Furniture Tenders
Furniture Tenders
City Of Cape Town Tender
Furnitures and Fixtures
South Africa
Details: Rfq Type Goods Goods Furniture & Accessories Reference Number Gl12500541 Title 4 Metal Drawer Cabinet Description 4 Each X 4 Metal Drawer Cabinet Specification* 4x 4 Matel Drawer Filing Cabinet Dimensions 1320mm H X 470mm W X 630mm D Clause - 2.14.1 <(>&<)> 2.15 Provide, On Request By The Cct, Any Other Material That Has A Bearing On The Quotation Offer, The Supplier#s Commercial Position (including Joint Venture Agreements), Preferencing Arrangements, Or Samples Of Materials, Considered Necessary By The Cct For The Purpose Of The Evaluation Of The Quotation. If The Specifications Require The Supplier To Provide Samples/technical Data Sheets, These Shall Be Provided Strictly In Accordance With The Instructions Set Out In The Specification. If Such Samples /technical Data Sheets Are Not Submitted As Required In The Bid Documents Or Within Any Further Time Stipulated By The Cct In Writing, Then The Bid Concerned May Be Declared Non-responsive. # Wherever Reference Is Made To Any Particular Trade Mark, Name, Patent, Design, Type, Specific Origin Or Producer, Such Reference Shall Be Deemed To Be Accompanied By The Words "or Equivalent" # Nb The Municipal Bidding Document 6.1 (mbd 6.1) Is Attached, In Order To Be Eligible For Preference Points Bidders Are Required To Submit A Duly Completed, Current Dated Mbd 6.1 Document With Supporting Documents With Each And Every Rfq Submission, Failure To Submit Will Result In Zero Point Allocation. Delivery Date2025/06/23 Delivery Toroegshaana Peters Dvph Delivery Address0 C/o Lavis Drive & Kasteelberg Rd, Bishob Lavis Contact Personroegshaana Peters Telephone Number0214441303 Cell Number0790330822 Closing Date2025/03/04 Closing Time04 00 Pm Rfq Submission Fax0000000000 Rfq Submission Fax 2 Buyer Email Buyer Detailsc.williams Buyer Phone0214001789 Attachments No Attachments Note On 1 August 2018 The City Of Cape Town Went Live With E-procurement Which Was Piloted With 3 Commodities Clothing, Building Hardware And Is&t. No Manual Submissions Will Be Accepted For These Commodities And Suppliers Must Log In To E-services Portal To Access Rfqs. Bids Must Be Compliant With The Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 Including But Not Limited To Local Content, Functionality, Price And Preference, Eligibility Criteria And Relevant Statutory Criteria. The Details Of This Are Contained In The Rfq Document And/or The Specification Advertised Via E-procurement. Only Locally Produced Goods Or Locally Manufactured Goods, Meeting The Stipulated Minimum Threshold For Local Production And Content, Will Be Considered, Where Applicable.
Closing Date4 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Statutory City Of Mlad Boleslav Tender
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Czech Republic
Details: Delivery and Installation of Furniture (Primarily Furniture) for the Extension of Technical Classrooms in the 5th Primary School in Mladá Boleslav.
Closing Date15 Jan 2025
Tender AmountCZK 2.5 Million (USD 102.8 K)
Civil Service Commission Tender
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Details: Description Provision Of Manpower Services (driver & Janitorial) For Csc Regional Office For Cy 2025 (lot 1) Location / Area: Csc Regional Office, No. 7 Oñate Street, Mandurriao, Iloilo City Terms Of Reference: Provision Of Manpower Services (driver & Janitor) Covering January 1, 2025 To December 31, 2025. The Agency Shall Provide One (1) Driver And (2) Janitors Reporting For Work Daily As Maybe Directed By The Entity Except Saturdays, Sundays And Holidays, Or As Needed With Approved Request For Overtime. Provided, However, That The Work Schedules Of The Assigned Personnel Will Be With The Entity Conformity Of Knowledge. Provided Further, That The Agency Obligates Itself To Increase Or Decrease The Number Of Assigned Personnel Upon Request Of The Entity. 1. General Conditions/technical Specifications: A.1 Driving Services 1. Ensure That Office Vehicles Are Road Worthy Using The Checklist Of Blow Bagets. Likewise Ensure That These Are Kept Clean Before, During, And After Use. 2. Perform On A Daily Basis, Basic Vehicle Cleaning Such As, But Not Limited To, Washing Of Windshields, Simple Body And Tire Cleaning, Wiping Of Dashboards, Ensuring That Interiors Are Free Of Food And Litter, Cleaning Of Seats And The Like. 3. Monitor And Ensure That Vehicle Preventive Maintenance Schedule Is Implemented As Scheduled And The Vehicles Are Kept Roadworthy At All Times. 4. Immediately Report To The Msd Chief Through The Designated Property Officer, In Cases Where The Vehicles Would Need Urgent Repairs For Issues Other Than The Scheduled Maintenance. 5. Perform Messengerial Services As May Be Required Such As But Not Limited To Delivery Of Mails To Courier Service Centers, Perform Simple Liaison Services To Agencies And Other Entities. 6. Vouchers And Its Supporting Documents, Complete And Correct, Should Be Endorsed To The Cashier Upon Return To The Office. Delivery Receipts And/or Receiving Copy Of Documents Should Be Returned To The Requesting Party Asap. 7. As Far As Practicable, Ensure That Vehicle Fuel Is Replenished At The End Of The Trip For The Day. 8. Prepare The Fuel Request Form And Secure Approval From The Msd Chief Through The Designated Property Officer, And Attach The Fuel Receipt To The Fuel Request Form, For Filing. 9. Prepare The Necessary Documents And Other Requirements Needed For The Processing Of Payment For Fuel Every 15th Day Of The Month Except December, The Due Of Which Is The Last Working Day Of The Year. 10. Submit The Properly Accomplished Trip Tickets To The Msd At The End Of Each Trip With Details Such As Date Of Trip, Destination, Purpose Of Trip, Time Of Departure And Arrival, Names Of Passengers, Etc. 11. Surrender The Vehicle Keys To The Guard-on-duty Before Logging Out Of The Office. A.2 Vehicle Maintenance 1. Vehicles Shall Undergo Preventive Maintenance In Accordance With The Approved Vehicle Maintenance Schedule Per Office Vehicle Or As Often As May Be Necessary. Total Distance Travelled Shall Be Monitored For Purposes Of Maintenance Reference. 2. Visual Checking Of Vehicles Should Be Done Regularly. This Includes Checking Of Engine For Leaks, Condition Of Engine Belts And Liquids, Ensure That Vehicle Is Free From Dents And Scratches, Tire Condition, Etc. 3. Renewal Of Vehicle Registration Should Be Done At Least One (1) Week Prior To Its Expiration. A.3 Use Of Office Vehicles 1. The Use Of Office Vehicles Shall Always Be Covered By A Duly Accomplished And Signed Trip Ticket, Indicating The Following: I. Date, Time, Destination, And Other Required Information; Ii. Initials Of The Msd Chief Or Designated Property Officer Affixed Below The Printed Name Of The Authorized Official Iii. Signature Of The Regional Director, Asst. Regional Director Or In Their Absence, The Officer-in-charge. 2. Requests To Avail Of Transportation Services Shall Be Submitted To The Msd At Least 3 Days Before The Scheduled Trip, Using The Prescribed Request For Utility Vehicle (ruv) Form, With A Copy Of The Approved Office Order Of The Requesting Party. 3. Approval Of The Request For The Use Of A Utility Vehicle Shall Be On A First-come-first-served Basis, Subject To Availability Of Drivers And Vehicles. 4. Vehicles May Be Used To Perform Messengerial And Support To Liaison Services. 5. In No Case Shall An Office Vehicle Be Used Without Proper Authorization From The Management Through The Msd. B. Janitorial Services 1. Washing Of Inside Windows And Doors, Frames And Screen; 2. Cleaning And Polishing Of Office Furniture And Fixtures And Counter Excluding Items Or Equipment That Require Specialized Maintenance, Furniture Such As Davenport And Chairs Showing Signs Of Spill Due To Any Caused Shall Be Washed And Cleaned; 3. Washing, Scrubbing And Polishing Of Floors; 4. Application Of Special Sanitizing And Waxing Solution To Hallways, Lobbies And Offices; 5. Dusting And/or Damp Wiping Of Glass Tops, Glass Door, Counters And Furniture; 6. Dusting Of Inside Windows, Window Ledges, Air-vents, Stair Railing And Other Horizontal And Vertical Surfaces; 7. Cleaning Of Glass Walls And Glass Partitions; 8. Cleaning Of Trash Receptacles; 9. Assist In Transferring Of Tables, Chairs, Cabinets And Counter, Etc. Upon Instruction By Authorized Officer Of The Office; 10. Daily Collection Of Garbage And Waste Materials To Be Disposed Of; 11. Frequent Spraying Of Air Fresheners In Work Areas And Other Designated Places; 12. Washing And Cleaning Of All Windows And Glasses Either By Hands Or With The Use Of Class Wiper; 13. Cleaning Of All Light Diffusers; 14. Thorough General Cleaning Of All Areas. 15. Other Services Within The Building Which May Be Assigned By The Management From Time To Time Within The Scope Of Janitorial Services. 2. Miscellaneous Services A. To Provide Extra Manpower Or Extension Of Authorized Tour Of Duty On Christmas And Other Special Occasions And In Case Of Emergencies Or Natural Calamities Necessitating Relief Operations, A Team Of Trained Personnel Within The Authorized Work Force Shall Be Provided To Undertake Such Job Receipt Of Five (5) Days Advanced Notice; B. Provide Minor Carpentry, Electrical And Plumbing Services; C. Clerical/messengerial Services. 3. Obligations Of The Agency A. Equipment And Uniform The Agency Shall Provide Complete Uniform With Proper Identification Card To Its Employees Assigned To The Entity And Shall Also Provide Standard Carpentry Small Tools Needed For Maintenance Services Such As But Not Limited To The Following: Hammer, Saw And Tape Ruler. B. Responsibilities It Is The Responsibility Of The Agency To Provide The Entity Of The Following: 1. Qualified Employees To Perform The Assigned Tasks: 2. Reliever In Case The Assigned Employee (s) Is Absent; 3. Ensure That All Employee Assigned In The Area Shall Follow House Rules And Regulations; 4. Discipline, Supervise And Control All Employees By Following Entity’s Rules And Regulations; 5. Replacement Of Any Employee (s) Assigned At The Office; 6. Conduct Inspection; 7. Monthly Meeting Of Agency With Their Personnel And Regular Check-up/supervision In Site Of The Assigned At The Office; 8. Regular Debriefing Of Personnel Assigned At The Office; 9. Duly Signed Monthly Accomplishment Report To Be Attached To Disbursement Voucher. C. Quality Assurance And Control The Agency Shall Conduct Regular Onsite Inspection And Evaluation Of The Services Performed By The Assigned Employees To The Entity To Ensure And Keep The Quality Of Work With Highest Standard Requirement. D. Human Resource Development The Agency Shall Provide Free Semi-annual Skills Development Seminar To Its Employees Assigned To The Entity To Enhance And Improve Their In-house Driving And Cleaning Skills, Maintenance Of Equipment And Use Of New Cleaning Materials And Supplies (supplied By Entity). Also, The Agency Shall Require All Their Employees Assigned To The Entity To Wear The Proper Uniform To Appear Neat And Clean In Their Work Place. Wearing Of Id Should Always Be Observed At All Times For Proper Identification And Security Purposes. 4. Timeline/schedule Of Delivery The Selected Agency Will Ensure And Deliver The Manpower Services Of One (1) Driver And Two (2) Janitors Who Meet The Qualifications As Stated In The Items Of The General Conditions. The Personnel Shall Render An Eight (8) Hour Service A Day, Five (5) Days A Week, Including Holidays To The Csc Regional Office. The Agency Shall Ensure That A Reliever Be Deployed Immediately In Case Of Changes Or Modifications To The Duty Of Its Assigned Personnel. 5. Duration Of Contract The Contract Shall Commence From The Date Of Signing Until December 31, 2025 Or Until The Execution Of A New Contract Pursuant To Government Procurement Policy Board (gppb) Resolution No. 23-2007 Dated September 28, 2007 “approving And Adopting The Revised Guidelines On The Extension Of Contracts For General Support Services”, Subject To The Agreement Of Both Parties. 6. Terms Of Payment For And In Consideration Of The Services Rendered By The Selected Agency, Cscro Vi Shall Pay The Contract Amount On A Monthly Basis. 7. Other Conditions Mode Of Payment To The Winning Security Agency Shall Be Made Via Issuance Of Mds/commercial Checks.
