Fencing Tenders

Fencing Tenders

Nhs England Tender

Other Consultancy Services...+1Consultancy Services
United Kingdom
Details: Nhs England (london Region) (hereafter Referred To As "the Authority") Invites Expressions Of Interest (eois) And Completed Invitation To Tender (itt) Submissions From All Suitable Providers For The Delivery Of An Integrated London Liaison And Diversion Service (l&d) And London Mental Health Treatment Service (mhtr) For Men Only. L&d And Mhtr Services Are Commissioned By The Health & Justice Team, As Part Of Nhs England London's Specialised Commissioning Division. The Services Liaison And Diversion Service The Provider Will Identify Individuals With Mental Health, Neurodiverse Needs, Substance Misuse Or Other Psychosocial Vulnerabilities, When They Come Into Contact With The Youth And Criminal Justice Systems. The Service Aims To: • Improve Overall Health Outcomes By Providing Better Access To Healthcare And Support Services For Vulnerable People • Reduce Reoffending By Addressing The Underlying Factors Contributing To Offending Behaviour. The Provider Will Deliver The L&d Service In All London Custody Suites, Magistrates’ Courts, Crown Courts And Will Include A Dedicated Community Team Of Community Link Workers And Peer Support Workers. It Will Also Deliver A Service For Individuals Who Are Dealt With By Voluntary Attendance/interview Who Have Vulnerabilities. It Will Share Appropriate Information With Criminal Justice System Partners (police, Judiciary, Crown Prosecution Service, Probation Etc) As Well As Supporting Individuals Into Appropriate Health And Other Services. Mental Health Treatment Requirements For Men Only The Provider Will Deliver In London Mhtr Treatment Service For Men Only Where The Courts Deem It Would Be Appropriate To Include A Mhtr As Part Of A Community Sentence. The Service Would Screen Men Who Had Been Referred By Either Probation, Defence Or Liaison And Diversion Who Are Potentially Suitable For A Mhtr. If The Individual Agrees, This Will Be Shared With Probation Who Will Include The Recommendation Into The Pre Sentence Report For The Judiciary For Them To Consider Whether A Mhtr Could Be Part Of Any Sentencing Options. Where A Man Is Given A Mhtr As Part Of A Community Order The Provider Would Deliver A Number Of Sessions Over A Specified Period, Determined By The Court And Provide Psychological Treatment/interventions, To Address The Underlying Mental Health Issues Which May Be Contributing Towards The Underlying Offending Issues. The Service Will Work Directly With Probation Around Support Which Will Increase Compliance, As Well As Proactively Support The Man To Comply With The Mhtr, And Therefore Reduce Breaches. This Service Would Be Available To Any Man Appearing In Any Of The Magistrates' Courts Or Crown Courts In London. The Authority Has Divided London Into Two Lots – North And South. Lot 1 - The North London Lot Will Be Based On The North West London, North Central London And North East London Icbs Geographical Footprints And Lot 2 - The South London Lot Will Be Based On The South West London And South East London Icbs Geographical Footprint Contract Length And Value: The Contract For The Service Will Be Awarded For A Period Of 5 Years (60 Months), With An Optional Extension For A Further Period Of 2 Years (24 Months). Therefore, The Maximum Duration Of This Contract, If All Extension Options Are Taken Up Will Be 7 Years (84 Months). The Contract Values For Each Lot Are As Follows: Lot 1 - The North Contract Value (per Annum) - £11,234,196 Contract Value (5 Years) - £56,170,980 Contract Value (7 Years) - £78,639,372 Lot 2 - The South Contract Value (per Annum) - £5,362,675 Contract Value (5 Years) - £26,813,375 Contract Value (7 Years) - £37,538,725
Closing Date11 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Barangay San Isidro, Libmanan, Camarines Sur Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Details: Description Name Of Project: Improvement Of Multi-purpose Building Location: San Isidro, Libmanan, Camarines Sur Appropriation: P 100,000.00 Source Of Fund: Trust Fund – Cy 2024 Description : Dismantling And Restoration Concrete Works Masonry Works Roofing And Framing Works Steel Door Installation I. Dismantling And Restoration Estimated Quantity = 1.00 Lot Dismantling And Restoration Of Fence, And Concrete 1 Lot Chipping Ii. Concrete Works Estimated Quantity = 1.13 Cu.m, A.materials 11 Bags Cement 1 Cu.m, Washed Sand 2 Cu.m, 3/4” Crushed Gravel 3 Pcs 12mm Ørsb 8 Pcs 10mm Ørsb 1 Pc 1/4" Thk Ordinary Plywood 30 Bdft Formlumber 1 Kgs #16 Tie Wire 1 Kgs Assorted Cw Nail B. Labor C. Equipment Rental For 1 Day 1 Unit Concrete Bagger Mixer Iii. Masonry Works Estimated Quantity = 8.54 Sq.m. A.materials 113 Pcs 6” Chb 13 Bags Cement 1 Cu.m. Washed Sand 4 Pcs 10mm Ø Rsb 4 Pcs 8mm Ø Rsb 1 Kgs Tie Wire B. Labor Iv. Roofing And Framing Works Estimated Quantity = 1.00 Lot A. Materials 5 Pcs 2” X 2” X 1.5mm G.i. Tubular 3 Pcs 1/4 X 1 1/2” Angle Bar 14 Pcs 