Garden Tenders

Garden Tenders

Municipal Green Management in Krakow Tender

Description: The reporting of the Umowy Roboty Construction Authority of the construction of the Wykonawcy similar Robót Constructions of the Modernization of the Jordan Garden of Ul
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Road Repair And Maintenance Department Tender

Description: "Operation of the Dostawa Dostawa Garden of the Segmentowy U-12a 2200x1100mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm 700mm mmmmmm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I 2200mm I
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Gynectrol is bigger Tender

Description: As a result of the Progressive Roboty Construction Authority, the Exhibition of the Gardens at the primary school of the W Brudzieu
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Gmina Garden Tender

Purchaser Name: Gmina Garden | Description: Seeing the Progressive Roboty Construction Authority, the construction of the Drog of the Commons, along with the Z Chodnikami I Parkingami Na Terenie Municipality of the Garden of Oraz, construction of the Wodociągu
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Ochotnicza Stra Po Arna W Majdanie Kozic G Rnych Tender

Description: The reporting of the Office of the Robotic Construction of the Construction of the Building of the Extension of the Terence, along with the Gardening of the Witnesses of the Wejscności of Majdan Kozic Górnych, Janów, Wierzchowiska First.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Local Zoo In Boat Community With Limited Responsibility Tender

Description: As a result of O Wyniku Proępowanie Usługi W Zakresie Supporti I Rozliczania Płatności Bezgotów dla Miejskiu Zoological Garden in Łódź Sp. In the year 2022
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Gmina Garden Tender

Purchaser Name: Gmina Garden | Description: As a result of the Progressive Robotic Construction Authority of the Workers' Comples Office (Etap I) contains Azbest Z Budynków Mieszkoowe I Economics on the Town of the Garden (etap I) I (etap I) Garden: Garden of the End of the Garden
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Road Management And City Maintenance Tender

Description: As a result of O Wyniku Proępowanie Usługi Ukwieceni I Pielęgnacja Kwietnikowych, Rabat Kwiatowych, Rond Na Terenie Miasta Piotrkow Tryb. As a result of the Botanic Garden of Piotrków Tryb
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Primary School In The Garden Tender

Purchaser Name: Primary School In The Garden | "Dostawa Mięs I Wędlin"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Primary School In The Garden Tender

Purchaser Name: Primary School In The Garden | "Operation of the Dostawa Dostawa Articles of Food - 6 Parts"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
1941-1950 of 1961 active Tenders