Department Of Industrial Policy And Promotion Tender
Department Of Industrial Policy And Promotion Tender
Disposal Of Building Rubbish As Approved By Engineer In Charge,supplying And Stacking Of Filling Ea CATEGORY: Disposal of building rubbish as approved by Engineer in charge , Supplying and Stacking of Filling Earth at site , Wheeled Excavator cum Loader , Supplying and stacking of well decayed cattle manure at site , Digging holes in ordinary soil and refilling the same , Submersible pump boring , Supply of 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe Class B , Supply of Stainer Cloth coupler solution , Transportation Charge for boring , Boring and drilling bore well of required dia for casing or strainer pipe , Providing Submersible Pump SHp CRI , Supply of flat electrical cable three core 4.00 Sq mm plaza or Finolex make ISI mark , Leveling in ordinary soil by mechanical device , Cycus revoluta specimen , Bismarckia Palm , Foxtail palm , Furcaria Variegated hybrid , Phoneix Slyvestries , Plumeria alba or obtusa , Ficus Retusa topiary , Phoenix sylvestris Roxb , Euphorbia milli hybrid , Clerodendrum inerme , Ficus panda , Tecoma gaudichaudi , Calliandra hybrida , Asparagus marrie , Plumeria alba dwarf , Iresine herbstii , Ophiopogon, Green or Black full of leaves , Wadelia trilobata , Plantation of Trees at site , Plantation of Hedge at site
Tender Id
GEM/2023/B/3657405Bid Award Id
ViewTender No
GEM/2023/B/3657405Tender Authority
Department Of Industrial Policy And Promotion ViewPurchaser Address