5/16” Expansion Bolt W/ Jacket 2 Pcs 10mm Square Bar 1 Pcs 2”x1/4” Thk Flat Bar 2 Pcs 4”x6”x12mm Ms Base Plate 3 Pcs 4”x4”x12mm Ms Base Plate 5 In.m. 0.6mm Thk Pre-painted Rib Type Long Span Roofing 2 Pcs Pre-painted Wall Flashing 8ft 0.6mm Thk 2 Pcs Pre-painted End Flashing 8ft 0.6mm Thk 4 Pcs 1/4 Thk Hardiflex 1 Box Blind Rivet 90 Pcs Tekscrew 10 Kgs Welding Rod 6 Pcs Cutting Disc 1 L Roof Sealant B. Labor C. Equipment Rental For 2 Days 1 Unit Welding Machine With Genset V. Steel Door Installation Estimated Quantity = 1.00 Lot A.materials And Labor (installation) 1 Unit Fabricated Steel Door (1m X 2.10m) 1” Ø G.i. Pipe Frame 10mm Square Bar Heavy Duty Lock Set Heavy Duty Hinge Spl I – Project Billboard 1 Pc Billboard With Frame (8ft X8ft) Spl Ii- Construction Safety & Health 3 Pcs Uniform 3 Pcs Hard Hat 3 Pcs Safety Boots 3 Pcs Gloves Spl Iii- Photographs 1 Lot Photographs Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Closing Date12 Feb 2025
Tender AmountPHP 100 K (USD 1.7 K)

Puolustusvoimien Logistiikkalaitos Tender

Details: Title: Osallistumishakemuspyyntö: Puitesopimus Kehä- Ja Aluevalvonnan Laitteista Palveluineen 2025-2029 description: Puolustusvoimien Logistiikkalaitos (jäljempänä Hankintayksikkö) Pyytää Osallistumishakemustanne Puolustusvoimien Hankintaan "puitesopimus Kehä- Ja Aluevalvonnan Laitteista Palveluineen 2025-2029". Hankinnan Kohteena On Puitesopimus, Ennakoidulta Arvoltaan Kahdeksan (8) Miljoonaa Euroa Vuosille 2025-2029. Hankintaa Kuvattu Tarkemmin Tässä Osallistumishakemuspyynnössä Ja Sen Liitteissä. Hankinta Toteutetaan Rajoitettuna Eu-kynnysarvon Ylittävänä Hankintamenettelynä Julkisista Puolustus- Ja Turvallisuushankinnoista Annetun Lain (1531/2011) Mukaisesti. Kehä- Ja Aluevalvontaa Käytetään Pääasiassa Puolustusvoimien Varastoalueilla Sekä Sellaisissa Kohteissa, Joissa Kehävalvonta Katsotaan Riskiarvion Perusteella Tarkoituksenmukaiseksi. Kohteet Sijaitsevat Maantieteellisesti Hajautetulla Alueella, Joten Valitun Tarjoajan Tulee Sopimuskauden Aikana Taata Suunnittelu-, Asennus-, Huolto-, Ja Viankorjauspalveluiden Maantieteellisesti Kattava Saatavuus Koko Suomen Alueella. Valvottavien Aitalinjojen Pituudet Vaihtelevat Kilometristä Noin 9 Kilometriin Ja Kohteita On Noin 40 Ympäri Suomen. Lisäksi Toteutukseen Sisältyy Valvottavien Aitalinjojen Sisällä Olevat Rakennusten Lähialueen Valvonta Ja Aitalinjassa Olevien Kulkuaukkojen Valvonta. Hankinta Koskee Kehä- Ja Aluevalvonnan Toteutukseen Liittyviä Laitteita, Ohjelmistoja Ja Lisenssejä, Toteutuksen Suunnittelu-, Asennus- Ja Käyttöönottopalveluja Sekä Dokumentointia, Koulutusta, Huolto- Ja Viankorjausta. Puolustusvoimien Kohteiden Turvallisuusvalvonta Perustuu Keskitettyyn Turvallisuusvalvontaan. Hankinta Pitää Sisällään Kehä- Ja Aluevalvonnan Sensorit, Joista Tulevat Hälytykset Tuodaan Puolustusvoimien Käytössä Oleviin Kulunvalvonta- Ja Rikosilmoitinjärjestelmiin. Sensorien Hälytykset Tulee Pystyä Siirtämään Myös Olemassa Olevaan Kameravalvontajärjestelmään. Puolustusvoimilla On Käytössään G-fence 600 Zoning -järjestelmä. Tulevan Järjestelmän Tulee Olla Mainitun Järjestelmän Kanssa Yhteensopiva Ja Täyttää Tarjouspyynnöllä Asetetut Ehdottomat Tekniset Vaatimukset. Tavoitetilassa Puolustusvoimilla On Kohdekohtainen, Valtakunnalliseen Turvallisuusvalvontaan Integroitu Aluevalvonta, Jolla Voidaan Valvoa Puolustusvoimien Alueita Kaikissa Suomen Sääolosuhteissa. Valittu Toimittaja Suunnittelee, Asentaa, Käyttöönottaa Ja Kouluttaa Aitavalvonta-, Ja Aluevalvontajärjestelmät Puolustusvoimien Asiantuntijan Antamien Vaatimusten Mukaisesti. Asennuskohteiden Urakkarajapinnat Esimerkiksi Kaapeloinnin Osalta Sovitaan Tapauskohtaisesti. Puolustusvoimat Tulee Solmimaan Voittaneen Tarjoajan Kanssa Maksimissaan Viiden Vuoden Puitesopimuksen, Jolla Puolustusvoimat Tekee Tilauksia Kohteisiinsa. Lopullisten Asennuskohteiden Määrä Riippuu Rakennuskohteiden Valmistumisasteesta Sekä Puolustusvoimille Tulevina Vuosina Myönnettävien Määrärahojen Määrästä. Puitesopimuksella Voidaan Hankkia Myös Pelkkiä Tuotteita Esimerkiksi Omaa Asennusta Tai Varautumista Varten Vaihto- Tai Varaosalaitteiksi. Hankinta Sisältää Sitovan Option Huolto- Ja Viankorjaussopimuksesta, Joka On Voimassa Puitesopimuksen Ajan. Huiolto- Ja Viankorjaussopimusosuuden Arvioitu Osuus Puitesopimuksen Kokonaisarvosta On 400 000 Eur Alv 0%. Laadittava Puitesopimus Ei Tuota Valitulle Toimittajalle Yksinoikeutta. Tarjoajalta Tullaan Edellyttämään Laitteiden Hyvää Saatavuutta Ja Päivitettävyyttä Koko Puitesopimuksen Voimassaolon Ajan Koskien Myös Huoltoa Ja Viankorjausta. Hankinnan Kohteen Tarjousmateriaali Sisältää Osittain Turvaluokiteltua Tietoa (tl Iv), Jonka Vuoksi Varsinainen Tarjousmateriaali Esitellään Ainoastaan Hyväksytyille Tarjoajille. Tarjoajan Henkilöiden, Jotka Käsittelevät Tarjouspyynnön Turvaluokiteltua Materiaalia, Tulee Allekirjoittaa Vaitiolovakuutus. Hankintaa Ei Jaeta Osiin Eri Tarjoajien Kesken. Hankinnan Kohteen Ylläpidon Ja Käytettävyyden Turvaamiseksi Hankinnan Jakaminen Osiin Ei Ole Mahdollista.
Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountEUR 8 Million (USD 8.3 Million)

Municipality Of San Rafael, Iloilo Tender

Electrical and Electronics...+1Solar Installation and Products
Details: Description I. System Devices And Peripherals… 1 127 Pcs "550w Monocrystalline Solar Panel Nominal Max. Power (pmax): 550w Opt. Operating Voltage (vmp): 41.09v Opt. Operating Current (imp): 13.63a Open Circuit Voltage (voc): 49.82v Short Circuit Current (isc): 14.21a Module Efficiency Up To: 21.68% " 2 2 Units 50kw Three Phase Grid Tie Inverter Max. Pv Input Voltage (v): 800 V Max.ac Output Apparent Power(kva):50 Rated Ac Output Active Power (kw): 50 Rated Ac Output Current (a): 131.3/125.4 Frequency Range: 50/45-55, 60/55-65hz Max. Efficiency: 98.3 % Protection Class: Ip65 Ii. Supply Of Roughing-ins Materials Mounting System 3 85 Pcs Railings (6.1meters) 4 350 Pcs Mid Clamp 5 58 Pcs Emp Clamp 6 50 Pcs End Clamp 7 800 Pcs L-feet 8 50 Pcs Mc4 Connector 9 65 Pcs Splice Connector 10 5 Pcs Fence Steel Matting Iii. Other Rough-ins Materials 11 1 Set Net Limiter Device 12 1 Lot Ac Circuit Breakers 13 1 Lot Dc Circuit Breakers 14 20 Pcs Cutting Disc For Metals 15 7 Pcs 6mm Concrete Drill Bit For Sds 16 1 Set Tox, Expansion And Screws 17 1 Lot Enclosures With Breaker Rail Or With Copper Bus Bar 18 4 Rolls Solar Pv Cable (4mm2) 19 450 Meters Thhn Pure Copper Power Cable 100mm2 20 40 Length Aluminum Cable Duct Organizer (3.75inches*1.75inches) 21 1 Lot Liquid Tight Connector 22 50 Pcs Cable Gland Connector 23 1 Roll Liquid Tight Flexible Hose (3/4") 24 2 Rolls Hdpe Hose (3/4") Conduits With Clips 25 1 Unit "wireless Dual Band Router Data Rate: 5 Ghz: 867 Mbps; 2.4 Ghz:300mbps Antenna: Four 5-dbi Amplified Antennas Wireless Standard: Ieee 802.11/a/n/ac Wave 2 @ 5 Ghz; Ieee 802.11b/g/n @ 2.4 Ghz Working Frequency Band: 2.4 Ghz, 5 Ghz (with Ntc Radio Communications Equipment And Wdn Dealers Permit And With Iso Certificate Of Brand Manufacturer And Certificate Of Platinum Dealer Partner) " 26 2 Unit "2 Mp Fixed Mini Bullet Network Camera High Quality Imaging With 2 Mp Resolution Excellent Low-light Performance Efficient H.265+ Compression Technology Water And Dust Resistant (ip67) 24/7 Colorful Imaging With Iso Certificate Of Brand Manufacturer And Certificate Of Platinum Dealer Partner With Office Or Store Within Province Of Iloilo With Valid Mayors Permit, Dti/sec, For Fast After Sales Service "
Closing Date27 Jan 2025
Tender AmountPHP 4.7 Million (USD 81.4 K)

Puolustusvoimien Logistiikkalaitos Tender

Details: Title: Osallistumishakemuspyyntö: Puitesopimus Kehä- Ja Aluevalvonnan Laitteista Palveluineen 2025-2029 description: Puolustusvoimien Logistiikkalaitos (jäljempänä Hankintayksikkö) Pyytää Osallistumishakemustanne Puolustusvoimien Hankintaan "puitesopimus Kehä- Ja Aluevalvonnan Laitteista Palveluineen 2025-2029". Hankinnan Kohteena On Puitesopimus, Ennakoidulta Arvoltaan Kahdeksan (8) Miljoonaa Euroa Vuosille 2025-2029. Hankintaa Kuvattu Tarkemmin Tässä Osallistumishakemuspyynnössä Ja Sen Liitteissä. Hankinta Toteutetaan Rajoitettuna Eu-kynnysarvon Ylittävänä Hankintamenettelynä Julkisista Puolustus- Ja Turvallisuushankinnoista Annetun Lain (1531/2011) Mukaisesti. Kehä- Ja Aluevalvontaa Käytetään Pääasiassa