Livelihood Assistance To 15 Parents Of Identified Child Laborers In Barangay San Vicente Jabonga Agusan Del Norte , Packaging Supplies And Materials ,barangay San Vicente, Jabonga, Agusan Del Norte
Description Detailed Project Lot - A Fish Vending (pumpboat W/ Engine) And Fishing Kit And Fishing Kit (fishing Boat W/ Engine) No. Items (raw Materials, Equipment, Tools) Quantity Unit 1 Pumpboat Katig With Engine 7 Horse Power Hp- Digital Pumpboat Engine (set) 1 Unit 2 Styrofoam Box (fish Box, 40kls Capacity)15 1/2" W X 22" L X 14 1/4" H 2 Pcs 3 Fishing Net #6/mata-10,h- 2mtrs. 2 Rolls 4 Tingga #4 5 Kilos 5 Pisi #8 2 Rolls 6 Heavylon #120 2 Rolls 7 Weighing Scale (analog- 10 Kg Capacity) 1 Pc 8 Fishing Net 4x7x100 4 Rolls 9 Heavylon No. 8 4 Rolls 10 Heavylon No. 10 4 Rolls 11 Rope #12 1 Roll 12 Nylon #200 4 Rolls 13 Pataw #3 2 Bag 14 Timon 1 Pc 15 Ihi (6x5.8) 1 Pc 16 Fish Box 40kgs Cap. (styro) 4 Pcs 17 Paint (color Blue) 2 Gallons 18 Epoxy 1 Gallon 19 Tingga #2 5 Kg 20 Jowen ( 1 X 5.8) 1 Pack 21 Weighing Scale (analog- 10 Kg Capacity) 1 Pc 22 Pumpboat Katig With Engine 7 Horse Power Hp- Digital Pumpboat Engine (set) 1 Unit 23 Heavylon #4 (pusit) 5 Rolls 24 Taga #559 2 Ream 25 Taga #558 2 Ream 26 Welding Rod Stainless #6011 2 Kg 27 Shoes Glue 12 Pcs 29 Weighing Scale (analog- 10 Kg Capacity) 1 Pc 30 Pumpboat Katig With Engine 7 Horse Power Hp- Digital Pumpboat Engine (set) 1 Unit 31 Heavylon #100 2 Rolls 32 Tingga #4 3 Kg 33 Pataw #2 3 Bags 34 Pisi #12 2 Roll 35 Fishing Net #7 (mata), W-6, Tindog-50 2 Rolls 36 Weighing Scale ( Analog- 10 Kg Capacity) 1 Pc 37 Freezer 3 Cubic 1 Unit 38 Styrofoam Box ( Fish Box, 40 Kls Capacity) 15 ½’’ Wx 22’’ Lx 14 ¼” H 2 Pcs 39 Trumpa ( Big) 1 Pc 40 Insulated Ice Box Cooler, 45l Capacity 2 Pcs 41 Pail (balde) 5 Pcs 42 Round Plastic Basin (planggana) 5 Pcs 43 Raincoat (large Size) 2 Pcs 44 Amplifier 1 Pc 45 Plastic Cellophane (medium) 5 Packs 46 Local Milled Rice 25 Kg (ordinary) 2 Sacks Lot - B Sari-sari/bigasan Store No. Items (raw Materials, Equipment, Tools) Quantity Unit 1 Weighing Scale (analog 10kg Small Bowl) 1 Unit 2 Milled Rice (50kgs) 5 Sacks 3 Toothpaste (22 Grams/tie) 5 Tie 4 Ketchup, 530g Per Bottle 5 Bottles 5 Seasonings (pack) 8 Grams 5 Packs 6 Coffee Classic (packs) 2 Grams X 48 Sticks 3 Packs 7 Coffee (tie-twin Pack) 50 Grams 10 Packs 8 Coffee (tie-twin Pack) 56 Grams 10 Packs 9 Coffee (tie-twin Pack) 58 Grams 10 Packs 10 Powdered Milk (tie) 33 Grams 5 Tie 11 Powdered Milk (tie) 29 Grams 5 Tie 12 Powdered Milk (tie) 24 Grams 5 Tie 13 Powdered Choco (tie) 24 Grams 5 Tie 14 Canned Sardines Original 155 Grams 10 Pcs 15 Canned Sardines Hot & Spicy 155 Grams 10 Pcs 16 Canned Sardines Tuna 155 Grams 10 Pcs 17 Canned Beef Loaf 150 Grams 10 Pcs 18 Canned Corned Beef 100 Grams 10 Pcs 19 Canned Corned Beef 150 Grams 10 Pcs 20 Instant Canton Sweet & Spicy 60 Grams 20 Pcs 21 Instant Canton Chili-mansi 60 Grams 20 Pcs 22 Instant Canton Original Flavor 60 Grams 20 Pcs 23 Instant Canton Hot & Spicy 60 Grams 20 Pcs 24 Detergent Powder 70 Grams (10pcs/tie – Twin Pack) 10 Tie 25 Detergent Bar 10 Pcs 26 Shampoo 12ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 27 Shampoo 10ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 28 Conditioner 10 Ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 29 Soy Sauce (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 30 Vinegar (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 31 Cooking Oil ( 1kg Per Pack) 8 Kg 32 Brown Sugar ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 6 Packs 33 Rock Salt ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 10 Kg 34 Weighing Scale (analog 10kg Small Bowl) 1 Unit 35 Milled Rice 25 Kg (premium) 6 Sacks 36 Local Milled Rice 25 Kg (ordinary) 6 Sacks 37 Matches (12 Pcs Per Pack) 10 Pcs 38 Mosquito Killer (10 Coils Per Box) 5 Box 39 Toothpaste 5 Tie 40 Sanitary Napkin Regular Flow X 8pcs Per Pack 6 Packs 41 Biscuits (32 Grams X 10pcs/pack) 6 Packs 42 Coffee (tie-twin Pack) 56 Grams 9 Tie 43 Powdered Milk (tie) 29 Grams 5 Tie 44 Powdered Milk (tie) 24 Grams 5 Tie 45 Canned Sardines Original 155 Grams 10 Pcs 46 Canned Sardines Tuna 155 Grams 10 Pcs 47 Canned Beef Loaf 150 Grams 10 Pcs 48 Canned Corned Beef 100 Grams 10 Pcs 49 Instant Noodles Beef Flavor 55 Grams 20 Pcs 50 Instant Noodles Chicken Flavor 55 Grams 20 Pcs 51 Instant Canton Sweet & Spicy 60 Grams 20 Pcs 52 Detergent Powder 70 Grams (10pcs/tie – Twin Pack) 5 Tie 53 Detergent Bar 10 Pcs 54 Shampoo 12ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 55 Conditioner 10 Ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 56 Soy Sauce (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 57 Vinegar (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 58 Cooking Oil ( 1kg Per Pack) 5 Kg 59 Brown Sugar ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 5 Packs 60 Rock Salt ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 5 Kg 61 Weighing Scale (analog 10kg Small Bowl) 1 Unit 62 Milled Rice 25 Kg (premium) 6 Sacks 63 Local Milled Rice 25 Kg (ordinary) 6 Sacks 64 Matches (12 Pcs Per Pack) 10 Pcs 65 Mosquito Killer (10 Coils Per Box) 10 Box 66 Seasoning 5 Tie 67 Toothpaste 5 Tie 68 Shampoo 12ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 69 Shampoo 10ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 70 Conditioner 10 Ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 71 Soy Sauce (pouch 200ml) 20 Pcs 72 Vinegar (pouch 200ml) 20 Pcs 73 Cooking Oil ( 1kg Per Pack) 5 Kg 74 Brown Sugar ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 8 Packs 75 Rock Salt ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 10 Kg 76 Canned Sardines Original 155 Grams 10 Pcs 77 Canned Sardines Tuna 155 Grams 10 Pcs 78 Canned Beef Loaf 150 Grams 10 Pcs 79 Canned Corned Beef 100 Grams 10 Pcs 80 Canned Corned Beef 150 Grams 10 Pcs 81 Instant Noodles Beef Flavor 55 Grams 20 Pcs 82 Instant Noodles Chicken Flavor 55 Grams 20 Pcs 83 Instant Canton Sweet & Spicy 60 Grams 20 Pcs 84 Instant Canton Chili-mansi 60 Grams 20 Pcs 85 Instant Canton Original Flavor 60 Grams 20 Pcs 86 Instant Canton Hot & Spicy 60 Grams 20 Pcs 87 Detergent Powder 70 Grams (10pcs/tie – Twin Pack) 10 Tie 88 Detergent Bar 10 Pcs 89 Weighing Scale (analog 10kg Small Bowl) 1 Unit 90 Rice 25 Kg/sack (premium) 8 Sacks 91 Rice 25 Kg/sack (local Milled Rice) 8 Sacks 92 Plastic Drum (margarine Drum Type) 4 Pcs 93 Cellophane W250-l330mm (medium) 4 Pcs 94 Cellophane W200-l250mm (small) 4 Pcs 95 Cellophane Tiny 1 Pc 96 Weighing Scale (analog 10kg Small Bowl) 1 Unit 97 Milled Rice 25 Kg (premium) 4 Sacks 98 Local Milled Rice 25 Kg (ordinary) 4 Sacks 99 Matches (12 Pcs Per Pack) 10 Packs 100 