Finland Tenders
Finland Tenders
Tuomi Logistiikka Oy Tender
Tuomi Logistiikka Oy (the contracting entity / subscriber)ans, as a contractor, the Employee Management Services.kaudella the contract period, the Pirkanmaa Welfare Area, Kanta Welfare Area, Tammen Cowboy and the City of Aka.", "Purchase Procedure", "Electric Procurement Procedure (Dynamic Procedure, Dps,) Purposed Purchase Act (13971316) Twelve of purchases. ‘Application for a procurement procedure shall be submitted in the Offer portal. All application and minimum requirements Suppliers are selected for the procedure. Inside Dps, the Orderer Publishes Offer Plugs for which Only the Service Provider accepted in Dps may submit the Offer. For more information on the Procurement Procedure in Appendix \"Description of the Procurement Procedure"", "Subscriber of the Service". The personnel of the service subscribers have activity in the Resources Framework to get work counselling to heat professional know- Tur and to safeguard employment. Employees are also subject to legal obligations in certain services. “The subscriber will publish the Offer Plc within Dps at least the following Service Products:” Individual worker,” 2. “Company Director,” 3. "Community work" 4. Pre-order and Leadership, 5. Consulting and Situational Working Control,” “Se Voice Provider may offer one or more Service Products.” Procedure from the Enforced Service Providers "-Vko 19: First Offer Plug-in is delivered to the Dynamic Procedure-approved Service Producers--"Vko 19-23: Supplier's Leave-Time", Vko 24: Con Han Decision", "the subscriber reserves the Right to Schedule Changes". Dynamic Procedure Requirements After the start phase, however, the Service Provider will not be able to leave the Offer for the first stage of the Offer.
Closing Date30 Mar 2029
Tender AmountNA
1171-1180 of 1293 active Tenders