Food Tenders
Food Tenders
VIVEA Tender
Food Products
Details: The management of water resources is a major issue for food sovereignty, particularly in the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region. Depending on the territory, water and hydrological balances are contrasted and have strong impacts on systems: access and efficient management of water resources, disruption of water and plant cycles. Extreme climatic incidents which degrade the system accentuate the artificialization of soils whose retention capacity is weakened. Non-irrigated sectors are subject to difficult production conditions, and new needs may arise for crops that are usually little or not irrigated. Conversely, 20% of the Sau is irrigated, which partially secures access to water in these territories and should guarantee a certain level of production. However, the irrigation needs of currently irrigated crops are increasing due to more intense droughts and the calibration of irrigation equipment is often approximate and not very efficient. Tensions between users are strengthening and becoming acute, imposing drastic regulations and restrictions in places. Agriculture, in Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, benefits from recognized regional expertise and transferable skills. Technologies for Precision Piloting Are at the Point. Increasingly Experimental Agroecological Approaches Are Proven. Optimizing water resources is therefore possible, but the adaptation solutions are numerous and complex. Faced with this context, the Vivea Paca Committee is launching this specific call for tenders in support of a global project aimed at strengthening the resilience of their system.
Closing Date31 Dec 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents
6121-6130 of 6691 active Tenders