Denmark Tenders
Denmark Tenders
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender
Closing Date24 Apr 2025
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The Purpose Of The Tendered Contract Is To Facilitate Full-service Aircraft Charter For State Transportation For The Danish Government. The Danish Government Frequently Travels Between Copenhagen And European Cities And Less Frequently Trans-atlantic, To The Middle East, Africa And Asia. The Passengers Will Include Very Important Persons Such As But Not Limited To The Prime Minister, The Minister Of Foreign Affairs, The Minister Of Defence And Accompanying Officials And Press. The Concept Under The Tendered Contract Is That The Supplier Shall Deliver Two Dedicated Aircraft (i.e., Two Specific And Stated Aircraft Registration Numbers) For The Duration Of The Contract. The Supplier Shall Continuously Be Able To Deliver One Of These Dedicated Aircraft, Ready For Boarding, At Copenhagen Airport (cph) Within 72 Hours Of Notification. The Reason For Requiring The Delivery Of Two Dedicated Aircraft Is To Account For Both Scheduled And Unscheduled Maintenance. Thus, With This Arrangement, The Supplier Shall Always Have One Dedicated Aircraft Ready Within 72 Hours Of Notification For The Danish Government. The Supplier Shall, By Default, Provide Full-service Aircraft Charter For 480 Hours On A 12- Month Basis.
Region Hovedstaden Tender
Closing Date25 Apr 2025
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The Capital Region of Denmark is offering a public contract for a panic alarm solution for the Center for IT and Medical Technology for a public contract for a panic alarm solution for the New Hospital North Zealand (NHN). On the basis of this tender, a public contract will be entered into with a supplier. The purpose of the purchase is to establish a fully comprehensive panic alarm solution for departments and areas at NHN. The main elements consist of components, software, assembly/installation, project management, configuration, user training, as well as service and maintenance and support.
Styrelsen For Undervisning Og Kvalitet Tender
Machinery and Tools
Closing Date16 Apr 2025
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Nationwide Framework Agreement Concerning the Supply of Ergonomic Aids (Tables, Chairs and Additional Products) to Pupils, Students and Course Participants Who Are Granted Special Educational Support. The Framework Agreement Will Be Entered Into With One Supplier. The Supply of the Ergonomic Aids Also Includes Associated Services Such as Ergonomic Advice and Support, Testing, Supply of Ergonomic Aids by Personal Visit, Etc. The Expected Consumption of the Framework Agreement Is 2,720 Pieces. The Maximum Quantity of the Framework Agreement Is 3,536 Pieces.
Vejdirektoratet - DENMARK Tender
Closing Date24 Apr 2025
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The tender includes the conclusion of a framework agreement for the supply of cameras and related product categories, primarily for use in monitoring the Danish Road Directorate's road sections, where camera coverage is typically found today. The cameras are usually located on motorway sections, where they are mounted on high lattice or tilting masts and buildings. However, the location can also be on installations in open country, where there is no network connection, and where the cameras communicate via mobile connections. The tender includes the following product categories: - Cameras - Mounting - Power supply - Wipers The tender is being carried out in accordance with Section 45 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, which requires the winning tenderer to make its full range of products within the covered product categories available to the contracting authority throughout the entire agreement period.
