Tenders of Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tenders of Eastern Coalfields Limited
Eastern Coalfields Limited - ECL Tender
Civil And Construction
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
CATEGORY: Customized AMC/CMC for Pre-owned Products -
Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of MIMEC
Make Intrinsically Safe Underground Mine Communication
System installed at various Underground Mines of ECL for
the contract period of 24 Twenty Four month..
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountINR 12.8 Million (USD 148.1 K)
Eastern Coalfields Limited - ECL Tender
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
CATEGORY: 12V, AC Relay,8 Pin , MCCB, 400A,440V , MCCB,250A,415V ,
Electric Socket,16A , Brass Ferrule 120 SqMM , Copper
Ferrule 150 SqMM , Brass Ferrule 70SqMM , Feed Check
Valve,Size 2 Inch with IBRTC , Spare Tyre for Tyre Coupling
F 110 , Spare Tyre for Tyre Coupling F 80
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountRefer Documents
2641-2650 of 2910 archived Tenders