Tenders of Loviisan Kaupunki
Tenders of Loviisan Kaupunki
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Tenders of Loviisan Kaupunki
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Tenders of Loviisan Kaupunki
Loviisan Kaupunki Tender
The City of Loviisa Requests Bids for Special Inspection and Repair Planning for Two Bridges, Puistokatu Bridge (u-8355) and Askolinintie Bridge (u-8366), Under the Conditions Presented in This Document. With the help of the special inspection, the purpose is to obtain sufficient initial data for the planning of the overhaul of the bridges. The goal of the renovation design work is to obtain sufficiently detailed and level contract documents for the bridge contract calculation phase and the implementation of the renovation contract. Research and Repair Plans are prepared as Independent Bridge-specific Plans.
Closing Date16 Sep 2024
Tender AmountNA