Tenders of Medical Education And Drugs Department
Tenders of Medical Education And Drugs Department
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
CATEGORY: Autostainer , Liquid Based , Electrophorosis , HPLC , Manual
Rotary Microtome , Automated Rotary Microtome , Paraffin
Embbedding Bath , Heated Paraffine Embbedding Module ,
Automated Tissue Processor Histokinette , Centrifuge ,
Coagulometer , Cropped Water Testing kit , Treatment kit ,
Maskuto Catching kit , First aid kit , Slides , Incubator ,
Digital Physiograph , Polygraphs , Digital Spirometer ,
Stethograph , Bicyle Erometer , Van Slyke Apparaus
Manometric , Student Physiograph , Voltage Stabiliser , Hot
Air Oven , Semi Auto Analyzer , Centrifuge Cleaner for 8
Tube , Fix Volume Pipette , Variable and Fix Volume
Microscope Auto Pipette , Vacutainer Tube , PCR Machine
ither in the Intubation , ABG Machine , Auto Analyzer ,
Complete Caromatricgraphic unit for paper and TLC ,
Spectophotometer , ISE Analyzer
Closing Date17 Feb 2025
Tender AmountINR 16.6 Million (USD 192.3 K)
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender
Furnitures and Fixtures
CATEGORY: Table with Marble or Stainless steel tops , Table with marble
half standard size , Drill machine , Stuls preferabbly metal ,
Brain knife , Mortury cooler with arrangement to keep
atleast 8 body or suitable alternative arrangement , Plastic
tank for storing soft and disected parts , movie camera with
screen , X-ray view box , Slides , Dissection instruments ,
meat cutting machine for thin body sections , Microtome
rotary , Cabinet for 1000 slides , Hot Air oven for drying
slides 450 cc , Disarticulated bone set , Wet speciemen jar ,
Steel racks , Demonstration Eye piece , Double
demonstration eye piece , Wesrgreens pipette for ESR on
stand , Hemoglobin meter sahils or Helige with space ,
Hemocytometer , Thermometer balances microslide and
glassware , Multichannel physiograph, 3 channels complete
with accessories , Colorimeter photo electric , Digital
Perimeter , Stethoscope , Digital Spirometer , Moses
Ergograph , Clinical Thermometer , Compass Asthesiometer
, Thermo asthesiometer , Algometer , Schematic Eye ,
Colour pricription lantern , Dynamometer , stop watch ,
Venous pressure apparatus , Douglus Bag complete , Basal
Metabolosim appratus , Appratus for passive movments ,
facoscope , parimeter with charts , Madoxx rod , Neoton
colour wheel , Gas analyser automatic for Co2, O2 N2 ,
Sherington sterling chemograph , electromagnetic time
marker , Mayograph stand , Electronic stimulator , tuning
fork time marker 100sec , Elctrodes , Morris tembhour ,
Software to demonstrate amphibian and mamilian
experience , low voltage unit for tapping 2 and 4 voltage for
stimulation , Centrifudge high speed , All glass distillation
apparatus double stage , Step down transformer ,
Urinometer Calibrerated , Constant temperature water bath
tank capacity temp range 5 to 80 deg celcius , PH meters of
wide range , Complete electrophoresis apparatus with
power supply , Densitometer with computer , Fume
cupboard , Balance micro , Urine strip for glucose and
protien , Centrifudge tubes graduated , Cold plate for
modular tissue embedding system , Ultrapure water solution
distilled water plant , Grossing staion , Hydrometer milk ,
Salters baby weghing machine , harpenden caliber , Height
measuing stand , Multimedia Projector , Public address
system , MUCA tapes , Water sampling bottle from any
depth , Iodine testing kit , Hemocytometers with red and
white pipettes , Staining Jar for slides , Urinometer ,
Graduated cylinders for various capacity ranging from
100cc to 1000cc , Cryostat , Standalone paraffin dispensing
module cold plate holding more than 100 cassete ,
Standalone cold plate , Cetrifudge clinical , Refrigirator 9 cc
ft , ISE Refrigirator , Cloroscope , Harroks Appratus ,
Hemoglobinometer , Sound Level meter , Vaccine Carrier
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
1-10 of 52 archived Tenders