Tenders of The Township Happiness
Tenders of The Township Happiness
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Tenders of The Township Happiness
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Tenders of The Township Happiness
The township happiness Tender
Boots of Tactical! Procedure not followed by “Public procurement” And it's the I.D. for the Identity of Metoy Roschirenna Kola Postachalnikiv Ta Otrimána Actu-Informacci. Acquisition of $100,000.00. In the Circus Vicano Vicluno Z Technic Metoy for the Electron Paul Ta Formuanni Ogoloshenni, Vacana Suma Not Her Origintir for the Horizhniev.
Closing Date2 Sep 2022
Tender AmountUAH 100 K (USD 2.7 K)
The township happiness Tender
I'm sorry. Procedure not followed by “Public procurement” And it's the I.D. for the Identity of Metoy Roschirenna Kola Postachalnikiv Ta Otrimána Actu-Informacci.
Purchase of 100,000.00 Grn. In the Casana Viclone Z-Technical Metoy System for the Elecron Paul Ta Formuvanni Ogoloshenni, Vkazan Suma Not Her Origin for Horizhniev.
Closing Date16 Sep 2022
Tender AmountUAH 100 K (USD 2.7 K)