Garden Tenders

Garden Tenders

The School of Agriculture in January Tender

Description: "Operation of Robotic Construction" "The construction of the Garden of the School of the Kształcenia Rolniczego W Janowie" Etap Ivv Ivv
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Gdansk Zoo Tender

Description: "Otto Zawarcie Umowy Roboty Budowlane Remont Pokrycia Dachu Cz.a Wraz Z Robotami Konserwatorskii W Budynku Administracji Gdański Gardenu Zoological Garden of the Zoological Garden of the Zoological Garden of Gdański Zoo
Closing DateNA
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Municipality of Starogard Gdanski Tender

Description: The report of the Office of the Workers' Construction of the Municipality of Public Works No 4 – Mali Odkrywcy – Modernization of the Preservable Garden (building of Citizens) – Ii Przetargtarggtarggtarg
Closing DateNA
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Municipality Of Plunsk Represented By The Mayor Of Plunsk Tender

Description: The reporting of the Office of the Terenu Zieleni Po was the Wilder Garden along the River Płonki Włońsk
Closing DateNA
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City Centre For Education In Krakow Tender

Description: "Operation of Robotic Construction" (2) "The Garden of Nature No 110 W Krakow Na Osorowy 28 (2)"
Closing DateNA
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Theatre Practice Centre Gardzienice Tender

Description: Theatre garden gardens are the centre of the Theatre Theatre Theatre Theatre
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Gmina Garden Tender

Purchaser Name: Gmina Garden | "The construction of the Intellectual, Energoszczędny Oświetlenia Na Terenie Municipale Zagrodno Wraz Z Audytem Infrastruktury Oeniowej" – Realized W Systemie Zabuduj I Wybuduj I Wybuduj I Wybuduj I Wybudujwou Wraz z Z Audytem Z Audytem Infrastrukturyt Oeniowej" – Realized Infrastruture of Lightware
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Gmina Garden Tender

Purchaser Name: Gmina Garden | Description: The Municipality of the Gardens
Closing DateNA
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City of New Sochi Tender

Description: "Poniku Proępowanie Roboty Budowlane Bzp.271.45.2022 Construction Square Zabaw Przybaw Przyspole Szkolno-przedszkol Nr 5 - Realization W Ramach Zażetnego "The construction of the General Staff of the Nazonal Garden" No. 5 - Realization W Ramach Zażetowy "The construction of the General Office of the Urban Square"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Municipality Of Krakow Tender

Description: Remont Garden of Electrical School No. 1 at Kraków
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
1831-1840 of 1877 active Tenders