Portugal Tenders

Portugal Tenders

Municipality Of Basto Tender

Supply Gasoline Road The Granel To The Municipal Roads
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 45.688 (USD 50)

Republican National Guard - GNR Tender

Cpurg 01/drl/da/2021 - Interim Procedure For Acquisition of Services Travel And Accommodation Gnr
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 120 (USD 131)

Republican National Guard - GNR Tender

Fuel Acquisition (gasoline) Maritime The Lpc P01 Traction Torch Ucc/gnr Until 31 December 2021
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia Tender

Acquisition of Services From Hygiene And Cleaning For Non-Group School/school Groupings From the Municipality of Vila Nova Gaia
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 195 (USD 214)

Intermunicipal Water and Sanitation Services of Oeiras and Amadora Municipalities Tender

Urgent Public Contest for The Acquisition of Counters Dn 15 Dn25
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 146 (USD 160)

Republican National Guard - GNR Tender

Cpurg 02/drl/da/2021 - Interim Procedure For Acquisition Services Travel And Accommodation The Gnr of August September 2021.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 138 (USD 151)

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

1-2.0154/22 - Po Hemostatico 1gr, Ponta Agulha de Bisturi Electrico Recta 10cm, Ponta Agulha de Bisturi Electrico Recta 15cm, Ponta Pipeta Esteril C/ Filter 0 - 10 Micl, Prolongador Cateter Dialise Pe.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 178 (USD 195)

University Hospital Centre Lisbon Central, E P E Tender

1-2.0167/22 - Acquisition of Thinking, Soda, Fittings And Other Clinical Consumption Articles
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 103 (USD 113)

Municipality of White Castle Tender

Acquisition of Services Cleaning And Hygiene Buildings and Other Municipal Areas
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 119 (USD 130)

Department of Health on the island of Sao Miguel - USISM Tender

Acquisition of Medical Services, Period Between 14 March And 31 May 2022 To The Health Unit From São Miguel Island
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountEUR 195 (USD 214)
2011-2020 of 2708 active Tenders
4.6 / 5 Star
Rated by 4,832customers
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