Italy Tenders

Italy Tenders

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

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Negotiated procedure, through the Empulia Telematic Platform, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B) of Legislative Decree 50/2016 and S.m.i, for the Urgent Reliance of Original Electric Material Bticino Needed to the Uosvd Oftalmology of the Po Di Putignano. Smart Cig Zc1361f01e

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

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Negotiated procedure, through the Empulia Telematic Platform, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B) of the Legislative Decree 50/2016 and S.m.i, for Reliance Urgent of N.30 Kit Procedures for Peripheral Neurostimulation (Evaluation Requirement Sino At 31.12.2022) , Users Alla Uosvd Anestesia E Rianima Smart Cig Z3d361efd6

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

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Procedure Negotiated, Through the Telematic Platform Empulia, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B) of Legislative Decree 50/2016 and S.m.i, For Reliance of the Dusting Service, Washing and Drying of External Glasses (in A single Solution), of the Tapparelles and of the Infissi Della Uosvd Oftalmologia

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

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Bando Revoked - Procedure Negotiated Ex Art. 36, Comma 2, Lett. A) and 58 of Legislative Decree no. N° 50/2016 E S.m.i. Cig (see All. I List Lotti) For purchase Urgent, For One Year Period, of the Active Principle Adalimumab (atc L04ab04) Various dosages.

IRCCS Istituto Tumori Giovanni Paolo II Tender

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Negotiated Procedure For the Supply of Systems for the Management of Tele Territorial Pathology, In 2 Lotti, Separately Adjustable, To Destinate To the Patological Scs of the Institute, To be added with the Criteria of the Economically More Advantageous Offer (ex Art. 95 C.2 of Legislative Decree 50/2016) - Por 2014-2020 Action 9.12 - Schede Project A0912.138

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender

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Gara Europea A Procedura Aperta Telematica, Ai Sensi Degli Artt. 58 E 60 Del D.lgs. N. 50/2016 E S.m.i, Per La Fornitura Di "disinfettanti E Antisettici - Categoria Merceologica D", Occorrenti All'a.o.u.c. Policlinico Di Bari. Gara Ponte.

ASL TA Area Gestione Patrimonio Tender

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Subject: Procedure Telematic Negotiation For Reliance of Printed Supply For Necessities of Hospital Facilities and Territorial Areas of the Local Health Company For Eighteen Months

AMET S P A Tender

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Reliance of Maintenance and Repair Service of All Amet S.p.a.

ISPE Istituto Per I Servizi Alla Persona Per L Europa Tender

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Invitation To Present Offer For Reliance Of Engineering and Architecture Services For Technical-administrative Testing In Work Course Of Energy Efficient Works of the “Sweater Inspection: Via G. De Giuseppe – Orfanotrofio – C. Annesi”, Cup: H32c20000200007, Di Cui Al Por Puglia 2014-2020, Asse Prioritario Iv “Sustainable Energy and Quality of Life”. Action 4.1 “interventions For Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings”. Cig: 9139331e84

ASL BA Area Tecnica Tender

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Fesr 2014/2020 - Works of "West wing requalification of the Territorial Presidio Assistenziale Di Noci and Realization of the Territorial Multipurpose Centre"
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