Tenders of Government Medical College
Tenders of Government Medical College
Government Medical College Tender
CATEGORY: Knife 3 , Pocket knife , Axe , Calotropis , Tree snake , Saw
scaled viper , Pit vipers , Arandi seeds ricinuscommunis
seeds , Khuchila Nuxvomica , Potassium permanganate ,
Sindur lead oxide RED , Sankhya arsenic oxide ,
Lachhamanrekha , Pink oleander kaner , Dhatura seeds ,
King cobra , Poppy seeds , Marking Nut , Jamalgota
Crotontiglium , Glass powder , Insecticides , Barium
carbonate rat poison , Chillies , Male skull , Female skull ,
Male Mandible , Female Mandible , Male pelvis , Female
pelvis , Male femur , Female femur , Sternum , Humerous ,
Tibia , Patella , Difference between dying declaration and
dying deposition , Ages of eruption of teeth , Difference
between human and animal hair , Estimation of age , Age of
the foetus , Difference between antemortem and post
mortem wound , The postmortem fate of human remains ,
Difference between suicidal and homicidal cut , Difference
between wounds of entrance and exit , Difference between
burns and scalds , N.H.R.C.on autopsy protocol , Burns ,
Defence wound , Different ages of bruises , Maggots , Post
mortem artifacts , Post mortem lividity , Skeleton of Male
pelvis lenghth 24cm Width17cm and Height 15cm ,
Comparative study of lower jaw , Comparative study of skull
, Decomposed body with greenish discoloration of skin over
face chest and upper limbs , Skeleton of Female pelvis
length20cm width15cm Height19cm , Comparative study of
teeth , Sex Assault and murder by strangulation , Suicidal
cut , Contusion caused by blow from blunt weapon lathi ,
Road accident small multiple abrasions and contusion in
forehead and face , Stab injury by single edged weapon on
the left side of the chest , Exit wound skull bone , Partial
hanging , Ligature mark in the neck in case of death by
hanging , Crescentic abrasions finger nail mark and oval
abraided contusion of thumb acase of throttling , Incised
wounds on the neck , Entrance wound skull bone , Entrance
wound shooting with gun exit wound shooting with gun ,
Head injury depressed fracture bone , Lesion of hand from
contact with live wire current 25v , Kerosene burning
Bursting of blisters over the hand and fingers , Degree of
burns set of 4models , Suicidal hanging , Strangulation
showing transverse ligature marks all around the neck.
Closing Soon2 Jan 2025
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81-90 of 88 active Tenders