Closing Date2 Jan 2025
Tender AmountPHP 636 K (USD 10.9 K)
United States
Details: Sources Sought Notice
this Is A Sources Sought Notice Only. The U.s. Government Desires To Procure, Equipment, Supplies, Lodging, Facilities, Tools, Materials, Supervision, Meal Services, Furniture, Four (4) Portable Toilets, 50 Two-way Radios, 15 Golf Carts (4-seat/cargo Bed) Including Fuel, All Requirements Shall Be Co-located, For 304 Cadets And 75 Cadre, Within A 241 Miles Of Lee County School District, Florida, For The Lee And Collier County Schools District, Junior Cadet Leadership Camp (jclc) Challenge During The Period 5 – 9 June 2025 On A Small Business Set-aside Basis, Provided Two (2) Or More Qualified Small Businesses Respond To This Notice With Information Sufficient To Support A Set-aside. Be Advised That The U.s. Government Will Not Be Able To Set Aside This Requirement If Two (2) Or More Small Businesses Do Not Respond With Information To Support The Set-aside. We Encourage All Small Businesses, In All Socioeconomic Categories (including, 8(a) Business Development Program, Small Disadvantage Business, Historically Underutilized Business Zone, Service-disabled Veteran-owned, Women-owned Small Business Concerns), To Identify Their Capabilities In Meeting The Requirement At A Fair Market Price.
this Notice Is Issued Solely For Information And Planning Purposes – It Does Not Constitute A Request For Quote (rfq)/invitation For Bid (ifb)/request For Proposal (rfp) Or A Promise To Issue An Rfq, Ifb Or Rfp In The Future. This Notice Does Not Commit The U.s. Government To Contract For Any Supply Or Service. Further, The U.s. Government Is Not Seeking Quotes, Bids Or Proposals At This Time And Will Not Accept Unsolicited Proposals In Response To This Notice. The U.s. Government Will Not Pay For Any Information Or Administrative Costs Incurred In Response To This Notice. Submittals Will Not Be Returned To The Responder. Not Responding To This Notice Does Not Preclude Participation In Any Future Rfq Or Ifb Or Rfp, If Any Is Issued. If A Solicitation Is Released, It Will Be Synopsized On The Government Wide Point Of Entry (gpe). It Is The Responsibility Of Potential Offerors To Monitor The Gpe For Additional Information Pertaining To This Requirement. The Anticipated Naics Code Is 721214; This Industry Comprises Establishments Primarily Engaged In Operating Overnight Recreational Camps, Such As Children's Camps, Family Vacation Camps, Hunting And Fishing Camps, And Outdoor Adventure Retreats, That Offer Trail Riding, White Water Rafting, Hiking, And Similar Activities. These Establishments Provide Accommodation Facilities, Such As Cabins And Fixed Campsites, And Other Amenities, Such As Food Services, Recreational Facilities And Equipment, And Organized Recreational Activities. The Size Standard In Millions Of Dollars For This Naics Code Is $9m.
attached Is The Draft Performance Work Statement (pws) The Contractor Shall Provide Lodging Facilities, Training Facilities, Meals Services, Furniture, Equipment, Supplies, Facilities, Medical Services, Tools, Management, Certified Trainers, Lifeguards And Labor In Accordance With The Terms, Conditions And Specifications Set Forth In The Draft Performance Work Statement. The Contractor Shall Perform To The Standards In This Contract.
responses To This Notice Shall Be E-mailed To The Contract Specialist, Bryce L. Medley At No Later Than 7 March 2025 At 2pm. Et (fort Knox Local Time).
limitations On Subcontracting And Nonmanufacturer Rule Do Not Apply To Small Business Set-asides For Contracts At Or Below The Simplified Acquisition Threshold (sat). It Does Apply To 8(a), Hubzone, Sdvosb, Edwosb, And Wosb Set-asides Regardless Of The Dollar Value Of The Award.
small Business Contractors Awarded Contracts Above The Sat Are Required To Comply With Federal Acquisition Regulation (far) 52.219-14, Limitations On Subcontracting When Utilizing Subcontractors. The Penalty For Non-compliance Is The Greater Of (a) $500k Or (b) The Dollar Amount Expended, In Excess Of Permitted Levels.
see Far 52.219-14 - Limitations On Subcontracting For Small Business.
all Wosb Firms Need To Take Action In In Order To Compete For Wosb Federal Contracting Program Set-aside Contracts.
in Response To This Notice, Please Provide:
1. Name Of The Firm, Point Of Contact, Phone Number, Email Address, Duns Number, Cage Code, A Statement Regarding Small Business Status (including Small Business Type(s)/certifications(s) Such As Sdb, 8(a), Hubzone, Sdvosb, Wosb, Etc.) And The Corresponding Naics Code.
2. Identify Whether Your Firm Is Interested In Competing For This Requirement As A Prime Contractor Or Not. Identify Subcontracting, Joint Ventures Or Teaming Arrangement That Will Be Pursued, If Any.
3. Information In Sufficient Detail Regarding Previous Experience (indicate Whether As A Prime Contractor Or Subcontractor) On Similar Requirements (include Size, Scope, Complexity, Timeframe, Government Or Commercial), Pertinent Certifications, Etc., That Will Facilitate Making A Capability Determination.
4. Information To Help Determine If The Requirement Is Commercially Available, Including Pricing Information, Basis For The Pricing Information (e.g., Market Pricing, Catalog Pricing), Delivery Schedules, Customary Terms And Conditions, Warranties, Etc.
5. Identify How The Army Can Best Structure These Contract Requirements To Facilitate Competition By And Among Small Business Concerns.
6. Identify Any Condition Or Action That May Be Having The Effect Of Unnecessarily Restricting Competition With Respect To This Acquisition. Please Contact The Micc Advocate For Competition, Scott Kukes, At Or 520-944-7373, If You Believe That This Action Is Unreasonably Restricting Competition. Include The Subject Of The Acquisition, This Announcement, And The Micc Poc Information From The Notice. Provide The Specific Aspects That Unreasonably Restrict Competition And The Rationale For Such Conclusion.
