Tenders of Medical Education And Drugs Department
Tenders of Medical Education And Drugs Department
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
CATEGORY: Hand Saw, Portable Metal , Band Saw for Sectioning body
and Limbs , Storage to hold 10 cadevers, Static Movable
tank with input and output facility with Lid , Trolley table ,
Charts , Diagrams , Anotomy models , Anaolgy models ,
Teaching Maniqins , Steel Tray , Embalming Machine ,
Microtome , Hotplate flateing section , Diamond pencil ,
Articulated skeleton , Microscope Oil emmerssion , Stade
Incubator , Wintrope pippetts for ESR and PCV stand , Colori
meter , Spygnomanometer digital Mercury based ,
Stethoscope demonstration with multiple ear piece , Knee
hammer , Opthalmoscope , otoscope , Digital ECG machine
, Yoga Mat , Tuning fork to test hearing 32-10000 cps 100,
256,512 Hz , Spirit lamps , Refrigirator 9-10 cft , Water
distillation , Steel with spare heating element , Analytical
balance upto 200g 1gm increment , Digital Colorimeter ,
Glucometer with strips POCT , Thermometer 0-250 deg ,
Boiling water bath , Bottle dispenser , Vortex mixture ,
incubator 37C , Digital analytical balance , Elisa Reader and
Washer , 400 lit capacity Refri , Stop watch reading at 1by5
second , Pipet single Chenel 0.5-10ul , Pipet single Chenel
50-200ul , Pipet single Chenel 100-1000ul , Pipet single
Chenel 20-200ul , Regent Bottles 100 ml , Regent Bottles
250 ml , Regent Bottles 500 ml , Regent Bottles Ember 100
ml , Regent Bottles Ember 250 ml , Regent Bottles Ember
500 ml , Hot Plate , Autoclave , Water bath , Single pan
digital Balance chemical , Balance Chemical with weights ,
Fully automated Counter , incubator Electric , Balance for
weighing food stuff , Weighing machine adult , Baby
weighing machine , BP apparatus , Needle shredder ,
Glucometer , Clinical thermometer , Octoscope
Closing Date14 Feb 2025
Tender AmountINR 12 Million (USD 137.3 K)
41-50 of 52 archived Tenders