Interior Tenders

Interior Tenders

Authority For Interior And Sports Police Tender

Closing Date27 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Purchaser Name: Authority For Interior And Sports Police | For the tender 'Recovery and transport of corpses, body parts and stillborn fetuses taken into official custody by the police'

Authority For Interior And Sports Police Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date17 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Purchaser Name: Authority For Interior And Sports Police | To the tender 'delivery of a trailer with body - Hacker for the district office of Hamburg Nord'


Civil And Construction...+2Others, Construction Material
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Purchaser Name: GOVERNORSHIP MINISTRY OF INTERIOR VICE MINISTRY | Fuel Purchase to Erzincan Governorship

Ton District Department Of The Interior Tender

Civil And Construction...+2Others, Construction Material
Closing Date28 Feb 2025
Tender AmountKGS 70 K (USD 800)
Purchaser Name: Ton District Department Of The Interior | Support of the 1c Accounting Program

Authority For Interior And Sports Police Tender

Closing Date24 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Purchaser Name: Authority For Interior And Sports Police | To the tender '25 New Sirens'

Authority For Interior And Sports Police Tender

Closing Date3 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Purchaser Name: Authority For Interior And Sports Police | To the advertisement 'filling the position of doctor in the control center'

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Others
Closing Date3 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: Contract notice – Sector Directive, Standard regulation Open procedure (construction work) Leipziger Strasse underground station fire protection – 8 lots Description of the overall construction project In the existing Leipziger Strasse underground station in Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheim district, a fire protection renovation of the entire station is being carried out by the Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “VGF”). The fire protection and construction measures take place on the following levels of the station: A-level - above ground, access to the Leipziger Strasse underground station B-level - distribution level C-level - platform level C1-level - crawl space/technical level below C-level, room height 1.21m D-level - platform level D1-level - crawl space/technical level below D-level, room height 1.21m Simultaneous construction work Other companies will be working on the construction site at the same time as the work is being carried out. Coordination with the companies working on the construction site at the same time is required. The start of work depends on the completion of the respective area by the preliminary trades Lot 1: Electrical work Lot 2: Communications technology (bma) Lot 3: Extended shell work Lot 4: Metalwork Lot 5: Hkls conversion projects Lot 6: Contaminant remediation Lot 7: MSR Lot 8: Construction cleaning work Further tenders/notices are planned for the overall fire protection project on Leipziger Strasse: - Drywallers - Painters/plasterers - Door builders Lot 1: New L&K-communications technology-zlt building The tender includes the construction power and adaptation of the existing installation. The services carried out in the list of services include: - Upgrading of routes and new routes - Installation of lights on the platforms (C and D levels), public areas on levels B, C and D - Fire barriers in the area of the new cable routes - Installation of fire alarm components supplied by the customer - Cabling of the systems, incl. ZLT cabling - Installations in the technical rooms - Protection of the existing building structure for the duration of the construction work - Construction site lighting and construction power - Installation of loudspeakers - Expansion of the Saa control center - Installation of temporary protective measures for personal protection during the construction work - Adjustments to existing installations - Dismantling of old electrical equipment including fastening materials - Delivery and introduction of required materials to the installation site (horizontal and vertical paths within the station) must be factored into the unit prices - Connection work on electrical equipment - Preparation of documentation including evidence of lighting measurements - Production of functional operating systems in accordance with the current state of the art - Commissioning and acceptance of the new operating systems Lot 2: New construction of communications technology (bma) The tender includes the construction power and adjustment of the existing installation. The services carried out in the list of services include: - Installation of a fire alarm system Lot 3: Extended shell construction work The underlying list of services includes the extended shell construction work. The services listed in the scope