Puolustusvoimien Varastoalueilla Sekä Sellaisissa Kohteissa, Joissa Kehävalvonta Katsotaan Riskiarvion Perusteella Tarkoituksenmukaiseksi. Kohteet Sijaitsevat Maantieteellisesti Hajautetulla Alueella, Joten Valitun Tarjoajan Tulee Sopimuskauden Aikana Taata Suunnittelu-, Asennus-, Huolto-, Ja Viankorjauspalveluiden Maantieteellisesti Kattava Saatavuus Koko Suomen Alueella. Valvottavien Aitalinjojen Pituudet Vaihtelevat Kilometristä Noin 9 Kilometriin Ja Kohteita On Noin 40 Ympäri Suomen. Lisäksi Toteutukseen Sisältyy Valvottavien Aitalinjojen Sisällä Olevat Rakennusten Lähialueen Valvonta Ja Aitalinjassa Olevien Kulkuaukkojen Valvonta. Hankinta Koskee Kehä- Ja Aluevalvonnan Toteutukseen Liittyviä Laitteita, Ohjelmistoja Ja Lisenssejä, Toteutuksen Suunnittelu-, Asennus- Ja Käyttöönottopalveluja Sekä Dokumentointia, Koulutusta, Huolto- Ja Viankorjausta. Puolustusvoimien Kohteiden Turvallisuusvalvonta Perustuu Keskitettyyn Turvallisuusvalvontaan. Hankinta Pitää Sisällään Kehä- Ja Aluevalvonnan Sensorit, Joista Tulevat Hälytykset Tuodaan Puolustusvoimien Käytössä Oleviin Kulunvalvonta- Ja Rikosilmoitinjärjestelmiin. Sensorien Hälytykset Tulee Pystyä Siirtämään Myös Olemassa Olevaan Kameravalvontajärjestelmään. Puolustusvoimilla On Käytössään G-fence 600 Zoning -järjestelmä. Tulevan Järjestelmän Tulee Olla Mainitun Järjestelmän Kanssa Yhteensopiva Ja Täyttää Tarjouspyynnöllä Asetetut Ehdottomat Tekniset Vaatimukset. Tavoitetilassa Puolustusvoimilla On Kohdekohtainen, Valtakunnalliseen Turvallisuusvalvontaan Integroitu Aluevalvonta, Jolla Voidaan Valvoa Puolustusvoimien Alueita Kaikissa Suomen Sääolosuhteissa. Valittu Toimittaja Suunnittelee, Asentaa, Käyttöönottaa Ja Kouluttaa Aitavalvonta-, Ja Aluevalvontajärjestelmät Puolustusvoimien Asiantuntijan Antamien Vaatimusten Mukaisesti. Asennuskohteiden Urakkarajapinnat Esimerkiksi Kaapeloinnin Osalta Sovitaan Tapauskohtaisesti. Puolustusvoimat Tulee Solmimaan Voittaneen Tarjoajan Kanssa Maksimissaan Viiden Vuoden Puitesopimuksen, Jolla Puolustusvoimat Tekee Tilauksia Kohteisiinsa. Lopullisten Asennuskohteiden Määrä Riippuu Rakennuskohteiden Valmistumisasteesta Sekä Puolustusvoimille Tulevina Vuosina Myönnettävien Määrärahojen Määrästä. Puitesopimuksella Voidaan Hankkia Myös Pelkkiä Tuotteita Esimerkiksi Omaa Asennusta Tai Varautumista Varten Vaihto- Tai Varaosalaitteiksi. Hankinta Sisältää Sitovan Option Huolto- Ja Viankorjaussopimuksesta, Joka On Voimassa Puitesopimuksen Ajan. Huiolto- Ja Viankorjaussopimusosuuden Arvioitu Osuus Puitesopimuksen Kokonaisarvosta On 400 000 Eur Alv 0%. Laadittava Puitesopimus Ei Tuota Valitulle Toimittajalle Yksinoikeutta. Tarjoajalta Tullaan Edellyttämään Laitteiden Hyvää Saatavuutta Ja Päivitettävyyttä Koko Puitesopimuksen Voimassaolon Ajan Koskien Myös Huoltoa Ja Viankorjausta. Hankinnan Kohteen Tarjousmateriaali Sisältää Osittain Turvaluokiteltua Tietoa (tl Iv), Jonka Vuoksi Varsinainen Tarjousmateriaali Esitellään Ainoastaan Hyväksytyille Tarjoajille. Tarjoajan Henkilöiden, Jotka Käsittelevät Tarjouspyynnön Turvaluokiteltua Materiaalia, Tulee Allekirjoittaa Vaitiolovakuutus. Hankintaa Ei Jaeta Osiin Eri Tarjoajien Kesken. Hankinnan Kohteen Ylläpidon Ja Käytettävyyden Turvaamiseksi Hankinnan Jakaminen Osiin Ei Ole Mahdollista.