Mosquito Killer (10 Coils Per Box) 5 Box 101 Seasoning 5 Tie 102 Toothpaste 5 Tie 103 Biscuits (32 Grams X 10pcs/pack) 5 Packs 104 Biscuits (33 Grams X 10pcs/pack) 5 Packs 105 Biscuits (28 Grams X 10pcs/pack) 5 Packs 106 Coffee (tie-twin Pack) 56 Grams 10 Packs 107 Coffee (tie-twin Pack) 58 Grams 10 Packs 108 Powdered Milk (tie) 29 Grams 5 Tie 109 Powdered Milk (tie) 24 Grams 5 Tie 110 Powdered Choco (tie) 24 Grams 5 Tie 111 Canned Sardines Original 155 Grams 10 Pcs 112 Canned Sardines Hot & Spicy 155 Grams 10 Pcs 113 Canned Sardines Tuna 155 Grams 10 Pcs 114 Canned Beef Loaf 150 Grams 10 Pcs 115 Canned Corned Beef 100 Grams 10 Pcs 116 Canned Corned Beef 150 Grams 10 Pcs 117 Instant Noodles Beef Flavor 55 Grams 20 Pcs 118 Instant Noodles Chicken Flavor 55 Grams 20 Pcs 119 Instant Canton Sweet & Spicy 60 Grams 20 Pcs 120 Instant Canton Chili-mansi 60 Grams 20 Pcs 121 Instant Canton Original Flavor 60 Grams 20 Pcs 122 Instant Canton Hot & Spicy 60 Grams 20 Pcs 123 Detergent Powder 70 Grams (10pcs/tie – Twin Pack) 5 Tie 124 Detergent Bar 10 Pcs 125 Shampoo 12ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 126 Shampoo 10ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 127 Conditioner 10 Ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 128 Soy Sauce (pouch 200ml) 20 Pcs 129 Vinegar (pouch 200ml) 20 Pcs 130 Cooking Oil ( 1kg Per Pack) 10 Kg 131 Brown Sugar ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 10 Packs 132 Rock Salt ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 8 Kg 133 Weighing Scale (analog 10kg Small Bowl) 1 Unit 134 Milled Rice 25 Kg (premium) 6 Sacks 135 Local Milled Rice 25 Kg (ordinary) 6 Sacks 136 Matches (12 Pcs Per Pack) 10 Pcs 137 Mosquito Killer (10 Coils Per Box) 5 Box 138 Toothpaste 5 Tie 139 Biscuits (32 Grams X 10pcs/pack) 4 Packs 140 Coffee (tie-twin Pack) 56 Grams 5 Packs 141 Coffee (tie-twin Pack) 58 Grams 5 Packs 142 Powdered Milk (tie) 29 Grams 3 Tie 143 Powdered Milk (tie) 24 Grams 3 Tie 144 Powdered Choco (tie) 24 Grams 3 Tie 145 Canned Sardines Original 155 Grams 10 Pcs 146 Canned Sardines Hot & Spicy 155 Grams 10 Pcs 147 Canned Sardines Tuna 155 Grams 10 Pcs 148 Canned Beef Loaf 150 Grams 10 Pcs 149 Corned Beef 100 Grams Canned 10 Pcs 150 Canned Corned Beef 150 Grams 10 Pcs 151 Instant Noodles Beef Flavor 55 Grams 20 Pcs 152 Instant Noodles Chicken Flavor 55 Grams 20 Pcs 153 Instant Canton Sweet & Spicy 60 Grams 20 Pcs 154 Instant Canton Chili-mansi 60 Grams 20 Pcs 155 Instant Canton Original Flavor 60 Grams 20 Pcs 156 Shampoo 10ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 157 Conditioner 10 Ml (10pcs/tie) 5 Tie 158 Soy Sauce (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 159 Vinegar (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 160 Cooking Oil ( 1kg Per Pack) 5 Kg 161 Brown Sugar ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 5 Packs 162 Rock Salt ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 5 Kg Lot - C Food Vending And Bbq No. Items (raw Materials, Equipment, Tools) Quantity Unit 1 Lpg Tank 11 Kg W/ Double Burner Hose & Regulator 1 Set 2 Grilling Stand 1 Pc 3 Kaha #1 (big) 1 Pc 4 Ketchup 329g Per Bottle 20 Bottles 5 Soy Sauce (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 6 Kitchen Knife 2 Pcs 7 43 L 3 Star Direct Cool Single Door Mini Fridge (small) 1 Unit 8 