7. Recommendations To Improve The Approach/specifications/draft Pws To Acquiring The Identified Items/services.
Closing Date7 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Civil And Construction...+2Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Description: Contract notice - general guideline, standard rule Open procedure (services) ZKJF GmbH - Lot-based award of primary school care services as part of the Hessian state program "Pact for All-Day Care" from the 2025/2026 school year. The subject of the award procedure is the lot ... MoreZKJF GmbH - Lot-based award of primary school care services as part of the Hessian state program "Pact for All-Day Care" from the 2025/2026 school year. The subject of the award procedure is the lot-based award of primary school care services as part of the Hessian state program "Pact for All-Day Care" from the 2025/2026 school year at thirteen different primary schools in the Main-Kinzig district. Lot 1: Biebertal Primary School Biebergemünd-bieber - Address: Biebertalstraße 12, 63599 Biebergemünd - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 110 - Students to be supervised: 110 + Of which 90 in Module 1 + Of which 20 in Module 2 - Rooms: The primary school consists of two main buildings and a gymnasium. Around the building there is a spacious outdoor area with a playground and meadows. The total size of the school grounds, including the built-up areas, is 15,030 square meters. The area is not fenced. In the lower building on the ground floor there is the school administration, a teachers' room and a meeting room, as well as the staff toilets. On the 1st floor there are a total of 4 classrooms, a small multifunctional room with games and a larger multifunctional room with the option for exercise and a kitchenette. In the upper building there are a total of 6 classrooms, a workshop, a library and a small meeting room. The support association currently has two classrooms available for the care facility. Other rooms can be used for doing homework. All rooms used across grades and subjects (e.g. library or workshop) are available. As the upper building is in dire need of renovation, the school will be building a new building in the next few years. Plans for this already exist and are currently being revised. There is no specific date for the start of construction yet. This new building complex will include a cafeteria and multi-purpose rooms that can be used as part of the all-day program. A temporary spatial solution must be found for the start on August 1, 2025, as the school does not currently have a cafeteria with a serving kitchen. The support association has set up a room in the school with furniture and toys for the care facility, which is used exclusively for care. There is also a small kitchenette here. Water is heated by an electric boiler. Since the start of the last school year, the childcare service has used a second classroom for lunch and homework support. As part of the all-day pact, the school authority is planning to set up and use as many as four classrooms as possible in a multifunctional manner. One room (or two rooms if necessary) must be converted into a serving kitchen and temporary cafeteria for lunch at short notice. The upcoming new building will mean that some work will be carried out using mobile serving equipment. The primary school gym can also be used for afternoon activities. As it is currently also frequently used by the gymnastics club, clear agreements between all those involved and, if necessary, a reorganization of the times of use are necessary. - Further information can be found in the Biebertal Biebergemünd-Bieber primary school's concept for implementing the all-day pact (appendix II.2.a of the service description). Lot 2: Wilhelm-hauff-schule Flörsbachtal-lohrhaupten - Address: Gartenstraße 28, 63639 Flörsbachtal - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 82 - Students to be supervised: 30 + of which 25 in module 1 + of which 5 in module 2 - Rooms: The school has sufficient and varied space. Grades 1-4 are housed in building I. Since there have been two classes in year 2 since last school year, there is an additional classroom in building III. The workshop, which is used by all classes, is also located in building III. The religious studies room is in the basement. Since two classes are expected to start in year 1 in the 2025/2026 school year, the religious studies room will move. In the administration building there is an auditorium on the first floor, which is used for parties and celebrations, as well as a school kitchen. The music room is on the first floor. For all parties and celebrations in the auditorium, this means that there are short distances when it comes to transporting instruments, etc. On the ground floor of the administration building there is a reading corner, which is very popular with the students. The school has a paved schoolyard on three levels. There are painted hopscotch games on the third level, a table tennis table on the lower level, a games cupboard in the entrance area in which all the available play equipment is stored, and mobile equipment that is stored in the teaching materials room (ground floor), movable soccer goals, a reading corner in the entrance area with lounge furniture for "lounging" and/or as a place of retreat, a beanbag in the reading corner, a mobile bookshelf in the reading corner, a "green" classroom with an awning on the former gymnastics lawn. The following rooms will be made available for all-day care in the 2025/2026 school year: 1. School kitchen with adjoining, former preparation room as a dining room; the corresponding furniture is not yet available. 2. The existing support association rooms will be included. The rooms for doing homework are known to the students. This room is currently equipped with 14 chairs and corresponding tables. There is also a room opposite for playing and relaxing (= rest area). 3. The schoolyard can be used as a place to play and exercise. The playground games are in the entrance area of the administration. The gym is available to the students and all clubs. Based on current knowledge, it should be possible to use the hall for the all-day offer. 4. There is a cooperation with the local library, which supplies the students with books every week - a selection of books is also available in the book corner. 5. The classrooms in building I can be used as needed. 6. The school premises are not barrier-free. 7. There are no rooms for special education and care for pupils with physical disabilities, for example. 8. The parents' room, the teachers' room or the DAZ room are available for meetings and administrative work by the care provider. 9. The Nawi room in building 3 is available for experiments and projects. In the future, corresponding working groups could take place here. - Further information can be found in the Wilhelm-Hauff-Schule Flörsbachtal-Lohrhaupten concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.b of the service description). Lot 3: School at the village square Freigericht-Altenmittlau - Address: Kegelbahnstraße 59, 63579 Freigericht-Altenmittlau - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 80 - Students to be supervised: 50 + of which 35 in module 1 + of which 15 in module 2 - Rooms: The school comprises three parts of the building: On the ground floor of the new building there are three classrooms, the student toilets and the technical room. On the first floor there is another classroom, the computer room, administration wing (teachers' room, school management office, caretaker's office and secretary's office) and the teachers' toilets. On the second floor/top floor there are two former classrooms that are used as a school kitchen and music room (choir, guitar and flute course, music club). These rooms were formerly used as care rooms and were renovated by the support association and the caretaker after the move to the old building. Directly past the administration wing is the passage to the attached community hall/gymnasium, which is mainly used for school sports. There are also changing rooms and other toilet facilities there. The gymnasium is currently available for sports activities on 2 afternoons (Zumba courses on Wednesdays, sports club on Thursdays). In the old building (110 years old) the windows were renovated/replaced 2 years ago so that the rooms can still be used. On the ground floor, after the extensive renovation last year, there is a former classroom that serves as a play and care room, the new school kitchen/canteen (former workshop), a laundry/cleaning room and student toilets. On the first floor you will find the lavishly expanded student library, which extends over 2 rooms (wall opening). It also houses the care office and, in the future, the office of the all-day coordinator. Two further rooms are connected by a hole in the wall and are available for educational homework supervision, free learning times and afternoons. On the 2nd floor/attic there are table/chair storage rooms and an attic that is not used. - Further information can be found in the concept of the school at Dorfplatz Freigericht-Altenmittlau for the implementation of the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.c of the service description). Lot 4: Igelsgrundschule Gelnhausen Höchst - Address: Schulstraße 11, 63571 Gelnhausen - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of pupils: 161 - Pupils to be supervised: 120 + of which 90 in module 1 + of which 30 in module 2 - Rooms: There are currently two separate rooms in the classroom wing available for school supervision. In addition, other multifunctional rooms are used for learning, play and relaxation phases. There is a kitchen with seating for eating meals. The school library also serves as a quiet room and the auditorium is used by children to play together when the weather is bad. Homework support and support group work takes place in classrooms, as these promote a learning atmosphere by being equipped with tables and chairs. The study groups take place in the multifunctional rooms and also in the playground, in the gym or in the garden area. However, the current space is not sufficient for around 90 students. The kitchen is not designed for such a high number of students. In particular, there is no cafeteria. The concept and use of the rooms is to be re-planned and urgently required structural renovation measures are to be implemented as quickly as possible. These are currently planned for 2026. - Further information can be found in the concept of the Igelsgrundschule Gelnhausen Höchst for the implementation of the pact for the whole day (appendix II.2.d of the service description). Lot 5: Herzbergschule Roth Gelnhausen Roth - Address: Rathausstraße 1, 63571 Gelnhausen - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 84 - Students to be supervised: 55 + of which 35 in module 1 + of which 20 in module 2 - Rooms: The space situation at the Herzbergschule is severely restricted by its location in the middle of town and the right of use of the clubs in the town hall. Nevertheless, an attempt was made to use the little space as best as possible, which in turn leads to increased staff deployment, especially during the full day. The division of the school into two buildings means that double supervision is necessary. The distribution of the number of children according to the number of seats available in the rooms is also a factor. The current spatial conditions can only be reconciled with the school development goals of the Herzbergschule to a limited extent. The existing conditions were optimized together with the school authority. The buildings are separated by a traffic-calmed street. The two buildings, some of which are listed buildings, contain 5 classrooms ranging in size from 49m² to 56m² with ergonomic furniture. There is a multifunctional room (54m²) for the preparatory course, the intensive course, ethics lessons, work time and study groups. There is also a care room (50m²) with a kitchenette and a PC workstation, a PC room, the school library, the secretary's office, the teachers' room and a consultation room. Depending on the weather, the municipal playground and the neighboring village square are used as the schoolyard. The public village square is on the Mkk property, but due to its dual use it can only be included in the Herzbergschule's educational concept to a limited extent. The school relies on flexible, mobile equipment, but the limited storage options mean that the capacity is exhausted. Thanks to the cooperation with the Roth Music Association and TV Roth, their club rooms can be used to counteract the ever-increasing lack of space. The music association room is used as a music room