Tenders of Keski Suomen Hyvinvointialue
Tenders of Keski Suomen Hyvinvointialue
Keski Suomen Hyvinvointialue Tender
The Kunta Group of the Central Finnish Hospital District Foundations the Dynamic Procurement System for Ultrasonic Equipment. The acquista is divided into seven Device."es.", "a. Radiolog Ultrasonic Equipment", "b. Gynsetologic and Otatetric Ultrasonic Equipment", "c. Ultraä Devices of Updating, Cutting, Anesthesia and Teho Division", "d. Pediatric Ultrasonic Equipment", ". Clinical Neurofysiology Ultrasonic Equipment", "f. Reumatological Ultrasonic Equipment", "g. Physiatric Ultrasonic Equipment", "A more comprehensive description of the Acquisn Description
Closing Date3 Dec 2026
Tender AmountNA
Keski Suomen Hyvinvointialue Tender
Central Finnish Hospital District The Municipal Organisation (ksshp) is authorized by the For Osallistu Con.or to submit applications for the Finnish Activities Complementary Speaking Service. The acquisvu is carried out with Dynamic Procurement System (dps). Acquis.s are established by the Dynamic Journalist Register. A more detailed description of the sleeping plug in Annex 1.
Closing Date31 Dec 2025
Tender AmountNA
11-20 of 19 active Tenders