Tenders of Municipal Road Administration

Tenders of Municipal Road Administration

Municipal Road Administration Tender

Software and IT Solutions
Announcement of the intention to conclude a contract for construction works and ongoing maintenance of public roads in the city of Zabrze in 2024, divided into parts. Part 1: Current Maintenance of Municipal Roads in the City of Zabrze in 2024 - Southern Zone
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Road Administration Tender

Remont Al. Marszałka Józef Piłsudski W Płocku, W Ciągu Drogi Krajowa nr 60
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Road Administration Tender

Municipal Board of Drog
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Road Administration Tender

Reconning of the Remonts I Napraw, Nawierzchni Z Prefabryed Elements of Betonów, Brukowcowych Ulic Commons of I Powiatów W Ostrowierzchni Z Prefabrychni Z Prefabricated Elements of Betonowych, Brukowcowych Ulic Commons of the I Powiatów W Ostrowie Wielkopolskim Wielkopolskim Wielkopolskim Wielkopolski
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Road Administration Tender

"Podzenie O Wyniku Postępowanie Usługi Świadczenie Usługa Engineera dla Inwestycji Pn: "The construction of the Objects of Engineers on the Town of Zabrze Z Monday Na Part". Part 13: Przepust W Ciągu Rowu Melioracji Pod Ul. Jordana"
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Road Administration Tender

As a result of the Progressing of the Office of the Designal and Costructoral Documentation of the Design and Covenant of the Office of the Interior, Opinia, Uzgodnienienienienienienienienia for Zadanie Ulmonta W Ostrowie Wlkp. – The construction of the Jesuits I Chodners
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Road Administration Tender

The announcement of the Office of the Workers' Construction of the Remonts of the Fourteens, Napraw Nawierzchni Bitumów W Ramach Bieging the Ulics of the I Powiatów Na Terenie Ostrowa Wielkopolski
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Road Administration Tender

"Poniku Proępowanie Roboty Constructionlane Construction of the construction of the Kanalization Deszczowa w Ulicy Jaśminowa W Ostrowie Wielkopolskim" (in Polish)
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Road Administration Tender

"Rewitalization of the Knights of the Designation of the Project-Cosztory for Zadanie Pn"
Closing DateNA
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Municipal Road Administration Tender

Municipal Board of Drog
Closing DateNA
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11-20 of 28 active Tenders