and as an alternative for supervision when it rains. It is not possible to design the room to be child-friendly. The TV Roth club room is available for dance groups and the pre-holiday parties that take place four times a year. For sports lessons, the Willi Bechtold Hall is within walking distance. Unfortunately, the city of Gelnhausen rents out the room at regular intervals, which means that it is not used at all. The teachers' room was redesigned in 2017 and offers limited opportunities for preparing for or following up on lessons. Specialist teachers without a classroom do not have the opportunity to store their own materials in the teachers' room. The staff meeting of the teaching team takes place in the care room on the children's furniture. The furniture does not meet the requirements of ergonomics in the workplace. The serving kitchen and the administrative computer of the all-day coordinator are also located in this room. Due to the age of the school building and the former town hall, the buildings do not have spacious hallway areas. In this respect, there is no possibility of expanding the space available. Since the school does not have a large room for the whole school community, all events have to take place outdoors and are therefore always dependent on the weather. - Further information can be found in the Herzbergschule Roth Gelnhausen Roth concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.e of the service description). Lot 6: School at the Hofgut Mittel-gründau - Address: Hofweg 1, 63584 Gründau - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 86 - Students to be cared for: 35 + Of which 25 in Module 1 + Of which 10 in Module 2 - Rooms: The school's existing rooms, including the multifunctional rooms and the container building, are used for all-day care. The outdoor area with the play equipment also offers space for exercise and play. The school at the Hofgut has four classrooms, two multifunctional rooms and an outdoor area with play equipment. One multifunctional room is currently used as an additional classroom due to the high number of students in class 4, as well as an inclusion room for the individual instruction of a child with a focus on learning. The other multifunctional room serves as a school library, PC and media room, as well as a room for remedial teaching and school social work. One of the classrooms is a little larger and has a separate outside door that faces the schoolyard playground and the current care building. Due to its location and size, it is ideally suited as one of the future rooms for homework supervision and other all-day activities. Like the classrooms, the multifunctional rooms have digital whiteboards and some work tables with chairs. Another room serves as a materials and workshop room. The administration (school management and secretariat) use two connected office rooms. The school itself has no cafeteria, dining rooms or suitable kitchen for lunch. There is only a fitted kitchen in the teachers' room. The municipality's container building, which is currently used by the "villa Krake" care center, is also possibly available. It could possibly continue to be used as a care and leisure center if the necessary renovation work on the kitchen were carried out in a timely manner. Long-term planning for the construction of a needs-based cafeteria with a kitchen and other rooms on the school premises or the adjacent municipal property is being developed in cooperation with the municipality and the district. In the near future, there will probably be minor adjustments and extensions to the furniture and equipment in the school rooms and the care rooms. In order to be able to use the classrooms both as teaching rooms and as care rooms for homework and other activities, multifunctional furniture, rollable shelves, rollable room divider shelves and, above all, additional height-adjustable seating are essential. - Further information can be found in the concept of the school at Hofgut Mittel-Gründau for the implementation of the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.f of the service description). Lot 7: Geisbergschule Linsengericht Eidengesäß - Address: Schulstraße 29, 63589 Linsengericht - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 227 - Students to be supervised: 110 + 80 of them in module 1 + 30 of them in module 2 - Rooms: The Geisbergschule is spread over three wings with the administration rooms, the teachers' room, the specialist rooms and the classrooms, all of which are connected to each other but are accessible via different entrances from the upper and lower schoolyard. There are currently 10 classes belonging to the Geisbergschule. The teachers' room is used jointly by the staff of the Geisbergschule and the Brentanoschule. In addition to a first aid room and three administrative rooms, there is a relaxation room that was newly furnished in the 2023/24 school year as part of the project week. The school has additional specialist rooms: a movement room, a multi-purpose room (music/meeting room), a kitchen, a workshop, a network room and a school library. All specialist rooms are shared with the speech therapy school and are regularly and actively used by both schools during morning lessons. The seven speech therapy classes of the Brentano School with a total of 54 pupils are represented at the Geisberg School and are therefore primarily housed in the classrooms in the wing on the upper school yard. Due to the almost daily presence of the speech therapists, an additional support room is primarily used by the Brentano School. Time overlaps between the speech therapy lessons at the speech therapy school and the preparatory course at the Geisberg School recently made it necessary for the latter to take place in a room next to the workshop. The supervision of the pupils before and after lessons currently takes place in an extension with adjacent containers on the upper school yard. There are four rooms in the care center, the fourth of which was built on as a residential container. The kitchen and dining room are also housed in a container built specifically for this purpose. The school's classrooms are available for homework support. The care center also uses the outdoor area and the gymnasium and, depending on staff capacity, parts of the former caretaker's house, which is also on the school premises but urgently needs to be renovated and equipped with furniture and play materials. The gymnasium is shared with the speech therapy school in the mornings and used by the care center and the Geislitz gymnastics club in the afternoons. For swimming lessons in the third year, all children go to the indoor pool in Gelnhausen with their swimming teachers. Due to the high birth rate and the looming three-stream system at the Geisberg School, as well as the steadily growing speech therapy department at the Brentano School, the spatial situation at the Geisberg School is becoming increasingly problematic. The school is in contact with the school authority in this regard. With regard to the rooms, the following measures have already been planned or will be continued: The homework groups are distributed across different classrooms. AGs can take place in the classrooms and specialist rooms in the afternoon, but in the morning lessons the options for moving to other rooms outside of classrooms are limited. Fixed plans for the specialist rooms are not possible due to the fact that two schools are under one roof and share the specialist rooms. With regard to the gym, the Brentano School has been allocated a fixed day of the week for physical education and another fixed period for the weeks in which the indoor pool is closed and no swimming lessons can take place. The situation is similar with the kitchen and other specialist rooms. There will probably still be four lunch groups and these will be mixed together, also changing daily, depending on when lessons end for the respective classes. Every change in the timetable makes a change in the composition of the meal groups unavoidable. The options in the container have proven to be extremely limited. There is still no solution for this. It still needs to be clarified with the school authority how the lunch situation can be alleviated. As part of the digital pact, the network room was re-equipped. There are now a total of 56 iPads available, 20 of which always remain in the network room, while the others can be borrowed for the classrooms (e.g. when doing homework, for research). The room and the iPads can also be used in support lessons and extracurricular activities. - Further information can be found in the Geisbergschule Linsengericht Eidengesäß concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.g of the service description). Lot 8: Erich-Simdorn-Schule Neuberg - Address: Rüdigheimer Straße, 63543 Neuberg - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 192 - Students to be supervised: 105 + 80 of them in module 1 + 25 of them in module 2 - Rooms: The student care service is currently using an extension consisting of 2 maxi containers, two former classrooms in the pavilion, and in the afternoons the rooms on the ground floor in the main building (2 classrooms and the craft/music room for homework and homework supervision). As part of the all-day school, the library in the main building can be integrated into the room concept. Support offers take place in the existing rooms in the main building. The sports hall is used by the school in the mornings and by local clubs from 2:45 p.m. The sports hall is used for sports groups in alternating mode from 12.15 p.m. to 1.45 p.m. In the summer, the Erich Simdorn School uses the neighboring sports grounds of the municipality of Neuberg. There is currently space for 36 pupils to eat lunch in the cafeteria kitchen. Lunch is currently served to 90 children in five shifts. The kitchen has a food counter with heating devices, a cold food counter, a plate warmer, a crockery cupboard, a refrigerator, an industrial dishwasher, a washing machine, a tumble dryer and a sink with a hand basin. There is also a kitchenette with a sink, two stoves and two ovens. The school has two exercise rooms, the gym and the schoolyard. There are also a number of project rooms, such as a library and a music and craft room. The school also has options for teacher workstations and a teacher's room. - Further information is available in the concept The Erich-Simdorn-Schule Neuberg for the implementation of the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.h of the service description). Lot 9: Adolf-Reichwein-Schule Rodenbach - Address: Alzenauer Str. 25, 63517 Rodenbach - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 770 in total, of which 398 in the elementary school - Students to be supervised: 150 + of which 100 in module 1 + of which 50 in module 2 - Rooms: The rooms currently available are in the elementary school wing, in the so-called "b-wing". In the two-story building, there is a classroom, the media library, the secondary school workshop and the toilets on the ground floor. On the first floor there are three rooms of the supervised elementary school, a school kitchen and the cafeteria. Opposite there are two more classrooms and toilets on the first floor of the so-called "a-wing", on the ground floor there is the preparatory class, a storage room and the art room, which is currently used by the secondary school. In an extension, in the "e-wing", on the edge of the schoolyard there is the auditorium, which is used for teaching purposes in the morning. The auditorium is also used for a variety of events such as conferences, information events, parents' evenings, parents' cafe on the first day of school, as an exercise room, as a practice room for clubs and much more. From the 2025/26 school year, the new room concept envisages the classrooms being used for lessons in the morning and at lunchtime/afternoons for homework supervision, study time or for the support of individual children or small groups. Appropriate furniture should enable multifunctional use of the rooms (lockable, with wheels). Discussions with the school authority are already taking place. There are currently two sports halls available, which are very busy in the mornings due to physical education classes for primary and secondary school students. In the afternoons, the gyms are mainly used by clubs. Since the halls are to be used all day, discussions with the clubs are planned with a view to cooperation. It must already be taken into account that, given the increasing number of pupils, there are not enough classrooms and that more containers will have to be provided. The auditorium will continue to be available primarily for lessons in the mornings. It will also still be possible to use it for school events and parties. The auditorium can be used as part of the all-day offerings, e.g. for a theater group, for arts activities or quiet exercise activities (relaxation, yoga). - Further information can be found in the Adolf Reichwein School Rodenbach's concept for implementing the all-day pact (Appendix II.2.i of the service description). Lot 10: Sterntalerschule Schöneck - Address: Wiesenau 3, 61137 Schöneck - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 173 - Students to be supervised: 130 + 85 of them in module 1 + 45 of them in module 2 - Rooms: After completion of the new building, the Sterntalerschule will have 8 classrooms, three multifunctional specialist/ag/care rooms, an open differentiation area, a multifunctional room, a cafeteria and a parents' meeting room (approx. 3m³). There are different rooms in which different activities take place for the children: four classrooms are available as permanent rooms for homework supervision after the end of lessons. There is a games room with a table football table, air hockey, board games, puzzles, a Barbie house and role-playing games. In the creative room you will find everything to do with handicrafts, painting, gluing, cutting, ironing beads etc. The construction room is used for building, playing with Lego, includes a marble run, construction toys and much more. The room is equipped with floor mats, tables and chairs. There is also a so-called mat room, which is used for romping. This is equipped with mats, cushions, foam building blocks, swimming noodles and more. Here 10 children can romp around at the same time for half an hour under the supervision of a carer. There is also a relaxation room and a music room for musical activities. Like the aforementioned rooms, the classrooms are also available for multifunctional use. There is a gym and a fairly spacious outdoor area on the school premises. - Further information can be found in the Sterntalerschule Schöneck concept for implementing the pact for the whole day (appendix II.2.h of the service description). Lot 11: Friedrich-ebert-schule Schöneck - Address: Bleichstraße 9, 61137 Schöneck - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 240 - Students to be supervised: 135 + of which 90 in module 1 + of which 45 in module 2 - Rooms: Classrooms are available for homework or individual learning time. It is possible to set up different learning groups that are spatially separated. Further supervision takes place in three rooms in the cafeteria wing. There are classrooms and a supervision room with sufficient workstations available, in which both the preparatory courses and support offers take place. There is a gymnasium. The hall plan is adapted annually to the needs of the all-day concept. In the outdoor area, the existing facilities (green classroom, play bushes, school garden, etc.) have been supplemented by a balance bar, among other things. In bad weather, the Erich-Simdorn-Halle right next to the school can be used - in consultation with AGS and clubs. The school also has a room for breaks and lunch. The cafeteria set up for this purpose serves the school and is also used for teaching purposes. - Further information can be found in the Friedrich-Ebert-Schule Schöneck concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.k of the service description). Lot 12: Aufenau Primary School Wächtersbach/aufenau - Address: Frankfurter Str. 26, 63607 Wächtersbach - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 110 - Students to be supervised: 80 + 60 of them in module 1 + 20 of them in module 2 - Rooms: The primary school's rooms consist of two building complexes: an old building from 1910 and an extension from 1997. In total, the following are available for school purposes: seven classrooms, a cafeteria with kitchen, a multi-purpose room, a teachers' room with materials room, a multifunctional room (craft and music room, room for preparatory course, etc.), a library and two office rooms. The school grounds have a fenced-in playground with climbing equipment, a swing, a play tower with a slide and a sandpit, a large lawn, a green classroom, a playhouse with balls, ropes, pedalos etc., an asphalted schoolyard and a football pitch, a paved area between the two parts of the building with a table tennis table and a car park with 9 spaces. As the school does not have a gymnasium, physical education classes take place in the rooms of the cultural centre in Aufenau. The all-day offer takes place mainly in the old building and in the multi-purpose room of the new building. Classrooms are occasionally used. After meals, the children can play outside or keep themselves busy inside when it rains. - Further information can be found in the concept of the Aufenau Wächtersbach/Aufenau primary school for the implementation of the all-day pact (appendix II.2.l of the service description). Lot 13: Hasela School Linsengericht-Altenhaßlau - Address: Bergstrasse 18, 63589 Linsengericht - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 137 - Students to be supervised: 70 + 50 of them in module 1 + 20 of them in module 2 - Rooms: The Hasela School has 8 classrooms, a teachers' room, three administration rooms, a tea kitchen and an auditorium/atrium. There are no additional specialist rooms such as music, art or craft rooms, kitchen, parent-teacher room or differentiation or rest rooms. One administration room (the secretariat) was divided: In the rear area, a workstation for the secretary was created; in the front area there is a small student library. A container for supervision is used by the preparatory course in the mornings. The gym is a three-field hall and is used by both the Hasela School and the Brentano School. Occupancy is coordinated with the Brentano School every six months. As the Brentano School is an all-day school, capacity is limited. Swimming lessons, which are given in the third year, take place in the indoor and outdoor pools of the town of Gelnhausen. The following rooms are available for the implementation of the so-called exercise activities: schoolyard, adventure playground behind the school and sports field (artificial turf) directly opposite the school (also used as a play area during recess). - Further information can be found in the Hasela School Linsengericht-Altenhaßlau concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.m of the service description).
Closing Date13 Feb 2025
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Civil And Construction...+2Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Description: Contract notice - general guideline, standard rule Open procedure (services) ZKJF GmbH - Lot-based award of primary school care services as part of the Hessian state program "Pact for All-Day Care" from the 2025/2026 school year. The subject of the award procedure is the lot ... MoreZKJF GmbH - Lot-based award of primary school care services as part of the Hessian state program "Pact for All-Day Care" from the 2025/2026 school year. The subject of the award procedure is the lot-based award of primary school care services as part of the Hessian state program "Pact for All-Day Care" from the 2025/2026 school year at thirteen different primary schools in the Main-Kinzig district. Lot 1: Biebertal Primary School Biebergemünd-bieber - Address: Biebertalstraße 12, 63599 Biebergemünd - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 110 - Students to be supervised: 110 + Of which 90 in Module 1 + Of which 20 in Module 2 - Rooms: The primary school consists of two main buildings and a gymnasium. Around the building there is a spacious outdoor area with a playground and meadows. The total size of the school grounds, including the built-up areas, is 15,030 square meters. The area is not fenced. In the lower building on the ground floor there is the school administration, a teachers' room and a meeting room, as well as the staff toilets. On the 1st floor there are a total of 4 classrooms, a small multifunctional room with games and a larger multifunctional room with the option for exercise and a kitchenette. In the upper building there are a total of 6 classrooms, a workshop, a library and a small meeting room. The support association currently has two classrooms available for the care facility. Other rooms can be used for doing homework. All rooms used across grades and subjects (e.g. library or workshop) are available. As the upper building is in dire need of renovation, the school will be building a new building in the next few years. Plans for this already exist and are currently being revised. There is no specific date for the start of construction yet. This new building complex will include a cafeteria and multi-purpose rooms that can be used as part of the all-day program. A temporary spatial solution must be found for the start on August 1, 2025, as the school does not currently have a cafeteria with a serving kitchen. The support association has set up a room in the school with furniture and toys for the care facility, which is used exclusively for care. There is also a small kitchenette here. Water is heated by an electric boiler. Since the start of the last school year, the childcare service has used a second classroom for lunch and homework support. As part of the all-day pact, the school authority is planning to set up and use as many as four classrooms as possible in a multifunctional manner. One room (or two rooms if necessary) must be converted into a serving kitchen and temporary cafeteria for lunch at short notice. The upcoming new building will mean that some work will be carried out using mobile serving equipment. The primary school gym can also be used for afternoon activities. As it is currently also frequently used by the gymnastics club, clear agreements between all those involved and, if necessary, a reorganization of the times of use are necessary. - Further information can be found in the Biebertal Biebergemünd-Bieber primary school's concept for implementing the all-day pact (appendix II.2.a of the service description). Lot 2: Wilhelm-hauff-schule Flörsbachtal-lohrhaupten - Address: Gartenstraße 28, 63639 Flörsbachtal - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 82 - Students to be supervised: 30 + of which 25 in module 1 + of which 5 in module 2 - Rooms: The school has sufficient and varied space. Grades 1-4 are housed in building I. Since there have been two classes in year 2 since last school year, there is an additional classroom in building III. The workshop, which is used by all classes, is also located in building III. The religious studies room is in the basement. Since two classes are expected to start in year 1 in the 2025/2026 school year, the religious studies room will move. In the administration building there is an auditorium on the first floor, which is used for parties and celebrations, as well as a school kitchen. The music room is on the first floor. For all parties and celebrations in the auditorium, this means that there are short distances when it comes to transporting instruments, etc. On the ground floor of the administration building there is a reading corner, which is very popular with the students. The school has a paved schoolyard on three levels. There are painted hopscotch games on the third level, a table tennis table on the lower level, a games cupboard in the entrance area in which all the available play equipment is stored, and mobile equipment that is stored in the teaching materials room (ground floor), movable soccer goals, a reading corner in the entrance area with lounge furniture for "lounging" and/or as a place of retreat, a beanbag in the reading corner, a mobile bookshelf in the reading corner, a "green" classroom with an awning on the former gymnastics lawn. The following rooms will be made available for all-day care in the 2025/2026 school year: 1. School kitchen with adjoining, former preparation room as a dining room; the corresponding furniture is not yet available. 2. The existing support association rooms will be included. The rooms for doing homework are known to the students. This room is currently equipped with 14 chairs and corresponding tables. There is also a room opposite for playing and relaxing (= rest area). 3. The schoolyard can be used as a place to play and exercise. The playground games are in the entrance area of the administration. The gym is available to the students and all clubs. Based on current knowledge, it should be possible to use the hall for the all-day offer. 4. There is a cooperation with the local library, which supplies the students with books every week - a selection of books is also available in the book corner. 5. The classrooms in building I can be used as needed. 