Paint Tenders
Paint Tenders
Philippine National Oil Company - PNOC Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Building Construction
Details: Description I. Scope Of Work: The Work Consists Of The Furnishing Of All Necessary Labor, Materials, Tools And Equipment, Including Technical Supervision Necessary To Complete The Execution Of Renovation Of Pnoc Warehouse Into A Gym: A. Replacement Of Roof 1. Mobilization/ Demobilization A. Site Temporary Enclosure Using Blue Sack Or Any Suitable Material That May Enclose The Workplace 2. Construction Of Project Billboard In Compliance To Coa Circular No. 2013-004 3. As-built Plans Of The Project 4. Construction Health And Safety A. Proper Hauling Of Materials B. Personal Protective Equipment C. Installation Of Safety Signage And Cautions 5. Dismantling Of Existing Roofing Materials, Insulations And Fixing Hardware 6. Hauling Of Dismantled Roofing Materials, Insulation And Fixing Hardware To The Designated Area 7. Supply And Installation Of Pre-painted Rib Type Roofing Materials And Double Bubble Double Foil Insulation Including Fixing Hardware 8. Demobilization Includes Cleaning Up Of Site, Clearing, Hauling And Disposal Of Waste And Construction Debris Outside The Compound. B. Renovation Of Warehouse Into A Gym As Outlined In The Bill Of Quantities (boq) 1. Renovation Of Warehouse Into A Gym Site Work 2. Construction Of Male And Female Toilets With Showers 3. Supply And Execution Of Finishing Works 4. Supply And Execution Of Plumbing Works 5. Supply And Execution Of Electrical Works
Closing Soon13 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 5.7 Million (USD 99.3 K)
Oriental Mindoro Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Building Construction
Details: Description Invitation To Bid Construction Of Health Center At Barangay Tagumpay, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro 1.the Municipal Government Of Naujan - Bids & Awards Committee, Through Its Annual Budget 2025- 20% Development Fund Intends To Apply The Sum Of One Million Four Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Four Pesos And 15/100 Only (₱1,499,994.15) Being The Approved Budget For The Contract (abc) To Payments Under The Contract For Construction Of Health Center At Barangay Tagumpay, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro/ Mgn-infra 2025-008. Bids Received In Excess Of The Abc Shall Be Automatically Rejected At Bid Opening. 2.the Municipal Government Of Naujan- Bids & Awards Committee Now Invites Bids For Construction Of 4.70m W X 7.22m L X 4.45m H (n.g.i. To Top Of Parapet Wall), One Storey Building (health Center). Elevated 0.40m Above Ground Level, Chb Laying, Plastered Finished, Electrical Works, Water And Sewerage Lines, 2 Units Comfort Room With Grab Bars For Pwd, With One (1) Unit Septic Tank. Glass Window On Jalouplus Frame With Window Grills, Tile Works, Metal Trusses, Metal Roofing With Flashing & S/s Inside Gutter, With Paint, With Ceiling, With Water Proofing, With Pwd Ramp, With S/s Railings, With Plant Box. Note: With Existing Skeletal Frame Of The Building. Completion Of The Works Is Required Within 89 Calendar Days. Bidders Should Have Completed, Within Five (5) Years From The Date Of Submission And Receipt Of Bids, A Contract Similar To The Project Equivalent To 50% Of The Contract To Be Bid, Provided That, Contractors Without Similar Contact, Provision Under Section Of The Revised Irr Will Apply. The Description Of An Eligible Bidder Is Contained In The Bidding Documents, Particularly, In Section Ii, Instructions To Bidders. 3.bidding Will Be Conducted Through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using Non-discretionary “pass/fail” Criterion As Specified In The 2016 Revised Implementing Rules And Regulations (irr) Of Republic Act (ra) No. 9184. 4.interested Bidders May Obtain Further Information From Municipal Government Of Naujan- Bids & Awards Committee, And Inspect The Bidding Documents At The Address Given Below During Monday To Friday, From 8:00am- 5:00pm. 5.a Complete Set Of Bidding Documents May Be Acquired By Interested Bidders On February 18, 2025, From Given Address And Website/s Below And Upon Payment Of The Applicable Fee For The Bidding Documents, Pursuant To The Latest Guidelines Issued By The Gppb, In The Amount Of Five Thousand Pesos Only (5,000.00). The Procuring Entity Shall Allow The Bidder To Present Its Proof Of Payment For The Fees Will Be Presented In Person. 6.the Municipal Government Of Naujan- Bids & Awards Committee Will Hold A Pre-bid Conference[ May Be Deleted In Case The Abc Is Less Than One Million Pesos (php1,000,000) Where The Procuring Entity May Not Hold A Pre-bid Conference. ] On February 26, 2025, 2:00 Pm At The Bids & Awards Committee Office, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, Which Shall Be Open To Prospective Bidders. 7.bids Must Be Duly Received By The Bac Secretariat Through Manual Submission At The Office Address As Indicated Below On Or Before 1:30pm., March 12, 2025 At The Bids & Awards Committee, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. Late Bids Shall Not Be Accepted. 