Tenders of Damodar Valley Corporation
Tenders of Damodar Valley Corporation
Damodar Valley Corporation - DVC Tender
Machinery and Tools
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
CATEGORY: 151412481000 , 151412731018 , 151412381041 ,
151412381014 , 151412501001 , 151412391007 ,
151412481002 , 151412391009 , 151412111005 ,
151412491002 , 151412481003 , 151412541008 ,
151412381017 , 151412211033 , 151412221021 ,
151412581000 , 151412591000 , 151316140031 ,
151316101001 , 151316140030 , 151316161011 ,
151249281004 , 151249151001 , 151316211009 ,
151249171040 , 151412491000 , 151412731013 ,
151412501000 , 151412431000 , 151412211026 ,
151412211028 , 151412211029 , 151412271006 ,
151412080002 , 373904060006 , 373904130000 ,
373904040008 , 374717040000 , 374620100001 ,
374204130001 , 151251121002 , 151251131001 ,
151251141013 , 151238101005 , 516001101016 ,
151412671001 , 151238101000 , 151238101001 ,
151238101002 , 151316100044 , 151316100045 ,
151333000033 , 151333000014 , 151333000038 ,
151318100022 , 151318100029 , 151318100040 ,
151318100039 , 151318100082 , 151318100081 ,
151318100084 , 151318100091 , 151318100092 ,
151318100095 , 151318100112 , 141030651177 ,
151233101046 , 151233101048 , 151220101007 ,
151220101026 , 151245101005 , 151248131014 ,
151247101014 , 151247101015 , 151219101017 ,
151219101018 , 151210101023 , 151248101013 ,
151248101014 , 371804001084 , 151251151002 ,
151224101037 , 151412481001 , 151412501006 ,
151412281001 , 151412920000 , 151212151001 ,
151212161001 , 151251151009 , 151251151007 ,
151251151006 , 151251120000 , 151251121006 ,
151251131000 , 151251131005 , 151251131006 ,
151251100001 , 151251101005 , 151251101002 ,
151251101003 , 151251101001 , 151251101007 ,
151251111000 , 151251111005 , 151251111006 ,
151251111004 , 151251111003 , 151251111008 ,
151318100017 , 151318100019 , 151249231006 ,
151210101010 , 151218151000 , 151217601005 ,
151237101010 , 151237101044 , 151237101041 ,
151237101043 , 151237101012 , 151217121008 ,
151217121009 , 151217121004 , 151249151029 ,
151249291006 , 151249291005 , 151249301004 ,
151249341004 , 151249331005 , 151249151012 ,
151249221011 , 151249261004 , 151249271004 ,
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Damodar Valley Corporation - DVC Tender
Machinery and Tools
CATEGORY: Custom Bid for Services - Online Safety valve setting by
Valtest method of different safety valves installed in U18 of
BMS MTPS during its overhauling
Closing Date2 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 590 K (USD 6.8 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
311-320 of 355 archived Tenders