6. The school premises are not barrier-free. 7. There are no rooms for special education and care for pupils with physical disabilities, for example. 8. The parents' room, the teachers' room or the DAZ room are available for meetings and administrative work by the care provider. 9. The Nawi room in building 3 is available for experiments and projects. In the future, corresponding working groups could take place here. - Further information can be found in the Wilhelm-Hauff-Schule Flörsbachtal-Lohrhaupten concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.b of the service description). Lot 3: School at the village square Freigericht-Altenmittlau - Address: Kegelbahnstraße 59, 63579 Freigericht-Altenmittlau - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 80 - Students to be supervised: 50 + of which 35 in module 1 + of which 15 in module 2 - Rooms: The school comprises three parts of the building: On the ground floor of the new building there are three classrooms, the student toilets and the technical room. On the first floor there is another classroom, the computer room, administration wing (teachers' room, school management office, caretaker's office and secretary's office) and the teachers' toilets. On the second floor/top floor there are two former classrooms that are used as a school kitchen and music room (choir, guitar and flute course, music club). These rooms were formerly used as care rooms and were renovated by the support association and the caretaker after the move to the old building. Directly past the administration wing is the passage to the attached community hall/gymnasium, which is mainly used for school sports. There are also changing rooms and other toilet facilities there. The gymnasium is currently available for sports activities on 2 afternoons (Zumba courses on Wednesdays, sports club on Thursdays). In the old building (110 years old) the windows were renovated/replaced 2 years ago so that the rooms can still be used. On the ground floor, after the extensive renovation last year, there is a former classroom that serves as a play and care room, the new school kitchen/canteen (former workshop), a laundry/cleaning room and student toilets. On the first floor you will find the lavishly expanded student library, which extends over 2 rooms (wall opening). It also houses the care office and, in the future, the office of the all-day coordinator. Two further rooms are connected by a hole in the wall and are available for educational homework supervision, free learning times and afternoons. On the 2nd floor/attic there are table/chair storage rooms and an attic that is not used. - Further information can be found in the concept of the school at Dorfplatz Freigericht-Altenmittlau for the implementation of the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.c of the service description). Lot 4: Igelsgrundschule Gelnhausen Höchst - Address: Schulstraße 11, 63571 Gelnhausen - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of pupils: 161 - Pupils to be supervised: 120 + of which 90 in module 1 + of which 30 in module 2 - Rooms: There are currently two separate rooms in the classroom wing available for school supervision. In addition, other multifunctional rooms are used for learning, play and relaxation phases. There is a kitchen with seating for eating meals. The school library also serves as a quiet room and the auditorium is used by children to play together when the weather is bad. Homework support and support group work takes place in classrooms, as these promote a learning atmosphere by being equipped with tables and chairs. The study groups take place in the multifunctional rooms and also in the playground, in the gym or in the garden area. However, the current space is not sufficient for around 90 students. The kitchen is not designed for such a high number of students. In particular, there is no cafeteria. The concept and use of the rooms is to be re-planned and urgently required structural renovation measures are to be implemented as quickly as possible. These are currently planned for 2026. - Further information can be found in the concept of the Igelsgrundschule Gelnhausen Höchst for the implementation of the pact for the whole day (appendix II.2.d of the service description). Lot 5: Herzbergschule Roth Gelnhausen Roth - Address: Rathausstraße 1, 63571 Gelnhausen - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 84 - Students to be supervised: 55 + of which 35 in module 1 + of which 20 in module 2 - Rooms: The space situation at the Herzbergschule is severely restricted by its location in the middle of town and the right of use of the clubs in the town hall. Nevertheless, an attempt was made to use the little space as best as possible, which in turn leads to increased staff deployment, especially during the full day. The division of the school into two buildings means that double supervision is necessary. The distribution of the number of children according to the number of seats available in the rooms is also a factor. The current spatial conditions can only be reconciled with the school development goals of the Herzbergschule to a limited extent. The existing conditions were optimized together with the school authority. The buildings are separated by a traffic-calmed street. The two buildings, some of which are listed buildings, contain 5 classrooms ranging in size from 49m² to 56m² with ergonomic furniture. There is a multifunctional room (54m²) for the preparatory course, the intensive course, ethics lessons, work time and study groups. There is also a care room (50m²) with a kitchenette and a PC workstation, a PC room, the school library, the secretary's office, the teachers' room and a consultation room. Depending on the weather, the municipal playground and the neighboring village square are used as the schoolyard. The public village square is on the Mkk property, but due to its dual use it can only be included in the Herzbergschule's educational concept to a limited extent. The school relies on flexible, mobile equipment, but the limited storage options mean that the capacity is exhausted. Thanks to the cooperation with the Roth Music Association and TV Roth, their club rooms can be used to counteract the ever-increasing lack of space. The music association room is used as a music room and as an alternative for supervision when it rains. It is not possible to design the room to be child-friendly. The TV Roth club room is available for dance groups and the pre-holiday parties that take place four times a year. For sports lessons, the Willi Bechtold Hall is within walking distance. Unfortunately, the city of Gelnhausen rents out the room at regular intervals, which means that it is not used at all. The teachers' room was redesigned in 2017 and offers limited opportunities for preparing for or following up on lessons. Specialist teachers without a classroom do not have the opportunity to store their own materials in the teachers' room. The staff meeting of the teaching team takes place in the care room on the children's furniture. The furniture does not meet the requirements of ergonomics in the workplace. The serving kitchen and the administrative computer of the all-day coordinator are also located in this room. Due to the age of the school building and the former town hall, the buildings do not have spacious hallway areas. In this respect, there is no possibility of expanding the space available. Since the school does not have a large room for the whole school community, all events have to take place outdoors and are therefore always dependent on the weather. - Further information can be found in the Herzbergschule Roth Gelnhausen Roth concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.e of the service description). Lot 6: School at the Hofgut Mittel-gründau - Address: Hofweg 1, 63584 Gründau - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 86 - Students to be cared for: 35 + Of which 25 in Module 1 + Of which 10 in Module 2 - Rooms: The school's existing rooms, including the multifunctional rooms and the container building, are used for all-day care. The outdoor area with the play equipment also offers space for exercise and play. The school at the Hofgut has four classrooms, two multifunctional rooms and an outdoor area with play equipment. One multifunctional room is currently used as an additional classroom due to the high number of students in class 4, as well as an inclusion room for the individual instruction of a child with a focus on learning. The other multifunctional room serves as a school library, PC and media room, as well as a room for remedial teaching and school social work. One of the classrooms is a little larger and has a separate outside door that faces the schoolyard playground and the current care building. Due to its location and size, it is ideally suited as one of the future rooms for homework supervision and other all-day activities. Like the classrooms, the multifunctional rooms have digital whiteboards and some work tables with chairs. Another room serves as a materials and workshop room. The administration (school management and secretariat) use two connected office rooms. The school itself has no cafeteria, dining rooms or suitable kitchen for lunch. There is only a fitted kitchen in the teachers' room. The municipality's container building, which is currently used by the "villa Krake" care center, is also possibly available. It could possibly continue to be used as a care and leisure center if the necessary renovation work on the kitchen were carried out in a timely manner. Long-term planning for the construction of a needs-based cafeteria with a kitchen and other rooms on the school premises or the adjacent municipal property is being developed in cooperation with the municipality and the district. In the near future, there will probably be minor adjustments and extensions to the furniture and equipment in the school rooms and the care rooms. In order to be able to use the classrooms both as teaching rooms and as care rooms for homework and other activities, multifunctional furniture, rollable shelves, rollable room divider shelves and, above all, additional height-adjustable seating are essential. - Further information can be found in the concept of the school at Hofgut Mittel-Gründau for the implementation of the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.f of the service description). Lot 7: Geisbergschule Linsengericht Eidengesäß - Address: Schulstraße 29, 63589 Linsengericht - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 227 - Students to be supervised: 110 + 80 of them in module 1 + 30 of them in module 2 - Rooms: The Geisbergschule is spread over three wings with the administration rooms, the teachers' room, the specialist rooms and the classrooms, all of which are connected to each other but are accessible via different entrances from the upper and lower schoolyard. There are currently 10 classes belonging to the Geisbergschule. The teachers' room is used jointly by the staff of the Geisbergschule and the Brentanoschule. In addition to a first aid room and three administrative rooms, there is a relaxation room that was newly furnished in the 2023/24 school year as part of the project week. The school has additional specialist rooms: a movement room, a multi-purpose room (music/meeting room), a kitchen, a workshop, a network room and a school library. All specialist rooms are shared with the speech therapy school and are regularly and actively used by both schools during morning lessons. The seven speech therapy classes of the Brentano School with a total of 54 pupils are represented at the Geisberg School and are therefore primarily housed in the classrooms in the wing on the upper school yard. Due to the almost daily presence of the speech therapists, an additional support room is primarily used by the Brentano School. Time overlaps between the speech therapy lessons at the speech therapy school and the preparatory course at the Geisberg School recently made it necessary for the latter to take place in a room next to the workshop. The supervision of the pupils before and after lessons currently takes place in an extension with adjacent containers on the upper school yard. There are four rooms in the care center, the fourth of which was built on as a residential container. The kitchen and dining room are also housed in a container built specifically for this purpose. The school's classrooms are available for homework support. The care center also uses the outdoor area and the gymnasium and, depending on staff capacity, parts of the former caretaker's house, which is also on the school premises but urgently needs to be renovated and equipped with furniture and play