Apron 2 Pcs 9 Margarine (1kg Per Pack) 10 Kg 10 Ladle (3pcs/set) 2 Sets 11 Stainless Steel Steamer 30 Cm(3 Layers) 1 Pc 12 Stainless Steel Food Serving Dish With/cover 14 Lx10.25(w)x4(h) 6 Pcs 13 Casserole Pot Cylindrical (medium) 4 Pcs 14 Stainless Metal Strainer Set With Long Handle (large Size) 2 Pcs 15 Flour 3rd Class (1kg Per Pack) 10 Kg 16 Styrofoam Box (12 Capacity 2 Pcs 17 Vinegar (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 18 Seasoning, 10 G X 18 Pcs Per Pack 5 Packs 19 Rock Salt ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 5 Kg 20 Cooking Oil 10 Kg 21 Lpg Tank 11 Kg W/ Double Burner Hose & Regulator 1 Set 22 Refrigerator (type: 3.5 Cu.ft. Two-door Refrigerator-titanium) 1 Unit 23 Grilling Stand 1 Pc 24 Umbrella (big For Vendor) 1 Pc 25 Food Tong/clip (heavy Duty) 1 Pc 26 Food Coloring (orange) 2 Bottles 27 Ketchup 329g Per Bottle 5 Bottles 28 Soy Sauce (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 29 Kitchen Knife 2 Pcs 30 Apron 2 Pcs 31 Ladle (3pcs/set) 2 Sets 32 Stainless Steel Steamer 30 Cm(3 Layers) 1 Pc 33 Stainless Steel Food Serving Dish With/cover 14 Lx10.25(w)x4(h) 6 Pcs 34 Casserole Pot Cylindrical (medium) 2 Pcs 35 Stainless Metal Strainer Set With Long Handle (large Size) 2 Pcs 36 Styrofoam Box (12 Capacity 1 Pc 37 Vinegar (pouch 200ml) 10 Pcs 38 Seasoning, 10 G X 18 Pcs Per Pack 5 Packs 39 Rock Salt ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 5 Kg 40 Cooking Oil 7 Kg Lot - D Carenderia/kakanin Making (cooking Kit) No. Items (raw Materials, Equipment, Tools) Quantity Unit 1 Lpg Tank 11 Kg W/ Double Burner Stove, Hose & Regulator Set 1 Unit 2 Refrigerator (type: 3.2 Cu.ft. Two-door Refrigerator-titanium) 1 Unit 3 Weighing Scale (analog 10 Kg Capacity) 1 Unit 4 Local Milled Rice (25kgs/sacks) 2 Sacks 5 Stainless Steel Steamer (3 Layers) 1 Pc 6 Chopping Board 2 Pcs 7 Soy Sauce (pouch 200ml) 20 Pcs 8 Flour 3rd Class (1kg Per Pack) 10 Kg 9 Vinegar (pouch 200ml) 20 Pcs 10 Seasoning, 10 G X 18 Pcs Per Pack 5 Packs 11 Rock Salt ( ½ Kg Per Pack) 5 Kg 12 Cooking Oil 10 Kg 13 Ladle (3pcs/set) 2 Sets 14 Disposable Gloves 50 Pairs Per Packs 2 Pcs 15 Food Serving Dish With/cover 14 Lx10.25(w)x4(h) 1 Pc 16 Plastic Container Juice Jar W/ladle (medium) 1 Pc 17 Lpg Tank 11 Kg W/ Double Burner Stove, Hose & Regulator Set 1 Set 18 Plate (white, Round, Melamine, Medium) D-9” & 2cm Inches Depth 30 Pcs 19 Big Kaldero (pot) Heavy Duty Double Handle D-34cm, H-22 Cm #1 2 Pcs 20 Bugas Malagkit (1kg/pack) 15 Kg 21 Big Frying Pan Double Handle #1 2 Pcs 22 Flour (all Purpose) 10 Kg 23 Stainless Steel Serving Spoon 10 Pcs 24 Baking 1 Kg Per Pack 10 Packs 25 Disposable Hand Gloves 4 Box 26 Disposable Hairnet 4 Box 27 Apron 4 Pcs 28 Margarine, Regular, 1kl Container 10 Container 29 Yeast Instant Dry (500g) 4 Packs 30 Stainless Steel Food Pan/tray (medium) 4 Pcs 31 Stainless Steel Colander Strainer/sieve 3 Pcs 32 Ladle (big) 51cm Long 13 1/2cm Wide 1 Pc 33 Metal Strainer Set With Long Handle (large Size) 1 Pc 34 Plastic Ice Candy Bag (1 ½ X 10) 10 Pcs 35 Mixing Bowl, Stainless Steel, Large 2 Pcs 36 Brown Sugar (1kg/pack) 10 Kg 37 Styrofoam Box (fish Box, 40kls Capacity) 15 1/2” W X 22” L X 14 1/4 “ H 2 Pcs 38 Cooking Oil 1 Gallon 39 Food Tong/clip (heavy Duty) 2 Pcs
Tender Id
104e943b-4213-3a11-a681-573559efbdf6Tender No
11690675Tender Authority