6515--channel Recorder (va-21-00078402)
This Is A Sources Sought Announcement Only. All Responses Will Be Used For Market Analysis In Determining The Availability Of Potential Qualified Businesses That May Be Used To Determine Appropriate Acquisition Strategy. No Solicitation Is Being Issued At This Time But May Be Issued Later. The Columbia Healthcare Va System (wjb Dorn Va Medical Center) Located At 6439 Garners Ferry Road, Columbia, Sc 29209 Is Seeking Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses (sdvosb), Veteran Owned Small Businesses (vosb) And Vendors Falling Into Other Socioeconomic Small Business (sb) Categories To Provide A Powerlab 4/26 Data Acquisition System. A Description And Specifications For This Item Follow Below. The Powerlab 4/26 Data Acquisition System Is A 4 Channel, 16 Bit Resolution, Recorder With Four Analog Input Channels (4 Bnc Or 4 Pod Port Din Connectors), Independently Selectable Input Sensitivities, An Analog Output (non-isolated) For Stimulation Or Pulse Generation And A Trigger Input. The Pl2604 Features A Durable Aluminium Enclosure As Well As A Wide Range Of Low-pass Filters, Ac Or Dc Coupling And Adaptive Mains Filter. The Unit Features A Usb Interface For Connection To Windows Or Macos Computers And A Maximum Sampling Rate Of 100 000 Samples/s Per Channel. Adinstruments Front-ends Can Be Connected Through The I2c Connector. Includes Labchart Software. Interested Offerors Are Encouraged To Respond To This Notice Via E-mail And Provide Their Companies Name And Associated Duns Number. This Notice Will Be Posted For A Period Of 3 Business Days, Closing On Tuesday, August 10, 2021 At 10am Est. Questions Regarding This Notice Should Be Forwarded To Howard Montgomery Via E-mail At specifications For Powerlab 26 Series analog Inputs number Of Input Channels: 2/26: 2 Din And Bnc 4/26: 4 Din And Bnc configuration: Din Are Single-ended Or Differential Bnc Are Single Ended amplification Ranges: Range Resolution â± 10 V 313 µv ± 5 V 156 µv â± 2 V 62 µv ± 1 V 31 µv ± 500 Mv 15 µv ± 200 Mv 6 µv ± 50 Mv 1.5 µv ± 20 Mv 625 Nv maximum Input Over-voltage: ± 15 V input Impedance: 2/26: 1 M//150 Pf 4/26: 1 M//150 Pf (inputs 1 & 2) 1 M//200 Pf (inputs 3 & 4) input Coupling: Dc Or 0.15 Hz (software Selectable) -3db Bandwidth: 49 Khz dc Drift: Software Corrected cmrr: > 105 Db At A Gain Of 100 interchannel Crosstalk: > 90 Db signal-noise Ratio: > 100 Db (â± 10 V Range) accuracy Error: Less Than 0.2 % non-linearity (max): 0.1 % 26 Research Powerlab: 26 Series - Owner S Guide filters - Low Pass: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 Hz And Anti-alias - Notch: Mains pod Connectors (din) general Features: Combined Power, I2 C And Single-ended Or Differential Analog Input Signals On One Connector, Support Smartpod Transducers, Etc. supply Voltage: ± 5 V Regulated maximum Current: 50 Ma Per Pod Connector communications: 2-wire I2 C signal Input: Positive And Negative Analog Inputs And Analog Return connector Type: 8-pin Din With Metal Surrounds sampling adc Sampling: Simultaneous Across Channels adc Resolution: 24-bits (16-bits Resultant) adc Linearity: ±0.0006 % Fsr (inl) available Sampling Rates: 100 000 Samples/s Down To 10 Min/sample output Amplifier output Configuration: 2 Outputs- Complementary output Resolution: 16-bit maximum Output Current: 20 Ma accuracy Error: Less Than 0.2 5 linearity Error: ±0.5 Lsb (inl) (typical) ±0.5 Lsb (dnl) (typical) output Ranges: ± 10 V â± 5 V ± 2 V â± 1 V ± 500 Mv ± 200 Mv output Slew Rate: 2.3 V/âµs settling Time (g=1, 10 V Step): 5 µs output Impedance: 0.001 external Trigger trigger Mode: Ttl Level Or Contact Closure, Software Selectable trigger Threshold: +1.3 V (rising Edge), +1.1 V (falling Edge) hysteresis: 0.3 V input Load: Hcmos maximum Input Over-voltage: ±12 V minimum Event Time: 3 S expansion Ports i2c Expansion Port: Power And Control Bus For Front-end Units. Supports A Number Of Front-ends Equal To The Number Of Powerlab Analog Inputs. Interface Communications Rate Of Up To 10 Kbits/s. microprocessor And Data Communication cpu: Digital Signal Processor Freescale Dsp56858 data Communication: Hi-speed Usb 2.0 (max Of 480 Mb/s Transfer) Compatible With Usb 1.1 Hosts. physical Configuration dimensions (h × W × D): 65 Mm × 200 Mm × 250 Mm (2.56" × 7.9" × 9.8") weight: 1.7 Kg (3 Lb 12 Oz) operating Requirements operating Voltage Range: 95 264 V Ac, 47 63 Hz rated Power: 35 Va power Requirements: ~10 W operating Conditions: 5 35 °c, 0 90% Humidity (non-condensing) safety earth Leakage Current: Less Than 300 A safety Device Compatibility: 10 Ma transport And Storage conditions: 0 40 °c, 0 95% Humidity (non-condensing) equipment: The Powerlab Must Be Connected To Safety Earth Via The Power Supply Cable To Ensure Electrical Safety. specifications For Powerlab 35 Series number Of Inputs: 4/35: 4; Single-ended And Differential 8/35: 8; Inputs 1 4 Are Single-ended And Differential; Inputs 5 8 Are Single-ended 16/35: 16; Inputs 1 4 Are Single-ended And Differential; Inputs 5 16 Are Single-ended input Configuration: Single-ended Or Differential (the Latter Only Through The Pod Connectors) amplification Ranges: ±2 Mv To ±10 V Full Scale In 12 Steps: range Resolution Noise (rms) â±10 V 313 µv 1 Lsb â±5 V 156 µv 1 Lsb â±2 V 62.5 µv 1.5 Lsb â±1 V 31.3 µv 1 Lsb â±0.5 V 15.6 µv 1 Lsb â±0.2 V 6.25 µv 1.5 Lsb â±0.1 V 3.13 µv 1.5 Lsb â±50 Mv 1.56 µv 2 Lsb â±20 Mv 625 Nv 2.4 µv â±10 Mv 312 Nv 2.4 µv â±5 Mv 156 Nv 2.2 µv â±2 Mv 62.5 Nv 2.2 µv maximum Input Voltage: ±15 V input Impedance: ~ 1 M || 100 Pf low-pass Filters: 1 Hz To 1 Khz In 2:5:10 Steps; 2 Khz, 25 Khz ac Coupling: Dc Or 0.15 Hz (software-selectable) frequency Response (-3 Db): 25 Khz On The ±10 V Range dc Drift: Software Corrected cmrr: 100 Db @ 100 Hz (differential Mode, 100 Mv 2 Mv Range) input Crosstalk: 75 Db Minimum input Noise: < 350 µvrms Referred To Input On The ±10v Range pod Connectors general Features: Combined Power, I2c And Single-ended Or Differential Analog Input On One Connector, Supports Smartpod Transducers, Etc. supply Voltage: ±5 V Regulated maximum Current: 50 Ma Per Pod Port communications: 2-wire I2c signal Input: Positive And Negative Analog Inputs connector Type: 8-pin Din sampling adc Resolution: 16 Bits (313 µv Resolution On The ±10 V Range) linearity Error: ±2.5 Lsb maximum Sampling Rates: 200 Khz Using One Or Two Input 100 Khz Using Three Or Four Inputs 40 Khz Using Five To Eight Inputs 20 Khz Using Nine To Sixteen Inputs. analog Outputs number Of Outputs: 2 output Configuration: Single-ended (outputs Can Be Used As One Differential Output) adc Resolution: 16 Bits (313 µv Resolution On The ±10 V Range) maximum Output Current: ±50 Ma output Impedance: 0.5 Typical settling Time: 10 µs (to 1% Of Fsr) slew Rate: 6 V/âµs linearity Error: ±4 Lsb output Ranges: ±200 Mv To ±10 V Full Scale In Six Steps: range Resolution â±10 V 313 µv â±5 V 156 µv â±2 V 62.5 µv â±1 V 31.3 µv â±500 Mv 15.6 µv â±200 Mv 6.25 µv external Trigger trigger Mode: Ttl Level Or Contact Closure (non-isolated), Software Selectable. trigger Threshold: +1.3 V (rising Edge), +1.1 V (falling Edge) hysteresis: 0.6 V input Impedance: 50 K maximum Input Voltage: ±12 V minimum Event Time: 5 µs microprocessor And Data Communication processor: Powerpc 405gpr @ 240 Mhz memory: 16 Mb Sdram data Communication: Usb 2.0 expansion Ports i2c Expansion Port: Power And Control Bus For Front-end Units. Supports A Number Of Front-ends Equal To The Number Of Powerlab Analog Inputs. Interface Communications Rate Of Up To 10 Kbits/s. digital Output: 8 Independent Lines, Ttl Output Level (8 Ma Maximum Load Per Line) digital Input: 8 Independent Lines, Ttl Input Level, Threshold 1.2 V, 10 K Input Impedance, 5 V Maximum physical Configuration dimensions (h × W × D): 70 Mm × 240 Mm × 260 Mm (2.76" × 9.45" × 10.2") weight: 8/35: 2.7 Kg (5 Lb 15 Oz) operating Requirements operating Voltage: 90 250 V (automatic) maximum Power Needs: 80 Va (powerlab 4/35 And 8/35; Assuming Worst-case I2c Loading) operating Conditions: 5 35 °c, 0 90% Humidity (non-condensing) storage/transport Conditions: 0 40 °c, 0 95% Relative Humidity safety device Classification: Class I Device unsuitable Uses: Do Not Use In The Presence Of Flammable Anaesthetic-air Mixtures. Avoid Operating Near High Voltage, Rf Or Magnetic Fields That May Cause Interference. Equipment Is Not Suitable For Use In The Presence Of A Flammable Anaesthetic Mixture With Air Or With Oxygen Or Nitrous Oxide operation: Continuous applied Parts: None
Tender Id
36C24721Q1136Tender No
36C24721Q1136Tender Authority