materials. The gymnasium is shared with the speech therapy school in the mornings and used by the care center and the Geislitz gymnastics club in the afternoons. For swimming lessons in the third year, all children go to the indoor pool in Gelnhausen with their swimming teachers. Due to the high birth rate and the looming three-stream system at the Geisberg School, as well as the steadily growing speech therapy department at the Brentano School, the spatial situation at the Geisberg School is becoming increasingly problematic. The school is in contact with the school authority in this regard. With regard to the rooms, the following measures have already been planned or will be continued: The homework groups are distributed across different classrooms. AGs can take place in the classrooms and specialist rooms in the afternoon, but in the morning lessons the options for moving to other rooms outside of classrooms are limited. Fixed plans for the specialist rooms are not possible due to the fact that two schools are under one roof and share the specialist rooms. With regard to the gym, the Brentano School has been allocated a fixed day of the week for physical education and another fixed period for the weeks in which the indoor pool is closed and no swimming lessons can take place. The situation is similar with the kitchen and other specialist rooms. There will probably still be four lunch groups and these will be mixed together, also changing daily, depending on when lessons end for the respective classes. Every change in the timetable makes a change in the composition of the meal groups unavoidable. The options in the container have proven to be extremely limited. There is still no solution for this. It still needs to be clarified with the school authority how the lunch situation can be alleviated. As part of the digital pact, the network room was re-equipped. There are now a total of 56 iPads available, 20 of which always remain in the network room, while the others can be borrowed for the classrooms (e.g. when doing homework, for research). The room and the iPads can also be used in support lessons and extracurricular activities. - Further information can be found in the Geisbergschule Linsengericht Eidengesäß concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.g of the service description). Lot 8: Erich-Simdorn-Schule Neuberg - Address: Rüdigheimer Straße, 63543 Neuberg - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 192 - Students to be supervised: 105 + 80 of them in module 1 + 25 of them in module 2 - Rooms: The student care service is currently using an extension consisting of 2 maxi containers, two former classrooms in the pavilion, and in the afternoons the rooms on the ground floor in the main building (2 classrooms and the craft/music room for homework and homework supervision). As part of the all-day school, the library in the main building can be integrated into the room concept. Support offers take place in the existing rooms in the main building. The sports hall is used by the school in the mornings and by local clubs from 2:45 p.m. The sports hall is used for sports groups in alternating mode from 12.15 p.m. to 1.45 p.m. In the summer, the Erich Simdorn School uses the neighboring sports grounds of the municipality of Neuberg. There is currently space for 36 pupils to eat lunch in the cafeteria kitchen. Lunch is currently served to 90 children in five shifts. The kitchen has a food counter with heating devices, a cold food counter, a plate warmer, a crockery cupboard, a refrigerator, an industrial dishwasher, a washing machine, a tumble dryer and a sink with a hand basin. There is also a kitchenette with a sink, two stoves and two ovens. The school has two exercise rooms, the gym and the schoolyard. There are also a number of project rooms, such as a library and a music and craft room. The school also has options for teacher workstations and a teacher's room. - Further information is available in the concept The Erich-Simdorn-Schule Neuberg for the implementation of the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.h of the service description). Lot 9: Adolf-Reichwein-Schule Rodenbach - Address: Alzenauer Str. 25, 63517 Rodenbach - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 770 in total, of which 398 in the elementary school - Students to be supervised: 150 + of which 100 in module 1 + of which 50 in module 2 - Rooms: The rooms currently available are in the elementary school wing, in the so-called "b-wing". In the two-story building, there is a classroom, the media library, the secondary school workshop and the toilets on the ground floor. On the first floor there are three rooms of the supervised elementary school, a school kitchen and the cafeteria. Opposite there are two more classrooms and toilets on the first floor of the so-called "a-wing", on the ground floor there is the preparatory class, a storage room and the art room, which is currently used by the secondary school. In an extension, in the "e-wing", on the edge of the schoolyard there is the auditorium, which is used for teaching purposes in the morning. The auditorium is also used for a variety of events such as conferences, information events, parents' evenings, parents' cafe on the first day of school, as an exercise room, as a practice room for clubs and much more. From the 2025/26 school year, the new room concept envisages the classrooms being used for lessons in the morning and at lunchtime/afternoons for homework supervision, study time or for the support of individual children or small groups. Appropriate furniture should enable multifunctional use of the rooms (lockable, with wheels). Discussions with the school authority are already taking place. There are currently two sports halls available, which are very busy in the mornings due to physical education classes for primary and secondary school students. In the afternoons, the gyms are mainly used by clubs. Since the halls are to be used all day, discussions with the clubs are planned with a view to cooperation. It must already be taken into account that, given the increasing number of pupils, there are not enough classrooms and that more containers will have to be provided. The auditorium will continue to be available primarily for lessons in the mornings. It will also still be possible to use it for school events and parties. The auditorium can be used as part of the all-day offerings, e.g. for a theater group, for arts activities or quiet exercise activities (relaxation, yoga). - Further information can be found in the Adolf Reichwein School Rodenbach's concept for implementing the all-day pact (Appendix II.2.i of the service description). Lot 10: Sterntalerschule Schöneck - Address: Wiesenau 3, 61137 Schöneck - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 173 - Students to be supervised: 130 + 85 of them in module 1 + 45 of them in module 2 - Rooms: After completion of the new building, the Sterntalerschule will have 8 classrooms, three multifunctional specialist/ag/care rooms, an open differentiation area, a multifunctional room, a cafeteria and a parents' meeting room (approx. 3m³). There are different rooms in which different activities take place for the children: four classrooms are available as permanent rooms for homework supervision after the end of lessons. There is a games room with a table football table, air hockey, board games, puzzles, a Barbie house and role-playing games. In the creative room you will find everything to do with handicrafts, painting, gluing, cutting, ironing beads etc. The construction room is used for building, playing with Lego, includes a marble run, construction toys and much more. The room is equipped with floor mats, tables and chairs. There is also a so-called mat room, which is used for romping. This is equipped with mats, cushions, foam building blocks, swimming noodles and more. Here 10 children can romp around at the same time for half an hour under the supervision of a carer. There is also a relaxation room and a music room for musical activities. Like the aforementioned rooms, the classrooms are also available for multifunctional use. There is a gym and a fairly spacious outdoor area on the school premises. - Further information can be found in the Sterntalerschule Schöneck concept for implementing the pact for the whole day (appendix II.2.h of the service description). Lot 11: Friedrich-ebert-schule Schöneck - Address: Bleichstraße 9, 61137 Schöneck - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 240 - Students to be supervised: 135 + of which 90 in module 1 + of which 45 in module 2 - Rooms: Classrooms are available for homework or individual learning time. It is possible to set up different learning groups that are spatially separated. Further supervision takes place in three rooms in the cafeteria wing. There are classrooms and a supervision room with sufficient workstations available, in which both the preparatory courses and support offers take place. There is a gymnasium. The hall plan is adapted annually to the needs of the all-day concept. In the outdoor area, the existing facilities (green classroom, play bushes, school garden, etc.) have been supplemented by a balance bar, among other things. In bad weather, the Erich-Simdorn-Halle right next to the school can be used - in consultation with AGS and clubs. The school also has a room for breaks and lunch. The cafeteria set up for this purpose serves the school and is also used for teaching purposes. - Further information can be found in the Friedrich-Ebert-Schule Schöneck concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.k of the service description). Lot 12: Aufenau Primary School Wächtersbach/aufenau - Address: Frankfurter Str. 26, 63607 Wächtersbach - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 110 - Students to be supervised: 80 + 60 of them in module 1 + 20 of them in module 2 - Rooms: The primary school's rooms consist of two building complexes: an old building from 1910 and an extension from 1997. In total, the following are available for school purposes: seven classrooms, a cafeteria with kitchen, a multi-purpose room, a teachers' room with materials room, a multifunctional room (craft and music room, room for preparatory course, etc.), a library and two office rooms. The school grounds have a fenced-in playground with climbing equipment, a swing, a play tower with a slide and a sandpit, a large lawn, a green classroom, a playhouse with balls, ropes, pedalos etc., an asphalted schoolyard and a football pitch, a paved area between the two parts of the building with a table tennis table and a car park with 9 spaces. As the school does not have a gymnasium, physical education classes take place in the rooms of the cultural centre in Aufenau. The all-day offer takes place mainly in the old building and in the multi-purpose room of the new building. Classrooms are occasionally used. After meals, the children can play outside or keep themselves busy inside when it rains. - Further information can be found in the concept of the Aufenau Wächtersbach/Aufenau primary school for the implementation of the all-day pact (appendix II.2.l of the service description). Lot 13: Hasela School Linsengericht-Altenhaßlau - Address: Bergstrasse 18, 63589 Linsengericht - Start of service: August 1st, 2025 - Number of students: 137 - Students to be supervised: 70 + 50 of them in module 1 + 20 of them in module 2 - Rooms: The Hasela School has 8 classrooms, a teachers' room, three administration rooms, a tea kitchen and an auditorium/atrium. There are no additional specialist rooms such as music, art or craft rooms, kitchen, parent-teacher room or differentiation or rest rooms. One administration room (the secretariat) was divided: In the rear area, a workstation for the secretary was created; in the front area there is a small student library. A container for supervision is used by the preparatory course in the mornings. The gym is a three-field hall and is used by both the Hasela School and the Brentano School. Occupancy is coordinated with the Brentano School every six months. As the Brentano School is an all-day school, capacity is limited. Swimming lessons, which are given in the third year, take place in the indoor and outdoor pools of the town of Gelnhausen. The following rooms are available for the implementation of the so-called exercise activities: schoolyard, adventure playground behind the school and sports field (artificial turf) directly opposite the school (also used as a play area during recess). - Further information can be found in the Hasela School Linsengericht-Altenhaßlau concept for implementing the pact for all-day schooling (appendix II.2.m of the service description).