8.all Bids Must Be Accompanied By A Bid Security In Any Of The Acceptable Forms And In The Amount Stated In Itb Clause 15. Opening Shall Be On March 12, 2025, 1:30pm At The Given Address Below. Bids Will Be Opened In The Presence Of The Bidders’ Representatives Who Choose To Attend The Activity. 10.the Bidders’ Representative Shall Submit Proof Of Identification (i.d.), Special Power Of Attorney (spa) To Represent Duly Signed Principal, And Observe The Required Minimum Health Standards As Provided By The Relevant Guidelines Of The Department Of Health Doh). 11.the Municipal Government Of Naujan- Bids & Awards Committee Reserves The Right To Reject Any And All Bids, Declare A Failure Of Bidding, Or Not Award The Contract At Any Time Prior To Contract Award In Accordance With Sections 35.6 And 41 Of The 2016 Revised Implementing Rules And Regulations (irr) Of Ra No. 9184, Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability To The Affected Bidder Or Bidders. 12.for Further Information, Please Refer To: Rona Liza B. Naluz Bac Secretariat Naujan, Oriental Mindoro Https:// May Visit The Following Websites: For Downloading Of Bidding Documents: Https:// February 18, 2025 Marces A. Pangilinan, Rea Bac Chairperson
Closing Soon12 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 1.4 Million (USD 26.1 K)
Municipality Of Argao, Cebu Tender
Manpower Supply
Details: Description The Bids & Awards Committee (bac) Of Municipality Of Argao, Cebu, Invites All Interested Suppliers/manufacturers/distributors/contractors/consultants To Apply For Eligibility And To Submit Bids For The Following: B.9 Mobilization /demobilization Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.00 Ls 1.00 L.s. Mobilization /demobilization Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 15.00 A. Backhoe (0.80 Mᶾ) 1.00 15.00 B. Dumptruck (12 Ydᶾ) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.5 Project Billboard/signboard Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 Ls 1.00 L.s. Project Billboard/signboard Direct Cost: A. Materials: 64.00 Sq.ft. A. Tarpaulin (4' X 8') 37.00 Bd.ft. B. Lumber Coco 1.00 Kg C. Common Nails Assorted 2.00 Sheets D. Plywood Marine (1/4" X 4' X 8') B. Manpower: Number Of Days 4.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 4.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 4.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.7(2) Occupational Safety And Health Program Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 L.s. 1.00 L.s. Occupational Safety And Health Program Direct Cost: A. Materials: Ppe 2769.00 Man-days A. Safety Helmet 2769.00 Man-days B. Safety Shoes 2769.00 Man-days C. Working Gloves 1.00 Set E. First Aid Kit B. Manpower: Number Of Days 15.00 1.00 A. Safety Practitioner/officer (part Time) C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 800(1) Clearing And Grubbing Quantity 720.00 M² Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 500.00 M² 720.00 M² Clearing And Grubbing Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.00 0 0 B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B.unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 2.00 A. Dumptruck (12 Ydᶾ) 1.00 1.00 B.payloader (1.50 Mᶾ) 1.00 1.00 C.bulldozer (155 Hp), D65a-8 "note: Assumed Hauling Distance Is 3 Km. If Actual Hauling Distance Is Shorter Or Longer Than 3 Km, The Time Of Dump Truck Will Be Adjusted Accordingly Based On The Hauling Cycle Analysis. Based On Assumed 150 Mm Cut All Throughout. A Corresponding Adjustment In The Output Shall Be Computed Based On The Actual Field Requirements ." Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 803(1)a Structure Excavation (common Soil) Quantity 14.68 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 20.00 M3 14.68 M3 Structure Excavation (common Soil) Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Backhoe (0.80 Mᶾ) 1.00 2.00 B. Dumptruck (12 Ydᶾ) Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 804(1)a Embankment From Structure Excavation Quantity 14.68 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 9.84 M3 14.68 M3 Embankment From Structure Excavation Direct Cost: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 0.75 A. Plate Compactor (5 Hp) 1.00 0.75 B. Backhoe (0.80 M3) Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 804(1) Embankment Quantity 72.00 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 9.84 M3 72.00 M3 Embankment Direct Cost: A. Material: 1.25 Cu.m Embankment Materials (with 25% Shrinkage Factor) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.75 1.00 A. Plate Compactor (5 Hp) 0.75 1.00 B. Backhoe (0.80 M3) Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 804(4) Gravel Bedding Quantity 44.79 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.20 M3 44.79 M3 Gravel Bedding Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 M3 A. Gravel Bedding (g1)(w/5% Shrinkage Factor) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 8.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.50 1.00 A. Plate Compactor (5 Hp) 0.00 0.00 Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c2 " Structural Concrete (footing)" Quantity 4.64 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.36 M3 4.64 M3 " Structural Concrete (footing)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 4.