Software And It Solutions Tenders
Software And It Solutions Tenders
Academy of Successful Economic Studies - Romania Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Romania – License Management Software Package – Licențe Pentru Software-ul Pentru Crearea Resurselor Educaționale Deschise – În Beneficiul Proiectului ”pedagogie Digitală În Educație. Implementarea De Programe Digitale Pentru Formarea Competențelor Profesorilor Și Dezvoltarea De Resurse Educaționale Deschise” – Pedigiedu
Closing Date20 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
WAS Wirtschaft Arbeit Soziales Gesch Ftsfeld Services, Abteilung Finanzen Und Beschaffung Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Switzerland – Construction Work – Av-technik Was, Neubau Eichhof West
Closing Date27 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Platform Housing Group Tender
Software and IT Solutions
United Kingdom
Platform Housing Group (phg) Is Seeking To Implement A Robust Comprehensive And Flexible Treasury Management System (tms) To Enhance Risk Management Operations And Its Strategic Funding Goals. The System Must Be User-intuitive Seamlessly Integrate With Key Systems And Support Operations Reporting And Risk Management.
Closing Date21 Mar 2025
Tender AmountGBP 390 K (USD 491.6 K)
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Contract notice - general guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (construction work) Building management technology All locations, automation and control cabinets Building automation - automation and control cabinets Building management technology All locations, automation and control cabinets The overall measure comprises four lots: Lot 1: MBE construction of a new management and operating level with web-based access within the network. Simultaneous operator access for three participants. Hardware server in Wetzlar and Dillenburg. One operator station each in Wetzlar and Dillenburg with access to the fault messages from all three locations. Time programs, trends and characteristic curves must be partially reproduced because the outdated controllers cannot be adapted for this in terms of programming. Construction of an energy management system Alarm forwarding via a COM server to the alarm server with an ESP interface. Lot 2: Expansion of the networks with new switches and integration into a new structure. Each bus participant receives its own network connection. Lot 3: Renewal of the control cabinets of various automation stations. Mostly using the existing cabling. Partial replacement of the automation station in the existing control cabinet in Dillenburg (old Staefa Nruf system). Lot 4: Network cabling of the automation stations to the nearest server cabinet with an average cable length of 30m. A separate cable (copper) is drawn for each participant. 19 inch patch panels for the server cabinets are to be installed. Ethernet connectors are to be placed on top hat rails in the control cabinets of the automation stations. Patch cables for connecting to the bus participants. Extension of cable routes where this is not sufficient. Cabling between devices and control cabinets in Wetzlar (op3 to 6), as the new control cabinet is to be set up elsewhere. Cabling to various meters and cable to the nearest automation station.
Closing Date17 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Lublin Commune Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Poland – Networking Software Package – Dostawa Licencji Dla Posiadanych Przez Zamawiającego Urządzeń Sieciowych Oraz Systemu Zarządzania. Zamówienie W Zakresie Licencji Globalprotect Gateway /ha Lub Równoważnych Realizowane Jest W Ramach Projektu Pn. "cyberbezpieczna Gmina Lublin". Projekt Współfinansowany Jest Ze Środków Unii Europejskiej W Ramach Programu Fundusze Europejskie Na Rozwój Cyfrowy 2021 – 2027 Oraz Budżetu Państwa
Closing Date20 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
7861-7870 of 10000 active Tenders