Closing Date7 Jan 2025
Tender AmountEUR 8 Million (USD 8.3 Million)

Municipality Of Dimataling, Zamboanga Del Sur Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Details: Description Republic Of The Philippines Province Of Zamboanga Del Sur Municipality Of Dimataling Barangay Tinggabulong Bids And Award Committee Reference Number : Blgu-tingga-infra-2025-04 Project Title/p.r. # : Rehabilatation Of Barangay Health Station Approved Budget Of The Contract : 49,500.00 Site Location : Barangay Tinggabulong, Dimataling, Zamboanga Del Sur ***************************************************************************************** 1. The Blgu Of Barangay Tinggabulong, Zamboanga Del Sur, Has An Approved Budget From The Barangay Council Through 20% Of Blgu Fund 2024 In The Amount Forty-nine Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (php 49,500.00), Being The Approved Budget For The Contract (abc) For The Installation Of Barangay Fence Phase I. 2. The Blgu Of Barangay Tinggabulong, Zamboanga Del Sur Now Invites Bids For Rehabilatation Of Barangay Health Station Under (blgu-tingga-infra-2025-04). Construction/improvement Period Is Required 25 Days After The Acceptance Of The Notice To Proceed. Bidders Should Have Completed, Within Last One (1) Year From The Date Of Submission And Receipt Of Bids, A Contract Similar To The Project. The Description Of An Eligible Bidder Is Contained In The Bidding Documents, Particularly, In Section Ii. Instructions To Bidders. 3. Bidding Will Be Conducted Through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using A Non-discretionary “pass/fail” Criterion As Specified In The 2016 Revised Implementing Rules And Regulations (irr) Of Republic Act (ra) 9184, Otherwise Known As The “government Procurement Reform Act”. Bidding Is Open To All Interested Bidders, Whether Local Or Foreign, Subject To The Conditions For Eligibility Provided In The Irr Of Ra 9184. After Having Carefully Read And Accepted Your Request For Quotation And Its Terms And Conditions, I/we Submit Herein Price Quotation(s) For The Item(s) In This Rfq. The Quotations Shall Be Binding Upon Me/us For Thirty (30) Calendar Days Reckoned From Last Day Of Submission Indicated In This Rfq. The Corresponding Award Or Purchase Order Shall Be Accepted By Us At Any Time Before Expiration Of This Period. For More Information, Please See Mr. Ric L. Carvajal, Bac Chairman Total Bid Price : __________________ Other Requirements This Request For Quotation Is Subject For Terms And Condition Below: ****************************************************************************** Terms And Conditions A. Submission Of Requirements 1. Quotations And Other Requirements Stated Below Shall Be Submitted To The Bids And Awards Committee (bac) Blgu Tinggabulong, Dimataling, Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines 7032. 2. Bidder Shall Submit Or Send The Following Requirements: A) Duly Signed Request For Quotation (rfq). Prices Shall Be Quoted In Philippine Peso. Statement Of Compliance Must Be Accomplished By The Bidder. B) Original Brochures Of The Items Offered Showing Its Performance Characteristics Or Certifications, If Applicable 3. For Submission With The Price Quotation(s) Or Upon Receipt Of Notification From The Procuring Entity: A) Dti Permit, B) Valid Mayor’s Permit/business Permit C) Tax Clearance Certificate, Or D) Philgeps Registration Certificate 4. Bidder’s Failure To Submit Such Document(s) Within The Prescribed Period From Receipt Of Notification Shall Be Ground For Disqualification. A Telephone Call Or Facsimile Transmission Shall Constitute An Official Notification. B. Evaluation Of Quotations Quotations Shall Be Compared And Evaluated On The Basis Of The Following Criteria: A) Completeness Of Submission B) Compliance With Technical Specifications C) Price D) Pass Purchaser’s Assessment Of The Technical, Legal, And Financial Capability And Experience Of The Bidders In The Same Or Similar Business. C. Award The Bidder Who Submitted The Lowest Calculated And Responsive Quotation Shall Be Awarded The Purchase Order After Evaluation By The Bac.
Closing Date17 Feb 2025
Tender AmountPHP 49.5 K (USD 856)


Real Estate Service
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
United States
Details: Rlp Procurement Summary Gsa Public Buildings Service u.s. Government general Services Administration (gsa) Seeks To Lease The Following Space: state: Oklahoma city: Oklahoma City delineated Area: North: From Intersecting Points Hwy 74 And nw 150th St. In A North-easterly Direction To intersections E33rd St. And Hwy 35 east: From Intersecting Points E33 St. And hwy 35 In A Eastern Southerly Direction Along hwy 35 And Ne 23rd St. south: From Intersecting Points Hwy 35 And ne 23rd St. In A Western Direction To intersecting Points Nw 23 St. And Hwy 44. west: From Intersecting Points Nw 23rd St. and Hwy 44 In A Northerly Direction To Hwy 3 westerly Direction To Hwy 344 Northly direction To Hwy 74 Northerly Direction To intersecting Points Hwy 74 And Nw 150th St. minimum Sq. Ft. (aboa): 14,401 maximum Sq. Ft. (aboa): 14,401 space Type: Office, Warehouse, Lab, Wareyard parking Spaces (total): 34 parking Spaces (surface): 24 parking Spaces (structured): 10 parking Spaces (reserved): 0 full Term: 20 Years firm Term: 15 Years option Term: Not Required additional Requirements: -a Minimum Of 10 Total Covered Parking spaces For Govs To Be Located Within A secured-fenced Wareyard Area. -24 Hours/day, 7 Days A Week Access Needed. 10/2023 -14’ Minimum Warehouse Ceiling Clearance. -25 Foot Minimum Column Spacing. offered Space Must Meet Government Requirements For Fire Safety, Accessibility, seismic, And Sustainability Standards Per The Terms Of The Lease. A Fully Serviced lease Is Required. Offered Space Shall Not Be In The 1-percent-annual Chance floodplain (formerly Referred To As 100-year Floodplain). entities Are Advised To Familiarize Themselves With The Telecommunications prohibitions Outlined Under Section 889 Of The Fy19 National Defense authorization Act (ndaa), As Implemented By The Federal Acquisition regulation (far). ). For More Information, Visit: Https://acquisition.gov/far- case-2019-009/889_part_b. offers Due: 2/14/2025 occupancy (estimated): 6/1/2026 send Offers To: electronic Offer Submission: offers Must Be Submitted Electronically Through The Requirement Specific acquisition Platform (rsap), Located At Https://lop.gsa.gov/rsap/. interested Parties Must Go To The Rsap Website, Select The “registration” Link And follow The Instructions To Register. Instructional Guides And Video Tutorials Are offered On The Rsap Homepage And In The “help” Tab On The Rsap Website. solicitation Number: solicitation (rlp) Number 2ok0210 government Contact Information (not For Offer Submission) role Phone Email lease Contracting Officer 817-850-8449 Zachary.crawford@gsa.gov note: Entities Not Currently Registered In The System For Award Management (sam.gov) Are Advised To Start The Registration Process As Soon As Possible. an Offeror Checklist Has Been Included With The Rlp To Underscore The documents That May Be Required By This Rlp. Detailed Requirements Are contained In The Rlp. In The Event Of An Inconsistency Between This Checklist And the Rlp, The Rlp Is The Authoritative Source.