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c3 " Structural Concrete (wall Footing)" Quantity 4.32 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.36 M3 4.32 M3 " Structural Concrete (wall Footing) " Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 4.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c4 " Structural Concrete (columns)" Quantity 5.39 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.36 M3 5.39 M3 " Structural Concrete (columns)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 4.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c6 " Structural Concrete (ground Floor Slab)" Quantity 1.08 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.357 M3 1.08 M3 " Structural Concrete (ground Floor Slab)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 4.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c7 " Structural Concrete (concrete Bench)" Quantity 7.50 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.357 M3 7.50 M3 " Structural Concrete (concrete Bench)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 4.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 902(1) " Reinforcing Steel Of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Grade-40" Quantity 1,742.08 Kg Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 143.44 Kg 1742.08 Kg " Reinforcing Steel Of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Grade-40" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Kg A. Deformed Reinforcing Steel - G40 0.02 Kg B. #16galvanized Iron Wire C. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 12.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.50 1.00 A. Bar Cutter 0.50 1.00 B. Bar Bender Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 903 (2) Formworks And Falseworks Quantity 84.00 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 3.24 M2 84.00 M2 Formworks And Falseworks Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.35 Pcs A. Ordinary Plywood - 3 Uses 7.19 Bd Ft B. Good Lumber - 3 Use 0.21 Kg C. Assorted Common Wire Nail D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Installation 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 4.00 C. Unskilled Laborer Removal 0.41 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 0.41 6.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1046.00 100 Mm Chb Non Load Bearinglload Bearing (including Reinforcing Steel) Quantity 103.20 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 3.83 M2 103.20 M2 100 Mm Chb Non Load Bearinglload Bearing (including Reinforcing Steel) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 13.00 Pc A. 100 Mm Thk Chb (non-load Bearing) 13.00 Pc B.150mm Thk. Chb(non Load Bearing) 0.53 Bag C. Cement 0.04 Cu.m D.sand 3.24 Kg E. Reinforcing Steel 0.05 Kg F. #16 Tie Wire B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 5.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1027(1) Cement Plaster Finish Quantity 206.40 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 7.13 M2 206.40 M2 Cement Plaster Finish Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.33 Bag A. Cement 0.03 Cu.m B. Sand B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 6.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047 (2)b Metal Structure( 2 Seater Seesaw With Double Swing Set,2 Sets Playground Climber) Quantity 1,131.30 Kgs Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 85.00 Kg 1131.30 Kg Metal Structure( 2 Seater Seesaw With Double Swing Set,2 Sets Playground Climber) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Kg A.structural Steel 0.01 Kg M. Acetylene 0.02 Kg N. Oxygen 0.02 Kg O. Welding Rod P. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Fabrication 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer - Erection 0.49 3.00 Skilled Labore 0.49 3.00 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.75 1.00 A. Welding Machine 0.25 1.00 B. Cutting Outfit 0.49 1.00 C.truck Mounted Crane(20-25meters) Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047 (3)b Metal Structure (stair) Quantity 552.12 Kg Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 85.00 Kg 552.12 Kg Metal Structure (stair) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Length/s A. Structural Steel 0.01 Tank H. Acetylene 0.02 Tank I. Oxygen 0.02 Box J. Welding Rod K. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer Erection 0.49 3.00 A. Skilled Labore 0.49 3.00 B.unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.75 1.00 A. Welding Machine 0.25 1.00 B. Cutting Outfit 0.49 1.00 C.truck Mounted Crane(20-25meters) Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047(3)a Metal Structure Accessories Quantity 198.00 Each Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 85.00 Kg 198.00 Kg Metal Structure Accessories Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M A. Anchor Bolt (0.95kg Per 1 Pc - 600mm Anchor Bolt) 1.00 Pc B. Anchor Bolt (0.47kg Per 1 Pc - 300mm Anchor Bolt) C. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1014.00 Prepainted Metal Sheets (hi Rib Roofing, Long Span, 0.427 Mm Thk.) Quantity 9.90 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 2.769 M2 9.90 M2 Prepainted Metal Sheets (hi Rib Roofing, Long Span, 0.427 Mm Thk.) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M A. Prepainted Metal Sheets (rib Type, Long Span, 0.427mm Thk. 10.00 Pc B. Tek Screw B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1013(2)a1 Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory Quantity 8.00 M Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 11.800 M 8.00 M Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 M A. Gi Plain Sheets, Ga. 18x12' (0.701mmx2.44mm) 19.00 Pc B. Blind Rivets C. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1038(1) " Reflective Insulation" Quantity 9.60 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 5.560 M2 9.60 M2 " Reflective Insulation" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M2 A. Reflective Insulation B. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(1) 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board On Metal Frame Walling Quantity 9.60 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.243 M2 9.60 M2 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board On Metal Frame Walling Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 Sq.m A. 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board 1.13 Pc B. Metal Furring 0.36 Pc C. Carrying Channel 1.00 Pc D. Hanger Bars/rods 6.00 Pc E. Channel Clip 0.24 Pc F. Wall Angle 14.00 Pc G. Rivets 4.00 Pc G. 1" Metal Screw B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1100(10) Conduit Works, Boxes And Fittings Quantity 1.00 I.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 I.s. 1.00 I.s. Conduit Works, Boxes And Fittings Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Length A. 25 Mm Ø X 3.00 M Rsc Pipe 80.00 Length B. 15 Mm Ø X 3.00 Mm Pvc Pipes 10.00 Pcs C. 15mm Ø Pvc Coupling 30.00 Pcs D. 15mm Ø Pvc Elbow 25.00 Pcs E. Utility Box 30.00 Pcs F. Junction Box 1.00 Pcs G. 25mm Ø Entrance Cap 0.00 0 H. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 47.39 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 47.39 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 47.39 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1101(33) Wires And Wiring Devices Quantity 1.00 I.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 I.s. 1.00 I.s. Wires And Wiring Devices Direct Cost: A. Materials: 220.00 M A.3.5 Mm2 Electric Wire Thhn 160.00 M B.5.5 Mm2 Electric Wire Thhn 25.00 M C. 8.00 Mm2 Electric Wire (thhn) 4.00 Set E. Two-gang Switch 16.00 Set G. Duplex Convenience Outlet H. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 28.05 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 28.05 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 28.05 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1102(1) Panel Board With Main Breaker/branches, 3 Wires, 1 Neutral, 50 Amp - 200 Amp Quantity 1.00 Set Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Set 1.00 Set Panel Board With Main Breaker/branches, 3 Wires, 1 Neutral, 50 Amp - 200 Amp Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Set A. Panel Board With Main Breaker And 8 Branches 50 Amp - 200 Amp 1.00 Pcs B. 60 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 2.00 Pcs B. 30 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 2.00 Pcs B. 20 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 2.00 Pcs B. 15 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 0.00 0 B. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 5.50 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 5.50 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 5.50 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1103(1) Lighting Fixtures Quantity 1.00 I.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 I.s. 1.00 I.s. Lighting Fixtures Direct Cost: A. Materials: 10.00 Set A. 1-18 Watts Downlight/pinlight,recessed Type 1.00 Units B. Emergency Lamp (twin Head) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 29.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 29.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 29.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1032(1)b Painting Works (wood Painting) Quantity 210.80 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.890 M2 210.80 M2 Painting Works (wood Painting) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.05 Gal A. Glazzing Putty 0.04 Gal B. Flat Wall Enamel 0.04 Gal C. Enamel Quick Dry 0.25 I D. Paint Thinner 0.01 Pint E. Tinting Color (optional) F. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1032(1)c Painting Works (metal Painting) Quantity 92.44 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 2.000 M2 92.44 M2 Painting Works (metal Painting) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.05 Gal A. Red Oxide Primer 0.10 Gal B. Enamel Paint 0.25 L C. Paint Thinner 0.00 0 D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(17) Carpentry & Joinery ( Wooden Balluster) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery ( Wooden Balluster) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 227.50 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber(210 Pcs 6.5"x1/2"x4ft) 20.00 Kg B. Assorted Cwnails D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 6.