Tenders of Trojan Municipality
Tenders of Trojan Municipality
Trojan Municipality Tender
Civil And Construction...+2Construction Material, Pipe Line Project
"construction of a Visitor Center with Parking - First Stage of an Investment Project "archaeological Complex Sostra - Restoration, Exposition and Socialization - In Two Separate Positions"
Closing Date3 Jan 2025
Tender AmountBGN 1.7 Million (USD 935.8 K)
Trojan Municipality Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Bulgaria – Construction-site Supervision Services – „изготвяне На Доклад За Оценка На Съответствието На Инвестиционния Проект И Упражняване На Строителен Надзор По Време На Изпълнение На Смр По Проект № Bg-rrp-1.007-0216 „модернизация На Су „св. Климент Охридски“, Гр. Троян“
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
Tender AmountBGN 35 K (USD 18.5 K)
Trojan Municipality Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Exercise of Construction Supervision of the Site: "Reconstruction of a Building - Municipal Property in the Village of Golyama Zhelyazna, Troyan Municipality for a Health Service"
Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountBGN 3.4 K (USD 1.8 K)
Trojan Municipality Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
"Preparation of a Report for the Assessment of the Compliance of the Investment Project and Exercise of Construction Supervision During the Implementation of the Construction Contract for Project No. Bg-rrp-1.007-0216 "Modernization of the "St. Kliment Ohridski" Swimming Pool, Troyan"
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
Tender AmountBGN 35 K (USD 18.5 K)
Trojan Municipality Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Bulgaria – Construction-site Supervision Services – Упражняване На Строителен Надзор На Обект: „ Преустройство На Сграда - Общинска Собственост В С. Голяма Желязна, Община Троян За Здравна Служба“
Closing Date13 Jan 2025
Tender AmountBGN 3.4 K (USD 1.8 K)