of work include: - Providing and maintaining your own construction site equipment - Protecting certain TGA routes, built-in components (switch cabinets), furniture and surfaces - Demolition of door thresholds, masonry, wall tiles, drywall - Creating new masonry walls, door openings - Renewal of floor tiles after door replacement - Strengthening existing masonry in accordance with fire protection specifications - Renewal of an interior building expansion joint F90 - Reduction of wall openings - Creating a foundation for a base cabinet including adjustment of the sidewalk and tree border as well as delivery and assembly of a bench - Creating a house entry including laying empty pipes - Professional disposal of non-contaminated demolition material The working height is up to approx. 4.00 m Lot 4: Metalwork The underlying scope of work includes the metalwork. The services listed in the scope of work include: - Provision and maintenance of your own construction site equipment - Cordoning off your own work area in the public area of the station - Demolition of ceiling sails as part of a station closure - Demolition of metal ceiling paneling - Manufacturing, delivery and installation of smoke curtains including the associated drywall aprons - Manufacturing, delivery and installation of ceiling paneling sheets Lot 5: Fire protection renovation of plumbing / fire extinguishing / ventilation The underlying scope of work includes the work of the plumbing, fire extinguishing and ventilation trades. The services listed in the scope of work include: - The repeated decommissioning of the existing ventilation system for work on the BSKs - The cleaning of the ventilation ducts in the area of the removed BSKs up to 2.00 m in length - The preparation of the openings created for the installation of new BSKs - The installation of new BSKs - The installation of new BSKs as overflow openings - The connection of new BSKs to the existing ventilation installation - The dismantling and renewal of the existing insulation - The retrofitting of a few BSKs with an AS-I module and a motor - Various small-scale adaptation work on the existing ventilation installation - The fire protection upgrade of pipe penetrations - The installation of protective and barrier measures for the aforementioned work - The installation of a split refrigeration unit for a technical room - The installation of a fire extinguishing separation station Lot 6: Pollutant remediation Main measure The underlying scope of work includes This includes the remediation of pollutants and dismantling of fire dampers and fire doors on levels B, C and D, as well as in the public area of the station. The services listed in the scope of work include: - Provision and maintenance of our own construction site equipment - Erection of locks and film sealing of areas in accordance with TRGS519 - Dismantling of fire dampers in accordance with TRGS519 and DGUV 201-012 BT58 procedures - Dry cleaning (vacuum extraction) and wet cleaning of areas in accordance with TRGS519 - Visual acceptance by the contractor and clearance measurement by an external company. - Dismantling of the sealing areas. The working height is approximately 2.80m to 4.00m. The work is taking place during a closure and rail operations in the station. Work cannot be carried out continuously to carry out the services in the underlying scope of work. Subsequent trades such as ventilation construction and fire protection must also be taken into account in the schedule. For the pollutant remediation in the B, C and D levels for the following time frame: February 2025 - July 2028 Unrestricted use of the entire work area is possible. Lot 7: MSR The underlying list of services includes the work of the MSR trade. The services detailed in the scope of work include: - Disconnecting the existing cabling from the existing fire dampers and the central control cabinet prior to the asbestos remediation work (dismantling fire dampers) - Dismantling the existing cabling between the fire dampers and the central control cabinet in the ventilation center - Installing new ISP cabinets including the required components and internal cabling - Installing the new ASI cabling including laying systems - Connecting the new ASI cabling to the new fire dampers - Modifications to the existing control cabinet to meet the new requirements of the fire protection concept - Programming work In order to ensure compatibility with the existing ZLT/GLT, the components of the control cabinets are to be offered as product-specific products from Siemens. Lot 8: Building site cleaning work The underlying scope of work includes the building site cleaning work. The services listed in the list of services include: - Rough cleaning of the crawl space - Intermediate cleaning of public areas including stairwells, technical rooms and ancillary rooms during the construction period - Final cleaning of public areas including stairwells, technical rooms and ancillary rooms The working height is up to approx. 4.00m

