Review of the Expert Basis for the Preparation of the National Spatial Plan: Section 1: National Road from Otiški Vrh to the Prevalje Junction; Section 2: Koper – Dragonja Expressway
A-42/24; Implementation of Consulting Services in the Realization of Investments on National Roads for the Time Period 2025-2028 / Other Work Activities
D-127/24 Rehabilitation of Walls, Banks and Reconstruction of the Road at the Location "Pristava" on the Road R3-926/6506 Koprivna - Črna From Km 6,900 to Km 7,600
A-36/24; Preparation of Project Documentation for the Construction of Level Crossings Due to the Cancellation of the Level Crossings of Gregorinova, Viška and Gmajnica on Line No. 50