterfly Dampers of the size 250 mm dia




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Supply,Fabrication,installationandtestingtheInsulatedflexibleducting, complete with connecting rings, duct support etc as per standards and specification ,the joint should be sealed using 1M tap eat both ends, GSS strip support. size 250 mm dia




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Supply, installation, testing and balancing of powder coated Extruded Aluminium supply/return air Jet difuser with removable core, Aluminium opposed blade volume control dampers in accordance with the approved shop drawings and specifications.The quoted price shall include the necessary duct transistions of suitable gauge




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Supplying and erecting aluminium powder coated linear grill of suitable size for width length without collar dampers having matching colour with the existing false ceiling and suitable for deflection of 15/30/45 degree.




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Supply, Installation, Testing and balancing of Extruded Aluminium Powder coated louvers for Fresh Air intake to AHU/CSU/FCU with 5mm bar profile in front and flange shall be 20mm wide . The blade angles to be 15 ° deflection with standard fixing system by screws or concealed fixing on demand as per shop drawing . To be provided with bird screen mesh(brass).




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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Door transfer supply air louver for toilets with Extruded Aluminium Powder coated . Fixing either with screw system or without screws by sealant of aluminium non vision typ eas per specifications as follows:




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Supply,installationandtestingof13mmThickPhysicallyCross-linked open cell polyole fin foam insulation for supply and Return duct acoustic insulation of density 30kg/m 3 of Fire Retard antgrades. NRC of materials hould beatleast 0.35 for 24 mm thick materia ltested as per ISO354-2000 and calculated in accordance with ASTM C423-90A.




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Supply,installation and testing of "CLASSO" 19 mm thick Physically cross-linked polyolefinfoam /Elastomeric Nitrilerunn der with factory laminate drein force daluminium foil facing with Class0. Thedensity of the foam should be not less than 25kg/m 3 and the maximum thermal conductivity K should be 0.032W/mK@23DegC.Material shouldbe UL94 Approved & fire properties as per the specification. Quoted price shall be inclusive of Adhesive, nitrile rubber Al tapes,etc




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Supply of 4 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554 (Part I) ,IS:7098 (Part I) with latest amendments of following size. (2) 4 Core 4 sq.mm




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Supply of 3 1/2 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. (3) 3.5 Core 50 sq.mm




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Supply of 2 core armoured PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade with ISI mark conforming to IS:1554(Part I) ,IS:7098(Part I) with latest amendments of following size. (1) 2 Core 2.5 sq.mm




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