Finland Tenders

Finland Tenders

Keski pohjanmaan Sosiaali Ja Terveyspalvelukuntayhtym Soite Tender

Consultancy Services
Closing Date31 Dec 2030
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Mental health and rehabilitation services

Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue Tender

Telecommunication Services
Closing Date1 Feb 2026
Tender AmountNA 
Procurement of Services for Children and Families Pursuant to the Social Welfare Act and the Child Protection Act

Hansel Oy Tender

Other Consultancy Services...+1Consultancy Services
Closing Date30 Dec 2028
Tender AmountEUR 100 Million (USD 105.7 Million)
Finland – Medical Equipments, Pharmaceuticals And Personal Care Products – Terveydenhuollon Tarvikkeet Ja Laitteet 2024-2028 (dps)

2M IT Oy Tender

Closing Date23 Sep 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Customer information systems Licenses and Services

Hansel Oy Tender

Consultancy Services
Closing Date31 Dec 2027
Tender AmountEUR 220 Million (USD 232.7 Million)
Finland – Cleaning And Sanitation Services – Hansel Oy:n "siivouspalvelut 2021-2025" Dynaamisen Hankintajärjestelmän Voimassaolon Jatkaminen 31.12.2027 Asti

Eduskunnan Kanslia Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Closing Date16 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Finland – Subscription Services – Kausijulkaisujen Välityspalvelu

Keski Suomen Hyvinvointialue Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Closing Date30 Nov 2033
Tender AmountEUR 392.9 Million (USD 415.5 Million)
Finland – Health And Social Work Services – Dps Vammaisten Henkilöiden Asumisen Tuen Palvelut Tarjoukset 4.12.2023 Klo 12:00 Mennessä

Espoon Kaupunki Tender

Closing Date10 Jan 2025
Tender AmountEUR 700 K (USD 740.4 K)
Finland – Curtain Fabrics – Verhojen Ja Ompelupalveluiden Hankinta

Monetra Oulu Oy Hankintapalvelut Tender

Closing Date31 Dec 2050
Tender AmountNA 
Acquist services by Monira Oulu Oyvansae a dynamic purchasing system Acquisns of work-management services Accompanying their existing customers (continued also \" subscribers\") This request for injury and its tensions. As subscribers, you can be the customers of All Monetra Oulu Oy. From the acquisn of Interest, the Suggestions are requested to submit an application for infringement in the Offer portal innnce with this request for in.ation and its tensions. The aim of the “working counseling” is to support multidisciplinary occupational well-being as well as to support cooperation with Customers naturally, clarify and coherent understanding of the basic task and enhance the employee’s professional skills. Based on Volunteering, it is a confidential and non-confidential work model. It is one of the ways to respond to the professional and functional challenges of working communities. Work counseling promotes Risocially burdensome work management alongside comparative tasks. Employment counselling required by the Mental Health Act must be such that it contributes to the staff’s ability to provide mental health services needed by the population. Employment counseling help supports Premier and Staff in Quality Customer Work and Change-induced Development Challenges through Expertise, Collaboration, Wellbeing and Job Mieleksi Experience. “Work guidance can be utilized in Esim:”; in the prevention and administration of psychosocial loading by clarifying the Basic Task, Member will mentally load Customer and Pant work or Hard Interaction Situations”; in the event of changes in the Preparations and Development of the Activities; Employee guidance promotes professional competence, work smoothness and strengthens our own power resources. For example, on the Pohte, the Counselling Services are produced by trained, internal work counselors on the Own Work, as well as by means of insurance, acquired by external contractors. “,” “individual, group or work community council counselling to various occupational groups, e.g. ancestors or family workers, as partly as it is not implemented on the basis of the occupational health agreement. Individual, Group and Labour Community Workingnering may include the so-called Performance Counselling, Jollo's Labour Counselling Strategy is the Customer's Present", "Purchasing:t:" - Book Dps at the Establishment Stage 31.3.2023 at 12.00 p.m. Approximately 15 working days are being processed. For example, if Criminal Registration exss are delayed from the Candidate for Indetadent Cause, the time to process the application is calculated from the date of the offence (pvm), then the Con Haning Entity has received the requested documents. "Try to send First Dps In Tar Offer Requests After the Construction Stage Estimated No later than April 2023 Week 16 Dps for Approved Providers. If the Supplier wishes to be involved in the first In Tar Offer Request Compet: of Dps, the application must be submitted during the Dps Constitutional Period. "Send Dps to Accepted Suppliers Requests for tenders once a year Consequently, that the contracts are initially concluded for one (1) year’s term of contract.” The first Offer Request for Sept. 2023 will be published from May to August 2023.

Helsingin Seudun Liikenne Kuntayhtym Tender

Closing Date9 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Finland-helsinki: Public Road Transport Services
1181-1190 of 1324 active Tenders
4.6 / 5 Star
Rated by 2,635customers
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