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(18) Carpentry & Joinery ( Roof Framing) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery ( Roof Framing) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 172.00 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber (43 Pcs 2"x4"x6ft) 68.00 Bd.ft B. Good Lumber (34 Pcs 2'x2"x6ft) 12.00 Kg B. Assorted Cwnails 0.00 0 D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(19) Carpentry & Joinery (wood Column) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery (wood Column) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 907.20 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber (21 Pcs 6"x6"x12ft) D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(20) Carpentry & Joinery (beam) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery (beam) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 96.00 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber (10 Pcs 4"x4"x6ft) B. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(21) Carpentry & Joinery (wood Slab ) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery (wood Slab ) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 142.50 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber (25 Pcs 1"x9.5"x6ft) 15.00 Kg B.assorted Cwnails D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1000(2) Wood Preservative Quantity 20.00 L Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 3.000 L 20.00 L Wood Preservative Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 L A. Termite Control (solignum) 0.00 0 D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 20.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 20.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 20.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1027(3) Concrete Pavers Quantity 49.50 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.500 M2 49.50 M2 Concrete Pavers Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.33 Bag A. Portland Cement 0.03 Cu.m B. Sand 1.00 Sq.m C. Decorative Stone D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 5.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) A.1 Playground Wall Climbing Quantity 1.00 Lot Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Lot 1.00 Lot Playground Wall Climbing Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Lot A. Plastic Climbing Grip With Expansion Bolt , Safety Belt& Harness ,steel Pulley Wire Rope Ring Rail Wheel Traction Pulley Lifting Bearing Pulley, Climbing Rope(100 Meters) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 56.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 56.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 56.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) A.2 Playground Amenities Quantity 1.00 Lot Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Lot 1.00 Lot Playground Amenities Direct Cost: A. Materials: 10.00 Meter/s A. Cable Wire Rope 10.60 Meter/s B. Abaca Rope 25.20 Meter/s B. Chain D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 40.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 40.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 40.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) A.3 Perimeter Fence Quantity 1.00 Lot Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Lot 1.00 Lot Perimeter Fence Direct Cost: A. Materials: 30.00 Rolls A. Interlink Wire(4") 4feet D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 40.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 40.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 40.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax)
Closing Soon12 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 3.3 Million (USD 58 K)
City Of Tandag Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Building Construction
Details: Description Construction Projects- Construction Of Public Toilet Brgy. Mabua, Tandag City -1.00 Each Project Billboard/signboard -1.00 I.s. Occupational Safety And Health Program -31.58 M² Embankment From Structure Excavation -12.40 M² Gravel Fill -7.64 M² Structural Concrete (3000 Psi, Class A, 28 Days) -2,909.53 Kg Reinforcing Steel (deformed) Grade 40 -63.20 M² Formwork And Falseworks -88.00 M² Reflective Insulation -85.94 M² Ceiling (4.5mm Metal Frame, Fiber Cement Board) -4.26 M² Aluminum Glass Window (awning Type) -6.93 M² Wooden Panel Door -1.00 L.s. Modular Partition -1.00 I.s. Finishing Hardware -8.00 M² Prepainted Metal Sheets (corrugated,long Span, Above 0.427mm Thk) -38.18 L.m. Fabrication Metal Roofing Accessory (gauge 24, Gutters) -74.21 M² Glazed Tiles And Trims -54.00 M² Unglazed Tiles -422.60 M2 Cement Plaster Finish -461.91 M² Painting Works (masonry/concrete) -10.91 M² Painting Works (wood) -66.63 M² Painting Works (steel) -144.98 M² 100mm Chb Non Load Bearing (including Reinforcing Steel) -29.36 M2 150mm Chb Load Bearing (including Reinforcing Steel) -1.00 L.s. Structural Steel -615.00 Kg Structural Steel Purlins -12.00 Ea Metal Structure Accessories (tumbuckle) -22.20 Kg Metal Structure Accessories (sagrods) -26.65 Kg Metal Structure Accessories (cross Bracing) -1.00 L.s. Railing -1.00 L.s. Conduits, Boxes And Fittings (conduit Works/conduit Rough-in) -1.00 L.s. Lighting Fixtures And Lamps -1.00 L.s. Wire And Wiring Devices -5.00 Set Exchaust Fan -1.00 L.s. Sewer Line Works -1.00 L.s. Storm Drainage And Downspout -1.00 L.s. Septic Vault (concrete) -1.00 L.s. Cold Water Lines -1.00 L.s. Set Water Tank
Closing Soon17 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 2.5 Million (USD 43.5 K)
3351-3360 of 4177 active Tenders