Aalborg Service A S Tender
Closing Date29 Apr 2025
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The tender concerns two (2) partial agreements concerning soil sampling, analysis work and reporting to Aalborg Kloak A/s and Aalborg Vand A/s. Since the need for soil sampling, analysis work and reporting will vary in both time and quantity, the partial agreements are offered as framework agreements, which form the basis for individual tasks to be requested by the contracting authority during the term of the framework agreement. The framework agreements contain the following tasks: • Framework agreement 1 – soil sampling, analysis work and reporting in the North, includes soil sampling, analysis work and reporting north of the Limfjord. • Framework agreement 2 – soil sampling, analysis work and reporting in the South, includes soil sampling, analysis work and reporting south of the Limfjord. For a further description of the content of the individual sub-agreements, please refer to Appendix 2b - Description of work - Soil sampling, analysis work and reporting in the North and Appendix 3b Description of work - Soil sampling, analysis work and reporting in the South. The soil sampling and analyses must be carried out in connection with the Aalborg Sewerage and Aalborg Water projects, where there is surplus soil for removal to the soil recipient. The soil to be analysed will initially be located at intermediate depots and be laid out in miles in accordance with the Land Relocation Order (Bek No. 1452 of 07/12/2015). The tender includes soil sampling and analysis work in accordance with the Land Relocation Order (Bek No. 1452 of 07/12/2015) and guidance on sampling and analysis of soil (vej No. 60518 of 01/01/1998). All soil samples are analyzed according to the soil package (total hydrocarbons, 7 PAHs and 6 heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn)). The soil analysis must be carried out according to an accredited analysis method for the individual substances. The report is submitted as an analysis report in PDF and in tabular form in Excel format, in which the individual soil samples are divided into soil classes according to Bek No. 1452 of 07/12/2015. The tender is carried out as a public tender in accordance with Sections 56-57 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. The framework agreements are concluded with Aalborg Service A/s as the framework agreement holder. Contract management and administration of the framework agreements are handled by the client. Special attention is drawn to the fact that the framework agreements are not exclusive.
Ringsted Forsyning A S Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date23 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Ringsted Forsyning is to expand the district heating supply area in Benløse. In this connection, district heating supply is to be established in the area around Asgårdsvej to Tofteåsvej via Lokesvej, including associated side roads. This tender covers Energy District 08, B and the work mainly concerns the establishment of approximately 3.2 km of main lines made of single pipes and twin pipes, mainly Series 2, in dimensions from Ø25 - Ø168.3, as well as 138 branch lines, in addition to an additional 25 potential customers who may be available. The work is to be primarily carried out in residential areas. The contract thus includes earthworks, construction and blacksmith work as well as pipe delivery. The tender documents include branch lines from consumers who, at the time of the tender, have entered into an agreement with Ringsted Fjernvarme. The Contractor must be able to withstand the execution of branch lines for customers who sign up for district heating supply during the execution of the project within the schedule. The work is expected to be carried out with 2 - 3 digging fronts for main lines and 2 - 3 digging fronts for branch lines. The Contractor must be able to provide an additional digging team within 48 hours, which applies to both main and branch lines, if it is deemed necessary for the progress of the work and compliance with the schedule. Lines are located on both public and private areas. The client has obtained general permits for the location of the lines. The work is expected to be handed over on June 18, 2025 and must be carried out for delivery on June 9, 2026.
Danmarks Eksport Og Investeringsfond Tender
Closing Date28 Apr 2025
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Eifo intends to enter into a contract with a supplier who can offer mobile subscriptions to Eifo's employees and partners in Denmark and abroad. In addition to mobile telephony, Eifo needs switching and call center functions, as well as ongoing service and support.
Region Syddanmark - DENMARK Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Closing Date30 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Center for Digital Psychiatry, Region of Southern Denmark, offers development, implementation and operation of the Joint Public Treatment Platform (FOB) for digital therapy and support. FOB will function as a national, cross-sectoral solution that enables the development, distribution and implementation of digital therapy courses and support offers in both regions and municipalities. The platform will support both self-help courses and guided courses, where citizens receive support from health professionals. The upcoming solution will be designed with a high degree of scalability, interoperability and security, so that municipal and regional health actors can offer digital treatment and support courses across sectors. The project focuses on user-friendliness, data protection and compliance, including compliance with the GDPR and the MDR regulation. The client is looking for a supplier with documented experience in developing complex health IT solutions, compliance with quality standards and integration into national infrastructure components, including FUT (joint public telemedicine infrastructure).
1-10 of 784 active Tenders