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

General Santos City Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Details: Description The Local Government Unit Of Barangay City Heights, Through The Supplemental Budget No. 2 Of Cy 2024 Barangay Fund Intends To Apply The Sum Of Five Million Four Hundred Twenty Six Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Seven And .35/100 Pesos ( P 5,426,387.35 ) Being The Approved Budget For The Contract (abc) To Payment Under The Contract For Construction Of Perimeter Fence With Canopy (front Of Barangay) Amounting To Four Million Eight Hundred Twenty Three Thousand Nine And .79/100 Pesos (p 4,823,009.79 ) General Santos City. Bids Received In Excess Of The Abc Shall Be Automatically Rejected At Bid Opening. 1. The Local Government Unit Of Barangay City Heights, General Santos City Now Invites Bids For The Above Procurement Project. Completion Of The Works Is Required 121 Calendar Days Respectively. Bidders Should Have Completed A Contract Similar To The Project. The Description Of An Eligible Bidder Is Contained In The Bidding Documents, Particularly, In Section Ii (instructions To Bidders). 2. Bidding Will Be Conducted Through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using Non-discretionary “pass/fail” Criterion As Specified In The 2016 Revised Implementing Rules And Regulations (irr) Of Republic Act (ra) No. 9184. 3. Interested Bidders May Obtain Further Information From Local Government Unit Of Barangay City Heights, General Santos City And Inspect The Bidding Documents At The Address Given Below From 8:00 Am To 5:00 Pm Except On Holidays. 4. A Complete Set Of Bidding Documents May Be Acquired By Interested Bidders On February 13, 2025 From Given Address Below And Upon Payment Of The Applicable Fee For The Bidding Documents, Pursuant To The Latest Guidelines Issued By The Gppb, In The Amount Of Amount Of Five Thousand Pesos (p5,000.00) The Procuring Entity Shall Allow The Bidder To Present Its Proof Of Payment For The Fees. 5. The Local Government Unit Of General Santos City Will Hold A Pre-bid Conference On February 19, 2025 At 1:00 P.m. At The Address Stated Below, Which Shall Be Opened To Prospective Bidders. 6. Bids Must Be Duly Received By The Bac Secretariat Through Manual Submission At The Office Address As Indicated Below Or Online/electronic Submission On Or Before March 4, 2025 At 12:00 Nn. Late Bids Shall Not Be Accepted. 7. All Bids Must Be Accompanied By A Bid Security In Any Of The Acceptable Forms And In The Amount Stated In Itb Clause 16. 8. Bid Opening Shall Be On March 4, 2025 At 1:00 P.m. At The Given Address Below. Bids Will Be Opened In The Presence Of The Bidders’ Representatives Who Choose To Attend The Activity. 9. N/a. 10. The Local Government Unit Of Barangay City Heights Reserves The Right To Reject Any And All Bids, Declare A Failure Of Bidding, Or Not Award The Contract At Any Time Prior To Contract Award In Accordance With Sections 35.6 And 41 Of The 2016 Revised Implementing Rules And Regulations (irr) Of Ra No. 9184, Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability To The Affected Bidder Or Bidders. 11. For Further Information, Please Refer To: Ma. Rosario R. Cascaro Bac Secretariat Bids And Awards Committee Sebastian St., Paradise Subd. General Santos City Cellphone No. 0951.736.0204 February 11, 2025
Closing Date3 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 4.8 Million (USD 83.1 K)

Uranium Corporation Of India Limited - UCIL Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Excavation
Description: BOQ ITEMS: Earthwork in excavation in the following types of soil and rock up to and including 1.5 mtr. Lead including bailing or pumping out any water accumulating inside the excavated pit or trench shoring strutting adequate protection to be taken during excavation transporting the excavated soil for all lead stacking selectively including disposing off the rubbish rock fragments excess spoils etc. lead upto 100 Mtrs. in the area as directed by the Engineer all complete as per drawing specification and direction of the Engineer. , Earth work in back filling with available earth including watering and compaction at all elevations around foundations walls wells tunnels pitsculverts trenches road approaches and in plinth filling and area filling as per specifications and drawings and as directed by the Engineer with selected spoil within a lead of 100 mtr., Disposal carriage of rubbish waste rock earth etc.dumped stacked at site by mechanical means including loading unloading and dressing properly lead upto 5 Km. and up to any lift includind cost of all labours and equipments. , Surface dressing of the ground in all kinds of soil including removing vegetation and inequalities not exceeding 15 cm deep and disposal of rubbish lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m., Supply mix place in position compact cure cement concrete 1 cement 3 coarse sand 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size below foundations walls wells pits trenches etc. and in basin lining as per specifications drawings and directions of the Engineer and including cost of centring and shuttering but excluding cost of cement., Supply mix place in position compact and cure including testing of concrete specimens finishing surfaces as per specifications drawings and directions of the Engineer of the following grades of concrete with 20mm and down graded stone aggregate and coarse sand in super structure or any level excluding cost of centring and shuttering cement and reinforcement. M20 RCC PCC, Taking delivery from store or departmental yard bend bind and place the following types of reinforcement in all types of reinforced concrete work at all elevations including cleaning straightening cutting bending and binding with 18 SWG annealed wire or with welding such as tack lap butt etc with approved electrodes providing concrete cover blocks pin chairsnails supports of reinforcement etc. with all materials and labour complete as per drawings specifications and directions of Engineer excluding cost of reinforcement. , Install dismantle and remove the form work of approved quality including splay recess corners haunch etc. scaffolding necessary rendering of concrete surfaces after exposure including cost of all material and labours at all elevations. , Supply and laying in position brick work with designate 75 bricks in super structure etc in cement coarse sand mortar 1 isto 6 including mixing mortar laying bricks raking joints curing etc complete with all materials and labour as per drawings and specifications excluding cost of cement. , Providing and fixing 125 into 63 mm M. S. Hinges of approved quality and make., Providing and fixing ISI marked anodised aluminium tower bolt black finish Barrel type with necessary screws etc. complete 300 into 10 mm, Providing and fixing ISI marked anodised aluminium tower bolt black finish Barrel type with necessary screws etc. complete 150 into10 mm, Providing and fixing bright finished brass hanging type floor door stopper with necessary screws etc. complete., Providing and fixing aluminium extruded section body tubular type universal hydraulic door closer having brand logo with IS 3564 embossed on the body door weight upto 36 kg to 80 kg and door width from 701 mm to 1000 mm with double speed adjustment with necessary accessories and screws etc. complete., Providing and fixing aluminium handles ISI marked anodised anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS 1868 transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete 125 mm., Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts ISI marked anodised anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS 1868 transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with nuts and screws etc. complete 300x16 mm, Cement concrete flooring 1 cement 2 coarse sand 4 graded stone aggregate finished with a floating coat of neat cement including cement slurry but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. Complete as per direction of EIC excluding cost of cement. 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate, Grading roof for water proofing treatment with Cement concrete 1 cement 2 coarse sand 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size excluding cost of cement., 15mm thick minimum plastering with 1 cement 6 coarse sand to all faces of walls channels in roof and other structures at various elevations including mixing laying finishing curing and necessary scaffolding work complete as per drawings specifications with all materials and labours excluding cement Including Making grove if required. Work will be done upto 10 m height., Applying neat cement punning including cost of all materials labours etc. Complete as per direction of Engineer in charge excluding cost of cement, Supplying and applying two or more coats of white wash with lime to walls ceiling etc. At various elevations including preparation of surfaces cleaning etc.complete with all materials labour scaffolding work as per specifications ., Supplying and applying two or more coats of approved water proof cement paint over a coat of primer to exterior surfaces of concrete masonry plastered surfaces etc.at all elevations and including preparation of surface necessary scaffolding work etc.complete with all materials and labour Application of paint should be made as per manufacturer specifications to give an even shade. , Drain cleaning including disposal of rubbish up to 5 km all complete as per direction of EIC, Cleanning of chajja roof RWDC Floor corner drains etc., Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacturer of required colour to give an even shade two or more coats on new or old work over a priming coat complete as per specification and direction of EIC. , Providing and fixing factory made ISI marked steel glazed doors windows and ventilator with beading and all members complete of standard rolled steel sections joints mitred and flash butt welded and sash bars tenoned and riveted including providing and fixing of hinges pivots including priming coat of approved steel primer but excluding the cost of other fittings complete all as per approved design sectional weight of only steel members shall be measured for payment., Taking delivery from store or departmental yard fabrication and erection of Structural steel work riveted bolted or welded in built up sections trusses and framed work including cutting hoisting fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete., Providing and fixing bright finished brass casement window fastener with necessary screws etc. complete., Providing and fixing following G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc.15 mm dia nominal bore, Providing and fixing following G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc. 20 mm dia nominal bore, Providing and fixing following G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc.25 mm dia nominal bore, Providing and fixing following G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc. 50 mm dia nominal bore, Providing and fixing following G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc. 100 mm dia nominal bore G.I.or CPVC.., Fixing of old G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc. 15 mm dia nominal bore, Fixing of old G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc.20 mm dia nominal bore, Fixing of old G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc. 25 mm dia nominal bore, Providing and fixing C.P. brass bib cock or Pillar Cock of approved quality conforming to IS 8931. 15 mm nominal bore., Providing and fixing C.P. brass stop cock concealed of standard design and of approved make conforming to IS 8931. 15 mm nominal bore., Demolishing brick work in cement mortar manually or by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of EIC, Demolishing R.C.C or PCC work manually or by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of EIC, Dismantling G.I. pipes external work including excavation and refilling trenches after taking out the pipes manually by mechanical means including stacking of pipes within 50 metres lead as per direction of EIC upto 150 mm dia, Providing and fixing or Renewing glass panes with putty and nails wherever necessary including racking out the old putty Float glass panes of thickness 5.5 mm, Renewing of old glass putty, Supplying laying in position stone masonary with Hard rock boulder with cement morter 1 cement 6coarse sand morter finishing the top with PCC reasonably smooth complete with curing and raking of joints including cost of all material equipments and labour excluding cost of cement. , Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete., Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade Old work one or more coats, Providing and fixing 35 mm thick factory made PVC door shutters with frame 65mm into 55mm with wall thickness 2 mm all complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of EIC. , Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming IS 2202 non decorative type core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched comercial 3 plyveneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters 30 mm thick including ISI marked stainless steel butt hinges with necessary screws., Providing and fixing precoated galvanised iron profile sheets 0.50 mm total coated thickness with zinc coating 120 grams per sqm as per IS 277 in 240 mpa steel grade 5 microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15 microns. Sheet should have protective guard film of 25 microns minimum to avoid scratches during transportation and should be supplied in single length upto 12 metre or as desired by EIC. The sheet shall be fixed using self drilling self tapping screws with EPDM seal complete upto any pitch in horizontal vertical or curved surfaces including ridges barge board etc excluding the cost of purlins rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape wherever required. , Providing and fixing Following precoated galvanised steel sheet roofing accessories 0.50 mm total coated thickness Zinc coating 120 grams per sqm as per IS 277 in 240 mpa steel grade 5 microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15 microns using self drilling self tapping screws complete in Ridges plain 500 mm, Providing and fixing Following precoated galvanised steel sheet roofing accessories 0.50 mm total coated thickness Zinc coating 120 grams per sqm as per IS 277 in 240 mpa steel grade 5 microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15 microns using self drilling self tapping screws complete in Barge board up to 300mm, Providing and fixing Following precoated galvanised steel sheet roofing accessories 0.50 mm total coated thickness Zinc coating 120 grams per sqm as per IS 277 in 240 mpa steel grade 5 microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15 microns using self drilling self tapping screws complete in Gutter. 600 mm over all girth, Providing reinforced by organic fibres or inorganic synthetic fibres cement 6 mm thick corrugated sheets roofing up to any pitch and fixing with polymer coated J or L hooks bolts and nuts 8 mm dia. G.I. plain and bitumen washers or with self drilling fastener and EPDM washers etc. complete excluding the cost of purlins rafters and trusses including cutting sheets to size and shape wherever required. , Providing and fixing Following fibre cement high impact polypropylene reinforced roofing accessories in all colours with polymer coated J or L hooks bolts and nuts and or G.I. seam bolts and nuts G.I. plain and bitumen washers or with self drilling fastener and EPDM washer etc. complete Close fitting adjustable ridges, Providing and fixing Following fibre cement high impact polypropylene reinforced roofing accessories in all colours with polymer coated J or L hooks bolts and nuts and or G.I. seam bolts and nuts G.I. plain and bitumen washers or with self drilling fastener and EPDM washer etc. complete in Barge boards , Providing & fixing UV stabilised fiberglass reinforced plastic sheet roofing up to any pitch including fixing bolts nuts 8mm dia. G.I plain bitumen washers complete but excluding the cost of purlins rafters trusses etc. The sheets shall be manufactured out of 2400 TEX panel rovigs incorporating minimum ultra violet stabiliser in resin system under approximately 2400 psi and hot cured. They shall be of uniform pigmentation and thickness without air pocketsThe sheets shall be opaque or translucent clear or pigmented textured or smooth as specified. 2 mm thick corrugated, Repairing and maitenance of Rolling shutter in all respect including greasing repairing replacement of material to repairing of rolling shutter. Supply and fixing 27.5 cm long springs, Supply and fixing ball bearing, Supply and fixing precast slab M20 grade, Providing wood work in frames of false ceiling or floor partitions etc. sawn and fixed in position Sal wood and 15 mm thick light weight integral densified micro look edged with PVC top matt false floor tiles of size 595 into 595 mm including cost of all materials labours and as per direction of EIC. , Aluminum work for shutters of doors windows ventilators including providing and fixing hinges pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM rubber neoprene gasket required Fittings shall be paid for separately Polyester powder coated aluminium minimum thickness of polyester powder coating 50 micron, Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan Indian type W.C. pan with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern including flush pipe with manually controlled device handle leverconforming to IS 7231 with all fittings and fixtures complete including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580 into 440 mm with integral type foot rests., Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back or wall corner type lipped front urinal basin of 430 into 260 into 350 mm or 340 into 410 into 265 mm sizes respectively., Providing and fixing wash basin or Kitchen Sink with C.I. brackets 15 mm C.P. Brass pillar taps 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern including painting of fittings and brackets cutting and making good the walls wherever require White Vitreous China Wash basin size 630 into 450 mm with a single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar tap all complete as per direction of EIC., Providing and fixing white vitreous china water closet squatting pan Indian type Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580 into 440 mm, Supply and fixing PVC connecting pipe 15 mm N B, Supply and fixing PVC flexible waste pipe 32 or 40 mm N B, Supply and fixing float ball valve 20 mm N B, Providing and fixing G.I. chain link fabric fencing of required width in mesh size 25 into 25 mm made of G.I. wire of dia 3 mm including strengthening with 2 mm dia wire or nuts bolts and washers as required complete as per the direction of EIC. , Dismantling steel work in built up sections in angles tees flats and channels including all gusset plates bolts nuts cutting rivets welding etc. including dismembering and stacking within 50 metres lead., Dismantling following roofing including ridges hips valleys and gutters etc.and stacking the material within 50 metres lead of G.S. Sheet, Dismantling following roofing including ridges hips valleys and gutters etc and stacking the material within 50 metres lead of Asbestos cement sheet
Closing Date25 Feb 2025
Tender AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 16 K)

Social security organizations Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Details: This Consultation Concerns Site Security Works And Improving Summer Thermal Comfort At Mas/Fam Les Jardins De L'abbaye De Longeville-lès-saint-avold Located At 67b Rue Des Alliés - 57 740 Longeville-lès-saint-avold. This Contract Is Divided Into 4 Lots: - Lot 1: Vrd/Green Spaces, - Lot 2: Fencing/Gate, - Lot 3: Aluminum Joinery/Blind, - Lot 4: Air Conditioning.
Closing Date13 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
7311-7320 of 7521 archived Tenders