Govind Ballabh Pant University Of Agriculture And Technology Tender

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Govind Ballabh Pant University Of Agriculture And Technology - GBPUAT Tender

Laboratory Equipment and Services
Opening Date13 Oct 2023
Closing Date28 Oct 2023
Tender AmountINR 5,01,034 (USD 5,796)


Low Form Beaker,low Form Beaker,s Line Petri Dishes,conical Flask,conical Flask,filter Flask With G CATEGORY: Low form beaker , S Line Petri dishes , Conical flask , Filter Flask with Glass Tubulation , Volumetric flask , Test tubes , Culture tubes , Cover glass , Carboy LDPE with PP closure and stopcock , Utility Tray, PP , Retort Stand, PP base with SS Rod , Burette Clamp, PP , Aspirator Bottle with Stopcock, PP , Accupense Bottle Top Dispenser , Kimwipes Disposable Wipes , Hand Protector Grip, silicone , All Clear Desiccator Vacuum, PC PC , Microscopic Slide File, HIPS SAN , Cellobiose discs , Fructose discs , Dextrose discs , Galactose discs , Sucrose discs , Oxidase discs , Urea agar , Sulfanilic acid , Alpha naphthylamine , SIM medium , Nesslers reagent , Tryptone soya agar medium , Glycine , Picric acid , Ammonium molybdate , Potassium antimonyl tartrate , Potassium dihydrogen phosphate , Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate , Iron II sulphate heptahydrate , Sodium phytate OR Calcium phytate , Trichloro acetic acid , Tris buffer , Chrome azurol S , Mannitol , Zinc chloride , Ferric chloride hexahydrate , Andrade indicator , Zinc sulfate , Piperazine , Sulfosalicyclic acid , Succinic acid , Malt extract agar , L-Tryptophan , Perchloric acid , Copper sulfate , Molybdenum trioxide , Disodium phosphate , Citric acid , Tris HCl , 2,4- dinitrophenylhydrazine , Buffer Tablet pH 4.0 , Buffer Tablet pH 7.0 , Buffer Tablet pH 9.2 , Phenolphthalein 0.1percentage w v , Silicon Rubber tubing , Micro centrifuge Tube C , Micropipette tips , Metal loops holder , Steri Swift Disinfectant Wipes , Nichrome loop- D-2 , Nichrome loop- D- 3 , Iron III chloride hexahydrate , Agar POWDER, BACTERIOLOGICAL , Tris base , Safranin , Silica gel , Tris acetate , tris , 2-propanol , SDS , Chloroform Isoamyl alcohol - 24 Ratio 1 , CTAB , Acetic acid glacial , Phenol Chloroform Isoamyl alcohol - 25 Ratio 24 Ratio 1 , EDTA , HipurA soil DNA Purification kit , HipurA fungal DNA Purification kit , HipurA bacterial Genomic DNA Purification kit , RNaseA , Ethidium bromide 10mg , Sodium acetate , Tryphan blue , Lactophenol , Mercury chloride , Grams iodine , Lactophenol cotton blue , Nutrient agar , Yeast malt agar , Xylan from Birchwood , Carboxymethylcellulose , 1 percentage gelatin , Sodium hydrogen phosphate , Andrade peptone water , Casamino acid , Alpha ketobutryate , Gluconic acid , Proteinase K , DNA ladder , Agarose for nucleic acid electrophoresis-250g , TAE buffer , 6X Gel loading buffer


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