Tenders of Der Magistrat Der Kreisstadt Heppenheim
Tenders of Der Magistrat Der Kreisstadt Heppenheim
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Tenders of Der Magistrat Der Kreisstadt Heppenheim
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Tenders of Der Magistrat Der Kreisstadt Heppenheim
Der Magistrat Der Kreisstadt Heppenheim Tender
Public tender Vob/a
development of the new building "nordstadt Ii" - Lot 4: final extension part 1 (construction order, no framework contract)
asphalt-bearing cover layer, Approx. 6,500 M2, new building plaster ceiling, Approx. 6,500 M2, manufacture of boarding equipment Tb/Rb, Approx. 300 M, manufacture of plaster trough B 30 Cm, Approx. 650 M, Div.
Closing Date28 Mar 2023
Tender AmountRefer Documents