Transport Tenders
Transport Tenders
North Lincolnshire Council Tender
Transportation and Logistics
United Kingdom
Description: Dynamic Purchasing System For Local And Home To School Transport
Closing Date20 Jun 2026
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Moss Kommune Tender
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Details: Announcement of competition: vehicle - dynamic purchasing system Moss municipality intends to enter into a dynamic procurement scheme for purchases or leasing service cars for the municipality. the client wants a scheme to meet the need for own transport, as well as safeguard regional and local guidelines to reduce climate and environmental impact. the client wants the future car fleet to be turned towards becoming significantly more climate- and environmentally friendly and optimally be zero-emission vehicles. Information about subcontracts This acquisition is divided into sub-contracts: no Languages such as offers or requests for participation can be submitted to Norwegian Eligibility Criteria : eligibility to carry out the professional activities, including requirements for registration in a business register, professional register or trade registeroverview and short description of conditions: the supplier must have orderly conditions regarding payment of tax, employer tax and value added tax. the supplier must be registered in a business register. or trade register in the state the supplier is established.economic and financial capacityoverview and brief description of qualification requirements: the supplier shall have sufficient sufficient economic and financial capacity to fulfill the contract.the supplier shall have sufficient sufficient economic and financial capacity to fulfill the contract.technical and professional qualificationsoverview and brief description of qualification requirements: the supplier must have experience from comparable assignments. the supplier must have experience from comparable assignments.
Closing Date15 Jun 2029
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Kent County Council Tender
Transportation and Logistics
United Kingdom
Description: Ss15 96 Psv Dps - Supported Local Bus (including Kent Karrier) And Home To School Transport Services
Closing Date31 Dec 2026
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Staffordshire County Council Staffordshire Place 2, Tipping Street, Stafford St16 2dh Tender
United Kingdom
Description: The Provision Of Transportation For Local Service Transport Within Staffordshire. Dynamic Purchasing System
Closing Date31 Aug 2039
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Hull City Council Tender
United Kingdom
Details: Tenders are invited for taxi & small bus services. dps This advertisement is to join the taxi & small bus services dynamic purchasing system (dps).Kingston upon hull city council (the authority) is seeking providers to supply & deliver transport services for education and social care. the authority intends to establish a dynamic purchasing system ...Ty. providers will be required to accept the service terms and conditions when bidding for contracts under the dps.If you are interested in applying to join this dps please ensure you register your interest as well as completing and submitting the standard selection questionnaire for this dps. Estimated contract dates: 04/11/2016 end date 03/11/2026
Closing Date3 Nov 2026
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Nittedal Kommune Tender
Environmental Service
Details: Announcement of competition: Dynamic purchasing system - Consulting services to the sector for environmental and social development, Nittedal municipality. A dynamic purchasing system will be established for the purchase of various advisory services. A dynamic purchasing system is a full electronics procurement process that will be open to all suppliers who meet the qualification requirements and who have qualified for the qualification basis. The consultancy services establish a dynamic purchasing system within the fields of water and drainage (VA), transport, plan, natural diversity and geology and geotechnical engineering. Opening tenders: 06/05/2027 Announcement date: 2017-05-19 The deadline mentioned in the tender is an estimated submission date, kindly refer the document for exact date or co-ordinate with the publishing authority for the exact submission date.
Closing Date6 May 2027
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Herefordshire Council Tender
Transportation and Logistics
United Kingdom
Description: Passenger Transport Dynamic Purchasing System
Closing Date5 Jun 2026
Tender AmountGBP 56 Million (USD 69.5 Million)
9841-9850 of 9890 active Tenders