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Others
Closing Date28 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: Contract notice – Sector Directive, Standard regulation Open procedure (construction work) Leipziger Strasse underground station fire protection – 8 lots Description of the overall construction project In the existing Leipziger Strasse underground station in Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheim district, a fire protection renovation of the entire station is being carried out by the Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “VGF”). The fire protection and construction measures take place on the following levels of the station: A-level - above ground, access to the Leipziger Strasse underground station B-level - distribution level C-level - platform level C1-level - crawl space/technical level below C-level, room height 1.21m D-level - platform level D1-level - crawl space/technical level below D-level, room height 1.21m Simultaneous construction work Other companies will be working on the construction site at the same time as the work is being carried out. Coordination with the companies working on the construction site at the same time is required. The start of work depends on the completion of the respective area by the preliminary trades Lot 1: Electrical work Lot 2: Communications technology (bma) Lot 3: Extended shell work Lot 4: Metalwork Lot 5: Hkls conversion projects Lot 6: Contaminant remediation Lot 7: MSR Lot 8: Construction cleaning work Further tenders/notices are planned for the overall fire protection project on Leipziger Strasse: - Drywallers - Painters/plasterers - Door builders Lot 1: New L&K-communications technology-zlt building The tender includes the construction power and adaptation of the existing installation. The services carried out in the list of services include: - Upgrading of routes and new routes - Installation of lights on the platforms (C and D levels), public areas on levels B, C and D - Fire barriers in the area of the new cable routes - Installation of fire alarm components supplied by the customer - Cabling of the systems, incl. ZLT cabling - Installations in the technical rooms - Protection of the existing building structure for the duration of the construction work - Construction site lighting and construction power - Installation of loudspeakers - Expansion of the Saa control center - Installation of temporary protective measures for personal protection during the construction work - Adjustments to existing installations - Dismantling of old electrical equipment including fastening materials - Delivery and introduction of required materials to the installation site (horizontal and vertical paths within the station) must be factored into the unit prices - Connection work on electrical equipment - Preparation of documentation including evidence of lighting measurements - Production of functional operating systems in accordance with the current state of the art - Commissioning and acceptance of the new operating systems Lot 2: New construction of communications technology (bma) The tender includes the construction power and adjustment of the existing installation. The services carried out in the list of services include: - Installation of a fire alarm system Lot 3: Extended shell construction work The underlying list of services includes the extended shell construction work. The services listed in the scope of work include: - Providing and maintaining your own construction site equipment - Protecting certain TGA routes, built-in components (switch cabinets), furniture and surfaces - Demolition of door thresholds, masonry, wall tiles, drywall - Creating new masonry walls, door openings - Renewal of floor tiles after door replacement - Strengthening existing masonry in accordance with fire protection specifications - Renewal of an interior building expansion joint F90 - Reduction of wall openings - Creating a foundation for a base cabinet including adjustment of the sidewalk and tree border as well as delivery and assembly of a bench - Creating a house entry including laying empty pipes - Professional disposal of non-contaminated demolition material The working height is up to approx. 4.00 m Lot 4: Metalwork The underlying scope of work includes the metalwork. The services listed in the scope of work include: - Provision and maintenance of your own construction site equipment - Cordoning off your own work area in the public area of the station - Demolition of ceiling sails as part of a station closure - Demolition of metal ceiling paneling - Manufacturing, delivery and installation of smoke curtains including the associated drywall aprons - Manufacturing, delivery and installation of ceiling paneling sheets Lot 5: Fire protection renovation of plumbing / fire extinguishing / ventilation The underlying scope of work includes the work of the plumbing, fire extinguishing and ventilation trades. The services listed in the scope of work include: - The repeated decommissioning of the existing ventilation system for work on the BSKs - The cleaning of the ventilation ducts in the area of the removed BSKs up to 2.00 m in length - The preparation of the openings created for the installation of new BSKs - The installation of new BSKs - The installation of new BSKs as overflow openings - The connection of new BSKs to the existing ventilation installation - The dismantling and renewal of the existing insulation - The retrofitting of a few BSKs with an AS-I module and a motor - Various small-scale adaptation work on the existing ventilation installation - The fire protection upgrade of pipe penetrations - The installation of protective and barrier measures for the aforementioned work - The installation of a split refrigeration unit for a technical room - The installation of a fire extinguishing separation station Lot 6: Pollutant remediation Main measure The underlying scope of work includes This includes the remediation of pollutants and dismantling of fire dampers and fire doors on levels B, C and D, as well as in the public area of the station. The services listed in the scope of work include: - Provision and maintenance of our own construction site equipment - Erection of locks and film sealing of areas in accordance with TRGS519 - Dismantling of fire dampers in accordance with TRGS519 and DGUV 201-012 BT58 procedures - Dry cleaning (vacuum extraction) and wet cleaning of areas in accordance with TRGS519 - Visual acceptance by the contractor and clearance measurement by an external company. - Dismantling of the sealing areas. The working height is approximately 2.80m to 4.00m. The work is taking place during a closure and rail operations in the station. Work cannot be carried out continuously to carry out the services in the underlying scope of work. Subsequent trades such as ventilation construction and fire protection must also be taken into account in the schedule. For the pollutant remediation in the B, C and D levels for the following time frame: February 2025 - July 2028 Unrestricted use of the entire work area is possible. Lot 7: MSR The underlying list of services includes the work of the MSR trade. The services detailed in the scope of work include: - Disconnecting the existing cabling from the existing fire dampers and the central control cabinet prior to the asbestos remediation work (dismantling fire dampers) - Dismantling the existing cabling between the fire dampers and the central control cabinet in the ventilation center - Installing new ISP cabinets including the required components and internal cabling - Installing the new ASI cabling including laying systems - Connecting the new ASI cabling to the new fire dampers - Modifications to the existing control cabinet to meet the new requirements of the fire protection concept - Programming work In order to ensure compatibility with the existing ZLT/GLT, the components of the control cabinets are to be offered as product-specific products from Siemens. Lot 8: Building site cleaning work The underlying scope of work includes the building site cleaning work. The services listed in the list of services include: - Rough cleaning of the crawl space - Intermediate cleaning of public areas including stairwells, technical rooms and ancillary rooms during the construction period - Final cleaning of public areas including stairwells, technical rooms and ancillary rooms The working height is up to approx. 4.00m

Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Tender

Closing Date8 Jan 2025
Tender AmountNA 
Purchaser Name: Ministry of the Interior and Overseas | Use and Maintenance of the “Consul Station” Telemedicine Cabins

Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Tender

Closing Date27 Jan 2025
Tender AmountNA 
Purchaser Name: Ministry of the Interior and Overseas | Use and Maintenance of the “Consul Station” Telemedicine Cabins
3751-3760 of 4130 archived Tenders