Transport Tenders

Transport Tenders

Hospitals With Limited Responsibility Tender

Description: "Operation of the Progress of Transport of Sanitarny, Specjalistical I of the Way of Na 3 Zadanie dla Hospitala Specjalistyczny W Prabutach Sp. From O. O. For Period 24 Miesięcycycycy
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Transportation in Resolution Tender

Description: Municipal Transport Board of W Rzeszowie
Closing DateNA
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Community Fund in the Isle of MAZOVIECKY SOCIETY with Limited Responsibility Tender

Description: As a result of the reporting of the Resolution, Transport I Zagospodaring of Biodegradation (2002 01). - 2 Progression
Closing DateNA
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Gmina City Gift Tender

Description: The announcement of the Dostawa Zakup Samochodu Na Potrzeby Transports of the People's Republic of the People's Republic of China
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Local Service Centre In Radomiu Tender

Description: As a result of the Progressing of Dostawa Owoców I Warzyw along with Z Transport for the Social Helps of W Radomiu W Period of 01.09.2022 of the Year for 31.2022.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Roads, Greenery And Transport Authority In Olsztyn Tender

Purchaser Name: Roads, Greenery And Transport Authority In Olsztyn | "Poniku Proępowanie Roboty Constructionlane Construction Wiaduktu Drogowego W Ciągu Ul
Closing DateNA
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Institute of Car Transport Tender

Purchaser Name: Institute of Car Transport | Description: The reporting of the Elektra Nuclear Power Administration of the Energy Administration of the Elektra Nuclear Energy Research Institute in the Institute of Transport of the Automotive Energy
Closing DateNA
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Department Of Public Payments Tender

Description: As a result of the Progress of Transport of the Uczniów Niepełnosprawnych I Opieki W sometimes Przewozu W Roku Szkolnym 2022/2023/2023/20232023/2023/20232023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023/2023
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Main Inspectorate Of Road Transport Tender

Purchaser Name: Main Inspectorate Of Road Transport | Description: The main Inspektorat Transport of the Road Transport
Closing DateNA
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Municipality Of Birds In Birds Tender

Description: As a result of the Progress of Transport I Opieki W sometimes the Uczniów Niepełnosprawnych Z Terenu Gminy Pszczyna Doół, I damaged I Ośrodków Się Na Ternie Gminy Pszczyna Wolny 2022
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
9601-9610 of 9996 active Tenders