Department Of Industrial Policy And Promotion Tender

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Department Of Industrial Policy And Promotion Tender

Solid Waste Management
Opening Date6 Jul 2023
Closing Date17 Jul 2023
Tender AmountINR 90,00,026 (USD 1,03,867)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.


Disposal Of Building Rubbish As Approved By Engineer In Charge,supplying And Stacking Of Filling Ea CATEGORY: Disposal of building rubbish as approved by Engineer in charge , Supplying and Stacking of Filling Earth at site , Wheeled Excavator cum Loader , Supplying and stacking of well decayed cattle manure at site , Digging holes in ordinary soil and refilling the same , Submersible pump boring , Supply of 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe Class B , Supply of Stainer Cloth coupler solution , Transportation Charge for boring , Boring and drilling bore well of required dia for casing or strainer pipe , Providing Submersible Pump SHp CRI , Supply of flat electrical cable three core 4.00 Sq mm plaza or Finolex make ISI mark , Leveling in ordinary soil by mechanical device , Cycus revoluta specimen , Bismarckia Palm , Foxtail palm , Furcaria Variegated hybrid , Phoneix Slyvestries , Plumeria alba or obtusa , Ficus Retusa topiary , Phoenix sylvestris Roxb , Euphorbia milli hybrid , Clerodendrum inerme , Ficus panda , Tecoma gaudichaudi , Calliandra hybrida , Asparagus marrie , Plumeria alba dwarf , Iresine herbstii , Ophiopogon, Green or Black full of leaves , Wadelia trilobata , Plantation of Trees at site , Plantation of Hedge at site


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