Spain Tenders
Spain Tenders
Company Of Agrarian Transformation S A , S M E , M P , TRAGSA Tender
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Supply in Lease of a Tracked Tractor for the Work: “reforestation in the Public Utility Mountains No. 241, 242 and 244 Belonging to the City Council of Trabazos (Zamora)”, Financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), To be awarded by Abbreviated Simplified Open Procedure.
Closing Date2 Feb 2025
Tender AmountEUR 37.7 K (USD 39.8 K)
The Board of Directors knows the public enterprise of the soil Tender
Telecommunication Services
Sepes Informs of the Opening of the Deadline for Submitting Offers for the Acquisition, Through an Open Procedure, by Competition, of Plot Pr-1.2 of the Malpica Santa Isabel Project in Zaragoza.
Closing Soon10 Dec 2024
Tender AmountEUR 211.8 Million (USD 223.7 Million)
9811-9820 of 10000 active Tenders