Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Magistrat Der Stadt Homberg Efze

Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Magistrat Der Stadt Homberg Efze

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Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Magistrat Der Stadt Homberg Efze
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Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Magistrat Der Stadt Homberg Efze

Offizielle Bezeichnung Magistrat Der Stadt Homberg Efze Tender

Correction notice The notice (file: Notice) has been updated. The update is made possible by the two change files (file 1: Change No. 1 to the notice and file 2: Change No. 2 to the notice ...
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Magistrat Der Stadt Homberg Efze Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Restricted tender with competition (service) Object planning of buildings and interiors in accordance with Section 34 of the Hoai The client, the city of Homberg (efze) (ag), is planning to build a new fire station (Fw for short) in the Lembach district. The accident insurance fund has criticized the existing fire station. There is no longer enough space on the property of the existing fire station for a necessary extension. The new fire station building is to be integrated with the existing village community center (dgh) in order to utilize the synergy effects of the rooms, so that, for example, the hall can be converted into a training room but can also be used for events in the village. A feasibility study from 2017 is available. For further information see Annexes 1 Applicant Information and E Job Description
Closing Date16 Dec 2024
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Magistrat Der Stadt Homberg Efze Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Public tender (service) Investor selection process for the Homberg (Efze) clinic area In 2020, the city of Homberg (Efze) acquired the site of the former Asklepios or district clinic in order to develop it into a new, modern urban quarter. Reliable and experienced partners are needed to implement this project. To this end, the political bodies of the city of Homberg (Efze) have decided to initially sell the areas built up with the former ward house and the former nurses' residence of the old district clinic to suitable investors. It was also recommended that the existing buildings of the clinic, the former ward building including the atrium extension and the former nurses' residence, be retained as far as possible. The remaining buildings will be demolished. The open spaces created in this way will also be sold as the project progresses. Here, developers and construction groups will be given the opportunity to realize various types of residential projects. Concept tender The investors will be selected as part of concept tenders. A characteristic of a concept tender is that the investor is not selected based on the highest bid, but primarily on his concept for the project implementation. The quality of the submitted concepts will be assessed on the basis of an evaluation matrix that is drawn up before the start of the process and made known to interested parties. The evaluation matrix contains criteria for evaluating the concepts. The criteria reflect which developments are important both for the property/area in question and for the city itself and must or should be considered accordingly. Since not all criteria are equally important, different weightings are defined in the evaluation matrix for the various criteria for the subsequent evaluation of the concepts. This ensures in a transparent manner that the bidder who offers the best concept is selected as the investor. The concept is bindingly agreed upon with the investor in the purchase contract. Deadlines for the implementation of the concept are also regulated in the purchase contract. This creates a framework for the development of the area in question which, if well planned, has a positive effect on the urban development of the municipality. Concept tenders are now being used more and more frequently by German cities as an instrument to be able to control urban development in a targeted manner. Development goals The city of Homberg (efze) has set the following goals for the development of the new residential quarter: - Creation of a lively, green and traffic-safe residential quarter, - Mixture of the quarter with different types of construction and housing for families, senior citizens, young people, cross-generational and community groups, - Creation of a lively quarter center/quarter square in the sense of a quarter of short distances with a variety of additional uses (e.g. daycare center, hotel, medical facilities, fitness studio, services, office, social and cultural uses), - Appropriate building density and height development (approx. 2-3 floors + roof), - The public space of the quarter should primarily serve as a place for residents and employees to stay and should be equipped with economical development as a low-car quarter with an adapted parking space ratio, - Economical rainwater retention should be planned, - Green roofs and facades are desirable, - An energy supply close to the quarter is intended, - The ward block and the nurses' residence are to be retained. Process Firstly, the sub-areas with the existing buildings "ward block with atrium" and "nurses' residence" are to be marketed. These areas have been identified as key objects that are essential for successful district development. It is planned that at least the site of the former ward block with atrium extension will be sold in spring 2025. As soon as these sites have been successfully sold, the marketing of the remaining areas can begin. For the sale of the remaining sites, it is planned to carry out low-threshold concept tenders.
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents