Electrical Distribution Supplier Tender
Electrical Distribution Supplier Tender
Op Edtz-67/23 - Procurement of Materials and Equipment with the Installation and Execution of Construction and Electrical Installation Works for the Rehabilitation of the Existing Transmission Line Sno 10 Kv Spiers and Related Transformer Stations Ts 10/0.4 Kv for the Purpose of Preparation for the Transition to the 20 Kv Voltage Level in the Area Pjd Srebrenik, For the Needs of the Subsidiary "Elektrodistribucija" Tuzla
Op Edtz-67/23 - Nabavka Materijala I Opreme Sa Ugradnjom I Izvođenjem Građevinskih I Elektromontažnih Radova Za Sanaciju Postojećeg Dalekovoda Sno 10 Kv Špionica I Pripadajućih Transformatorskih Stanica Ts 10/0,4 Kv U Svrhu Pripreme Za Prelazak Na 20 Kv Naponski Nivo Na Području Pjd Srebrenik, Za Potrebe Podružnice „elektrodistribucija“ Tuzla
Tender Id
629165Tender No
1426-1-1-222-8-45/24Tender Authority
Electrical Distribution Supplier ViewPurchaser Address