Tenders of Loviisan Kaupunki
Tenders of Loviisan Kaupunki
Loviisan Kaupunki Tender
Others...+2Civil And Construction, Civil Works Others
Note! Calculation period extended. The attached documents show an earlier deadline, but the time has been extended until 2.3.2025. Questions can also be asked until 16.2. The attached documents have not been updated, so the system dates are valid, not the attachments. The Loviisa Waterworks Company requests your offer in accordance with the attached tender documents for the procurement of wastewater heat pumps for the Vårdön Wastewater Treatment Plant, fully completed. The object of the procurement is specified in the tender documents.
Closing Date5 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
11-20 of 13 archived Tenders