Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung

Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Contract notice – General guideline, standard arrangements Open procedure (construction work) Earthworks and structural work Earthworks and structural work Earthworks and structural work None
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Contract notice – General guidelines, standard rules Open procedure (construction work) Stainless steel pool Stainless steel pool Stainless steel pool Conversion and renovation of the Bad Camberg outdoor swimming pool: Main dimensions of the stainless steel pool: - Stainless steel for 1 diving pool Approx. 300 m² water surface Approx. 122 m² pool head ... Multi-stainless steel pool Stainless steel pool Stainless steel pool Conversion and renovation of the Bad Camberg outdoor swimming pool: Main dimensions of the stainless steel pool: - Stainless steel for 1 diving pool Approx. 300 m² water surface Approx. 122 m² pool head made of stainless steel Approx. 50 linear meters -Stainless steel for 1 swimmers' pool Approx. 570 m² water surface Approx. 420 m² pool head made of stainless steel Approx. 90 linear meters -Stainless steel for 1 non-swimmers' pool Approx. 450 m² water surface Approx. 400 m² pool head made of stainless steel Approx. 95 linear meters. -stainless steel For 1 children's paddling pool Approx. 80 m² water surface Approx. 75 m² pool head made of stainless steel Approx. 25 linear meters 1 x diving tower system 1 m 1 x diving tower system 3 m 1 x climbing wall 10 x attractions
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Contract notice – General guideline, standard rule Open procedure (services) Installation and operation of IP landline connections Installation and operation of IP landline connections Installation and operation of IP landline connections The aim is to set up a centralised redundant IP landline connection as access to the public telephone network at the locations of the contracting authority’s two data centres. The central telephone number block for all of the contracting authority’s properties must be provided via this central IP landline connection.
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+2Civil Works Others, Machinery and Tools
Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (construction work) Extension and renovation of the lagoon adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (upland), painting work, painting, plastering, varnishing and scaffolding work Extension and renovation of the lagoon adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (upland), ... Multiple extension and renovation of the lagoon adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (upland), painting work, painting, plastering, varnishing and scaffolding work Extension and renovation of the lagoon adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (upland), painting work Plastering and painting work = approx. 3,750 sqm walls Plastering and painting work = approx. 650 sqm ceilings Plastering and painting work = approx. 60 sqm stairs Painting work = approx. 20 m supports Painting work = around 10 doors
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Building Construction
Contract notice – general guideline, standard regulation negotiated procedure with prior publication of a call for competition/negotiated procedure (services) Groß-Gerau district, structural extension of the Albert Schweitzer School in Mörfelden-Walldorf to create a two-stream inclusive all-day primary school. Specialist planning of building automation for a two-storey new building with learning clusters and a cafeteria/auditorium in modular construction. Specialist planning of building automation for the demolition of a one-storey toilet facility and extension to an existing all-day building in conventional construction Groß-Gerau district, structural extension of the Albert Schweitzer School in Mörfelden-Walldorf to create a two-stream inclusive all-day primary school. See appendix service description specialist planning of building automation for a two-storey new building with learning clusters and a cafeteria/auditorium in modular construction. Project funding for new construction with funding from the noise protection program. Billing until 12/2026. Rough cost estimate without Kg 700 is €6,817,000.00 net. Specialist planning for building automation for the demolition of a single-storey toilet facility and extension to an existing all-day building. Demolition of a single-storey toilet facility, extension to an existing all-day building. Rough cost estimate without Kg 700 is €495,000.00 net. The main building, which is a listed building, is to receive a new heating system. The existing individual room control is to be upgraded.
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Contract notice - general guidelines, standard rules, open procedure (construction work) lifting platform As part of the new construction of the Wetzlar fire department main base at Ernst-Leitz-Strasse 44, 35578 Wetzlar, the Wetzlar city council intends to procure a lifting platform. Over ... Multiple lifting platform As part of the new construction of the Wetzlar fire department main base at Ernst-Leitz-Strasse 44, 35578 Wetzlar, the Wetzlar city council intends to procure a lifting platform. Higher-level service quantity: 1 underfloor scissor lift, min. 25 tonnes, delivery and installation of lifting platform As part of the new construction of the Wetzlar fire department main base at Ernst-Leitz-Strasse 44, 35578 Wetzlar, the Wetzlar city council intends to procure a lifting platform. Superior service quantity: 1 piece underfloor scissor lift min. 25 tons delivery and installation
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+2Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Contract notice - general guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (services) Expansion of the classrooms for the Kurt Schumacher School in 61184 Karben, as well as construction of the outdoor facilities Provision of general planning services (architectural and specialist planning services in accordance with the contract ... More Expansion of the classrooms for the Kurt Schumacher School in 61184 Karben, as well as construction of the outdoor facilities Provision of general planning services (architectural and specialist planning services in accordance with the contract notice) for the expansion of the classrooms for the Kurt Schumacher School in 61184 Karben, as well as construction of the outdoor facilities. Expansion of the classrooms for the Kurt Schumacher School in 61184 Karben, as well as construction of the outdoor facilities Title 1: "Expansion of the classrooms" As part of the "Expansion of the classrooms at the Kurt Schumacher School in Karben", a barrier-free new building with an elevator system is to be built. The attached overview plan Represents the current development, with the new building only being shown as an example. The location of a suitable site on the school premises must be examined. A feasibility study is to be prepared for this in