Italy Tenders

Italy Tenders

ASL TA Area Gestione Patrimonio Tender

Negotiated Procedure For Supply Relief In Service Triennale Di N. 5 Lavaendoscopi To Destinare Ai Presidi Ospedalieri Di Grottaglie, Taranto, Martina Franca E Castellaneta Ed Al Pta Di Massafra Dell'asl Di Taranto - Cig 921637486b.
Closing DateNA
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ASL TA Area Gestione Patrimonio Tender

Subject: Procedure Telematic Negotiation For Reliance of Printed Supply For Necessities of Hospital Facilities and Territorial Areas of the Local Health Company For Eighteen Months
Closing DateNA
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ASL BAT Area Gestione Tecnica Tender

Supply E Posa In Opera Di N. 2 Automatic Lifting Machines At the Barletta Hospital Presidio
Closing DateNA
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ARTI Regional Agency For Technology And Innovation Tender

Procedura Negoziata, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 1, Comma 2, Lett. B) Del D.l. N. 76/2020, Convertito Con Modificazioni Dalla Legge N. 120/2020, Per L’affidamento Di Servizi Specialistici Volti Al Supporto All’implementazione Del Sistema Informativo Integrato E Capacity Building Nell’ambito Dell’economia Della Cultura
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

ARTI Regional Agency For Technology And Innovation Tender

Procedura Negoziata, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 1, Comma 2, Lett. B) Del D.l. N. 76/2020, Convertito Con Modificazioni Dalla Legge N. 120/2020, Per L’affidamento Di Servizi Specialistici Volti Al Supporto All’implementazione Del Sistema Informativo Integrato E Capacity Building Nell’ambito Dell’economia Della Cultura
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

E I P L I Ente Irrigazione Puglia, Lucania, Irpinia Tender

Race A Procedure Open Ex Art.60 C.1 D.lgs 50/2016 And For Executive Design The execution of the work "Acerenza and Genzano dams - Works of Adaptation of the Technical Systems of the Bars to the Prescriptions of the Technical Office Damage"
Closing DateNA
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ASL BA P O Di Venere Tender

Negotiated Procedure For Reliance of the Supply of Protection Systems and Ferit Counting Needed to the Operating Room Afferent to the General Surgery of the Venus Po. Smartcig:zdd3838c6a
Closing DateNA
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Regione Puglia Sezione Provveditorato Economato Tender

Letter of Invitation for Reliance of the Services of Insured Brokerage of Triennale Duration in Favor of the Puglia Region.
Closing DateNA
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Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Assignment under concession of the technical, artistic and organizational management service of the Eduardo De Filippo Municipal Theater
Closing Date23 Nov 2023
Tender AmountEUR 7.537 (USD 8)

ASL BA P O Putignano Tender

Negotiated procedure, through the Empulia Telematic Platform, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B) of Legislative Decree 50/2016 E S.m.i, Per L’affidamento di Forniture With Standardized Characteristics Necessary for the preparation of the New Orthopaedic Department C/o The P.o. Di Putignano
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
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