Closing Date13 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
South Central Railway - SCR Tender
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Description: 12274ms24j, 98050175, Quantity- 85.660 Mts Scrap Condemned Unserviceable Ms-gi-ci Rusted,corroded,dusted Mixed Scrap Of C And W,loco,p. Way,signal Interlocking Material Consisting Of All Type Of Sheets,boxes,ms High Gauge,pipes,footsteps,rings,strips,filters,trusses,patch Cut Parts,gutters,drum Clocks,distribution Boards,u Rack,boring Rod,ms Panel Body,ms Battery Charger Covers,hand Cuffs,driver Seat,hand Cart,push Trolley,packing Strips,ms Body Of Block Instrument,ms Boiler Coil Cut Pieces,42 U Rack Ms Body,ms Collapsible Gate,ms Termination Box,ms Bathroom Ventilator,ms Body Of Data Logger,ms Heater Coil,screen Guard,nuts,bolts,lavatory Doors,ms Carriage Doors,pins,rivets,links,rods,angle Cut Pieces,structural Frames,brackets,drums,cocks,basins,wire Meshes,wire Ropes,water Tank Cut Up Parts,casings,corrugated Sheets,filter Top And Bottom Caps,clamps,washer Plates,stands,frames,sheet Cuts,plate Cuts,joists,channels,bases,plates,flats Cut Pieces,vestibule Frames,window,door,shutters,head Stocks Cut Up Parts,broken T And P Items,racks,compensating Rings,bindings,washers,dust Bins,chains,berth Strips,gate Frames,iron Furniture,motor Bodies,screw Rods,levers,flats,rod Cut Pieces,trolley Wheels,gi Ducts,glow Sign Boards,ms Electrical Scrap,building Rods,packing Strips,ms Body Of Rru,air Cooler Empty Bodies,cbf Filter,corrugated Sheets,drums,blower Motor Frames,ucb Packing Frames,under Frame Cut Up Parts,berth Frames,supports,cylinder Blower Covers,valves,end Shield Covers,traction Motor Yokes,shafts,piston Rings,gears,brake Shoe Heads,brake Gear Items,straps,cotters,springs,equalizing Stays,fan Hub,end Shield,pinions,ms Covers,signal Arms,lc Gate Pipes,ladders,angles,signal Booms,rounds,signal Buckets,pulleys,fabricated Posts,signal Lamp Structures,liners,screws,spikes,air Brake Cylinders,brake Hangers,bss Hangers,battery Boxes,battery Containers,junction And Location Boxes,sleepers Cut Pieces,axle Counter Empty Box,dc-dp Ips Empty Rack ,sge Block Instrument Empty Box ,reset Counter Box,gps Clock ,42 V Rack,transformer Bay,ms Chain Pulley Blocks,beam Scale Parts,idly Cooker With Steam Generator Body,wheel Barrow,fry Pan Single Burner,ms Floor Stand,ms Sliders,ms Body Wet Grinder,fry Pan,jara,ms Ips Rack Rifle Safety Chain,ms Air Pump,foot Spray,antenna,spiral Binding Machine,ms Man Drill,trbc Covers,hand Cart Push Trolley,expresser Fan Guard,ms First Aid Box,hacksaw Frame,tool Box,tie Bars,ci Brake Blocks,composite Brake Blocks,ci Pulleys,buckets,ms Gear Wheels,gym Equipment,roti Maker,bicycle Parts,axle Box,bfr Cut Up Parts,grills,mesh,gate Wheels,girders Cut Pieces,collars,trolleys,foot Plates,signal Point Rods And Any Other Ms-gi-ci Material Present In The Lot With Or Without Attachments Of Nf,ss,rubber,nylon And Plastic. Ms Pan Mortars,wire Claws,wire Baskets,crow Bars,jim Crow,dip Lorry,weld Filling Body,sleeper Hooks,rail Dollies,rail Cutting Frames,augers,pick Axe,tongue For Rails,spades,beaters,ballast Rake,powrahs,rail Cum Road Mono Trolley,case Tin,h.s.lamps,rail Dolly Clips,shovels,trolley Wheels And Similar Gang Man Items Of Sorts And Sizes,with Or Without Attachments.fiber,glass,windows,frp Glass Windows,window Frames Of Sorts And Sizes,broken Or Unbroken,with Or Without Attachments Of Nf Window Shutters. [aluminium - 2 Percent] Note- 1. Nf Material,axles,wheel Discs,and Rails Or Material Not Mentioned In The Description,if Found During The Delivery Are To Be Returned To Railways. 2. Track And Track Fittings Running Through This Area Are Excluded. 3. Nf And Stainless-steel Attachments Are Approximately 0.1 Percent Of The Lot Quantity. 4. Gas Cutting Permitted To Facilitate Loading. At Two Locations- Bin No- 273 To 276 And Bin No 244, Left Side Of Road No- 2 Hsn Code- 72044900. Gst- 18 Percent. Note- Delivery On Actual Weighment Basis Only Special Note: Overload Of The Carrying Capacity Of The Vehicle Will Not Be Permitted At The Time Of Taking Delivery, As Per Motor Vehicle Act 1988
Closing Date30 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
United States
Description: Sources Sought Notice
this Is A Sources Sought Notice Only. The U.s. Government Desires To Procure Food, Lodging And Facility Usage For 240 Cadets And 46 Cadre Conducting Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge (jclc) Odyssey In Boswell, Pennsylvania, From 03 June 2025 To 20 June 2025 On A Small Business Set-aside Basis, Provided Two (2) Or More Qualified Small Businesses Respond To This Notice With Information Sufficient To Support A Set-aside. Be Advised That The U.s. Government Will Not Be Able To Set Aside This Requirement If Two (2) Or More Small Businesses Do Not Respond With Information To Support The Set-aside. We Encourage All Small Businesses, In All Socioeconomic Categories (including, 8(a) Business Development Program, Small Disadvantage Business, Historically Underutilized Business Zone, Service-disabled Veteran-owned, Women-owned Small Business Concerns), To Identify Their Capabilities In Meeting The Requirement At A Fair Market Price.
this Notice Is Issued Solely For Information And Planning Purposes – It Does Not Constitute A Request For Quote (rfq)/invitation For Bid (ifb)/request For Proposal (rfp) Or A Promise To Issue An Rfq, Ifb Or Rfp In The Future. This Notice Does Not Commit The U.s. Government To Contract For Any Supply Or Service. Further, The U.s. Government Is Not Seeking Quotes, Bids Or Proposals At This Time And Will Not Accept Unsolicited Proposals In Response To This Notice. The U.s. Government Will Not Pay For Any Information Or Administrative Costs Incurred In Response To This Notice. Submittals Will Not Be Returned To The Responder. Not Responding To This Notice Does Not Preclude Participation In Any Future Rfq Or Ifb Or Rfp, If Any Is Issued. If A Solicitation Is Released, It Will Be Synopsized On The Government Wide Point Of Entry (gpe). It Is The Responsibility Of Potential Offerors To Monitor The Gpe For Additional Information Pertaining To This Requirement. The Anticipated Naics Code Is 721214; This U.s. Industry Comprises Establishments Primarily Engaged In Operating Overnight Recreational Camps, Such As Children's Camps, Family Vacation Camps, Hunting And Fishing Camps, And Outdoor Adventure Retreats, That Offer Trail Riding, White Water Rafting, Hiking, And Similar Activities. These Establishments Provide Accommodation Facilities, Such As Cabins And Fixed Campsites, And Other Amenities, Such As Food Services, Recreational Facilities And Equipment, And Organized Recreational Activities. The Size Standard In Millions Of Dollars For This Naics Code Is $9m.
attached Is The Draft Performance Work Statement (pws) The Contractor Shall Provide Lodging Facilities, Training Facilities, Meals Services, Furniture, Equipment, Supplies, Facilities, Medical Services, Tools, Management, Certified Trainers And Labor In Accordance With The Terms, Conditions And Specifications Set Forth In The Draft Performance Work Statement. The Contractor Shall Perform To The Standards In This Contract.
responses To This Notice Shall Be E-mailed To The Contract Specialist, Bryce L. Medley At No Later Than February 21st 2025 At 2:00pm Et (fort Knox Local Time).
limitations On Subcontracting And Nonmanufacturer Rule Do Not Apply To Small Business Set-asides For Contracts At Or Below The Simplified Acquisition Threshold (sat). It Does Apply To 8(a), Hubzone, Sdvosb, Edwosb, And Wosb Set-asides Regardless Of The Dollar Value Of The Award.
small Business Contractors Awarded Contracts Above The Sat Are Required To Comply With Federal Acquisition Regulation (far) 52.219-14, Limitations On Subcontracting When Utilizing Subcontractors. The Penalty For Non-compliance Is The Greater Of (a) $500k Or (b) The Dollar Amount Expended, In Excess Of Permitted Levels.
see Far 52.219-14 - Limitations On Subcontracting For Small Business.
all Wosb Firms Need To Take Action In In Order To Compete For Wosb Federal Contracting Program Set-aside Contracts.
in Response To This Notice, Please Provide:
1. Name Of The Firm, Point Of Contact, Phone Number, Email Address, Duns Number, Cage Code, A Statement Regarding Small Business Status (including Small Business Type(s)/certifications(s) Such As Sdb, 8(a), Hubzone, Sdvosb, Wosb, Etc.) And The Corresponding Naics Code.
2. Identify Whether Your Firm Is Interested In Competing For This Requirement As A Prime Contractor Or Not. Identify Subcontracting, Joint Ventures Or Teaming Arrangement That Will Be Pursued, If Any.
3. Information In Sufficient Detail Regarding Previous Experience (indicate Whether As A Prime Contractor Or Subcontractor) On Similar Requirements (include Size, Scope, Complexity, Timeframe, Government Or Commercial), Pertinent Certifications, Etc., That Will Facilitate Making A Capability Determination.
4. Information To Help Determine If The Requirement Is Commercially Available, Including Pricing Information, Basis For The Pricing Information (e.g., Market Pricing, Catalog Pricing), Delivery Schedules, Customary Terms And Conditions, Warranties, Etc.
5. Identify How The Army Can Best Structure These Contract Requirements To Facilitate Competition By And Among Small Business Concerns.
6. Identify Any Condition Or Action That May Be Having The Effect Of Unnecessarily Restricting Competition With Respect To This Acquisition. Please Contact The Micc Advocate For Competition, Scott Kukes, At Or 520-944-7373, If You Believe That This Action Is Unreasonably Restricting Competition. Include The Subject Of The Acquisition, This Announcement, And The Micc Poc Information From The Notice. Provide The Specific Aspects That Unreasonably Restrict Competition And The Rationale For Such Conclusion.
7. Recommendations To Improve The Approach/specifications/draft Pws/prs To Acquiring The Identified Items/services.
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Vaněk - furniture production, spol. s ro Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Czech Republic
Purchaser Name: Vaněk - furniture production, spol. s ro | Details: The Subject of the Project Is a Set of Measures That Will Represent the Digital Transformation of Processes in the Company and Will Lead to Increased Cybersecurity. The Core Activity Will Be the Acquisition and Implementation of a New ERP System, Software for Technical Preparation of Production and the Use of Identification of System Elements Using Barcodes. Assets Will Be Acquired In The Following Areas: Digital Transformation Of The Company: - Acquisition And Implementation Of A New Erp System - Planning And Monitoring Of Production, Warehouse Management, Economics And Accounting Of The Company, Business Relations And Crm, Qms, Mes, Sql, Payroll And Human Resources - Preparatory Sw - Technical Preparation Of Production And Connection With Erp - Necessary Hw - Laptops, Server For The Erp System Logistics And Warehouse Technologies: - Industrial Barcode Marking - Mobile Barcode Readers - Wms Software - Part Of The Acquisition Of The Erp System The Tendering Process "Digital Transformation Of The Company Vaněk - Furniture Manufacturing, Spol. S Ro - Part 1" Will Contain All Items Except The Preparatory Sw - Technical Preparation Of Production And Connection With Erp. A Separate Tendering Process Will Subsequently Be Announced For This Part.
Closing Date5 Mar 2025
Tender AmountCZK 3.4 Million (USD 145.2 K)
9431-9440 of 9741 archived Tenders