Italy Tenders
Italy Tenders
ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender
Procedure Negotiated, Through the Telematic Platform Empulia, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B) of Legislative Decree 50/2016 and S.m.i, For Reliance of the Dusting Service, Washing and Drying of External Glasses (in A single Solution), of the Tapparelles and of the Infissi Della Uosvd Oftalmologia
Closing DateNA
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ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender
Negotiated procedure, through the Empulia Telematic Platform, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B) of the Legislative Decree 50/2016 and S.m.i, for Reliance Urgent of N.30 Kit Procedures for Peripheral Neurostimulation (Evaluation Requirement Sino At 31.12.2022) , Users Alla Uosvd Anestesia E Rianima Smart Cig Z3d361efd6
Closing DateNA
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ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender
Negotiated procedure, through the Empulia Telematic Platform, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B) of Legislative Decree 50/2016 and S.m.i, for the Urgent Reliance of Original Electric Material Bticino Needed to the Uosvd Oftalmology of the Po Di Putignano. Smart Cig Zc1361f01e
Closing DateNA
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ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender
Bando Revoked - Procedure Negotiated Ex Art. 36, Comma 2, Lett. A) and 58 of Legislative Decree no. N° 50/2016 E S.m.i. Cig (see All. I List Lotti) For purchase Urgent, For One Year Period, of the Active Principle Adalimumab (atc L04ab04) Various dosages.
Closing DateNA
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ISPE Istituto Per I Servizi Alla Persona Per L Europa Tender
Procedure Negotiated Ex Art. 1, Co. 2, Lett. B), Law No. 120/2020 and Legislative Decree 50/2016 On the Telematic Platform Empulia For Reliance of Insurance Covers R.c.t./r.c.o. And All Risks Assets, After Invitation Revolved To Multiple Economic Operators Individuals Followed By Market Survey
Closing DateNA
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A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender
Gara Europea A Procedura Aperta Telematica, Ai Sensi Degli Artt. 58 E 60 Del D.lgs. N. 50/2016 E S.m.i, Per La Fornitura Di "disinfettanti E Antisettici - Categoria Merceologica D", Occorrenti All'a.o.u.c. Policlinico Di Bari. Gara Ponte.
Closing DateNA
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ISPE Istituto Per I Servizi Alla Persona Per L Europa Tender
Invitation To Present Offer For Reliance Of Engineering and Architecture Services For Technical-administrative Testing In Work Course Of Energy Efficient Works of the “Sweater Inspection: Via G. De Giuseppe – Orfanotrofio – C. Annesi”, Cup: H32c20000200007, Di Cui Al Por Puglia 2014-2020, Asse Prioritario Iv “Sustainable Energy and Quality of Life”. Action 4.1 “interventions For Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings”. Cig: 9139331e84
Closing DateNA
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2321-2330 of 2381 active Tenders