performance phase 1. Under certain circumstances, it will also be necessary to prepare a site analysis following a decision by the developer. The layout on the site should, if at all possible, be chosen in such a way that no additional schoolyards are created, but that as central schoolyard areas as possible remain so that supervision during recess times can be guaranteed as before. Possible location on the site It is conceivable that the area between the old building and the main building will be used as a site. For this it will be necessary for the classroom building (e-building), adjacent to the old building, to be demolished. For the planning and implementation of the demolition work, if necessary, the special service "participation in the awarding of planning and expert services" has been integrated. The same applies to the relocation of the green classroom in the area of this construction site to a suitable location on the school premises. A structural connection to the existing main building and, depending on the specified location, the old building is conceivable and must be examined, particularly with regard to fire protection issues and fire protection concept (taking into account the connected existing buildings). If a connection between the main building and the old building makes sense, this must be implemented. The same applies to a possible integration of existing buildings. The aforementioned services were therefore included as an option. From a technical point of view, a connection is to be preferred. Project goal: The goal of the functional, compact extension to the Kurt Schumacher School is, in terms of quality, to construct an ecological building that, among other things, offers a pleasant learning atmosphere even in the increasing summer heat without the installation of air conditioning (for a healthy room temperature, according to the Workplace Ordinance IVM the Technical Rules for Workplaces (asr), points 4.3 and 4.4, suitable sun protection measures must be taken at room temperatures above 26 degrees Celsius). Central or decentralized classroom ventilation is optionally possible. The type of ventilation to be used is decided by the client after testing/recommendation by the specialist planner in the project. Furthermore, the management costs, particularly those related to the cost drivers of cleaning, janitorial services, heat, electricity, maintenance (taking into account any damage caused by vandalism during school operations) and servicing over the life cycle of the building (construction phase, usage phase: 50 years, disposal phase), should be reduced or minimized to the bare minimum. When planning and executing the project, economic efficiency must always be taken into account. The project must be planned within the client's budget (total expenditure required). Architectural designs that conflict with the "functional and compact construction" requirement are not desired. Additional costs should be avoided and materials and equipment should be planned to a good standard (no high-end design) in order to avoid unnecessary costs. Changes to the order are possible if they are requested by the client and confirmed in writing and if they do not change the overall nature of the order. Please refer to Appendix 01_project description for further information.
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Contract notice – general guideline, standard regulation, open procedure (construction work) Heating and cooling Heating systems and central water heating systems (DIN 18 380); Air conditioning systems (DIN 18 379); Heating and cooling Renewal of the heating installation from the house inlet F ... More heating and cooling Heating systems and central water heating systems (DIN 18 380); Air conditioning systems (DIN 18 379); Heating and cooling Renewal of the heating installation from the house inlet District heating as well as construction of cold generation and distribution in the building. The listed building is being completely renovated and an extension is being added. The dismantling and pollutant remediation of the existing building has already been carried out. Execution of the heating installation including renewal of the district heating transfer station (approx. 365 kW) for heating the building with approx. 290 radiators divided into 3 heating circuits and the heating connection of four RLT systems. Installation of a new cooling system consisting of three propane chillers with a recooler on the roof (approx. 165 kW) as well as provisions for a local cooling connection on site. Execution of the cooling distribution and transfer to ULKS in technical rooms (approx. 15 units), ULKS in laboratory rooms (approx. 10 units), on-site compressors and cooling water transfer points in laboratory areas (approx. 55 units) as well as cooling-side connection to three air-conditioning systems
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Publishing and Printing
Contract notice – General guideline, standard arrangements Open procedure (supplies) Supply of five personnel carriers Supply of five personnel carriers Supply of five personnel carriers The invitation to tender comprises one lot. 1. Supply of five ... Additional supply of five personnel carriers Supply of five personnel carriers Supply of five personnel carriers Supply of five personnel carriers The invitation to tender comprises one lot. 1. Supply of five personnel carriers
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Contract notice - general guideline, standard regulation, open procedure (construction work) Gas, water and drainage systems DIN 18381 Gas, water and drainage systems inside buildings (DIN 18 381); Gas, water and drainage systems DIN 18381 Execution of the wastewater ... Multi-gas, water and drainage systems DIN 18381 Gas, water and drainage systems inside buildings (DIN 18 381); Gas, water and drainage systems DIN 18381 Execution of the wastewater, water, process water and domestic water systems as well as the technical gases for laboratories, lecture halls, offices, sanitary facilities and ancillary rooms. Renewal of the sanitary installation from the house inlet to the underground pipes. The underground pipes are in the existing building or will be created on site. The listed building is being completely renovated and an extension is being added. The dismantling and pollutant remediation of the existing building have already taken place. The sanitary installation in the building includes the waste water, drinking water, service water and domestic water pipes for laboratories, lecture halls, offices, sanitary facilities and ancillary rooms with around 50 sanitary facilities, a separation station for domestic water, a water softening system, two lifting systems, a pumping system and four small lifting systems. In addition, the installation of the services for technical gases and compressed air takes place in smaller laboratory areas with a pipe length of around 500m.
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
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551-560 of 644 archived Tenders